Nienadowa Field Sketches – Map 9

As I continue to examine the Field Sketch Maps from the Ukrainian Archives, I find more and more familiar surnames . While I don’t know how all these people are related to my own relatives with the same surname, I expect that, with the same surname, these residents of Nienadowa are probably family.

Nienadowa, Galicia - 1854 (Map 9)

Nienadowa, Galicia – 1854 (Map 9)

SOURCE: Map of the Village of Nienadowa, Galicia – 1854 (Map 9).” Published 1854. Feldskizzen (Field Sketches), Fond 186, Opys 9, Sprava 611. State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.

Click on the map above to view an enlarged image. This map fits in just above Map 10.

The surnames on this map which are also in my family tree include:

  • Maciej Bal in house number 110 (Teresa Bal married my great uncle Marcin Dańko).
  • Piotr Bal in house number 104 (Several members of the Bal family were Godparents to the Dańkos).
  • Jan Dańko in house number 207 (I’m not sure how this Dańko is related to me).
  • Jakób Dańko in house number 226? (I’m not sure how this Dańko is related to me).
  • Szymon Dańko in house number 122 (I’m not sure how this Dańko is related to me).
  • Jędrzej Głowacz in house number 244 (my step-great grandmother was Zofia Głowacz).
  • Wojciech Pilch in house number 123 (the midwife who delivered my grandfather and several other relatives was Agnieszka Pilch).
  • Jędrzej Pilch in house number 117a (the midwife who delivered my grandfather and several other relatives was Agnieszka Pilch).
  • Jędrzej Sowa in house number 120 (my great grandmother was Agnieszka Sowa).
  • Kazimierz Sowa in house number 220 (my great grandmother was Agnieszka Sowa).
  • Maciej Sowa in house number 105 (my great grandmother was Agnieszka Sowa).
  • Tomasz Sowa in house number 220? (my great grandmother was Agnieszka Sowa).
  • Maciej Wajda in house number113 (Marcin Wajda travelled to America with my great aunt Marianna Dańko).

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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