Monthly Archives: February 2011

Henry Frank Dymek’s Application for a Social Security Account Number – 1937

Henry Frank Dymek, son of Stanisław Dymek and Franciszka Krzepka, applied for a Social Security Account Number on 23 February 1937. Continue reading

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The Birth of Shirley Dymek – 1914

Shirley Dymek, daughter of Stanisław Dymek and Franciszka Ksepka, was born on 09 February 1914 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. Her birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester where her name was initally spelled Stanislawa Dimiak. The surname was corrected to Dymek on 22 January 1976. Continue reading

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The Application for a Social Security Account Number for Walter William Dymek – 1936

Walter William Dymek, son of Stanisław Dymek and Franciszka Ksepka, applied for a Social Security Account Number on 11 December 1936. Continue reading

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The Second Birth of Walter William Dymek – 1912

Walter William Dymek, son of Stanisław Dymek and Franciszka Ksepka, was born on 28 December 1911 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. His birth was actually recorded twice in the ledgers for the city of Worcester. The first ledger was recorded in January 1912, shortly after his birth. The second ledger was recorded in January 1913, over a year after his birth. Continue reading

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The Birth of Walter William Dymek – 1911

Walter William Dymek, son of Stanisław Dymek and Franciszka Ksepka, was born on 28 December 1911 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. His birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester where his name was spelled Vadislof (Władysław) Demick. Continue reading

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Map of the Polish Village of Piasutno (Kolno Powiat)

Of the two places called Piasutno in the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries), the first is located in the Kolno Powiat. The village of Piasutno is named on the Third Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary as Piasutno itself, as Poreby-Piasutno and as Ludwy-Piasutno. Piasutno is in the Gawrychy Gmina, but Ludwy-Piasutno is probably in the Czerwone Gmina, based on its location relative to other villages (Gietki and Niksowizna) in the Czerwone Gmina. Piasutno is in the Mały Płock Parish, as are Gietki and Niksowizna. The Słownik Geograficzny entry for Piasutno was translated in a previous post. Continue reading

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Map of the East Prussian Village of Piasutten (Piasutno)

Of the two places called Piasutno in the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries), the first is located in the what the Słownik Geograficzny calls the Szczytno Powiat. The village of Piasutno (Piasutten in German) is not named on a map of East Prussia from 1882, but it is located about halfway between Schon Damerau and Gr. Puppen. Today, Schon Damerau is called Trelkowo and Gr. Puppen is called Spychowo. The Słownik Geograficzny entry for Piasutno was translated in a previous post. Continue reading

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The Polish and Prussian Villages of Piasutno

Several of my cousins descend from Józef Dymek of Dymki, Kolno, Łomża in Poland. The Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) lists three villages called Dymki, but the one that matches this location, the first in the Słownik Geograficzny entry, does not provide the location of the parish where the records would be located. A search for the surname Dymek in the World War II draft registrations revealed that a Stanisław Dymek was from Peosutno Dymki, which I believe may either be the same village for which I am looking or may be another village nearby. Two villages called Piasutno are described in the Słownik Geograficzny. Continue reading

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The World War II Draft Registration Card for Stanislaw Dymek

While trying to find information on where in Poland the family of Józef Dymek originated, I learned that the family came from Dymki, Kolno (Powiat), Łomża (Gubernia). However, there is no indication of the name of the parish where the records for Dymki were maintained. The Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) only states that this village of Dymki was in the Czerwone Gmina. The villages in the Czerwone Gmina, Kolno Powiat, Łomża Gubernia belonged to one of three parishes: Kolno, Lachowo, or Mały Płock. Which of these is the correct parish for Dymki? To try to narrow the search further, I looked through the World War I and World War II draft cards for men in Massachusetts with the surname Dymek (or some variant). One such card contained some interesting information. Continue reading

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The Polish Village and Gmina of Czerwone

Several of my cousins descend from Józef Dymek of Dymki, Kolno, Łomża in Poland. The Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) lists three villages called Dymki, but the one that matches this location, the first in the Słownik Geograficzny entry, does not provide the location of the parish where the records would be located. The entry does, however, mention that the village was in the Czerwone Gmina. I looked up Czerwone in the Słownik Geograficzny and found a description of both the village and the Gmina of that name. The map below is a composite image of the Czerwone Gmina generated from two of the Austrian Military Maps from 1910. The vilages that belong to the Czerwone Gmina are highlighted in black boxes. A few villages belonging to the Gmina are not on this map, but are located to the south of the area shown. Continue reading

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