Summary of the Nienadowa Field Sketches – 1854

The 1854 field sketch maps of Nienadowa, Galicia (now Poland) consist of 19 individual maps, 10 of which were copied as part of the Gesher Galicia Cadastral Map and Landowner Records Inventory.

I received copies of these maps in August and have spent the past couple of weeks digitizing and reassembling the maps. The original maps were copied onto A3 paper, and most of the maps were copied in two or three sections. Unfortunately, some of the maps were copied at 90% scale and others were copied at 100% scale. I attempted to digitize these maps so that the original tiff images are all at the same scale, recombined the multiple sections when necessary, and then made an effort to clean up the maps.

The ten maps that were copied fit together as shown below:

Nienadowa Field Sketch Maps - 1854

Nienadowa Field Sketch Maps – 1854

Digital images of the individual maps can be found as the following blog entries:

I was told that the remaining maps (Maps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 15) had no houses on them and, therefore, were not copied. I am certain that at least some of the remaining maps do, indeed, have houses on them.

In fact, the house of my third great grandfather, Wojciech Dańko, is probably on Map 15. His land extends from Map 10, through Map 15, and into Map 17.

The land held by another third great grandfather, Wojciech Sowa, appears on Map 18.

My next task will be to index these maps in order to begin a one-village study of Nienadowa.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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2 Responses to Summary of the Nienadowa Field Sketches – 1854

  1. Bronwyn Klimach says:

    I’ve really enjoyed viewing these wonderful maps, and hope you are soon able to obtain the others that complete the set. Fantastic potential for extra genealogical information 😉
    I have some land records for family from around Babimost (was Bomst) but nothing this exciting!
    I’m still catching up (having been away). PGS conference sounded great.

  2. Małgorzata Jabłońska says:

    Witaj Stephen,

    Bardzo mi pomogły mapy i informacje o rodzinie Danko, które zamiesciles na swoim blogu. Czytuje je regularnie. Moi przodkowie to Szymanscy i Szumanscy z Nienadowej, spokrewnieni z twoimi przodkami. Po analizie aktów, ktore zamiesciles, wiem na przyklad, ze twoja babka Zofia byla z domu Szumanska, a dopiero pozniej nazwisko uleglo znieksztalceniu. W mojej rodzinie to zjawisko rowniez wystapilo.



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