The Mystery of the Disappearing Village

It’s not unusual to learn that your ancestors (maybe 200 years ago) lived in a village that you can’t find on a current map. Sometimes, you can find the village on an old map or in an old gazetteer. However, the parish of Koprzywnica (now in Sandomierz Powiat, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship) made the problem of finding a missing village a little bit easier, at least for one village.

Some parish registers include marginal notes on some of birth/baptismal records and marriage records in their parish registers. Most of these marginal notes mention the marriage or death of a person mentioned in the record.

Recently, I found an unusual marginal note on several records from the metrical books of Koprzywnica parish.


In Polish, the note states:

Zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Rady Ministrów
z dnia 20 grudnia 2000 r.
(Dz. U. Nr 117, poz. 1231)
z dniem 1 stycznia 2001r.
miejscowość ZARCZECZE weszła w sklad

Translated to English, the note reads:

In accordance with the Regulation of the Council of Ministers
of 20 December 2000
(Journal of Laws No. 117, item 1231)
as of 1 January 2001
the town of ZARCZECZE became part of
the city of KORZYWNICA

If you look for the city of Koprzywnica on a current map of Poland, you’ll find streets named Zarzecze or even a section of the city tagged as Zarzecze, but you won’t find a separate village called Zarzecze in Sandomierz Powiat.

It seems that the village of Zarzecze didn’t mysteriously disappear after all. It simply became part of a larger city.

Copyright © 2024 by Stephen J. Danko

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