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Hello Steve I’ve been looking at genealogy blogs. I noticed you use WP. I also use WP (okay I’m learning it for work I really like how you have genealogy pages on the right column. Is that part of your template, or a widget or plug in. Also the surnames tab lists additional surnames. How did you choose which to make genealogy pages for and which to just list in the surnames tab.
Thank you very much,
Deanna Bullock
Hi Steve,
I am a designer working for a catholic non-for-profit organisation in Australia and am currently putting together a resource product on the Rosary for Catholic elementary school students. I am currently creating a Meditation slideshow for teachers to use in the classroom and I would like to use the beautiful photo of the Wedding of Cana from St Vincent de Paul’s Church in Albany NY. I was wondering if firstly it was possible to obtain permission to use the photo in our meditation and secondly what the steps would be to obtain that permission.
Kind Regards,
Kiara Pirola
The Parish and Marriage Resource Center & LivingWell Media
i am having trouble sending message using “contact” above. If this works I will try again. thank you
Hi Steve-
Thanks so much for the details of what is displayed on the pages of the church records.
I am trying to locate the record of my grandmother, also from Galicia, and after spending a few hours at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, I may be getting close. My next venture will be to have the microfilms sent to our local LDS church where I can spend more time examining them. The writing is rather difficult to understand.
Again, thanks for taking the time to explain your efforts! Dziekuja!
I had an uncle that was a Urologist . He lived in Worcester with my Aunt Dottie and their 4 kids. His name was Vincent, but most people called him Mike. He was killed in a car accident in the 70’s.
KsiÄ™ga – MałżeÅ„stwa (M)
Lp. Rok Akt Imię Nazwisko Naz. matki Imię Nazwisko Naz. matki Miejscowość Uwagi Dodał
1 1906 2 Aleksander Długołęcki Hakmajer [Imię ojca: Antoni Imię matki: Julianna] Antonina Długołęcka Mamińska [Imię ojca: Stanisław Imię matki: Franciszka] Sieluń [Miejscowość: Sieluń ] [AP Warszawa oddział Pułtusk] [Indeks dodał Viola_AP]
KsiÄ™ga – MałżeÅ„stwa (M)
Lp. Rok Akt Imię Nazwisko Naz. matki Imię Nazwisko Naz. matki Miejscowość Uwagi Dodał
1 1910 20 Wojciech Zalewski Brzuzy [Imię ojca: Walenty Imię matki: Rozalia] Aleksandra Długołęcka Mamińska [Imię ojca: Stanisław Imię matki: Franciszka] Sieluń [Miejscowość: Sieluń ] [AP Warszawa oddział Pułtusk] [Indeks dodał Viola_AP]
antonina długołęcka długołęka wielka parafia sieluń
Antoinna Dlugolecha
New York, Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island)
Given Name: Antoinna
Surname: Dlugolecha
Last Place of Residence: Zlugolenko, Russia
Event Date: 09 Apr 1912
Age: 28
Nationality: Russia
Departure Port: Rotterdam
Arrival Port: New York
Gender: Female
Marital Status: M
Ship Name: Ryndam
Lata: 1897-1911
KsiÄ™ga – MałżeÅ„stwa (M)
Lp. Rok Akt ImiÄ™ Nazwisko Naz. matki ImiÄ™ Nazwisko Naz. matki
Parafia Uwagi Dodał
1 1900 31 Jan Długołęcki Monińska [Imię ojca: Stanisław Imię
matki: Franciszka] Antonina Brzoza Napiorkowska Napiórkowska [Imię
ojca: Stanisław Imię matki: Marianna] Różan
Hello Steven. I took a picture grave Dańko Anthony, born in 1876 and his son Henry Dańko born in 1906. If you want, I can send them.
Janusz Grzegorzak
Dear Sir\Madam,
In these days I completed a book that deals with the “Flower of the Holy Land”. The book intended to serve as a “Plants of Israel” guide, in the “Christianity mirror”, for Christian pilgrims. The Book included botanical aspects of the plants, along with the religious context of Christian tradition, the New Testament and Jesus in Proverbs. During the collection of materials, I was exposed to your website and found an appropriate picture of the pasiflora from the metroropolitan catedral church – to the book content. I would be grateful if you allow me to use the picture in my book, of course while maintaining the credit, as required by law, in order not to violate the rights holder.
Sincerely yours,
Ami Tamir
KsiÄ™ga – Zgony (Z)
L.p. Rok Akt Imię Nazwisko Imię ojca Imię matki Nazwisko matki Parafia Uwagi Dodał
1 1903 59 Jan Długołęcki Stanisław Franciszka Mamińska Sieluń [Uwagi: ż. Antonina Brzuza]
KsiÄ™ga – MałżeÅ„stwa (M)
Lp. Rok Akt Imię Nazwisko Naz. matki Imię Nazwisko Naz. matki Parafia Uwagi Dodał
1 1900 31 Jan Długołęcki Monińska [Imię ojca: Stanisław Imię matki: Franciszka] Antonina Brzoza Napiorkowska Napiórkowska [Imię ojca: Stanisław Imię matki: Marianna] Różan
Lata: 1897-1904,1906-11
KsiÄ™ga – MałżeÅ„stwa (M)
Lp. Rok Akt ImiÄ™ Nazwisko Naz. matki ImiÄ™ Nazwisko Naz. matki
Parafia Uwagi Dodał
1 1903 8 Feliks Załęski Zabielska [Imię ojca: Błażej Imię matki:
Bogumiła] Rozalia Długołęcka Munińska [Imię ojca: Stanisław Imię
matki: Franciszka] Sieluń
Antoinna Dlugolecha
New York, Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island)
Given Name: Antoinna
Surname: Dlugolecha
Last Place of Residence: Zlugolenko, Russia
Event Date: 09 Apr 1912
Age: 28
Nationality: Russia
Departure Port: Rotterdam
Arrival Port: New York
Gender: Female
Marital Status: M
Ship Name: Ryndam
KsiÄ™ga – MałżeÅ„stwa (M)
Lp. Rok Akt Imię Nazwisko Naz. matki Imię Nazwisko Naz. matki Parafia Uwagi Dodał
1 1900 31 Jan Długołęcki Monińska [Imię ojca: Stanisław Imię matki: Franciszka] Antonina Brzoza Napiorkowska Napiórkowska [Imię ojca: Stanisław Imię matki: Marianna] Różan [Miejsce przechowywania ksiąg: Archiwum Państwowe w Warszawie oddział w Pułtusku Adres: ul. Zaułek 22 06-100 Pułtusk] [Indeks dodał Matuszewska_Magdalena]
Lata: 1897-1911
KsiÄ™ga – Zgony (Z)
L.p. Rok Akt Imię Nazwisko Imię ojca Imię matki Nazwisko matki Parafia Uwagi Dodał
1 1903 59 Jan Długołęcki Stanisław Franciszka Mamińska Sieluń [Uwagi: ż. Antonina Brzuza] [Miejsce przechowywania ksiąg: Archiwum Państwowe w Warszawie oddział w Pułtusku Adres: ul. Zaułek 22 06-100 Pułtusk] [Indeks dodał Viola_AP]
On your ancestor Kostanty’s 1935 declaration, you say that his nationality is Polish. Do you think that is an error? Poland did not exist before 1920, when your ancestor left. Maybe he was actually a Russian citizen, or stateless?
Hi Ygor,
While it is true that my grandfather was a Russian citizen when he lived in Poland, but at the time he filed for US citizenship, Poland was once again independent of Russia. My grandfather probably listed his citizenship as Polish because, if he had still been living in his hometown, he would have been a Polish citizen.
mysle, ze mozemy miec wspolnych przodkow.
I would appreciate any help in finding the Polish estate on which my relatives lived from approximately 1875 to 1905. We think it was called Stepanivka. It was near Bela Tserkva, Ukraine. My male relative, David, was the overseer of the sugar beet plantation and factory. When he died (1886) his sons took over. The Polish count who owned the estate offered to help David’s widow (Rose) open a small store on the estate. His daughter, Alexandria, was friendly with Rose’s young daughter who was on many summer days invited to spend time at the manor house with Alexandria. We think it may be the Branicki family, but we can’t find any detailed information on which Branicki owned the estate in 1886, or if he had a daughter named Alexandria at that time.
Thankful for any assistance in verifying the location of the estate and the name of the Polish count that owned it.
The village was in Polish: Biala Cerkiew (=Bela Tserkva). May be this will be useful in the future search.