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- Archaic Terms in Polish Metrical Records – Part 2
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Tag Archives: Military
The World War II Draft Registration Card for Stanislaw Dymek
While trying to find information on where in Poland the family of Józef Dymek originated, I learned that the family came from Dymki, Kolno (Powiat), Łomża (Gubernia). However, there is no indication of the name of the parish where the records for Dymki were maintained. The Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) only states that this village of Dymki was in the Czerwone Gmina. The villages in the Czerwone Gmina, Kolno Powiat, Łomża Gubernia belonged to one of three parishes: Kolno, Lachowo, or Mały Płock. Which of these is the correct parish for Dymki? To try to narrow the search further, I looked through the World War I and World War II draft cards for men in Massachusetts with the surname Dymek (or some variant). One such card contained some interesting information. Continue reading
Three Men in Uniform
While I was visiting relatives in Worcester, Massachusetts last week, I was given this photograph of three men in uniform. Continue reading