The Marriage of Józef Niedziałkowski and Józefa Pomaska – 1928

My great uncle, Józef Niedziałkowski, was married to Józefa Pomaska on 28 January 1928 in Szelków, Maków Mazowiecki Powiat, Warsaw Voivodeship, Second Polish Republic.

Marriage of Józef Niedziałkowski and Józefa Pomaska - 1928

Marriage Record for Józef Niedziałkowski and Józefa Pomaska – 1928

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of the Apostle Judas Thaddaeus (Szelków, Maków Mazowiecki Powiat, Warsaw Voivodeship, Second Polish Republic), Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Szelków for the Year 1928,” folio 55 verso, entry 2, marriage record of Józef Niedziałkowski and Józefa Pomaska, recorded 28 January 1928; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 20 May 2016).

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record for Józef Niedziałkowski and Józefa Pomaska – 1928. The record, translated from the Polish, states:

Ciepielewo N 2.
This happened in the village of Szelków on the twenty-eighth day of January in the year one-thousand nine-hundred twenty-eight at the hour of ten before noon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses: Edward Nowakowski, a farmer from Sikuty, twenty-seven years old, and Jan Niedziałkowski, a farmer from Ciepielewo, fifty years old, a religious marriage was contracted between: Józef Niedziałkowski, an unmarried man, a farmer, thirty years old, a permanent resident of the Smrock Gmina, born and residing in Pomaski of the Szwelice parish, son of Teofil Niedziałkowski, a farmer, and his wife Ksawera née Zygmuntowicz – and Józefa Kołakowska, widow of Edmund Kołakowski, a farmer who died in Warsaw at the Hospital of the Infant Jesus in the parish of Saint Barbara on the sixth day of June in the year one-thousand nine-hundred twenty-seven, [she is] thirty-three years old, a permanent resident of the Smrock Gmina, born in Sikuty of the Szwelice parish, residing in Ciepielewo, daughter of the deceased Antoni Pomaski, a farmer, and the still-living widow Paulina née Nosarzewska. This wedding was preceeded by one announcement of the banns in the Szwelice and Szelków parish churches on the twenty-second day of January of the current year. A dispensation from two of the banns was obtained from the authority of the church on the twenty-sixth day of January of the current year. The newlyweds stated that they had made no prenuptial agreement between them. This religious rite was performed by the Reverend Edmund Biesżkowski, pastor of the parish of Szelków. After reading this document aloud, it was signed by us, the newlyweds, and the witness Edward Nowakowski. The witness Jan Niedziałkowski is illiterate. Pastor of the Szelków parish, maintaining the public register.
[signed] Reverend Biesżkowski
[signed] Józef Niedziałkowski
[signed] Józefa Kołakowska
[signed] Edward Nowakowski

Józef Niedziałkowski was the brother of my maternal grandfather, Kostanty Niedziałkowski. This marriage was the first for Józef Niedziałkowski, but it was the second marriage for Józefa Pomaska. her first husband, Edmund Kołakowski, died in the Hospital of the Infant Jesus in Warsaw the previous year. The record states that both of the newlyweds were permanent residents of the Smrock Gmina. Both of the newlyweds were born in the Szwelice parish, Józef in Pomaski, and Józefa in Sikuty (called Pomaski-Sikuty in the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego).

This record agrees with the marginal notes of marriages in the copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Józef Niedziałkowski – 1897.

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Józef Niedziałkowski – 1897

My grand uncle, Józef Niedziałkowski, was born on 05 May 1897 in Pomaski, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland and was baptized on 16 May 1897 in Szwelice, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland.

Birth and Baptismal Record of Józef Niedziałkowski - 1897

Birth and Baptismal Record of Józef Niedziałkowski – 1897

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of Saint John the Baptist (Szwelice, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Szwelice for the Year 1897,” folio 11 recto, entry 42, birth and baptismal record for Józef Niedziałkowski, recorded 16 May 1897; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 20 May 2016).

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record for Józef Niedziałkowski- 1897. The record, translated from the Russian, states:

Pomaski â„– 42.
This happened in the village of Szwelice on the fourth / sixteenth day of May in the year one-thousand eight-hundred ninety-seven at one o’clock in the afternoon. Teofil Niedziałkowski appeared in person, residing in Pomaski wit his father, owners of the noble parts [of the village], thirty-five years old, in the presence of Ludwik Niedziałkowski, sixty years old, and Feliks Mosakowski, forty-four years old, owners of parts [of the village], and he presented to us a male child stating that it was born in Pomaski on the twenty-third of April / fifth of May of this same year, of his lawful wife Ksawera née Zygmuntowicz, twenty-five years old. At Holy Baptism performed on this date by the Reverend Wladysław Senniсki, Assistant Pastor, this child was given the name Józef and his Godparents were: Józef Nosarzewski and Joanna his wife. This document was read to the declarant and illiterate witnesses and was signed by us alone.
U d Administrator of the Szwelice Parish, Assistant Pastor, and Keeper of Vital Records
[signed] Reverend Senniсki

This is the duplicate copy of this record that was filed with the state and is now archived at the State Archives in Pułtusk, copies of which are available online on Genbaza. The original copy was archived in the Roman Catholic Archives in Pułtusk, copies of which were microfilmed by the Family History Center in Salt Lake City.

The two copies read exactly the same, but the original, which I wrote about on 11 October 2006, includes marginal notations that record the two marriages of Józef Niedziałkowski. The duplicate copy, filed with the state, does not include these marginal notations.

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Marcin Zygmuntowicz – 1852

Marcin Zygmuntowicz was the half-brother of my second great-grandmother, Ksawera Zygmuntowicz. He died on 14 September 1852 in Skierki, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland, and was buried on 15 September 1852 in Przasnysz, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He had lived less than a year.

Death and Burial Record for Marcin Zygmuntowicz - 1852

Death and Burial Record for Marcin Zygmuntowicz – 1852

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish in Przasnysz (Przasnysz, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Przasnysz for the Year 1852,” folio 132 verso, entry 211, death and burial record for Marcin Zygmuntowicz, recorded 15 September 1852; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 14 May 2016).

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record for Marcin Zygmuntowicz – 1852. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

Skierki. This happened in the city of Przasnysz on the third/fifteenth day of September in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-two at the hour of ten in the morning. Stanisław Zygmuntowicz, thirty years old, and Mateusz Kowalski, sixty years old appeared, both farmers from Skierki, and they stated that yesterday in Skierki, at the hour of seven in the morning, Marcin Zygmuntowicz died, one year old, son of the married couple, the afore-mentioned Stanisław and Anna Zygmuntowicz. After visual confirmation of death of Zygmuntowicz, this document was read aloud to the declarants who do not know how to write, and was signed by us.
The Reverend Budny, Pastor of Przasnysz

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Marcin Zygmuntowicz – 1851

Marcin Zygmuntowicz was the half-brother of my second great-grandmother, Ksawera Zygmuntowicz. He was born on 15 November 1851 in Skierki, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland, and he was baptized on 16 November 1851 in the Roman Catholic Church in Przasnysz, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland.

Birth and Baptismal Record for Marcin Zygmuntowicz - 1851

Birth and Baptismal Record for Marcin Zygmuntowicz – 1851

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish in Przasnysz (Przasnysz, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Przasnysz for the Year 1851,” folio 50 verso, entry 300, birth and baptismal record for Marcin Zygmuntowicz, recorded 16 November 1851; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 14 May 2016).

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record for Marcin Zygmuntowicz – 1849 . Translated from the Polish, the record states:

Skierki. This happened in the city of Przasnysz on the fourth/sixteenth day of November in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-one at the hour of two in the afternoon. Stanisław Zygmuntowicz appeared, a farmer from Skierki, thirty years old, in the presence of Antoni Milewski, thirty-two years old, and Mateusz Kowaleski, sixty years old, both farmers from Skierki, and he showed us a male child born in Skierki yesterday at the hour of two at night of his wife Anna née Imielska, thirty-one years old. At Holy Baptism performed today, this child was given the name Marcin, and the Godparents were the afore-mentioned Antoni Milewski and Franciszka Niedzwiecka. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses who are unable to write, and it was signed by us.
The Reverend Budny, Pastor of Przasnysz

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1906

Tomasz Niedziałkowski, my great uncle, died on 11 February 1906 in Pomaski, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was buried on 12 February 1906 in Szwelice, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was eleven years old.

Death and Burial Record of Tomasz Niedziałkowski - 1906

Death and Burial Record of Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1906

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of Saint John the Baptist (Szwelice, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Szwelice for the Year 1906,” folio 56 recto, entry 2, death and burial record for Tomasz Niedziałkowski, recorded 12 February 1906; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 15 May 2016).

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record for Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1906. Translated from the Russian, the record states:

Pomaski № 2.
This happened in the village of Szwelice on January thirty-first / February twelfth in the year one-thousand nine-hundred six at nine o’clock in the morning. There appeared Teofil Niedziałkowski, forty-four years old, and Teodor Mosakowski, thirty years old, owners of the noble parts [of the village] and residing in Pomaski, and they stated that, in Pomaski, on January twenty-ninth / February eleventh of this same year, at eleven o’clock at night, Tomasz Niedziałkowski died, eleven years old, son of the married couple Teofil and Ksawera née Zygmuntowicz Niedziałkowski. After eyewitness testamony on the death of Tomasz Niedziałkowski, this document was read aloud to the declarants who are illiterate, and was signed by us.
[signed] Reverend Sennicki

My grandfather was only two years older than Tomasz, and he must have been greatly affected by the loss of his brother. Note that Teofil Niedziałkowski is described as the “owner of the noble parts.” Historically, the Nniedziałkowski family were landed nobility, although the concept of being a member of the nobility during this time period was probably not recognized by the government.

There is an error in the dates of this record. Because the record is double dated (the first date in each pair of dates is according to the Julian Calendar and the second date is according to the Gregorian Calendar). In 1906, the two calendars differed by 13 days. However, the date of the entry states “31 January 1906 / 12 February 1906” which is a difference of only 12 days. The actual date of death is correct: “29 January 1906 / 11 February 1906,” with a difference of 13 days. I have chosen to accept the date of 12 Feb 1906 as the date of the record (and presumed date of burial) for two reasons. First, the Roman Catholic Church used the Gregorian Calendar, which would have been more familiar to the priest than the Julian Calendar. Second, deaths are generally reported soon after the event, making it (slightly) more likely that the death was reported the next day, rather than two days later.

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Tomasz Niedziakowski – 1894

My great uncle, Tomasz Niedziałkowski, was born on 21 December 1894 in Pomaski, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized on 23 December 1894 in the Roman Catholic Parish of Saint John the Baptist in Szwelice, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland.

Birth and Baptismal Record of Tomasz Niedziałkowski - 1894

Birth and Baptismal Record of Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1894

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of Saint John the Baptist (Szwelice, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Szwelice for the Year 1894,” folio 290 verso, entry 121, birth and baptismal record for Tomasz Niedziałkowski, recorded 23 December 1894; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 15 May 2016).

Click on the lilnk for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1894. Translated from the Russian, the record states:

Pomaski № 121
This happened in the village of Szwelice on the eleventh / twenty-third day of December in the year one-thousand eight-hundred ninety-four at one o’clock in the afternoon. Teofil Niedziałkowski appeared in person, a laborer residing in Pomaski, thirty-three years old, in the presence of Wladysław Krajewski, a blacksmith, thirty-three years old, and Piotr Ostrawski, a laborer, forty years old, and he presented to us a male child stating that it was born in Pomaski on the ninth / twenty-first of this same month and year, of his lawful wife Ksawera née Zygmuntowicz, twenty-three years old. At Holy Baptism performed on this date by the Reverend Wladysław Senniсki, Assistant Pastor, this child was given the name Tomasz and his Godparents were: Wojciech Niedziałkowski and Karolina Niedziałkowska. This document was read to the declarant and illiterate witnesses and wa signed by us alone.
U d Administrator of the Szwelice Parish, Assistant Pastor, and Keeper of Vital Records
[signed] Reverend Senniсki

Since my grandfather was born in Ciepielewo in 1892 and his brother Tomasz was born in Pomaski in 1894, it is clear that the family moved between 1892 and 1894. The distance between the two towns is not great – it’s about 7.8 km (4.8 miles) by road. Today, it takes less than 10 minutes to drive between the two places. I don’t know why the family moved to Pomaski.

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Konstanty Niedziałkowski – 1892

My maternal grandfather, Konstanty Niedziałkowski was born on 28 October 1892 in Ciepielewo, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland, and was baptized on 04 November 1892 in the Roman Catholic Parish of the Apostle Judas Thaddaeus in Szelków, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland.

The Birth and Baptism of Konstanty Niedziałkowski - 1892

The Birth and Baptism of Konstanty Niedziałkowski – 1892

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of the Apostle Judas Thaddaeus (Szelków, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Szelków for the Year 1892,” folio 237 verso, entry 144, birth and baptismal record for Konstanty Niedziałkowski, recorded 04 November 1892; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 15 May 2016).

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record for Konstanty Niedziałkowski – 1892. Translated from the Russian, the record states:

№ 144 Ciepielewo
This happened in Szelków on the twenty-third day of October / fourth day of November in the year one-thousand eight-hundred ninety-two at five o’clock in the afternoon. Teofil Niedziałkowski appeared, thirty-two years old, a farmer residing in Ciepielewo, in the presence of Jan Niedziałkowski, twenty-six years old, and Kazimierz Strzyż, forty years old, farmers from Ciepielewo, and he presented to us a male child stating that it was born in Ciepielewo at noon on the twenty-eighth day of October of this same year, of his lawful wife Ksawera née Zygmuntowicz, twenty-two years of age. At Holy Baptism performed by us, this child was given the name Konstanty and his Godparents were Jan and Helena Niedziałkowski. This document was read to the witnesses and father who are illiterate and was signed by us.
[signed] Reverend K. [Zajaczkowski?], Keeper of Vital Records

I had looked for my grandfather’s birth and baptismal record for a long time. Part of the difficulty in finding it is that I didn’t know where in the Congress Kingdom of Poland he was born. Various records state that he was either born in Pomaski or was from Pomaski. Other records state that he was either born in or was from Warsaw. As it turns out, although he did reside in Pomaski most of his early life before he came to the United States, and his grandmother (Julianna Gutowska) was born in Warsaw, he hiself was born in Ciepielewo and baptized in Szelków. The only way I discovered this was that his birth and baptismal record was indexed on Geneteka.

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Stanisław Zygmuntowicz and Julianna Ruszczyńska – 1867

My second great-grandparents, Stanisław Zygmuntowicz and Julianna Ruszczyńska, were married on 08 February 1867 in Pałuki, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. This was Stanisław’s second marriage and Julianna’s first.

The Marriage Record of Stanisław Zygmuntowicz and Julianna Ruszczyńska - 1867

The Marriage Record of Stanisław Zygmuntowicz and Julianna Ruszczyńska – 1867

SOURCE: Parish of Saint Gotard (Pałuki, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Prałuki for the Year 1867,” folio 43 recto, entry 1, marriage record for Stanisław Zygmuntowicz and Julianna Ruszczyńska, recorded 06 February 1867; State Archives in Mława, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 14 May 2016).

Click on the lilnk for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Stanisław Zygmuntowicz and Julianna Ruszczyńska – 1867. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

Chmielewo and Łaguny 1.
This happened in Pałuki on the sixth of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred sixty-seven at the hour of four in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses Wojciech Kołakowski from Długołęka, thirty-five years old, and Jan Głodkowski from Milewo-Gawary, thirty-five years old, owners of parts [of the village], on this day a religious marriage was contracted between Stanisław Zygmuntowicz, a widower, thirty-nine years old, born in Sokolów Zuregdy of Bazyli and Elżbieta, residing in Łaguny, owner of a part [of the village], – and Julianna Ruszczyńska, an unmarried woman, twenty-seven years old, born in Ruszczyny, residing in Chmielewo with her family, daughter of the married couple, the deceased Antoni and Katarzyna Ruszczyński. This wedding was preceded by three publications of the banns in the Parish Churches in Pałuki and Zielona on the thirteenth, twentieth, and twenty-seventh days of January in this same year. The newlyweds stated that they have entered into a prenuptial agreement before the Regent Filipowicz in Przasnysz on the twenty-ninth day of January of this year. This document was read aloud to the newlyweds and witnesses and was signed by us, the groom, and the witnesses, the bride declared that she does not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Ksawery Nałęcz, Pastor of Pałuki, Maintaining the Public Register
[signed] S[tanisław] Zygmuntowicz
[signed] Wojciech Kołakowski
[signed] Jan Głodkowski

I just found this record yesterday, and it helps break down a long-standing brickwall in my genealogy research! This record not only documents the marriage of my ancestors, but it also shows that my second great-grandfather owned land in Łaguny (he was owner of a part of the village). The record also provides new information: the approximate years of birth of my second great-grandparents, the places of their births, and the names of my third great-grandparents. So, all in all, this was a big find for me!

The record itself is somewhat unusual. First, it states that the couple had a prenuptial agreement (usually these records state that there was no prenuptial agreement). Second, the groom and the two witnesses know how to write their names (usually the record states that they don’t know how to write).

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Justyna Zygmuntowicz – 1852

Justyna Zygmuntowicz was the half-sister of my second great-grandmother, Ksawera Zygmuntowicz. She died on 19 July 1852 in Skierki, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland, and was buried on 20 July 1852 in Przasnysz, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She had lived less than three years.

Death and Burial Record for Justyna Zygmuntowicz - 1852

Death and Burial Record for Justyna Zygmuntowicz – 1852

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish in Przasnysz (Przasnysz, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Przasnysz for the Year 1852,” folio 119 recto, entry 131, death and burial record for Justyna Zygmuntowicz, recorded 20 July 1852; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 14 May 2016).

Click on the lilnk for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record for Justyna Zygmuntowicz – 1852. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

Skierki. This happened in the city of Przasnysz on the eighth/twentieth day of July in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-two at the hour of six in the afternoon. Stanisław Zygmuntowicz, thirty years old, and Mateusz Kowalski, sixty years old appeared, both farmers from Skierki, and they stated that, yesterday at the hour of five in the afternoon, Justyna Zygmuntowicz died, two years old, born in Skierki, and being there with her family, daughter of the married couple, the afore-mentioned Stanisław and Anna Zygmuntowicz. After visual confirmation of death of Zygmuntowicz, this document was read aloud to the declarants who do not know how to write, and was signed by us.
The Reverend Budny, Pastor of Przasnysz

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Justyna Zygmuntowicz – 1849

Justyna Zygmuntowicz was the half-sister of my second great-grandmother, Ksawera Zygmuntowicz. She was born on 17 September 1849 in Skierki, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland, and she was baptized on 18 September 1849 in the Roman Catholic Church in Przasnysz, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland.

Birth and Baptismal Record of Justyna Zygmuntowicz - 1849

Birth and Baptismal Record for Justyna Zygmuntowicz – 1849

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish in Przasnysz (Przasnysz, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Duplicate Civil Registrations of the Parish of Przasnysz for the Year 1849,” folio 48 verso, entry 277, birth and baptismal record for Justyna Zygmuntowicz, recorded 18 Sep 1849; State Archives in Pułtusk, digital images, Genbaza ( : accessed 12 May 2016).

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record for Justyna Zygmuntowicz – 1849 . Translated from the Polish, the record states:

Skierki. This happened in the city of Przasnysz on the sixth/eighteenth day of September in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-nine at the hour of one in the afternoon. Stanisław Zygmuntowicz appeared, a farmer from Skierki, twenty-seven years old, in the presence of Jan Kwasniewski, eighty years old, and Józef Kłoszewski, forty-five years old, both servants of the church residing in Przasnysz, and he showed us a female child born in Skierki yesterday at the hour of three in the afternoon of his wife Anna née Imielska, twenty-eight years old. At Holy Baptism performed today, this child was given the name Justyna, and the Godparents were: Bernard Gołoczewski and Anna Kowalska. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses who are unable to write, and it was signed by us.
The Reverend Kamieński, Assistant Pastor

Copyright © 2016 by Stephen J. Danko

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