Daily Archives: January 19, 2011

Rí­o de la Plata, Buenos Aires

On the border of Argentina and Uruguay where the Uruguay River and the Paraní¡ River meet is found the Rí­o de la Plata (River of Silver or, alternatively, River Plate). The Rí­o de la Plata is more an estuary than a river, extending 180 miles to the ocean, varying from 1.2 miles wide in the interior to 140 miles wide at its mouth. Because the river carries huge amounts of sediments from the interior of South America, the Rí­o de la Plata is muddy and brown. The capitals of both Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Uruguay (Montevideo) lie on the shores of the river, and Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur (South Waterfront Ecological Reserve) in Buenos Aires borders on the Rí­o de la Plata. From Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur, the Buquebus can be seen carrying passengers between Argentina and Uruguay and container ships such as the MSC Fiammetta (MSC = Mediterranean Shipping Company) can be seen carrying goods to Buenos Aires and other cities along the river. Continue reading

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