The Birth and Baptism of Genowefa Sielawa – 1916

Genowefa Sielawa was born on 11 Mar 1916 in Motowidłówka, Wasylków Uezd, Kiev Gubérniya, Russian Empire, and baptized on 12 Mar 1916 in the Motowidłówka Church. In 1920, information about her birth and baptism was entered into the records of the parish church in Borkowo, Kolno Powiat, Białystok Voivodeship, Second Polish Republic.

Birth and Baptismal Record for Genowefa Sielawa – 1916/1920

In Polish, the record states:

Na zasadzie metryki wydanej przez Urząd Parafialny Motowidłowskiego Rz. Kat. Kościoła za No. 71 z dnia 8 marca 1916 roku metrycznej książki no. 127. Niniejszym zaświadczam, że córka Feliksa i Aleksandry z Wyrwasów małż. Sialowów, urodzona została w Wasylkowie powiatu i gub. Kijowskiej dniu dwudziestym siodmym m-ca lutego tysiąc dziewięcset szesnastego roku starego stylu. Dzięciu temu na chrzcie Świętym w dniu dwudziestym ósmym m-ca lutego tegoś roku w Motowidłowskim Rz Kat. parafialnym kościele przez księdza prob. Bolesława Gietkiewicza odbytem nadane zostało imię Genowefa, a rodzicami jego chrzestnym byli Aleksander Kajko i Aleksandra Kajko, co stwierdzam własnoręcznym podpisem i pieczęcią kościelną.
[podpisano] Ks. [Z. Butkiewicz ?]
Utrzymujący Akta Stanu Cywilnego

Translated into English, the document reads:

On the basis of the record sent by the Parish Office of the Motowidłówka Roman Catholic Church for No. 71 on 8 March 1916, metric book no. 127, I hereby certify that the daughter of the married couple Feliks and Aleksandra née Wyrwas Sielawa, was born in Wasylków uezd and Kiev gubérniya, on the twenty-seventh day of February, one-thousand nine-hundred sixteen in the old style. This child was baptized on the twenty-eighth day of February of the same year in the Motowidłóka Roman Catholic parish church by parish priest Bolesław Gietkiewicz and was given the name Genowefa, and her godparents were Aleksander Kajko and Aleksandra Kajko. I hereby sign this document with my own hand and the church seal.
[signed] Rev. [Z. Butkiewicz ?]
Maintainer of Civil Status Records

Before 1915, residents of Borkowo worshipped at the church in Mały Płock. However, during World War I, the church in Mały Plock was nearly totally destroyed, and with it many of the metrical records for the parish. Worship services in Mały Płock were conducted in the rectory until the church could be rebuilt.

In 1918, the parish of the Holy Trinity was established in Borkowo, separate from the parish in Mały Plock. The church of the Holy Trinity in Borkowo was built in the years 1923-1932. Most of the baptisms recorded in the Borkowo metrical books in 1920 were baptisms that were performed in Borkowo. Records No. 21-26, however, are all records performed in other locations during World War I and then recorded in the Borkowo books after the end of the war.

Akt 22 recorded the birth of Antoni Kajko in Wasylków and baptism in the Motowidłówka Roman Catholic Church, and whose parents were Stanisław and Bronisława Kajko. Akt 23 (the record described here) recorded the birth of Genowefa Sielawa, whose godparents were Aleksander Kajko and Aleksandra Kajko. It appears that more than one family from Borkowo lived in in Wasylków (Ukrainian = Васильків), near Kiev (English = Kiev or Kyiv; Polish = Kijów; Ukrainian = Київ), during World War I.

Copyright © 2024 by Stephen J. Danko

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