In Trouble with the Law (Part 12 of 18)

Continuing with the court record of the case of Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, let’s examine the twelfth page of the record: ”Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.56v.

“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.56v

“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.56v

SOURCE: Klonowo, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, “Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste,” sygn.107, k.56v, Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, 1756; Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Warsaw, Poland.

Translated from Latin to Polish, and then from Polish to English, the record states:

…and to this section it was presently attached.
Also, four plots from Graniczki to the Długołęcki border between Frącowizna and the boundary line of the heirs of the deceased Andrzej Niedziałkowski, occupied by Krzysztof, the father, and Mateusz, his son, both Niedziałkowskis, claiming it is part of Skasowizna, and it was restored to that section.
Also, four lands, that is, first – four plots in the meadow from Przeczy to another Przeczy between Ulatowizna and Łojowizna, the second – three plots in [Płoski?] about nine plots from Uwrocia through one stop to Uwrocia between Ulatowizna and the boundary line of the heirs of the deceased Andrzej Niedziałkowski, the third – a meadow about six plots in Narec from Przeczy to another Przeczy between Frącowizna and Łojowizna, owned by the heirs of the deceased Andrzej Niedziałkowski, the fourth – a meadow from Głów through one stop to Przeczy between Skasowizna and the boundary lines of the heirs of the deceased Andrzej Niedziałkowski, recently granted by the previous congressional court to Ignacy and Mateusz Niedziałkowski, now restored to Grabowski.
Also, five plots from the dirt road to the Długołęcka road, in other words, Wolkowski between the boundary line of Szymon Niedziałkowski and Jakub Klonowski, also three plots similarly located by Krzysztof and Franciszek Niedziałkowski, sons of the deceased Andrzej, Jakub Klonowski, son of Łukasz, ancestor of Wojciech Grabowski, mortgaged for 40 florins…

To be continued…

For other parts of this record, see:

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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