The Birth and Baptism of Julianna Chodkowska – 1842

Julianna Chodkowska, daughter of Błażej Chodkowski and Agnieszka Łyszkowska, was born on 05 May 1842 in Mosaki Rukle, Ciechanów Okręg, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Ciechanów Okręg, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 06 May 1842.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Julianna Chodkowska - 1842

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Julianna Chodkowska – 1842

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Ciechanów Okręg, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840. [Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths 1826-1840.],” folio 7 verso, entry 42, Julianna Chodkowska, 06 May 1842; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Julianna Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


Mosaki Rukle.This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-fourth day of April / sixth day of May in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-two at the hour of four in the afternoon. There appeared Błażej Chodkowski residing in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle, owner of a part [of the village], thirty-one years of age, accompanied by Leon Chodkowski, twenty-seven years of age, /a/ together with Franciszek Niedziałkowski, twenty-seven years of age, both owners of a part [of the village] and residing in the village of Mosaki Rulke, and he showed Us a child of the female sex born in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle yesterday at the hour of three in the afternoon of his wife Agnieszka née Łyszkowska, twenty-one years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Julianna, and her Godparents were the afore-mentioned Leon Chodkowski and Konstancja his wife. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses who do not know how to write.
          [signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

The priest made an error in writing the record. He struck out the erroneous words and indicated his correction with the symbol /a/. In the margin he simply verified that he crossed out the words at the time the record was orignally written. In this way, the priest ensured that someone viewing the record in the future would not need to be concerned that the record was altered after the fact. The words he crossed out were “maiących obydwu”, meaning “of age, both”.

Julianna Chodkowska was my 2nd cousin, 4X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Jan Chodkowski – 1839

Jan Chodkowski, son of Błażej Chodkowski and Agnieszka Łyszkowska, was born on 31 December 1839 in Mosaki Rukle, Ciechanów Okręg, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Ciechanów Okręg, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 01 January 1840.

The Birth and Baptism of Jan Chodkowski - 1839

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Jan Chodkowski – 1839

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Ciechanów Okręg, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840. [Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths 1826-1840.],” page 1, entry 1, Jan Chodkowski, 01 Jan 1840; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Jan Chodkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

1. Mosaki Rukle. This happened in the village of Krasne on the twentieth day of December in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-nine / first day of January in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty at the hour of one in the afternoon. There appeared Błażej Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village], twenty-eight years of age, residing in Mosaki Rukle, accompanied by Maciej Niedziałkowski, fifty years of age, and Jan Chodkowski, sixty years of age, both owners of parts [of the village] and residing in Mosaki Rukle, and he showed Us a child of the male sex born in Mosaki Rukle yesterday at the hour of six in the morning of his wife Agnieszka née Łyszkowska, eighteen years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Jan, and his Godparents were Antoni Chodkowski and Barbara his wife. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses who do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

Jan Chodkowski was my 2nd cousin, 4X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Błażej Chodkowski and Agnieszka Łyszkowska – 1838

Błażej Chodkowski (son of Jan Chodkowski and Józefata Grzybowska; widower after the death of his wife Józefa Gożdziewska) and Agnieszka Łyszkowska (daughter of Ignacy Łyszkowski and Marianna Krzyżewska) were married in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 31 January 1838.

The Marriage Record of Błażej Chodkowski and Agnieszka Łyszkowska - 1838

The Marriage Record of Błażej Chodkowski and Agnieszka Łyszkowska – 1838

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840. [Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths 1826-1840.],” pages 55-56, entry 2, Błażej Chodkowski and Agnieszka Łyszkowska, 31 Jan 1838; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Błażej Chodkowski and Agnieszka Łyszkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


Mosaki Rukle. This happened in the village of Krasne on the nineteenth / thirty first day of January in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-eight at the hour of four in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses Paweł Milewski, thirty years of age, and Leon Chodkowski, twenty-two years of age, both owners of parts [of the village] and residing in the village of Mosaki Rukle, on this day a religious marriage was contracted between Błażej Chodkowski, a well-born widower residing in the village of Mosaki Rukle on his parts [of the village], there with the married couple Jan Chodkowski and Józefa née Grzybowska no longer living there, residing there during his life, twenty-seven years of age, husband of Józefa née Gożdziewska who died on the twenty-eighth day of March / ninth day of April in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty, and the young woman Agnieszka, daughter of the married couple, the deceased Ignacy and Marianna Łyszkowski, residing in the village of Mosaki Rukle on their parts [of the village] seventeen years of age, born in the village of Kobylin in the parish of Węgrzynowo and living with her mother. This wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns on the second, ninth, and sixteenth days / fourteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-eighth days of the same month and year in the parish of Krasne, as well as by the oral consent of the bride who was present for [the recording of] this record of marriage. No impediment to the marriage arose. The newlyweds stated that they had made no prenuptial agreement between them. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses who do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

Błażej Chodkowski was my 1st cousin, 5X removed.

Although this record states that Błażej’s first wife, Józefa Grzybowska, died on 09 February 1830, she actually died on 17 February 1836. Note the double dates throughout this record. The first part of the date is calculated in the Julian Calendar and the second part is calculated in the Gregorian Calendar. We use the Gregorian Calendar today.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Chodkowski, Goździewski, Grzybowski, Krzyżewski, Łyszkowski | Tagged | Comments Off on The Marriage of Błażej Chodkowski and Agnieszka Łyszkowska – 1838

The Death and Burial of Józefata née Grzybowska Chodkowska – 1833

Józefata née Grzybowska Chodkowska, wife of Jan Chodkowski, daughter of Paweł Grzybowski and Magdalena Gogolewska, died on 22 April 1833 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 22 April 1833.

The Death and Burial Record of Józefata née Grzybowska Chodkowska - 1833

The Death and Burial Record of Józefata née Grzybowska Chodkowska – 1833

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Ciechanów Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” page 58, entry 22, Józefata née Grzybowska Chodkowska, 22 Apr 1833; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Józefata née Grzybowska Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


Mosaki Rukle. This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-second day of April in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-three at the hour of eight in the morning. There appeared the well-born Mateusz Chodkowski, forty years of age, and Błażej Chodkowski, twenty-two years of age, both owners of their noble parts [of the village] and residing in Mosaki Rukle, and they stated that today at the hour of four in the morning, the well-born Józefa née Grzybowska Chodkowskadied, sixty years of age, widow after her husband the deceased Jan Chodkowski. This document was read aloud to the declarants, both of whom were sons of the deceased, and was signed below by them. [signed] The Reverend Paweł Zakrzewski, Administrator of Krasne     [signed] Błażej Chodkowski
                                               [signed] Mateusz Chodkowski

Józefata née Grzybowska Chodkowska was the wife of my 4th great-granduncle, Jan Chodkowski.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Marianna Ślaska – 1831

Marianna Ślaski, daughter of Ignacy Ślaski and Magdalena née Chodkowska, was born on 16 June 1831 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 20 June 1831.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Ślaska - 1831

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Ślaska – 1831

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” folio 8 recto, entry 47, Marianna Ślaska, 20 Jun 1831; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Ślaska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


Mosaki Rukle. This happened in the church-owned village of Krasne on the twentieth day of June in the year one-thousand thirty-one at the hour of one in the afternoon. There appeared Ignacy Ślaski, owner of a part [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, thirty three years of age, accompanied by Mateusz Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, thirty-five years of age, together with Jan Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, seventy years of age, and he showed us a child of the female sex born in [Mosaki] Rukle on the sixteenth day of June in the same year at the hour of seven in the morning of his wife Magdalena née Chodkowska, thirty-three years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed today by the Reverend Józef Kozmowski, local vicar, was given the name Marianna, and her Godparents were the afore-mentioned Mateusz Chodkowski and Petronela Grzybowska. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses by Us and signed below, and the people named in the document do not know how to write. [signed] The Reverend Józef Kozmowski, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

Marianna Ślaska was my 2nd cousin 4X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Chodkowski, Ślaski | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Marriage of Ignacy Ślaski and Magdalena Chodkowska – 1817

Ignacy Ślaski (son of Franciszek Ślaski and Petronela Gożdziewska) and Magdalena Chodkowska (daughter of Jan Chodkowski and Józefata Grzybowska) were married in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 18 February 1817.

The Marriage Record of Ignacy Ślaski and Magdalena Chodkowska - 1817

The Marriage Record of Ignacy Ślaski and Magdalena Chodkowska – 1817

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Par. Krasne, Pow. Ciechanów, 1816, Urodzeń malżenstw zejscia capnicki 15. [Krasne Parish, Ciechanów Powiat, 1816, births marriages deaths conversions, Volume 15],” folios 53R 53V and 3R, entry 26, Ignacy Ślaski and Magdalena Chodkowska, 18 Feb 1817; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,791, Item 15.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Ignacy Ślaski and Magdalena Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Nr. 26 . Â Â Â  Mosaki Rukle

In the year one-thousand eight-hundred seventeen, on the eighteenth day of the month of February at the hour of twelve noon, before Us, the Reverend Mikołaj Ruciński, Assistant Registrar of the Civil State, Krasne Gmina, Przasnysz Obwód in the Płock Voivodeship, there appeared the well-born Ignacy Ślaski, a bachelor who, according to a certificate submitted by Us which was extracted from the books of the Zielona parish church, is twenty years old, owner of land in Milewo Szwejki and now [doing service?] in Mosaki Rukle and residing there, in the accompaniment of his uncle, the well-born Piotr Gożdziewski, owner of land in Mosaki Głowki and residing there with his parents, the well-born Franciszek Ślaska and Petronela née Gożdziewski already [one word?], together with the well-born maiden Magdalena Chodkowska who, according to a certificate submitted by Us which was extracted from the books of the Krasne church, is twenty-one years old, residing in the home of her parents, in the accompaniment of her father the well-born Jan Chodkowski, owner of land in Mosaki Rukle and residing there, and her mother the well-born Józefata née Grzybowska Chodkowska. The parties who appeared demand that we proceed with the celebration of the marriage arranged between them, the announcement of which was made before the doors of our District House, that is: first on the second of the month of February and the second on the ninth day of that month is the same year at the hour of twelve noon on Sunday. When no impediment to the said marriage was revealed, and the families hereby consent, acquiescing therefore to the request of the parties, after reading all the aforementioned papers and section six in the title of the Civil Code regarding marriage, we asked the future husband and future wife whether they wished to join with each other in a marital union. When each of them responded separately that such is their wish, we proclaim in the name of the law that the well-born Ignacy Ślaski, bachelor, and the maiden Magdalena Chodkowska are joined in a marital union. We drew up a record of this in the presence of the well-born Piotr Gożdziewski, forty years of age, and Józef Mieszkowski, twenty-four years of age, both owners of land, neither being relatives but neighbors of the one getting married, the well-born Ignacy Ślaski residing in Mosaki Rukle, [one word] Maciej Niedziałkowski, thirty years of age, and Jan Kierzkowski, sixty years of age, both owners of land, neither being related but being neighbors of the bride, the well-born maiden Magdalena Chodkowski, residing in Mosaki Godacze. The present document was read aloud to the declarants and was signed by Us, the Assistant Registrar of the Civil State, inasmuch as those people mentioned in the document are unable to write.
[signed] The Reverend Mikołaj Riciński, Assistant Registrar of the Civil State, Krasne Gmina
          [signed] Illegible
          [signed] Illegible
          [initialed] Illegible

Magdalena Chodkowska was my 1st cousin, 5X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Magdalena née Chodkowska Ślaska – 1836

Magdalena née Chodkowska Ślaska, wife of Ignacy Ślaski, daughter of Jan Chodkowski and Józefata Grzybowska, died on 06 October 1836 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 07 October 1836.

The Death and Burial Record of Magdalena née Chodkowska Ślaska - 1836

The Death and Burial Record of Magdalena née Chodkowska Ślaska – 1836

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” page 75, entry 43, Magdalena née Chodkowska Ślaska, 07 Oct 1836; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Magdalena née Chodkowska Ślaska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


[Mosaki] Rukle. This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-fifth day of September / seventh day of October in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-six at the hour of one in the afternoon. There appeared the well-born Błażej Chodkowski, twenty-five years of age, and Jan Chodkowski, fifty years of age, both owners of their parts [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, and they stated that yesterday at the hour of eight in the morning, Magdalena Chodkowska Ślaska died, widow after the death of her husband Ignacy Ślaski. After visual confirmation of the death of Ślaska, this document was read aloud to the declarants who are the brother of the deceased, and neither of whom knows how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Aleksy Łaziewicki, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

Magdalena née Chodkowska Ślaska was my 1st cousin, 5X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptismal Record of Józefa Gożdziewska – 1812

Józefa Gożdziewska daughter of Wojciech Gożdziewski and Anna Kierzkowska, was born on 17 February 1812 in Głowko, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Department, Duchy of Warsaw. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Department, Duchy of Warsaw on 17 February 1812.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Józefa Gożdziewska - 1811

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Józefa Gożdziewska – 1812

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Department, Duchy of Warsaw), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1808-1817. [Records of births, marriages, deaths 1808-1817],” folio 16B verso & 17 recto, entry 62, Jożefa Gożdziewska, 17 Feb 1812; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,791.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Józefa Gożdziewska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Głowko .  62.

In the year one-thousand eight-hundred twelve, on the seventeenth day of the month of February at the hour of two in the afternoon, before Us, the Vicar and Preacher of the Parish of Krasne, Civil Registrar of the Krasne Gmina, Przasnysz Powiat in the Płock Department, there appeared the well-born Wojciech Gożdziewski, thirty years of age and residing in Głowko, owner of his parts [of the village], and he showed us a child of the female sex who was born in his home under the number one on the seventeenth day of the month of February of the same year at the hour of eight in the morning, stating to Us that she was born of him and his wife, Anna née Kierzkowska, twenty-six years of age, and that it is his wish to give her the name Józefa. After making the above statement and showing Us the child, in the presence of the well-born Józef Gożdziewski, forty-two years of age, residing in Głowko, owner of his parts [of the village], together with Wawrzeniec Osowski, settled in this village, owner of his parts [of the village] located in Antosy Gmina, sixty years of age, whereupon this birth document was read aloud and signed by Us inasmuch as the declaring parties and witnesses do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Paweł Głogowski, Vicar and Preacher of the Parish of Krasne, Civil Registrar

Józefa Gożdziewska would later become the wife of my 1st cousin, 5X removed, Błażej Chodkowski.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death of Józefa née Gożdziewska Chodkowska – 1836

Józefa née Gożdziewska Chodkowska, wife of Błażej Chodkowski, daughter of Wojciech Gożdziewski and Anna Kierzkowska, died on 09 April 1836 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 10 April 1836.

The Death and Burial of Józefa née Gożdziewska Chodkowska - 1836

The Death and Burial Record of Józefa née Gożdziewska Chodkowska – 1836

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” page 67, entry 21, Józefa née Gożdziewska Chodkowska, 10 Apr 1836; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Józefa née Gożdziewska Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


[Mosaki] Rukle. This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-ninth day of March / tenth day of April in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-six at the hour of three in the afternoon. There appeared the well-born Błażej Chodkowski, twenty-five years of age [and] Jan Chodkowski, sixty years of age, both owners of their parts [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, and they stated that yesterday at the hour of nine in the evening the well-born Józefa Chodkowska died, residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, twenty-four years of age, leaving behind her widowed husband Błażej Chodkowski in [Mosaki] Rukle. After visual confirmation of the death of Chodkowska, this document was read aloud to the declarants of whom the first is the husband of the deceased, none of whom knows how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Aleksy Łaziewicki, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

Józefa née Gożdziewska Chodkowska was the wife of my 1st cousin, 5X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Chodkowski, Goździewski, Kierzkowski | Tagged | Comments Off on The Death of Józefa née Gożdziewska Chodkowska – 1836

The Death and Burial of Antoni Chodkowski – 1836

Antoni Chodkowski, son of Błażej Chodkowski and Józefa Gożdziewska, died on 29 October 1836 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 30 October 1836.

The Death and Burial of Antoni Chodkowski - 1836

The Death and Burial Record of Antoni Chodkowski – 1836

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” page 78, entry 52, Andrzej Chodkowski, 30 Oct 1836; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Antoni Chodkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


Mosaki] Rukle. This happened in the village of Krasne on the eighteenth / thirtieth day of October in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-six at the hour of eleven before noon. There appeared the well-born Błażej Chodkowski, twenty-five years of age and Mateusz Chodkowski, forty-five years of age, both owners of their parts [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, and they stated that yesterday at the hour of one after midnight Antoni Chodkowski, residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, one year and eight months old, died, the son of the married couple Błażej and the deceased Józefa Chodkowski. After visual confirmation of the death of Chodkowski, this document was read aloud to the declarants of whom the first is the father and the second is the paternal uncle of the deceased, none of who knows how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Aleksy Łaziewicki, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

Antoni Chodkowski was my 2nd cousin, 4X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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