In Trouble with the Law (Part 3 of 18)

Continuing with the court record of the case of Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, let’s examine the third page of the record: “Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.52r:

“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.52r

“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.52r

SOURCE: Klonowo, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, “Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.52r, Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, 1756; Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Warsaw, Poland.

Translated from Latin to Polish, and then from Polish to English, the record states:

… Długołęcki, defendant and indicated, in person,
– Paweł and Rafał, son of the deceased Kazimierz, Michał, son of the deceased Józef, uncle, Stanisław, son of the deceased Maciej, nephew, Walenty, son of the deceased Jakub, Mikołaj, son of the deceased Walenty, Jakub, father and son Idzi, as well as Wawrzeniec, son of the deceased Marcin, all Długołęckis, Sebastian Miłoszewski, for the defendant and indicated, in person,
– Kazimierz, Paweł, and Józef Klonowski, for the defendant, represented by Kazimierz, on his own behalf and that of his brothers, in person,
– Franciszek Kamiński, for the defendant, represented by Paweł Łaguna,
– Stanisław Długołęcki, son of the deceased Ludwik, and also Maciej Długołęcki, son of the deceased Marcin, indicated, in person,
– Konstancja Milewska, wife of Wojciech Grabowski, the defendant and indicated, in the assistance of her husband, in person.

The parties submitted documents proving their claims.
And so, Wojciech Grabowski produced:
– A document from the Ciechanów record, drawn on Friday, the day after the feast of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, from the year 1702 concerning a gift of half of the Klonowo estates made by Jadwiga Klonowska, widow of Peter Ulatowski, for property of Ignacy Długołęcki, and by Maciej Długołęcki, son of that Ignacy, further gifts for property of the same Wojciech Grabowski in these acts on the Saturday after the feast of the martyrs Saints Vitus and Modestus [June 15] in the year 1750,
– Also, the gift of three half fields in Klonowo by Jakub’s father as well as the sons of the deceased Ignacy and Idzi, all Długołęckis, on his own behalf and later to his sons and brothers, the same to Wojciech Grabowski in the local records on the Tuesday before the feast of St. Margaret, virgin and martyr, in the year 1750,
– Also a record for the sum of 50 tynfs, made by Teresa Zaluska, wife of Maciej Zaluski to John Długołęcki, by way of lien on the Klonowo estates in the local records on the Wednesday after All Saints Day in the year 1739, and which is the total of the various transactions, was assigned to the same Wojciech Grabowski, in the local records on Wednesday, the eve of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the year 1750 by Wawrzeniec Długołęcki,
– Also a record for the sum of 200 florins, made by Franciszek Klonowski, son of the deceased Wawrzeniec Klonowski…

To be continued…

For other parts of this record, see:

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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