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- Archaic Terms in Polish Metrical Records – Part 2
Monthly Archives: January 2011
The Marriage of Józef Chodkowski and Marianna Ludwika Trętowska – 1842
Józef Chodkowski (son of Mikołaj Chodkowski and Antonina Pajewska) and Marianna Ludwika Trętowska (daughter of Bartłomiej Trętowski and Tekla Długołęcka) were married in the parish church in Pałuki, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 23 November 1842. Continue reading
Posted in Chodkowski, Długołęcki, Pajewski, Trętowski
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The Birth and Baptism of Ignacy Chodkowski – 1860
Ignacy Chodkowski, son of Józef Chodkowski and Maryanna Trętowska, was born on 13 January 1860 in Klonowo, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Pałuki, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 15 January 1860. Continue reading
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The Birth and Baptism of Karol Chodkowski – 1853
Karol Chodkowski, son of Józef Chodkowski and Maryanna Trętowska, was born on 27 August 1853 in Klonowo, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Pałuki, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 28 August 1853. Continue reading
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The Birth and Baptism of Wanda Julianna Chodkowska – 1850
Wanda Julianna Chodkowska, daughter of Józef Chodkowski and Maryanna Trętowska, was born on 12 May 1850 in Klonowo, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Pałuki, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 20 May 1850. Continue reading
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The Birth and Baptism of Aleksander Chodkowski – 1848
Aleksander Chodkowski, son of Józef Chodkowski and Maryanna Trętowska, was born on 18 March 1848 in Klonowo, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Pałuki, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 26 March 1848. Continue reading
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The Birth and Baptism of Marianna Trętowska – 1823
Marianna Trętowska, daughter of Bartłomiej Trętowski and Tekla Długołecka, was born on 28 August 1823 in Osyski, Prasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Pałuki, Prasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 31 August 1823. Continue reading
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The Birth and Baptism of Konstancja Chodkowska – 1844
Konstancja Chodkowska, daughter of Józef Chodkowski and Maryanna Trętowska, was born on 08 March 1844 in Klonowo, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Pałuki, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 10 Mar 1844. Continue reading
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The Marriage of Wojciech Gutowski and Anna Jabłonowska – 1832
Wojciech Gutowski (son of Józef Gutowski and Franciszka Zagańska) and Anna Jabłonowska (daughter of Łukasz Jabłonowski and Apolonia Czaykowska) were married in the Holy Cross Parish church in Warsaw, Warsaw Obwód, Mazowsze Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 07 October 1832. Continue reading
Finding the Marriage of my 3rd Great Grandparents on Geneteka
I have known for some time that my 2nd great grandmother Julianna Gutowska was baptized in about 1832-1833 in Holy Cross Parish in Warsaw and that her parents were Wojciech Gutowski and Anna Jabłonowska, but I had never been able to find her baptismal record. One problem is that Holy Cross Parish is huge, with thousands of baptisms each year. Another problem is that the record books are not indexed. When Donna Pointkouski announced that she found the marriage record of her 2nd great grandparents on Geneteka, I rejoiced because she found the marriage record in Holy Cross Parish in Warsaw! Continue reading
Describing Place Names in Poland – Identifying Administrative Divisions
In 2010, I wrote a series of articles on Describing Place Names in Poland. Because the borders and the administrative divisions in Poland changed so often throughout history, some genealogists may be tempted to simply enter the name of the village, town, or city where their ancestors lived followed by “Poland”. Others may decide to provide some detail to the place names by using the administrative divisions as they exist today or by using the administrative divisions as they existed at only one point in history (e.g. at the time when one specific gazetteer or map was created). To be historically accurate, the genealogist should provide the administrative divisions as they existed at the time of the event described. Recently, a genealogist friend mentioned that she was having difficulty finding the names of the powiats in which her ancestral villages were located and so I am writing this article on Identifying Administrative Divisions in Poland. Continue reading