As I continue to examine the Nienadowa, Galicia Field Sketch Maps from the Ukrainian Archives, I’m amazed at how surnames from my research keep appearing on all these maps.
SOURCE: Map of the Village of Nienadowa, Galicia – 1854 (Map 17).” Published 1854. Feldskizzen (Field Sketches), Fond 186, Opys 9, Sprava 611. State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.
Click on the map above to view an enlarged image. This map fits in just above Map 18.
The surnames on this map which are also in my family tree include:
- Kazimierz Chruścicki in an unknown house number (my step third great grandmother was Katarzyna Chruścicka).
- Wojciech Dańko in house number 140 (Wojciech Dańko was my third great grandfather).
- Maciej Gergont in house number 62 (members of the Gergont family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
- Jan Głowacz in house number 234 (my step great grandmother was Zofia Głowacz).
- Jędrzej Głowacz in house number 63 (my step great grandmother was Zofia Głowacz).
- Maciej Głowacz in house number 62 (my step great grandmother was Zofia Głowacz).
- Pawel Głowacz in house number 63 (my step great grandmother was Zofia Głowacz).
- Szymon Głowacz in house number 63 (my step great grandmother was Zofia Głowacz).
- Maciej Kazieńko in an unknown house number (members of the Kazieńko family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
- Jan Kijonka in house number 134 (members of the Kijonka family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
- Jędrzej Kijonka in an unknown house number (members of the Kijonka family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
- Tomasz Kijonka in house number 134 (members of the Kijonka family were Godparents of the Dańkos).
- Jan Pilch in an unknown house number (the midwife who delivered my grandfather and several other relatives was Agnieszka Pilch).
- Józef Pilch in house number 68 (the midwife who delivered my grandfather and several other relatives was Agnieszka Pilch).
- Marcin Pilch in an unknown house number (the midwife who delivered my grandfather and several other relatives was Agnieszka Pilch).
- Pawel Pilch in house number 59 (the midwife who delivered my grandfather and several other relatives was Agnieszka Pilch).
- Anna Sowa house number 201 (my third great grandfather was Wojciech Sowa).
- Jakób Sowa house number 233 (my third great grandfather was Wojciech Sowa).
- Jan Sowa house number 60 (my third great grandfather was Wojciech Sowa).
- Piotr Sowa house number 23 (my third great grandfather was Wojciech Sowa).
- Franciszek? Szymański in an unknown house number (my second great grandmother was Zofia Szymańska).
- Maciej Szymański in house number 65 (my second great grandmother was named Szymańska).
Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko
Amazing, what a great source of family information.