In Trouble with the Law (Part 15 of 18)

Continuing with the court record of the case of Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, let’s examine the fifteenth page of the record: “Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.58r .  This is where the record really starts to get interesting! At this point in the record, it becomes clear that Wojciech Grabowski is the stepfather of my 5th great grandmother, Zofia née Kamińska Niedziałkowska, and that this lawsuit was filed by Grabowski against his stepdaughter and her husband.

“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.58r

“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.58r

SOURCE: Klonowo, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, “Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste,” sygn.107, k.58r, Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, 1756; Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Warsaw, Poland.

Translated from Latin to Polish, and then from Polish to English, the record states:

…Moreover, the same decree in the year 1750 sentenced the heirs of the deceased Andrzej Niedziałkowski, namely Krzysztof the uncle, his nephew Melchior son of the deceased Franciszek, also Józef and his brothers sons of the deceased Adam, who was the son of the deceased Szymon, all Niedziałkowskis, quadruple penalties of 14 Polish grzywnas [an old form of currency based on the weight of gold or silver], to be paid in the local court on the Monday after the sixth Sunday after Easter next year into the hands of Wojciech Grabowski under penalty of banishment.
After all this, Ignacy Niedziałkowski and his wife Zofia Kamińska violently attacked the home of the married couple, the Grabowskis, his stepfather and mother, in the Kamieniec estate where they resided at that time, carried on arguments with his stepfather, swore at him in various locations in the taverns and town houses, forcibly seized a wheat wagon from a field in Klonowo, and on occasion swore on the honor of the servants of his stepfather. Both spouses swore at his mother née Milewska Grabowska. Also Zofia née Kamińska Niedziałkowska kidnapped a female servant of Grabowski…

To be continued…

For other parts of this record, see:

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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One Response to In Trouble with the Law (Part 15 of 18)

  1. Ahh, now we finally get to the “good” part! Sounds like Ignacy and Zofia were more than a little upset…

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