In Trouble with the Law (Part 11 of 18)

Continuing with the court record of the case of Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, let’s examine the eleventh page of the record: ”Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.56r.

“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.56r

“Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste”, sygn.107, k.56r

SOURCE: Klonowo, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, “Ciechanowskie Grodzkie Wieczyste,” sygn.107, k.56r, Grabowski v. Niedziałkowski, 1756; Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Warsaw, Poland.

Translated from Latin to Polish, and then from Polish to English, the record states:

…was deemed inappropriate.
Also, in another field toward the Wólkowski forest, 9 plots from the moat to Błoty between Frącowizna and Łojowizna, being in the possession of the heirs of the deceased Andrzej Niedziałkowski and having been usurped by Wojciech Grabowski to the Skasowizna section, the previous court awarded to Krzysztof, Melchior and Józef Niedziałkowski, whereas the present court awards to Grabowski.
Also 6 plots in [Płoski?] against 18 plots mortgaged by Szymon Niedziałkowski, son of the deceased Andrzej, Jakub Klonowski, son of Łukasz and an ancestor of Wojciech Grabowski, for 100 florins in the local records on Thursday, the day after the Feast of St. Idzi, Abbot in the year 1700, starting at the Klonowski border to the Błotny Meadow between the boundary line of Adam Klonowski and the same Szymon Niedziałkowski, taken by Krzysztof and Melchior Niedziałkowski, was awarded to Wojciech Grabowski .  In this field is a meadow with old established fields.
Also in the third field below Wólka, four plots from Przeczy to another Przeczy between Rowa and the boundary line of the heirs of the deceased Andrzej Niedziałkowski, plowed by the heirs of the deceased Adam Niedziałkowski, son of the deceased Szymon, likewise [Płoska?] for one stop long about two plots, transformed in [Płoskę?] about four plots, a field together with meadows about four plots, from Rowa to the border between Frącowzina and Ulatowizna seized by the heirs of Andrzej Niedziałkowski, and belonging to the Skasowizna section, was awarded to Wojciech Grabowski.
Also, four plots of the field from the dirt road to Graniczka between Skasowizna and the boundary line of the heirs of the deceased Andrzej Niedziałkowski, used 50-50 by Wojciech Grabowski and Jakub Długołęcki, claimed to be part of Ulatowizna,…

To be continued…

For other parts of this record, see:

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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