Continuing with the court record of the case of Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, let’s examine the eighteenth and final page of the record: “Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.59v.
“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.59v
SOURCE: Klonowo, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, “Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste,” sygn.107, k.59v, Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, 1756; Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Warsaw, Poland.
Translated from Latin to Polish, and then from Polish to English, the record states:
… Now, all parties apologize and promise in the records before the Ciechanów district court, to erase their grievances and usurpation. Melchior Niedziałkowski withdraws his claims against Grabowski and Grabowski withdraws his claims against everyone around him. There remains, for further investigation thorough an ordinary court, the matter of repaying Stanisław, Maciej, Paweł, and Rafał Długołęcki the sum of 600 florins owed them for the dowry recorded by Jakub Klonowski, son of the deceased Lukasz and the ancestor of Wojciech Grabowski, for the deceased Dorota Dlugołęcka, at that time his future wife and the childless sister and aunt of those same Długołęckis, recorded in the municipal records of Ciechanów on Wednesday, the day after the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul in the year 1683.
For other parts of this record, see:
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 1 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 2 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 3 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 4 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 5 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 6 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 7 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 8 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 9 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 10 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 11 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 12 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 13 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 14 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 15 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 16 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 17 of 18)
- In Trouble with the Law (Part 18 of 18)
Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko