Daily Archives: January 17, 2011

Birds of Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur, Buenos Aires

There are reportedly over 200 species of birds in Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur (South Waterfront Ecological Reserve), Buenos Aires. I only saw four species, but I was there at the hottest part of the day, probably not the best time for bird watching. Moreover, I was moving fairly quickly through the park, keeping to the established paths. Nonetheless, I was able to photograph Nandayus nenday (Black Hooded Parakeet), Mimus saturninus (Chalk-browed Mockingbird), Zenaida auriculata (Eared Dove), and Polioptila dumicola (Masked Gnatcatcher). Technically, I did not observe the Black Hooded Parakeet in the Reserve itself, but I did see a group of them not far to the west of the Reserve. I had previously seen the Chalk-browed Mockingbird in Brazil, and so I was already familiar with this species. The Eared Dove is closely related to the North American Mourning Dove. The Masked Gnatcatchers I saw were an active pair, and it was darn inconsiderate of them not to stay put in an accessible location so I could get a better photo! Continue reading

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