Nienadowa Field Sketches – Map 18

Even though I’m about halfway through the Nienadowa, Galicia Field Sketch Maps from the Ukrainian Archives, I’m still finding names familiar to me from my own family history research.

Nienadowa, Galicia - 1854 (Map 18)

Nienadowa, Galicia – 1854 (Map 18)

SOURCE: Map of the Village of Nienadowa, Galicia – 1854 (Map 18).” Published 1854. Feldskizzen (Field Sketches), Fond 186, Opys 9, Sprava 611. State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.

Click on the map above to view an enlarged image. This map fits in just to the right of Map 16.

The surnames on this map which are also in my family tree include:

  • Anna Bębenek in house number 43 (my first cousin, three times removed, Zofia Dańko, married Antoni Bębenek).
  • Jan Bębenek in house number 53 (my first cousin, three times removed, Zofia Dańko, married Antoni Bębenek).
  • Maciej Bębenek in house number 53 (my first cousin, three times removed, Zofia Dańko, married Antoni Bębenek).
  • Zofia Bębenek in house number 44 (my first cousin, three times removed, Zofia Dańko, married Antoni Bębenek).
  • Jędrzej Gergont in house number 50 (members of the Gergont family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
  • Marcin Janowski in house number 56 (members of the Janowski family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
  • Pawel Kazieńko in house number 49 (members of the Kazieńko family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
  • Anna Kijonka in house number 45 (members of the Kijonka family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
  • Pawel Klimczyk in house number 81 (members of the Klimczyk family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
  • Józef Pilch in house number 68 (the midwife who delivered my grandfather and several other relatives was Agnieszka Pilch).
  • Michał Pilch in an unknown house number (the midwife who delivered my grandfather and several other relatives was Agnieszka Pilch).
  • Wojciech Sowa house number 81 (my third great grandfather was Wojciech Sowa – in fact, this could be he).
  • Anna Szymańska in house number 48 (my second great grandmother was named Zofia Szymańska).
  • Jacób Szymański in house number 237 (my second great grandmother was named Zofia Szymańska).
  • Jacób Szymański in house number 48 (my second great grandmother was named Zofia Szymańska).
  • Katarzyna Szymańska in house number 48 (my second great grandmother was named Zofia Szymańska).
  • Kazimierz Szymański in house number 48 (my second great grandmother was named Zofia Szymańska).
  • Jan Wajda in house number 34 (Marcin Wajda travelled to America with my great aunt Marianna Dańko).
  • Jędrzej Wajda in house number 159 (members of the Wajda family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
  • Józef Wajda in house number 34 (members of the Wajda family were Godparents of the Dańkos).

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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