The Map of the Polish Village of Pyrzowice

Historical maps of Poland are easier and easier to come by on the web. provides a series of maps of Europe through the past 2000 years, allowing the viewer to see how the map of Europe changed with time.

While these maps provide a good overview of Europe, most Polish genealogists will also want to see higher resolution maps.

Two of the best, high-resolution historical maps of Poland available on the web are the Illustrated Geographic Atlas from 1907 (on the website of the Polish Genealogical Society of America) and the Miltary Maps of the Austrian Empire from about 1900-1910. The Military Maps of the Austrian Empire cover much of central and eastern Europe, not just Poland.

The Polish village of Pyrzowice is included on both maps but, in the Illustrated Geographic Atlas, the name of the village is spelled Pyżowice. In Polish, the letters “rz” and “ż” are pronounced identically, so the spelling difference is not unexpected.

Map of Pyrzowice Poland and Vicinity

Map of the Village of Pyrzowice and Vicinity

SOURCE: 3rd Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary, Sheet 37-50, Oswiecim. Online; downloaded 27 Jul 2007.

Click on the map above to see a larger and more deailed image.

Not only is Pyrzowice shown on the Military Map of the Austrian Empire, but the parish of Sączów is also shown . Sączów is the place where the records for the village of Pyrzowice were maintained. Unfortunately, the Family History Library Catalog does not yet appear to have records from Sączów on microfilm.

I remember that, at a conference of the United Polish Genealogical Societies, a representative of the Family History Library showed the locations in Poland where the Library was planning to film records, and western Poland was on their schedule. With luck, Sączów may be one of the parishes to be filmed in the near future.

Tomorrow: How using gazetteers and maps together can help answer genealogical questions.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Polish Village of Pyrzowice

Yesterday, I wrote about the location of the Polish village of Pyrzowice at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. An unambiguous way to identify the location at that time would be:

Pyrzowice, Ożarowice Gmina, Będzin Powiat, Piotrków Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland

Of course, the village didn’t move around; it wasn’t located in physically different places at different times. However, because the borders of Poland changed, and the administrative districts in which Pyrzowice changed, it is important to modify the descriptors of the location to reflect the political boundaries at different times in history.

But how does one find these descriptors? The answer is to consult maps and gazetteers of the appropriate time period.

A valuable gazetteer of Poland for the late 19th century and early 20th century is the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (The Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and Other Slavonic Countries).

The village of Pyrzowice appears in volume IX on page 328 of that monumental work:

Slownik Geograficzny Entry for Pyrzowice

Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Pyrzowice

Source: Chlebowski, Bronisław, Władysław Walewski, and Filip Sulimierski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) – Warsaw 1888, Volume IX, page 328.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Słownik Geograficzny entry for Pyrzowice. Translated from the Polish, the entry states:

Pyrzowice, a village and grange [large manorial farmstead], Powiat [District] będziński, Ożarowice gmina [municipality], Sączów parish; the village has 26 homes, 256 residents, 23 settlements, and 331 mórgs [about 1.388 mórgs per acre] in the manor; the grange has 4 homes, 1006 mórgs (in this 500 mórgs of cultivated land). The territory of the manor house belongs to the holdings of the Reverend Hugo Hohenlohe. In 1827, there were 22 homes and 105 residents. According to Długosz, in the 15th century the village of Pyrzowice was in the Sączów parish, the property of Stanisław Rudzki, the Count of Pilaw. It had 22 fields from which tithes of 6 grosze [pennies] was paid to the Bishop of Kraków; out of this, measures of barley and oats were given to the parish priest in Sżczów (Długosz, Liber Beneficiorum, volume II, page 202). In a second place, this historian provides different details, namely that Pyrzowice was the property of Jan Feliks Tarnowski, it had 12 fields from which tithes of 6 grosze from the fields was given to the Bishop of Kraków. The value of the tithes amounted to 1 grzywnas [historical silver coins worth several denarii] (Liber Beneficiorum, volume III, page 73).
Bronisław Chlebowski

The words and descriptions in square brackets are my own annotations.

Jan Długosz was a historian who included historical information about Polish villages in his multivolume work entitled Liber beneficiorum ecclesiae Cracoviensis (Book of the Benefices of the Bishopric of Krakow). This work is referenced in many places in the Słownik Geograficzny.

The name Bronisław Chlebowski at the end of the article is the name of the author of the article on Pyrzowice.

The name of the country in which the village of Pyrzowice was located at various times in history include:

  • 1025-1569 – Kingdom of Polan (Królestwo Polskiego)
  • 1569-1795 – Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów)
  • 1795-1807 – Kingdom of Prussia
  • 1807-1815 – Duchy of Warsaw
  • 1815-1864 – Congress Kingdom of Poland
  • 1864-1918 – Congress Kingdom of Poland; also called Vistulaland (Privislinskii krai)
  • 1918-1945 – Republic of Poland (Rzeczpospolita Polska), although this name was not officially established until 1921; also called the Second Republic of Poland
  • 1945-1989 – People’s Republic of Poland (Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa)
  • 1989-Present – Republic of Poland (Rzeczpospolita Polska); also called the Third Republic of Poland

Tomorrow: Maps of Poland from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | Tagged | 1 Comment

Questions and Answers: How Do I Specify the Exact Locations of Polish Villages?

Erik, who previously wrote to me asking how to find ancestral records in Poland, has another question about Polish research. He asks about the proper way to enter the names of Polish villages in a family history to reflect the political landscape at the time one’s ancestors lived there.

This is a great question and a particularly difficult one to deal with for Poland, since the borders of Poland changed many times throughout history and the political subdivisions changed as well.

To record the location of a Polish village, one must not only where your ancestors lived, but when they lived there. Eric’s ancestors were from the villages of Pyrzowice and Szulmierz, and the discussion below is specific to those villages.

  • From 1569-1795, Pyrzowice and Szulmierz were part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a state that covered a large portion of central and eastern Europe.
  • Beginning in 1772, the Commonwealth was partitioned between Russia, Prussia and Austria. As best as I can tell on the maps I’ve looked at so far, Pyrzowice and Szulmierz both remained in Poland until the third partition in 1795. At that time, both of these villages were incorporated into the Kingdom of Prussia where they remained from 1795-1807.
  • The Napoleonic Wars resulted in another change in the boundaries, and between 1807-1815 both Pyrzowice and Szulmierz belonged to the Duchy of Warsaw, under French authority.
  • After Napoleon’s defeat, Pyrzowice and Szulmierz were part of a state that was established by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 and existed under control of Russia. The name Congress Kingdom of Poland is used to describe this region between 1815 and 1918, although the names Congress Poland and Kingdom of Poland are also used. The name Vistulaland is also sometimes used to refer to the Congress Kingdom of Poland between 1864-1918.
  • Poland regained its independence and became known as the Republic of Poland between 1918-1945, but was also referred to as the Second Republic of Poland.
  • In June 1945 at the Yalta Conference, Poland’s borders were completely changed and the new country was known as the People’s Republic of Poland. This name was used until the overturn of the Communist government in 1989.
  • Since 1989, Poland has been officially known as the Republic of Poland (Rzeczpospolita Polska), although it is also referred to as the Third Republic of Poland.

Erik’s great grandparents were born in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a common time period for many Polish immigrants to America. Both of Erik’s great grandparents were born in the Congress Kingdom of Poland or Vistulaland.

In a previous article, I reported that, at the time Erik’s great grandparents were born, the village of Szulmierz was in the Regimin Gmina, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. Gmina may be defined as a municipality, Powiat may be defined as a district, and gubernia may be defined as a province. I would enter the name of this village in my genealogy software as:

Szulmierz, Regimin Gmina, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland

This should be enough detail to allow someone else to find the village . Because several Polish villages in different parts of the country may have the same name, it’s important to list the Gmina, the Powiat, and the Gubernia, if known.

Sometimes, one will see the name of the powiat written as powiat chiechanowski. This is the adjectival form of the powiat name. Ciechanów Powiat uses the noun form of the powiat name. Likewise, one may see the name of the gubernia written as gubernia płockiej, which is also an adjectival form . Either is acceptable, but the noun form of the name might be more palatable to those whose native language is English.

At the time Erik’s great grandparents were born, the village of Pyrzowice was in the Ożarowice Gmina, Będzin Powiat, and Piotrków Gubernia of the Congress Kingdom of Poland. I would write the name in my genealogy software as:

Pyrzowice, Ożarowice Gmina, Będzin Powiat, Piotrków Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland

The adjectival form of the powiat name is powiat będziński, and the adjectival form of the gumbernia name id gubernia piotrkowskiej.

Many genealogy programs won’t allow the entry of the Polish diacritical marks, and so you may have to just leave the diacritical marks off.

Tomorrow: The Słownik Geograficzny entry for Pyrzowice.

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WordCamp Wrapup

The last two presentations on Sunday at WordCamp 2007 were low-key presentations by the developers at WordPress.

State of the Word

Matt Mullenweg, lead developer and cofounder of WordPress (and the man behind WordCamp), spoke about the State of the Word.

Matt first answered questions that everyone wants to ask about WordPress.

  • There are 16 people at Automattic, the company behind WordPress
  • There are 100 full-time people working on WordPress worldwide
  • Automattic makes money on WordPress paid sites and commercial use of WordPress and the Akismet spam-catcher

In the last year, the WordPress community developed bbPress, MU 1.0, autosave, tabbed editing, import & export, Ajax, extensions to XML-PRC, custom headers, and widgets.

There have been 10 releases of WordPress in the last year and 2,849,349 downloads of the WordPress platform . On, there have been 1,041,846 new blogs, 20,212,994 new posts, 1,648,046,157 page views, and billions of spam targeting blogs.

Matt said that Automattic has done very well at what they’re good at and haven’t done well at what they’re not good at. Matt described his vision of WordPress as a small, light platform. WordPress doesn’t have to do everything.

Matt also envisions modifications to make it easier for users to customize their designs and allow users to extract content in WordPress to other applications. Other planned improvements include plug-in update notification, tags, an improved “draft” and “pending” systems, and internationalization by translation into other languages.

Automattic has planned to announce a major release every four months, meaning that version 2.3 should be released in September and 2.4 in January.

Image handling is one of the weakest parts of WordPress and is a priority for development. Audio and video handling are also important areas for improvement. These functions are currently in plug-ins but may be moved to the core.

Developer Duke-out

Matt Mullenweg emceed the Developer Duke-out, asking questions of a panel of four WordPress developers: Mark Jaquith, Donncha O’Caoimh, Michael Adams, and Andy Skelton. Questions were also invited from the audience.

Q: What plug-ins do you use?
A: Ajax, comments subscription, Hello Dolly, Akismet, stats

Q: What’s your favorite beer?
A: Becks, Leffe, Chocolate Stout, Magic Hat #9  

Q: What is most important to get done
A: Automatic update for plug-ins and core, better media, photos

Q: Should WordPress and WordPress MU be combined?
A: They almost are, it would add more bulk, MU has a lot that most people don’t need

Q: What theme do you use?
A: Sandbox

Q: How timely should security issues be fixed?
A: Three releases a year, sometimes they are released instantly, several fixes may be related and bundled, it depends on the severity

Q: What would you use if WordPress were not available?
A: TextPattern, nothing (drink the Kool-Aid)

Q: How do you deal with a theme that doesn’t work with a plug-in?
A: Go to IRC or WordPress forums to explain the problem

Q: Should WordPress be marketed as a Content Management System?
A: No, no, maybe, maybe

Q: What is your favorite thing to work on in WordPress?
A: low-lying fruit, PayPal instant notification, bbPress, BackPress, writing new code to fix problems that people don’t really know about yet

Q: How do you backup?
A: Gmail account, scripter, depends on host, do MySQL dump every night

Q: What do you do when you’re not programming?
A: Computer games, motorcycling, read, photograph, take car of baby, photograph, walk

Q: What would you change about photo resizing and Flickr tie-in?
A: Behind the scenes resizing – there’s a plug-in, easier way to find images

Q: Parsing XML: XMLParse or regular expressions?
A: Depends, reg ex, no idea, reg ex

Q: Boxers or briefs?
A: boxer briefs, boxers, boxer briefs, boxers

Q: Should we continue IIS?
A: Not that difficult, but MU doesn’t support it

Q: When was the last time you posted to a support forum?
A: A month ago, last week, June

Q: What’s the ghettoist thing you’ve done with WordPress?
A: Blogs of the day, theme, theme, deleted blogs that weren’t backed up, blog order form for Taco Tuesday

Q: How do you get a developer to work on a great idea you have for a new plug-in?
A: Ask, sometimes if it’s cool or easy, they’ll want to work on it, beer

Q: Mac or Windows?
A: Mac with parallels but also like a PC, Mac or Linux + nano text editor, Linux Mac vim, Mac textmate

Q: If we were to write WordPress in a different language?
A: Python, BF, XSLT

Q: Should the default BlogRoll stay or go?
A: It should go, one the face it could just include WordPress resources, don’t care

Q: How about a credits page in the Admin?
A: yes, yes, yes, yes

And so ended WordCamp 2007. For more information (almost to the point of information overload) with photos, information on the speakers and attendees (I was attendee 308, I think, and as of today information on only the first 300 were posted), and synopses of the sessions, visit The WordCamp Report by Patrick Havens.

Copyright © 2007 Stephen J. Danko

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More on WordCamp 2007

On Sunday afternoon, after a barbeque lunch and musical entertainment from Andy Skelton, the WordCamp 2007 sessions continued.

The Past, Present, and Future of Web Publishing

The first session of the afternoon was Past, Present, and Future of Web Publishing by Dave Winer.

Blogging, Podcasting, and Unconferencing are all similar forms of communication on the web. Developers of the platforms for these applications should design the platform from the standpoint of the user. When the developers lose track of the user, the product gets off track.

Dave Winer is often credited with publishing the first blog. He said, however, that the first blog was actually the first website at CERN.

In Dave’s position as contributing editor at Wired in February 1996, Dave was involved in a project to fight censorship on the web. In an effort called 24 Hours of Democracy, users were encouraged to publish as many articles on democracy as they could. The mail list used for this effort flamed out.

On a mail list everyone has the final say on an issue. On a mail list, people argue that others can’t say something. On a blog, this doesn’t happen because noone posting a comment can tell the author of the blog what he or she cannot say. Mail lists may start out productive, but many suddenly become non-productive.

Consideration should be made to making blog archives future-safe. Why shouldn’t today’s blogs still be available in a hundred years? Technology and platforms change and present a challenge to making what is written in blogs today available in the future. may be a possible solution, but has not been around very long. A solution to this problem may be to partner with an organization like Harvard and allow people to archive their work there in exchange for an endowment.

Data portability is an issue. Can the entire contents of a blog be transferred to another platform as platforms change with time? In WordPress 2.1 portability was included by not tested between platforms.

Social networking platforms such as Twitter, FaceBook, Pownce, and MySpace generated some discussion. While Dave didn’t understand the appeal of FaceBook, it appeared that the way most people found out about the WordCamp party on Saturday night was through FaceBook.

Usability Analysis of WordPress

Liz Danzico from Happy Cog discussed the Usability Analysis of WordPress commissioned by WordPress.

It’s important to get noticed (by Google, for example), but people don’t notice good design. Bad design forces people to change the design.

Liz quoted Mark Jaquith from 21 Feb 200&:

“That’s when I know WordPress is doing its job: when people aren’t aware they’re using it because they’re too busy using it.”

Happy Cog created user personas and watched people use the WordPress Admin. As a consequence, a revision of the Admin is coming in WordPress 2.4. The revision will be based on the paths that people actually use. Users tend not to care what the designers intended. The decisions on the changes to the admin will be based not on what the users say, but on what they actually do, as observed by Happy Cog.

On the WordPress Dashboard, the latest activity is all people really care about, so the dashboard will be redesigned to reflect that observation.

People don’t like surprises. Showing people something they’ve never seen before or showing something in a new way is great for blog content, but it’s not good for the Admin section of a blog platform. An attempt is being made to standardize the headers on each page of the Admin to ensure consistency among the pages.

The Admins of many blogging platforms are positioned as objects (nouns), but on WordPress the Admin is positioned as actions (verbs). Analysis of experiments with users to see if nouns or verbs were preferred by WordPress users showed that verbs are the answer.

Drafts of posts are not drafts most of the time. In the new Admin, posts will be identified as Published, Scheduled, or Unpublished.

Other possible changes discussed were:

  • a visual display of what a widget will look like on the blog,
  • separation of primary navigation from utilities,
  • the ability to reply to comments from within the comment panel rather than from the post,
  • Admin themes or skins,
  • better photo management, including a more visual uploading process and the ability to specify different sizes,
  • a redesign of video and audio,
  • tags
  • relocation of Plug-Ins

Liz summarized her discussion:

    • Be voyeurs,
    • Don’t surprise people,
    • Anticipate what people need,
    • Don’t be brief at the cost of clarity
    • Show, don’t tell
    • Never stop at a dead end.

Tomorrow: The Finale of WordCamp 2007.

Copyright © 2007 Stephen J. Danko

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A Day at WordCamp 2007

Last year, for the first time, the folks at WordPress decided to host the first WordCamp, a one day, all day seminar on WordPress. I attended last year and learned a lot, especially because I had only been blogging on WordPress for three months at the time.

I signed up for WordCamp again this year, but this years’ event was a two day event, and despite my best efforts I was only able to attend on Sunday.

I'm going to WordCamp 

Since I’m not a Tech Geek, some of the presentations were a bit over my head. Nonetheless, I had a great time and learned a lot. What follows is a summary of what I learned from the first three presentations at WordCamp 2007 on Sunday.

HyperDB and High Performance WordPress

The morning began with a presentation by Barry Abrahamson and Matt Mullenweg on HyperDB and High Performance WordPress.

The presentation described ways to serve as many users as possible with a reasonable amount of resources. Without going into details, the basic configuration of WordPress can serve 8 requests per second and 691,200 page views per day. This default configuration is good enough for most WordPress installations.

Using different caches, the performance can be improved as much as 25-fold. hosts over 1.2 million blogs and serves over 10 million pageviews per day.

Blogs on the New York Times

Jeremy Zilar discussed his responsibilities managing blogs at the New York Times. The New York Times hosts over 100 blogs, although there are currently 30-40 active blogs, and primarily uses one blog template. All blogs run off of a single install of WordPress, and together enjoy 13 million pageviews per month.

Jeremy showed the City Room blog at the New York Times and mentioned that in print media, writers essentially have a one-way communication with the reader. Blogs allow the writer to engage the readers and most readers have something to say. Blogs generate controversy and drama and many readers will comment in extreme situations and when they feel safe.

Designing Massively Multiplayer Social Systems

Rashmi Sinha presented a talk on Designing Massively Multiplayer Social Systems and discussed a project she is working on called SlideShare. She mentioned that second generation social networks allow individuals to link to each other based on common interests.

Services such as LinkedIn allow people to connect with each other by sending invitations to link together, providing a somewhat artificial environment. Object-based social networks provide a different way to connect.

With these object-based networks, people share objects and view the objects others share. Content that someone finds interesting (such as a video on YouTube) is passed on to others. Rashmi referred to this as viral sharing, since the sharing of these objects spreads throughout the network.

Other social networks include tag-based social sharing such as and social news creation by rating news stories such as digg.

SlideShare offers users to share presentations. People share lesson plans, cartoons, paintings, humor, activism, mother’s day cards, and talk slides, among others.

Rashmi mentioned that the positions of early bloggers who became popular are hard to dislodge. When someone’s blog is popular, its popularity helps it become even more popular. The rich get richer.

When starting out, a blog’s popularity is more important than quality. People who are well-known tend to get mobs following them when they start a blog.

One observation Rashmi shared was that on social networks such as SlideShare where the actions of users can be tracked, the host can determine which objects are most popular by tag, comment, views, embed, download, and email. Of course, when a given object is listed at the top of one of these categories, such as the most viewed, others tend to also view that content. Thus, the most viewed are viewed even more.

Tomorrow: More from WordCamp 2007.

Copyright © 2007 Stephen J. Danko

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Beginning Italian Genealogy

A week ago, Apple posted an article on Nardozzi Genealogy. Apple describes how she found most of the US records for her husband’s Nardozzi ancestors, but she writes:

“I know that the family came from Rionero in Vulture, Province of Potenza, Basilicata Region, Italy. I don’t speak or read Italian and really have no idea where to go from here…”

My Experience Researching Italian Ancestry 

Back in April, when I last visited the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City, one of my goals was to research the Italian ancestry of a woman named Rose who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Rose knew little of her family history, although she knew the dates and locations of the births of both her parents, and she knew the names of her grandparents. Rose’s parents were both born in Augusta, Siracusa, Sicily, immigrated separately to America, and were married here in the Bay Area.

The Family History Library Catalog 

Before I left for Salt Lake City, I searched the Family History Library Catalog to see if the FHL had microfilmed copies of records from Augusta. The FHL Catalog showed that the library had copies of the Registri dello stato civile (Civil Registrations), 1820-1929 and the Riveli di beni e anime, Augusta (Siracusa), 1682-1815.

  • Registri dello stato civile = Registrations of the Civil State (Civil Registrations)
  • Riveli di beni e anime = Revelations of Goods and Souls (Census Records)

The Civil Registrations included nati, pubblicazioni, matrimoni, morti, allegati, diversi, memorandum, and cittadinanze.

  • nati = births
  • pubblicazioni = publications (of banns of marriage)
  • matrimoni = marriages
  • morti = deaths
  • allegati = attachments (documents to support the marriage, see below)
  • diversi = diverse
  • memorandum = memorandum
  • cittadinanze = citizenship

So, this looked very promising! The Civil Registrations alone range from 1820 to 1929, and the census records encompass the years 1682-1815! I’ve rarely been so lucky in my own research to find microfilmed records that covered such a long period of time for a single location.

Well, I started by looking for the most recent records and worked my way back in time. The civil registrations are in Italian (church records would be in Latin) and, since I’ve studied Latin but not Italian, I fully expected that I would have difficulty reading the records and that I might be able to find records for only one or two generations.

Finding The Records on Microfilm

I found the birth records for both of Rosa’s parents fairly quickly. Among other information, the birth records provided the dates and locations of birth and baptism, the names of the parents, and the age and profession of the father.

I then looked for the marriage records of Rosa’s grandparents. Among other information, the marriage records provided the date and place of the marriage, the names and ages of the bride and groom, and the names and ages of the parents of the bride and groom.

In addition to the marriage records, I found the allegati – attachments – which were a set of documents to support the marriage. The allegati included copies of the birth records for the bride and groom and death records for deceased parents of the bride and groom. The death records for the parents of the bride and groom named the grandparents of the bride and groom, and so the allegati provided information on three generations!

Well, I looked back in time for earlier generations and found civil registration records for Rose’s parents, her grandparents, her great-grandparents, and even six of her great-great grandparents going back as far as 1803. The records themselves only went back to 1820, but those records provided the names and ages of parents, allowing me to go back one generation more than the records themselves.

Quite a successful day, and I barely made a dent in the available records!

Apple’s Research 

Apple has a good start on finding records for her husband’s Italian ancestors. She knows that her husband’s grandfather’s name was Gennaro Nardozza and that Gennaro was from Rionero in Vulture, Province of Potenza, Basilicata Region, Italy. He arrived at Ellis Island on 17 Mar 1904 at age 24, meaning that he was born in about 1880. Apple has additional documents and, if she’s lucky, some of those documents show the names of Gennaro’s parents.

The Family History Library has microfilmed records from Rionero in Vulture (Potenza). Ufficio dello stato civile, Registri dello stato civile (Office of the civil state, Registers of the civil state), 1809-1860. The records include nati, pubblicazioni, matrimoni, morti, allegati.

Assuming Gennaro was born in 1880, Apple won’t find Gennaro’s birth records in the FHL records because the records for this location were microfilmed only up through 1860. For the same reason, it’s also unlikely that she’ll find the marriage records for Gennaro’s parents. However, Gennaro’s parents may have been born in 1860 or before, and so, if Apple knows the names of Gennaro’s parents, she may be able to find records of their births in the microfilmed records at the FHL. Apple can order of these microfilms through her local Family History Center and view them there.

But, even if Apple doesn’t know the names of Gennaro’s parents, she could write to Italy for Gennaro’s birth and baptismal records, using the Italian Letter Writing Guide available on the FamilySearch website. Those records should show the names of Gennaro’s parents and she can move backwards in time from there.

Best of luck with your Italian research, Apple!

Research Assistance and References 

The FamilySearch site provides assistance for researching Italian records. Look under the “Search” tab for “Research Helps” and “Research Guidances” and then look for “Italy”. The FHL also provides an incredibly helpful, full-color publication entitled Finding Records of Your Ancestors, Part A. ITALY 1809 to 1910. I couldn’t find this publication online, but it can be ordered from the FHL.

Here are some other references to get you started in Italian Family History Research:

Cole, Trafford R. 1995. Italian genealogical records: how to use Italian civil, ecclesiastical & other records in family history research. Salt Lake City, Utah: Ancestry.

Colletta, John Philip. 2003. Finding Italian roots: the complete guide for Americans. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Pub. Co.

Nelson, Lynn. 1997. A genealogist’s guide to discovering your Italian ancestors: how to find and record your unique heritage. Cincinnati, Ohio: Betterway Books.

Copyright © 2007 Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | 6 Comments

Consequences of Publishing Photographs

My article on Who Owns the Copyrights to Your Photographs? has generated some interesting discussion.

footnoteMaven wrote a thoughtful article on sharing a family photograph by publishing it on the web, discussing her investigation and analysis of the copyright status of a photograph she would like to publish . The Maven doesn’t know who the photographer was, whether the photograph is protected by copyright, or who might currently own the copyright.

After considering the question from many angles, footnoteMaven came to a decision on whether or not to publish the photograph. I’ll have to make similar decisions on whether or not to publish the photographs I own.

If a photograph is clearly in the public domain, the decision is a relatively easy one as long as the privacy rights of living individuals in the photograph and the rights of those who own a copyright to anything depicted in the photograph are respected.

If a photograph is not in the public domain and the photographers and copyright owners are known, it’s wise to ask permission to publish the photograph. In the case of photos taken by someone you know, it’s likely that permission will be granted.

Even after making a good faith effort to learn whether or not a photograph is protected by copyright and, if protected, to learn who owns that copyright, many of us will conclude that we are uncertain about the answer to either of these questions.

So, what are the consequences of unknowingly publishing a copyright-protected photograph without permission?

If the copyright violation occurs on the web, the copyright owner might just ask that the photograph be either properly credited or removed from the website. The owner might even request royalties for the right to use the photograph. Unless the photograph is registered with the United States Copyright Office, the copyright owner is not entitled to file suit to enforce the copyright, although the owner could still register the copyright after discovering a case of infringement.

There’s a lively series of comments on using copyrighted material on the web following Daniel J. Solove’s article on What If Copyright Law Were Strongly Enforced in the Blogosphere? Both Daniel and the people who left comments on his blog thought those most concerned about publishing copyrighted photographs without permission are those in the photography business. Still, we probably don’t want to anger our friends and relatives by publishing their photographs without their knowledge.

A good guideline to use when publishing someone else’s photographs is to consider how you would feel if you discovered that someone else had published your work without permission.

And now, I think I’ll take the advice of Randy Seaver and evaluate the photographs I’ve posted in the past to determine if any of them present a possible copyright dilemma!

Copyright © 2007 Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | 2 Comments

Descendants of Nicolas Gamache

Generation No. 1

1. NICOLAS GAMACHE was born in France. He and (1) MICHELLE POTEL were married before 31 Dec 1626 in France. She was born and died in France. He and (2) JACQUELINE CADOTTE were married before 13 Oct 1636 in France.


i. JACQUES GAMACHE was born before 1626 in France.


2. ii. GENEVIÈVE GAMACHE was born 13 Oct 1636 in France. She was buried 05 Nov 1709 in L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France.
3. iii. NICOLAS GAMACHE was born 17 Apr 1639 in France. He was buried 30 Oct 1699 in the parish church of St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.

Generation No. 2

2 . Â GENEVIÈVE GAMACHE (NICOLAS) was born 13 Oct 1636 in France. She was buried 05 Nov 1709 in L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France. She married JULIEN FORTIN-BELLEFONTAINE 11 Nov 1652 in Canada, New France.


4. i. BARBE FORTIN was born 21 Oct 1654 in Canada, New France. She died 26 Aug 1737 in L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France and was buried 27 Aug 1727 in the cemetery at Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France. She and PIERRE GAGNON, son of PIERRE GAGNON AND VINCENTE DESVARIEUX, were married between 12 and 18 Nov 1669 in La Visitation de Notre Dame du Chí¢teau Richer, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France. She and PIERRE LESSARD, son of í‰tienne Lessard and Marguerite Sevestre, were married 16 Apr 1690 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Canada, New France.
5. ii. CHARLES FORTIN was born before 1656 in Canada, New France. He died 22 Jun 1735 in L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France and was buried 23 Jun 1735 in the parish of Notre Dame de Bonsecours de L’Islet, Canada, New France. He and MARIE SAINTE CLOUTIER, daughter of JEAN CLOUTIER and MARIE MARTIN-LESCOSSOIS, were married 11 Nov 1681 in Canada, New France.
6. iii. EUSTACHE FORTIN was born before 1658 in Canada, New France. He died 21 Jan 1736 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and was buried 23 Jan 1736 in the cemetery at St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. He and LOUISE CLOUTIER, daughter of RENE CLOUTIER and MARIE ELISABETH LEBLANC, were married 25 May 1693 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.
iv. JACQUES FORTIN was born 12 Jan 1660 in Canada, New France. He was buried 28 Feb 1730 in the parish of St. Peter et St. Paul de Baie St. Paul, Baie St. Paul, Canada, New France. He and MARIE CATHERINE BIVILLE-PICARD were married 11 Jun 1689 in Canada, New France.
v. MARIE GENEVIÈVE FORTIN was born 08 Apr 1662 in Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France and was baptized  09 Apr 1662 in La Visitation de Notre Dame du Chí¢teau Richer, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France. She died 21 Mar 1703 in Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France and was buried 22 Mar 1703 in La Visitation de Notre Dame du Chí¢teau Richer, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France. She and NOEL GAGNON were married 08 Jul 1683 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Canada, New France.
vi. JOSEPH FORTIN was born 15 May 1664 in Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France and was baptized 20 May 1664 in La Visitation de Notre Dame du Chí¢teau Richer, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France. He and AGNES CLOUTIER were married 25 Oct 1691 in Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France.
vii. MARIE ANNE FORTIN was born 01 Mar 1666 in Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France and was baptized 01 Mar 1666 in La Visitation de Notre Dame du Chí¢teau Richer, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France. She was buried 28 Dec 1702 in the cemetery of the parish of Notre Dame de Québec, Québec, Canada, New France. She and JEAN PICARD were married 1683 in St. Anne de Beaupré, Canada, New France.
viii. JULIEN FORTIN-BELLEFONTAINE was born 17 Apr 1667 in Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France and was baptized provisionally 22 Apr 1667 in La Visitation de Notre Dame du Chí¢teau Richer, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France. He died 21 Nov 1687 in St. Joachim, Canada, New France and was buried 22 Nov 1687 in the cemetery of the parish of St. Joachim, Canada, New France.
ix. PIERRE FORTIN was born 21 May 1669 in Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France and was baptized 24 May 1669 at home in Cap Tourmente, Canada, New France (his baptism was included in the records of Chí¢teau Richer). He died 03 Jan 1756 in L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France and was buried 04 Jan 1756 in the cemetery of the parish of Notre Dame de Bonsecours de L’Islet sur Mer, L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France. He and MARIE GERTRUDE HUDON-BEAULIEU were married 04 Jul 1697 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Canada, New France.
x. LOUIS FORTIN was born 07 Mar 1671 in St. Anne de Beaupré, Canada, New France and was baptized 19 Mar 1671 in St. Anne de Beaupré, Canada, New France. He died 08 Dec 1687 in St. Joachim, Canada, New France.
xi. JEAN FORTIN was baptized between 10 Jun 1674 and 25 Jul 1674 in St. Anne de Beaupré, Canada, New France.
xii. MARGUERITE FORTIN was born 28 May 1677 in St. Anne de Beaupré, Canada, New France and was baptized 05 Jun 1677 in the chapel at Cap Tourmente, Canada, New France (her baptism was included in the records of St. Anne de Beaupré). She was buried 15 Jan 1703 in the cemetery of the parish of Notre Dame de Québec, Québec, Canada, New France. She and PIERRE FRANí‡OIS FROMAGE were married 23 Nov 1699 in the parish of Notre Dame de Québec, Québec, Canada, New France.

3. NICOLAS GAMACHE (NICOLAS) was born 17 Apr 1639 in France. He was buried 30 Oct 1699 in the parish church of St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. He and í‰LISABETH URSULE CLOUTIER, daughter of CHARLES CLOUTIER and LOUISE MORIN, were married on 09 Nov 1676 in the parish of La Visitation de Notre Dame du Chí¢teau Richer, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France. She was buried 24 Oct 1699 in the parish church of St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.

7. i. LOUIS GAMACHE was born 20 Mar 1678 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and was baptized 17 Apr 1678 in the parish of Cap St. Ignace (baptism recorded in the books of Notre Dame, Québec), Canada, New France. He died 10 Feb 1745 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and was buried 11 Feb 1745 under his seigneurial bench in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. He and MARIE ANGELIQUE MIVILLE were married on 26 Apr 1702 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada,, New France.
8. ii. NICOLAS GAMACHE was born 21 May 1680 in Cap de Vincelotte, Canada, New France and was baptized 09 Jun 1680 in Cap de Vincelotte, Canada, New France (the baptism was recorded in the records of Neuville). He died 01 Oct 1734 in L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France and was buried 02 Oct 1734 in L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France. He and MARIE GUYON-BUISSON-DION were married on 20 Jan 1705 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France.
9. iii. JEAN BAPTISTE GAMACHE was born 06 Jun 1682 and baptized 24 Jun 1682 in the Seigneury of Vincelotte, Canada, New France (the baptism was recorded in the records of Cap St. Ignace). He died 30 Oct 1750 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and was buried 31 Oct 1750 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. He and AGATHE RICHARD were married on 18 Jan 1712 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.
iv. IGNACE GAMACHE was born 20 Aug 1683 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and baptized 20 Aug 1683 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.
10. v. AUGUSTIN GAMACHE was born 26 Jan 1686 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and baptized 31 Jan 1686 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. He and (1) MARGUERITE MARIE GUYON-BUISSON-DION were married on 23 Nov 1711 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet sur Mer, Canada, New France. He and (2) LOUISE CARON, daughter of PIERRE CARON and MARIE BERNIER, were married 28 Aug 1713 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.
11. vi. ELISABETH ISABELLE GAMACHE was born before 1688 . She died 01 Feb 1750 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and was buried 02 Feb 1750 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. She and PIERRE RICHARD were married on 07 Jan 1709 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.
12. vii. ANNE GAMACHE was born 25 Oct 1690 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and baptized 25 Oct 1690 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. She died 15 Oct 1748 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. She married JEAN BAPTISTE RICHARD on 16 Jan 1713 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.
13. viii. GENEVIÈVE GAMACHE was born 05 Oct 1692 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and baptized 07 Oct 1692 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. She was buried 20 Mar 1736 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Canada, New France. She and (1) JOSEPH HUDON BEAULIEU, son of PIERRE HUDON-BEAULIEU and MARIE GOBEIL were married on 28 Jul 1711 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet, Canada, New France. He was born 21 Apr 1685 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Canada, New France and died 11 Dec 1711 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Canada, New France. She and (2) JEAN BAPTISTE GAGNON-BELLES-ISLES were married on 05 Sep 1713 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet, Canada, New France.
14. ix. MARIE GAMACHE was born 27 Oct 1694 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and baptized 28 Oct 1694 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. She died 01 Dec 1759 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. She married LOUIS GUYON-BUISSON-DION on 03 Feb 1722 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet, Canada, New France.
15. x. PIERRE GAMACHE was born 13 Jan 1698 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France and baptized 14 Jan 1698 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France. He married MARIE GENEVIÈVE BELANGER 11 Aug 1734 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.

Generation No. 3 

4. BARBE FORTIN (GENEVIÈVE, NICOLAS) was born 21 Oct 1654 in Québec, New France and died 26 Aug 1737 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She and PIERRE GAGNON, son of PIERRE GAGNON AND VINCENTE DESVARIEUX, were married in 1669 in Chí¢teau Richer, Québec, New France. She and PIERRE LESSARD, son of í‰tienne Lessard and Marguerite Sevestre, were married 16 Apr 1690 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Canada, New France.

i. MARIE MADELEINE RENí‰E GAGNON was born 28 Mar 1671 in Chí¢teau Richer, Québec, New France. She died 31 Jan 1744 in Rimouski, Québec, New France. She and RENE LEPAGE-DESATINTECLAIRE were married 10 Jun 1686 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France.
ii. JOSEPH GAGNON was born 01 Jan 1673 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. He died 09 Feb 1736 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. He and AGATHE BELANGER were married 17 Feb 1700 in Chí¢teau Richer, Québec, New France.
iii. GENEVIÈVE GAGNON was born 04 Mar 1674 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. She died 28 Apr 1749 in Chí¢teau Richer, Québec, New France. She and CHARLES BELANGER were married 18 Feb 1692 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France.
iv. AUGUSTIN GAGNON was born 18 Oct 1675 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France.
v. PIERRE GAGNON was born 04 Jan 1677 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. He died 03 Dec 1749 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. He and ELISABETH ISABELLE LACROIX were married 14 Nov 1701 Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France.
vi. CHARLES GAGNON was born 17 May 1679 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. He died 16 Feb 1759 in St. Michel de Dellechasse (La Durantaye). He and ANNE BELANGER were married 19 Jan 1706 in Chí¢teau Richer, Québec, New France.
vii. MARGUERITE GAGNON was born 09 Feb 1681 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France.
viii. MARGUERITE GAGNON was born 02 Feb 1682 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. She died 30 May 1686 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France.
ix. ALEXANDRE GAGNON was born 06 Jan 1684 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. He died 22 Feb 1752 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. He and MARIE ANGELIQUE CARON were married 26 Aug 1711 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France.
x. MARGUERITE GAGNON was born 07 Jan 1687 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. She died 24 Dec 1722 in Chí¢teau Richer, Québec, New France. She and PIERRE LEFRANCOIS were married 24 Nov 1704 in Chí¢teau Richer, Québec, New France.
xi. JEAN BAPTISTE GAGNON was born 25 Jan 1688 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. He died 01 feb 1769 in La Pocatiére, Québec, New France. He and MARIE FRANí‡OISE OUELLET were married 14 Jan 1714 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France.

5. CHARLES (GENEVIÈVE, NICOLAS) was born before 1656 in Québec, New France and died 22 Jun 1735 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. He and MARIE SAINTE CLOUTIER, daughter of JEAN CLOUTIER and MARIE MARTIN-LESCOSSOIS, were married 11 Nov 1681 in Québec, New France.

i. CHARLES FORTIN was born 15 Dec 1684 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE LOUISE GUIMOND were married 14 Nov 1712 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
ii. MARIE GENEVIÈVE FORTIN was born 28 Oct 1686 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 30 Jul 1763 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and LOUIS LEMIEUX were married 11 Feb 1705 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France.
iii. MARIE ANNE FORTIN was born 08 Dec 1688 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. She died 08 Aug 1750 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. She and JOSEPH CARON were married 01 Jun 1711 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France.
iv. LOUIS FORTIN was born 15 Dec 1690 in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec, New France. He died 05 Dec 1749 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. He and MARIE ANNE BOSSE were married 05 Nov 1714 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
v. MARGUERITE FORTIN was born 17 Feb 1693 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 18 May 1732 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vi. MARIE ELISABETH FORTIN was born 05 Apr 1695 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 06 May 1733 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and FRANí‡OIS GUIMOND were married 05 Feb 1714 in L’Islet sur Mer, Québec, New France.
vii. JULIEN FORTIN was born 30 Nov 1697 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 08 Dec 1749 in L’Islet dur Mer, Québec, New France. he and ELISABETH CARON were married 23 Oct 1724 in L’Islet sur Mer, Québec, New France.
viii. JEAN BAPTISTE FORTIN was born 25 Sep 1701 in L’Islet sur Mer, Québec, New France. He died 08 Feb 1770 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE FRANí‡OISE BELANGER-BONSECOUR were married 25 Oct 1723 in L’Islet sur Mer, Québec, New France.
ix. JOSEPH FORTIN was born 22 Aug 1703 in L’Islet sur Mer, Québec, New France. He died 29 Jun 1733 in L’Islet sur Mer, Québec, New France. He and MARIE ELISABETH LEMIEUX were married 07 Nov 1729 in Montmagny, Québec, New France.
x. UNKNOWN FORTIN was born 01 Sep 1705 in L’Islet sur Mer, Québec, New France. She died 19 Sep 1705 in L’Islet sur Mer, Québec, New France.

6. EUSTACHE FORTIN (GENEVIÈVE, NICOLAS) was born before 1658 in Québec, New France and died 21 Jan 1736 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and LOUISE CLOUTIER, daughter of RENE CLOUTIER and MARIE ELISABETH LEBLANC, were married 25 May 1693 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

 i. MARGUERITE FORTIN was born 10 Feb 1694 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 24 Apr 1717 in Montmagny, Québec, New France. She and LOUIS COUILLARD-LEPINE were married 21 Jun 1716 in Québec, New France.
ii. FRANí‡OIS FORTIN was born 28 Oct 1695 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE MADELEINE RICHARD were married 31 Jan 1719 in Québec, New France.
iii. PIERRE FORTIN was born 29 Jun 1697 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 03 Apr 1752 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and LOUISE CARON were married 11 Jan 1719 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
iv. MARIE LOUISE FORTIN was born 26 Mar 1699 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 28 Feb 1749 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and ALEXANDRE BERNIER were married 24 Nov 1723 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
v. JOSEPH FORTIN was born 12 Nov 1701 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 26 Feb 1773 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE MARTHE BERNIER were married 20 Aug 1725 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vi. MARIE GENEVIÈVE FORTIN was born 16 May 1704 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 26 Apr 1760 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and JOSEPH ALEXIS LEMIEUX were married 14 Jun 1723 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vii. PHILIPPE FORTIN was born12 Jun 1706 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 20 Dec 1776 in Cap. St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE GENEVIÈVE RICHARD were married 21 Feb 1746 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
viii. JEAN BAPTISTE FORTIN was born 10 Aug 1708 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and ANGELIQUE RICHARD were married 06 May 1731 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
ix. LOUIS FORTIN was born 24 May 1711 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE FRANí‡OISE BLANCHET were married 26 Oct 1730 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
x. MARIE MADELEINE FORTIN was born 31 Dec 1713 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and JEAN BAPTISTE COTE were married 17 Jul 1729 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
xi. MARIE CLAIRE FORTIN was born 28 Apr 1716 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and JEAN BAPTISTE BERNIER were married 11 Jan 1734 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

7. LOUIS GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 20 Mar 1678 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and baptized 17 Apr 1678 in the parish of St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France (baptism recorded in the books of Notre Dame de Québec, Québec, New France). He married MARIE ANGELIQUE MIVILLE, daughter of FRANí‡OIS MIVILLE and MARIE LANGLOIS, on 26 Apr 1702 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 10 Feb 1745 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and was buried 11 Feb 1745 under his seigneurial bench in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

i. LOUIS GAMACHE was born 25 Feb 1703 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He married MARIE MADELEINE THIBAULT  on 29 Oct 1732 in Montmagny, New France. He died on 20 Mar 1756 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
ii. JEAN GAMACHE was born 07 May 1704 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and was baptized 08 May 1704 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He married MARIE ELISABETH BAZIN on 15 Nov 1730 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 15 Nov 1748 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
iii. GENEVIÈVE GAMACHE was born 25 Dec 1705 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She married AMBROISE FOUNIER on 30 Jun 1734 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
iv. JOSEPH GAMACHE was born 30 Apr 1707 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and died 04 Aug 1733 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
v. FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE was born 17 Nov 1708 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He married MARIE LEMIEUX on 09 Aug 1734 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vi. MARIE MARTHE GAMACHE was born 20 Jul 1710 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She married JEAN HILAIRE BRIDEAU on 17 Jun 1754 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vii. URSULE MARIE GAMACHE was born 13 Dec 1712 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She married FRANí‡OIS GUIMOND on 24 Nov 1734 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
viii. MARIE MADELEINE GAMACHE was born 28 Jan 1714 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She married JACQUES JONCAS on 30 Aug 1751 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
ix. AUGUSTIN GAMACHE was born 10 Mar 1715 in Cap St. Ignace, New France and died 31 Oct 1739 in Cap St. Ignace, New France.
x. PIERRE GAMACHE was born 22 Aug 1716 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He married MARIE MARGUERITE GAGNE-BELAVANCE on 17 Feb 1744 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
xi. IGNACE FELIX GAMACHE was born 05 Dec 1718 in Cap St. Ignace, New France.
xii. MICHEL ARSENE GAMACHE was born 06 Jan 1721 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He married MARIE FRANí‡OISE FOURNIER 18 Nov 1742 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

8. NICOLAS GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 21 May 1680 in Cap de Vincelotte, Québec, New France and was baptized 09 Jun 1680 in Cap de Vincelotte, Québec, New France (the baptism was recorded in the records of Neuville). He married MARIE GUYON-BUISSON-DION on 20 Jan 1705 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. He died 01 Oct 1734 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France and was buried 02 Oct 1734 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France.

i. MARIE GENEVIÈVE GAMACHE was born 03 Nov 1705 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She and FRANí‡OIS XAVIER CARON were married 20 Nov 1731 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
ii. NICOLAS GAMACHE was born 07 Feb 1707 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
iii. AUGUSTIN GAMACHE was born 24 Sep 1708 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
iv. IGNACE GAMACHE was born 17 Feb 1710 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
v. MARIE GAMACHE was born 06 May 1712 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She died 18 Apr 1739 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She and JOSEPH BELANGER were married 18 Jun 1737 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
vi. JOACHIM GAMACHE was born 11 Feb 1714 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. He and MARIE SCHOLASTIQUE THIBAULT were married 01 Dec 1741 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
vii. MARGUERITE GAMACHE was born 30 Nov 1715 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She died 15 Nov 1736 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She and LOUIS CARON were married 05 Jul 1734 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
viii. ELISABETH GAMACHE was born 14 Mar 1719 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She and FRANí‡OIS CHALIFOUR were married 18 Nov 1737 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
ix. ALEXIS ISIDORE GAMACHE was born 03 Sep 1721 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. He and HELENE CHALIFOUR were married 29 Jul 1748 in Charlesbourg, Québec, New France.
x. MARIE MARTHE GAMACHE was born 09 Jul 1724 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She died 19 May 1744 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. She and JEAN BOUCHET were married 23 Apr 1724 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.

9. JEAN BAPTISTE GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 06 Jun 1682 in the Seigneury of Vincelotte, Québec, New France and baptized 24 Jun 1682 in the Seigneury of Vincelotte, Québec, New France (the baptism was recorded in the records of Cap St. Ignace). He died 30 Oct 1750 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and was buried 31 Oct 1750 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France . He married AGATHE RICHARD, daughter of PIERRE RICHARD and FRANí‡OISE MIVILLE, on 18 Jan 1712 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

i. JEAN GAMACHE was born 22 Nov 1712 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 25 Jan 1713 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

10. AUGUSTIN GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 26 Jan 1686 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and baptized 31 Jan 1686 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and (1) MARGUERITE MARIE GUYON-BUISSON-DION were married on 23 Nov 1711 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. He and (2) LOUISE CARON, daughter of PIERRE CARON and MARIE BERNIER, were married 28 Aug 1713 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

i. AUGUSTIN GAMACHE was born 06 Sep 1712 in L’Islet, Québec, New France. He died 07 Nov 1712 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.


i. NICOLAS GAMACHE was born 20 Aug 1714 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. He died 15 Nov 1714 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France.
ii. AUGUSTIN GAMACHE was born 20 Aug 1714 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. He die 15 Nov 1714 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France.
iii. MARIE LOUISE GAMACHE was born 08 AUg 1716 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. She and LOUIS LEMIEUX were married 22 NOv 1734 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

11. vi. ELISABETH ISABELLE GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born before 1688 in Québec, New France. She died 01 Feb 1750 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and was buried 02 Feb 1750 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and PIERRE RICHARD, son of PIERRE RICHARD and FRANí‡OISE MIVILLE were married on 07 Jan 1709 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

i. PIERRE RICHARD was born 05 Nov 1709 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 20 Aug 1733 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
ii. ELISABETH RICHARD was born 30 Mar 1711 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
iii. JEAN BAPTISTE RICHARD was born 25 Mar 1712 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 25 Nov 1755 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. He and MARIE ANGELIQUE BOUCHER, were married 30 Jun 1739 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France.
iv. ELISABETH RICHARD was born 11 Nov 1713 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 08 Jun 1733 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
v. MARIE GENEVIÈVE RICHARD was born 23 Feb 1715 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 29 Nov 1774 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and PHILIPPE FORTIN-BELLEFONTAINE were married 21 Feb 1746 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vi. MARIE LUCE RICHARD was born before 1717 in Québec, New France. She and PIERRE MIVILLE-DESCHENES were married 16 Feb 1744 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vii. MARIE MARGUERITE URSULE RICHARD was born 22 Feb 1719 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 16 Jun 1767 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and PIERRE FORTIN-BELLEFONTAINE were married 21 Feb 1746 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
viii. JOSEPH RICHARD was born 25 Dec 1720 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE ROSE GOSSELIN were married 29 May 1747 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
ix. RICHARD LAMBERT RICHARD was born 19 Sep 1722 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and FRANí‡OISE HUDON-BEAULIEU were married 30 Jun 1749 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France.
x. MARIE MARTHE RICHARD was born 28 Oct 1724 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and JOSEPH SOUCY-LAVIGNE were married 14 Jun 1751 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
xi. MARIE CLAIRE RICHARD was born 07 Apr 1727 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and JOSEPH BLONDEAU were married 28 Jul 1750 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

12. vii. ANNE GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 25 Oct 1690 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and baptized 25 Oct 1690 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 15 Oct 1748 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and JEAN BAPTISTE RICHARD, son of PIERRE RICHARD and FRANí‡OISE MIVILLE, were married on 16 Jan 1713 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

i. JEAN BAPTISTE RICHARD was born 09 Aug 1714 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 13 Jan 1734 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France
ii. AUGUSTIN RICHARD was born 25 Jan 1716 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE REINE CLOUTIER were married 19 Nov 1742 in L’Islet, Québec, New France.
iii. FRANí‡OIS IGNACE RICHARD was born 25 Jan 1719 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 26 Jun 1776 in La Pocatií¨re, Québec, New France. He and MARIE GENEVIÈVE SALOMEE GOSSELIN were married 24 Jan 1752 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
iv. MARIE ANNE RICHARD was born 22 Mar 1721 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and FRANí‡OIS THIBAULT were married 14 Feb 1748 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
v. ANDRE RICHARD was born 07 Sep 1722 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE ELISABTH FOURNIER were married 07 Feb 1757 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vi. LAZARE RICHARD was born 07 Sep 1722 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE MARTHE GUIGNARD were married 25 Oct 1751 in Berthier En Bas, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vii. LOUIS RAPHAEL RICHARD was born 26 Feb 1724 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE LOUISE FOURNIER were married 22 Feb 1751 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
viii. GENEVIÈVE RICHARD was born 05 Sep 1725 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 26 Dec 1725 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
ix. PIERRE RICHARD was born 22 Jan 1727 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He died 10 Nov 1730 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
x. MARIE URSULE RICHARD was born 23 Apr 1729 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and JEAN FRANí‡OIS MORIN-VALCOURT were married 20 Jan 1755 in St. Franí§ois de la Rivií¨re du Sud, Québec, New France.

13. GENEVIÈVE GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 05 Oct 1692 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and baptized 07 Oct 1692 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She was buried 20 Mar 1736 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. She and (1) JOSEPH HUDON BEAULIEU, son of PIERRE HUDON-BEAULIEU and MARIE GOBEIL were married on 28 Jul 1711 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet, Québec, New France. He was born 21 Apr 1685 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France and died 11 Dec 1711 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. She and (2) JEAN BAPTISTE GAGNON-BELLES-ISLES were married on 05 Sep 1713 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet, Québec, New France.

i. JEAN GAGNON-BELZILE was born 29 Jul 1714 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France and died 22 Aug 1714 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France.
ii. MARIE DOROTHEE GAGNON-BELZILE was born 02 Aug 1716 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. She died 06 Jan 1775 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. She and FRANí‡OIS SIMON were married 17 Feb 1744 in Notre Dame de Liesse de la Rivií¨re Ouelle, .
iii. ANTOINE GAGNON-BELZILE was born 11 MAy 1718 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. He and MARIE MADELEINE EMOND were married 01 May 1752 in Notre Dame de Liesse de la Rivií¨re Ouelle, .
iv. JOSEPH GAGNON-BELZILE was born 03 Nov 1720 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. He and MARIE MADELEINE OUELLET were married 01 Feb 1751 in Notre Dame de Liesse de la Rivií¨re Ouelle, .
v. GENEVIÈVE GAGNON-BELZILE was born 19 Nov 1722 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. She died 25 Dec 1722 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France.
vi. MARIE GENEVIÈVE GAGNON-BELZILE was born before 1724 in Québec, New France. She and JOSEPH GUERET-DUMONT were married 29 Apr 1748 in Notre Dame de Liesse de la Rivií¨re Ouelle, .
vii. MARIE JOSEPHE GAGNON-BELZILE was born 14 Jul 1726 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. She and JOSEPH AUTIN were married 14 Jan 1754 in Notre Dame de Liesse de la Rivií¨re Ouelle, .
viii. PIERRE GAGNON-BELZILE was born before 1728 in Québec, New France. He and MARIE ANGELIQUE MOREL-DELADURANTAYE were married 19 Oct 1751 in St. Louis de la Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Québec, New France.
ix. JEAN BAPTISTE MARIE GAGNON-BELZILE was born 18 Nov 1731 in Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France. He and MARIE ANGELIQUE LEBEL were married 26 Feb 1759 in Notre Dame de Liesse de la Rivií¨re Ouelle, Rivií¨re Ouelle, Québec, New France.

14. MARIE GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 27 Oct 1694 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France and baptized 28 Oct 1694 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She died 01 Dec 1759 in Cap St. Ignace, New France. She married LOUIS GUYON-BUISSON-DION on 03 Feb 1722 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de l’Islet, L’Islet, Québec, New France.

i. MARIE ANNE ANNETTE GUYON-BUISSON-DION was born 08 Nov 1722 in L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France. She died 19 Dec 1776 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Québec. She and LOUIS ETIENNE GAGNE-BELAVANCE were married 24 Nov 1751 in Notre Dame de Bonsecours de L’Islet, L’Islet-sur-Mer, Québec, New France.
ii. LOUIS GUYON-BUISSON-DION was born 24 Feb 1724 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE GENEVIÈVE RICHARD were married 20 Nov 1747 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
iii. MARIE ELISABETH GUYON-BUISSON-DION was born 04 Jul 1726 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and JACQUES THIBAULT were married 18 Apr 1746 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
iv. JOSEPH JOACHIM GUYON-BUISSON-DION was born 05 Sep 1728 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE MARGUERITE FOURNIER were married 22 Nov 1751 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
v. ANTOINE GUYON-BUISSON-DION was born 17 Sep 1731 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. He and MARIE CHARLOTTE CHARLES BERNIER were married 19 Jan 1757 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vi. SIMON GUYON-BUISSON-DION was born 14 Oct 1733 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.
vii. MARIE GENEVIÈVE GUYON-BUISSON-DION was born 10 May 1737 in Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France. She and PIERRE GRAVEL-BRINDELIERE were married 27 Nov 1758 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

15. PIERRE GAMACHE (NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 13 Jan 1698 and baptized 14 Jan 1698 in Cap. St. Ignace, New France. He married MARIE GENEVIÈVE BELANGER 11 Aug 1734 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, New France.

i. MARIE GENEVIÈVE GAMACHE was born 07 Jun 1735 and baptized 08 Jun 1735 in Cap St. Ignace, New France.
ii. MARIE ROSE GAMACHE was born 13 Mar 1737 and baptized 14 Mar 1737 in Cap St. Ignace, New France. She married Jean Baptiste Fournier, son of Ambroise Fournier and Genevií¨ve Guillet, on 03 Nov 1763 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Province of Québec.
iii. PIERRE GAMACHE was born 09 Feb 1739 and baptized 10 Feb 1739 in Cap St. Ignace, New France. He married Marie Catherine Gagné, daughter of Etienne Gagné, on 27 Jul 1774 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Province of Québec.
iv. PASCHAL GAMACHE was born and baptized 13 Apr 1740 in Cap St. Ignace, New France. He died and was buried on 17 Aug 1741 in Cap St. Ignace, New France.
v. LAZARE GAMACHE was born 07 Jan 1744 and baptized 08 Jan 1744 in Cap St. Ignace, New France. He married Marguerite Boulé, daughter of Paul Boulé and Claire Miville on 25 Nov 1776 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Province of Québec.
vi. MARGUERITE URSULE GAMACHE was born and baptized 31 Jan 1746 in Cap St. Ignace, New France.
16. vii. AUBIN GAMACHE was born 01 Mar 1748 and baptized 02 Mar 1748 in Cap St. Ignace, New France. He died 21 Nov 1838 and was buried 23 Nov 1838 in St. Cyprien de Lery (Napierville), Province of Lower Canada.
viii. MARIE ANNE GAMACHE was born 27 Dec 1749 and baptized 28 Dec 1749 in Cap St. Ignace, New France.
ix. Jí‰Rí”ME GAMACHE was born 24 Oct 1753 and baptized 30 Oct 1753 in Cap St. Ignace, Canada East, United Province of Canada. He married Veronique Simard, daughter of Etienne Simard and Barbe Dufour 04 Nov 1777 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Province of Québec.
x . AUGUSTIN GEORGE GAMACHE was born 07 Jul 1757 and baptized 08 Jul 1757 in Cap St. Ignace, New France.

Generation No. 4

16. AUBIN GAMACHE (PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 01 Mar 1748 and baptized 02 Mar 1748 in Cap St. Ignace, New France. He died 21 Nov 1838 and was buried 23 Nov 1838 in St. Cyprien de Lery (Napierville), Province of Lower Canada .  He married MARIE Tí‰RÈSE SYLVESTRE on 13 Feb 1775 in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec, daughter of Eustache Sylvestre and Marie Genevií¨ve Roussin.

i. MARIE GENEVIÈVE GAMACHE was baptized 04 Oct 1777 in Cap St. Ignace, Lower Canada. She married 1798 in L’Acadie, Province of Quebec.
17. ii. AUBIN GAMACHE was born 28 Jan 1779 and baptized 31 Jan 1779 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec. He died 23 Dec 1856 in Napierville, Missisquoi Co., Canada East, Province of Canada, and was buried 26 Dec 1856 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Missisquoi Co., Canada East, Province of Canada. He and ANGELIQUE GIRARD, daughter of JEROME GIRARD and MARIE MAGDELENE BOUCHARD, were married 28 Oct 1811 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada. She died 13 May 1824 in Napierville, Missisquoi Co., Province of Lower Canada, and was buried 15 May 1824in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, Missisquoi Co., Province of Lower Canada.
iii. NICOLAS GAMACHE was baptized 13 Dec 1780 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec.
iv. MARGUERITE SOLANGE GAMACHE was born 22 Oct 1782 and baptized 23 Oct 1782 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec.
v. MARIE MAGDELEINE GAMACHE was born and baptized 21 Dec 1783 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec.
vi. MARIE THí‰RÈSE GAMACHE was born 25 Mar 1785 and baptized 26 Mar 1785 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec.
vii. LOUIS GAMACHE was born and baptized 01 Jan 1787 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec. He died 31 Jul 1788 and was buried 01 Aug 1788 in the cemetery at Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec.
18 . viii . ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE, born 31 Oct 1788 and baptized 01 Nov 1788 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec.
ix. MARIE PELAGIE GAMACHE was born 01 Jul 1792 and baptized 02 Jul 1792 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Lower Canada.

Generation No. 5

17 .  AUBIN GAMACHE (AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 28 Jan 1779 and baptized 31 Jan 1779 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec. He died 23 Dec 1856 in Napierville, Missisquoi Co., Canada East, Province of Canada, and was buried 26 Dec 1856 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Missisquoi Co., Canada East, Province of Canada. He and ANGELIQUE GIRARD, daughter of JEROME GIRARD and MARIE MAGDELENE BOUCHARD, were married 28 Oct 1811 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada. She died 13 May 1824 in Napierville, Missisquoi Co., Province of Lower Canada, and was buried 15 May 1824 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, Missisquoi Co., Province of Lower Canada.


i. AUBIN GAMACHE was born 23 Aug 1812 in L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada, and baptized 23 Aug 1812 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, L’Acadie, Provice of Lower Canada.
ii . MARIE ANGERIQUE GAMACHE was born 16 Aug 1814 in L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada, and baptized 16 Aug 1814 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, L’Acadie, Provice of Lower Canada.
iii . CHRISTOPHE GAMACHE was born 07 Dec 1819 in L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada, and baptized 08 Dec 1819 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, L’Acadie, Provice of Lower Canada.
iv . MARIE HENRIETTE GAMACHE was born 26 May 1822 in L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada, and baptized 27 May 1822 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, L’Acadie, Provice of Lower Canada.

18 .  ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE (AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 31 Oct 1788 in Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec .  He married MARGUERITE LEBLANC 15 Jun 1812 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada, daughter of PIERRE LEBLANC and MARGUERITE TRAHANT. She was born 14 Sep 1789 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Province of Quebec.


i. MARIE MARGUERITE GAMACHE, born 16 Apr 1813, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada . 
19 . ii . FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE, born 21 Nov 1814, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada.
iii. AUBIN GAMACHE, born 20 Mar 1816, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada. He and FLORENCE MAILLOUX, the daughter of AMANT LANDRY MAILLOUX and CATHERINE REMIARD, were married 30 May 1837 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec.
iv. PIERRE GAMACHE, born 04 Mar 1818, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada.
20 . v . MARIE GAMACHE, born 08 Sep 1820, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada; died 1898.
vi. DOMITILLE GAMACHE was born 23 Apr 1824 in Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec, and was baptized 24 Apr 1824 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec.
vii. CATHERINE GAMACHE was born 30 Sep 1825 in Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec, and was baptized 30 Sep 1825 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec.
21. viii. LAURENT GAMACHE was born 14 Sep 1827 in Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec, and was baptized 15 Sep 1827 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec. He died1885.

Generation No. 6

19 .  FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE (ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 21 Nov 1814 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Province of Lower Canada .  He married (1) OSITHE MARTIN 26 Sep 1837 in St. Cyprien /Napierville, Province of Lower Canada, daughter of NICOLAS MARTIN and MARIE GIROUX .  She was born 30 Sep 1818 in L’Acadie, St. Jean Co., Province of Lower Canada, and died Bet. 1847 – 1852 .  He married (2) MARGUERITE DUTEAU 07 Sep 1852 in St. Cyprien /Napierville, Canada East, daughter of JEAN DUTEAU and ANASTASIA MAILLOUX.


22 . i . OSITHE GAMACHE, born 22 May 1838, L’Acadie, St. Jean Co., Province of Lower Canada; d. 19 May 1889, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
 ii . MARIE GAMACHE, born 25 Dec 1839, Napierville, Napierville Co., province of Lower Canada; died 22 May 1843, Napierville, Canada East.
 iii . MARIE Cí‰LINE GAMACHE, born 15 Aug 1841, Napierville, Napierville Co., Canada East.
 iv . FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE, born 24 May 1843, Napierville, Napierville Co., Canada East.
 v . DAVID GAMACHE, born 29 Mar 1845, Napierville, Napierville Co., Canada East.
 vi . MARIE DOMITILLE GAMACHE, born 07 Jun 1846, Napierville, Napierville Co., Canada East; died 10 Jun 1846, Napierville, Canada East.
 vii . ADELINE GAMACHE, born 21 May 1847, Napierville, Napierville Co., Canada East.


viii . FRANí‡OIS Cí‰ADE GAMACHE was born 12 May 1854 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada and was baptized 13 May 1854 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.
ix. DOMITILLE GAMACHE was born 13 Nov 1858 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada, and was baptized 14 Nov 1858 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.
x. MARIE JOSEPHINE GAMACHE was born 18 Aug 1860 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada, and was baptized 19 Aug 1860 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.
xi. LOUIS NAPOLí‰ON GAMACHE was born 28 Jan 1862 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada, and was baptized 29 Jan 1862 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.
xii. MARIE EMMA GAMACHE was born 28 Jan 1864 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada, and was baptized 28 Jan 1864 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.
xiii. ZOTIQUE NARCISSE GAMACHE was born 23 Aug 1869 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada, and was baptized 24 Aug 1869 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.

20 .  MARIE GAMACHE (ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 1829, and died 1898 .  She married PIERRE DANDURAND .  He was born 1828, and died 1899.


 i . ANRELINE DANDURAND was born in 1852 and died in 1876. She married ELZEAR DAVIGNON. He was born 1859 and died 1890.
 ii . STEPHANIE DANDURAND was born 1863 and died 1877.
 iii . AUTHENIE DANDURAND was born 1864 and died 1865.

21 .  LAURENT GAMACHE (ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 14 Sep 1827 in Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec, and was baptized 15 Sep 1827 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Lower Canada, Province of Québec. He died1885. He and SOPHIE BISSONET, the daughter of PIERRE BISSONET and ROSE BOUDREAULT were married 16 Oct 1850 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.

Children of LAURENT GAMACHE are:

i. MARIE GAMACHE was born 13 Dec 1851 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada and baptized 14 Dec 1851 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.
23. ii. JOSEPH L. GAMACHE was born 1853, and died 1927.
iii. FRANí‡OIS XAVIER GAMACHE was born 09 Apr 1859 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada and baptized 12 Apr 1859 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.
iv. Lí‰ON GAMACHE was born 28 Jun 1860 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada and baptized 28 Jun 1860 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.
v. MARIE JULIE GAMACHE was born 24 Sep 1862 in Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada and baptized 25 Sep 1862 in St. Cyprien, Napierville, Canada East, Province of Canada.

Generation No. 7

22 .  OSITHE GAMACHE (FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 22 May 1838 in L’Acadie, St. Jean Co., Province of Lower Canada, and died 19 May 1889 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York .  She married CHARLES Gí‰Dí‰ON PATENAUDE 24 Oct 1862 in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Les Jardins-de-Napierville, Canada East, United Province of Canada, son of FRANí‡OIS PATENAUDE and MARGUERITE COGNAC-DIT-LEVEILLE .  He was born 10 Jun 1840 in St. Valentin, Province of Lower Canada, and died 30 Mar 1940 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.


24 . i . MARIE Fí‰BRONIE PATENAUDE, born 19 Mar 1863, St. Valentin, Canada East, United Province of Canada.
ii . HORMISDAS PATENAUDE, born 14 May 1864, St. Valentin, Canada East, United Province of Canada, United Province of Canada; died 18 Dec 1881, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.
25 . iii . MARIE LEA PATENAUDE, born 31 Dec 1865, St. Valentin, Canada East, United Province of Canada, United Province of Canada; d. 11 Jul 1926, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
iv . MARIE EDWIDGE PATENAUDE, born 17 Oct 1867, Barford, Québec, Canada; m. GEORGE PHANEUF-CHABOT, 11 Dec 1887, St. Joseph Church /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
26 . v . MARIE Zí‰NAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, born 12 Jun 1870, Coaticook, Québec, Canada; d. 21 May 1959, Central Ave. Convalesent Home /Albany, Albany Co., New York.
27 . vi . JOSEPH CHARLES Gí‰Dí‰ON PATENAUDE, born 02 Mar 1872, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.
vii . HENRIETTE PATENAUDE, born 11 Mar 1874, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada; m. HENRY ROBITAILLE.
viii . PIERRE FRANí‡OIS PATENAUDE, born 02 Feb 1876, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.
ix . JOSEPH FRANí‡OIS ADELARD PATENAUDE, born 03 Jun 1879, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada; died 09 Apr 1880, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.
x . ANONYME PATENAUDE, born 09 Mar 1881, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada; died 09 Mar 1881, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.


Child of JOSEPH L. GAMACE was:

28. i. FRANCIS J. GAMACHE was born 1874 and died 1956.

Generation No. 8

24 .  MARIE Fí‰BRONIE PATENAUDE (OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 19 Mar 1863 in St. Valentin, Canada East, United Province of Canada .  She married JOSEPH HORMISDAS NORMANDIN 09 Oct 1882 in Saint-Valentin, Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada, son of JOSEPH NORMANDIN and URSULE BANLIER .  He was born Abt. 1860 in New York.


 i. JOSEPH HENRI NORMANDIN, born 14 Jun 1883, St. Valentin, Québec, Canada.
 ii . EDWIDGE NORMANDIN, b. 1884, Lower Canada.
 iii . LEA NORMANDIN, b. 07 Oct 1885, New York.
 iv . GUILLIAME NORMANDIN, b. 06 Mar 1887, New York.
 v . RAOUL NORMANDIN, b. 17 Jun 1890, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
 vi . RUDOLPH NORMANDIN, b. Abt. 1892.
 vii . EARL NORMANDIN, b. 28 Mar 1894.
 viii . BERTHA NORMANDIN, b. 1896.
 ix . LEOPOLD NORMANDIN, b. 1899.
 x . OMER NORMANDIN, b. 13 Sep 1901.
 xi . CHESTER J. NORMANDIN, b. 1904; d. Aft. 1930.
 xii . ARMAND J. NORMANDIN, b. 26 Jul 1905, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

25 .  MARIE LEA PATENAUDE (OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 31 Dec 1865 in St. Valentin, Lower Canada, and died 11 Jul 1926 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York .  She married (1) THOMAS ARSHAMBAULT .  He was born 04 Jul 1859 in Churchill, Canada, and died 25 Jun 1960 .  She married (2) HENRI F. ARCHAMBAULT 05 Apr 1893 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, son of JOSEPH ARCHAMBAULT .  He was born Feb 1865 in New York.


29 . v . ALLISON ARSHAMBAULT, b. 14 Apr 1912, Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York; d. 25 Dec 1949, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.


30 . vi . LEO ARCHAMBAULT, b. Jun 1894, New York.
vii . VALMORE F. ARCHAMBAULT, b. 04 Mar 1897, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. Jul 1984, Maine; m. FLORENCE UNKNOWN, Abt. 1927; b. Abt. 1898, New York.
viii . LUCILLA ARCHAMBAULT, b. Abt. 1900, New York.
31 . ix . JEANNETTE I. ARCHAMBAULT, b. 12 Mar 1903, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 26 Dec 1938, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

26 .  MARIE Zí‰NAíDE ZITE PATENAUDE (OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 12 Jun 1870 in Coaticook, Québec, Canada, and died 21 May 1959 in Central Ave. Convalesent Home /Albany, Albany Co., New York .  She married PAUL EDWARD CHARRON, SR. 24 Oct 1900 in St. Joseph’s Church /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, son of JOSEPH CHARRON and ADELINE GALIFEAU .  He was born 26 Sep 1874 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 26 Jan 1943 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.


32 . i . ARTHUR ANTHONY CHARRON, b. 25 Sep 1901, 125 Columbia Street /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 23 Jan 1978, Hudson, Columbia Co., New York.
33 . ii . CECELIA ANTONETTE CHARRON, b. 11 Nov 1902, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 07 Sep 1946, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
34 . iii . ALICE HARRIET EUGENIA CHARRON, b. 01 Oct 1904, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 25 Sep 1992, St. Peter’s Hospice /Albany, Albany Co., New York.
35 . iv . PAUL EDWARD CHARRON, JR., b. 04 Dec 1908, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 31 Dec 1991, Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York.
36 . v . GEORGE VALMORE CHARRON, b. 16 Apr 1911, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 11 Jan 1971, Burlington, Franklin Co., Vermont.

27 .  JOSEPH CHARLES Gí‰Dí‰ON PATENAUDE (OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 02 Mar 1872 in Coaticook, Quebec, Canada .  He married DIANA MARIE PENELOPE CARPENTER, daughter of JOSEPH CARPENTER and ODILE UNKNOWN .  She was born Jan 1875 in Blackstone, Massachusetts.


37. i . FRANCIS X. PATENAUDE I, b. 15 Dec 1909; d. Aug 1985.



38. i. ALBERT RAYMOND GAMACHE was born 1908, and died 1972.

Generation No. 9

29 .  ALLISON ARSHAMBAULT (MARIE LEA PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 14 Apr 1912 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York, and died 25 Dec 1949 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York .  She married TENNA DEAY 30 Dec 1935 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York .  He was born 26 Dec 1911 in Paris, France, and died 25 Dec 1949 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.


 i . THOMAS DEAY, b. 31 Dec 1940, Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York; d. 30 Dec 1997, Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York.

30 .  LEO ARCHAMBAULT (MARIE LEA PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born Jun 1894 in New York .  He married JEANETTE UNKNOWN Abt. 1913 .  She was born Abt. 1895 in Quebec, Canada.


 i . PAUL ARCHAMBAULT, b. 23 Dec 1913, Quebec, Canada; d. Mar 1953, New York.

31 .  JEANNETTE I. ARCHAMBAULT (MARIE LEA PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 12 Mar 1903 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 26 Dec 1938 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

32 .  ARTHUR ANTHONY CHARRON (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 25 Sep 1901 in 125 Columbia Street /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 23 Jan 1978 in Hudson, Columbia Co., New York .  He married GOLDIE DUNTZ 25 Sep 1940 in Churchtown, Columbia Co., New York, daughter of BERTHA DUNTZ .  She was born 18 Feb 1905 in Hudson, Columbia Co., New York, and died 04 Mar 2003 in New York.


 i . ARTHUR PAUL CHARRON, b. 18 Aug 1941, Hudson, Columbia Co., New York; d. 25 Jan 2004, New York.

33 .  CECELIA ANTONETTE CHARRON (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 11 Nov 1902 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 07 Sep 1946 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York .  She married WILLIAM THOMAS NORMILE 18 May 1934 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, son of THOMAS WILLIAM NORMILE .  He was born 1898 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 23 Jun 1955 in Waterford, Saratoga Co., New York.


i . THOMAS NORMILE, b. 28 Feb 1935, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 25 Sep 1998, Watervliet, Albany Co., New York.

34 .  ALICE HARRIET EUGENIA CHARRON (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 01 Oct 1904 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 25 Sep 1992 in St. Peter’s Hospice /Albany, Albany Co., New York .  She married JOHN JOSEPH DANKO 27 Jun 1935 in Ste. Marie’s Church /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, son of MICHAEL DANKO and MARIANNA DZIURZYNSKA .  He was born 02 May 1905 in Nienadowa, Powiat Przemyski, Galicia, Austria-Poland, and died 30 Dec 1962 in Albany, Albany Co., New York.

35 .  PAUL EDWARD CHARRON, JR. (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 04 Dec 1908 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 31 Dec 1991 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York .  He married ANNETTE GIRARD 24 Sep 1938 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, daughter of PETER GIRARD and MALVINA SHEPARD .  She was born 19 Apr 1912 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 28 Apr 1984 in Cohoes Memorial Hospital /Latham, Albany Co., New York.

36 .  GEORGE VALMORE CHARRON (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 16 Apr 1911 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 11 Jan 1971 in Burlington, Franklin Co., Vermont .  He married ALICE KAY FINNIE in Jonesville, Saratoga Co., New York .  She was born 01 Feb 1909 in Rennselaer Co., New York, and died 01 Apr 1997 in Decatur, Dekalb Co., Georgia.

 ii . LINDA LEE CHARRON, b. 14 Jan 1946, Province of New Brunswick, Canada; d. 20 Aug 1954, Decatur, Dekalb Co., Georgia; Adopted child.

Child of GEORGE CHARRON and his second wife is:

 iii . SUSAN MARY CHARRON, b. 23 Nov 1950; d. 07 May 2002, Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co., Ohio.

37 .  FRANCIS X. PATENAUDE I (JOSEPH CHARLES Gí‰Dí‰ON, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN, PIERRE, NICOLAS, NICOLAS) was born 15 Dec 1909, and died Aug 1985 .  He married VERONICA ANGUS 1935, daughter of JOHN ANGUS and ROZALIA UNKNOWN .  She was born 1910.



i. ARLINE MARGARET GAMACHE was born 1928, and died 2000.

Copyright © 2008 Stephen J. Danko

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The Descendants of Aubin Gamache

After posting many of the records of the Patenaude and Gamache families, it’s time to assemble the information I’ve discovered. The following genealogy does not include living individuals.

Descendants of Aubin Gamache

Generation No. 1

1 .  AUBIN GAMACHE was born 01 Mar 1748 in Cap St. Ignace, Lower Canada, son of PIERRE GAMACHE and GENEVIÈVE BELANGER .  He married MARIE Tí‰RÈSE SYLVESTRE.


2 . i . ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE, born 31 Oct 1788 in Cap St. Ignace, Lower Canada.

Generation No. 2

2 .  ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE (AUBIN) was born 31 Oct 1788 in Cap St. Ignace, Lower Canada .  He married MARGUERITE LEBLANC 15 Jun 1812 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Lower Canada, daughter of PIERRE LEBLANC and MARGUERITE TRAHANT. She was born 14 Sep 1789 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Lower Canada.


i. MARIE MARGUERITE GAMACHE, born 16 Apr 1813, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Lower Canada . 
3 . ii . FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE, born 21 Nov 1814, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Lower Canada.
iii. AUBIN GAMACHE, born 20 Mar 1816, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Lower Canada.
iv. PIERRE GAMACHE, born 04 Mar 1818, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Lower Canada.
4 . v . MARIE GAMACHE, born 08 Sep 1820, Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Lower Canada; died 1898.

Generation No. 3

3 .  FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE (ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 21 Nov 1814 in Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie /L’Acadie, Lower Canada .  He married (1) OSITHE MARTIN 26 Sep 1837 in St. Cyprien /Napierville, Lower Canada, daughter of NICOLAS MARTIN and MARIE GIROUX .  She was born 30 Sep 1818 in L’Acadie, St. Jean Co., Lower Canada, and died Bet. 1847 – 1852 .  He married (2) MARGUERITE DUTEAU 07 Sep 1852 in St. Cyprien /Napierville, Lower Canada, daughter of JEAN DUTEAU and ANASTASIA MAILLOUX.

5 . i . OSITHE GAMACHE, born 22 May 1838, L’Acadie, St. Jean Co., Lower Canada; d. 19 May 1889, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
 ii . MARIE GAMACHE, born 25 Dec 1839, Napierville, Napierville Co., Lower Canada; died 22 May 1843, Napierville, Lower Canada.
 iii . MARIE Cí‰LINE GAMACHE, born 15 Aug 1841, Napierville, Napierville Co., Lower Canada.
 iv . FRANí‡OIS GAMACHE, born 24 May 1843, Napierville, Napierville Co., Lower Canada.
 v . DAVID GAMACHE, born 29 Mar 1845, Napierville, Napierville Co., Lower Canada.
 vi . MARIE DOMITILLE GAMACHE, born 07 Jun 1846, Napierville, Napierville Co., Lower Canada; died 10 Jun 1846, Napierville, Lower Canada.
 vii . ADELINE GAMACHE, born 21 May 1847, Napierville, Napierville Co., Lower Canada.

 viii . FRANí‡OIS Cí‰ADE GAMACHE, born 12 May 1854, St. Cyprien /Napierville, Lower Canada.
 ix . JOSEPH GAMACHE, born 14 Sep 1855, St. Cyprien /Napierville, Lower Canada.

4 .  MARIE GAMACHE (ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 1829, and died 1898 .  She married PIERRE DANDURAND .  He was born 1828, and died 1899.

 i . ANRELINE DANDURAND, b. 1852; d. 1876; m. ELZEAR DAVIGNON; b. 1859; d. 1890.
 ii . STEPHANIE DANDURAND, b. 1863; d. 1877.
 iii . AUTHENIE DANDURAND, b. 1864; d. 1865.

Generation No. 4

5 .  OSITHE GAMACHE (FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 22 May 1838 in L’Acadie, St. Jean Co., Lower Canada, and died 19 May 1889 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York .  She married CHARLES Gí‰Dí‰ON PATENAUDE 24 Oct 1862 in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Les Jardins-de-Napierville, Québec, Canada, son of FRANí‡OIS PATENAUDE and MARGUERITE COGNAC-DIT-LEVEILLE .  He was born 10 Jun 1840 in St. Valentin, Lower Canada, and died 30 Mar 1940 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

6 . i . MARIE Fí‰BRONIE PATENAUDE, born 19 Mar 1863, St. Valentin, Lower Canada.
 ii . HORMISDAS PATENAUDE, born 14 May 1864, St. Valentin, Lower Canada; died 18 Dec 1881, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.
7 . iii . MARIE LEA PATENAUDE, born 31 Dec 1865, St. Valentin, Lower Canada; d. 11 Jul 1926, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
 iv . MARIE EDWIDGE PATENAUDE, born 17 Oct 1867, Barford, Québec, Canada; m. GEORGE PHANEUF-CHABOT, 11 Dec 1887, St. Joseph Church /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
8 . v . MARIE Zí‰NAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, born 12 Jun 1870, Coaticook, Québec, Canada; d. 21 May 1959, Central Ave. Convalesent Home /Albany, Albany Co., New York.
9 . vi . JOSEPH CHARLES Gí‰Dí‰ON PATENAUDE, born 02 Mar 1872, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.
 vii . HENRIETTE PATENAUDE, born 11 Mar 1874, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada; m. HENRY ROBITAILLE.
 viii . PIERRE FRANí‡OIS PATENAUDE, born 02 Feb 1876, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.
 ix . JOSEPH FRANí‡OIS ADELARD PATENAUDE, born 03 Jun 1879, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada; died 09 Apr 1880, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.
 x . ANONYME PATENAUDE, born 09 Mar 1881, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada; died 09 Mar 1881, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada.

Generation No. 5

6 .  MARIE Fí‰BRONIE PATENAUDE (OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 19 Mar 1863 in St. Valentin, Lower Canada .  She married JOSEPH HORMISDAS NORMANDIN 09 Oct 1882 in Saint-Valentin, Le Haut-Richelieu, QC, Canada, son of JOSEPH NORMANDIN and URSULE BANLIER .  He was born Abt. 1860 in New York.

 i. JOSEPH HENRI NORMANDIN, born 14 Jun 1883, St. Valentin, Québec, Canada.
 ii . EDWIDGE NORMANDIN, b. 1884, Lower Canada.
 iii . LEA NORMANDIN, b. 07 Oct 1885, New York.
 iv . GUILLIAME NORMANDIN, b. 06 Mar 1887, New York.
 v . RAOUL NORMANDIN, b. 17 Jun 1890, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
 vi . RUDOLPH NORMANDIN, b. Abt. 1892.
 vii . EARL NORMANDIN, b. 28 Mar 1894.
 viii . BERTHA NORMANDIN, b. 1896.
 ix . LEOPOLD NORMANDIN, b. 1899.
 x . OMER NORMANDIN, b. 13 Sep 1901.
 xi . CHESTER J. NORMANDIN, b. 1904; d. Aft. 1930.
 xii . ARMAND J. NORMANDIN, b. 26 Jul 1905, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

7 .  MARIE LEA PATENAUDE (OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 31 Dec 1865 in St. Valentin, Lower Canada, and died 11 Jul 1926 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York .  She married (1) THOMAS ARSHAMBAULT .  He was born 04 Jul 1859 in Churchill, Canada, and died 25 Jun 1960 .  She married (2) HENRI F. ARCHAMBAULT 05 Apr 1893 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, son of JOSEPH ARCHAMBAULT .  He was born Feb 1865 in New York.

10 . v . ALLISON ARSHAMBAULT, b. 14 Apr 1912, Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York; d. 25 Dec 1949, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

11 . vi . LEO ARCHAMBAULT, b. Jun 1894, New York.
 vii . VALMORE F. ARCHAMBAULT, b. 04 Mar 1897, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. Jul 1984, Maine; m. FLORENCE UNKNOWN, Abt. 1927; b. Abt. 1898, New York.
 viii . LUCILLA ARCHAMBAULT, b. Abt. 1900, New York.
12 . ix . JEANNETTE I. ARCHAMBAULT, b. 12 Mar 1903, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 26 Dec 1938, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

8 .  MARIE Zí‰NAíDE ZITE PATENAUDE (OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 12 Jun 1870 in Coaticook, Québec, Canada, and died 21 May 1959 in Central Ave. Convalesent Home /Albany, Albany Co., New York .  She married PAUL EDWARD CHARRON, SR. 24 Oct 1900 in St. Joseph’s Church /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, son of JOSEPH CHARRON and ADELINE GALIFEAU .  He was born 26 Sep 1874 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 26 Jan 1943 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

13 . i . ARTHUR ANTHONY CHARRON, b. 25 Sep 1901, 125 Columbia Street /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 23 Jan 1978, Hudson, Columbia Co., New York.
14 . ii . CECELIA ANTONETTE CHARRON, b. 11 Nov 1902, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 07 Sep 1946, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.
15 . iii . ALICE HARRIET EUGENIA CHARRON, b. 01 Oct 1904, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 25 Sep 1992, St. Peter’s Hospice /Albany, Albany Co., New York.
16 . iv . PAUL EDWARD CHARRON, JR., b. 04 Dec 1908, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 31 Dec 1991, Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York.
17 . v . GEORGE VALMORE CHARRON, b. 16 Apr 1911, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 11 Jan 1971, Burlington, Franklin Co., Vermont.

9 .  JOSEPH CHARLES Gí‰Dí‰ON PATENAUDE (OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 02 Mar 1872 in Coaticook, Quebec, Canada .  He married DIANA MARIE PENELOPE CARPENTER, daughter of JOSEPH CARPENTER and ODILE UNKNOWN .  She was born Jan 1875 in Blackstone, Massachusetts.

18 . i . FRANCIS X. PATENAUDE I, b. 15 Dec 1909; d. Aug 1985.

Generation No. 6

10 .  ALLISON ARSHAMBAULT (MARIE LEA PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 14 Apr 1912 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York, and died 25 Dec 1949 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York .  She married TENNA DEAY 30 Dec 1935 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York .  He was born 26 Dec 1911 in Paris, France, and died 25 Dec 1949 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

 i . THOMAS DEAY, b. 31 Dec 1940, Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York; d. 30 Dec 1997, Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York.

11 .  LEO ARCHAMBAULT (MARIE LEA PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born Jun 1894 in New York .  He married JEANETTE UNKNOWN Abt. 1913 .  She was born Abt. 1895 in Quebec, Canada.

 i . PAUL ARCHAMBAULT, b. 23 Dec 1913, Quebec, Canada; d. Mar 1953, New York.

12 .  JEANNETTE I. ARCHAMBAULT (MARIE LEA PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 12 Mar 1903 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 26 Dec 1938 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York.

13 .  ARTHUR ANTHONY CHARRON (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 25 Sep 1901 in 125 Columbia Street /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 23 Jan 1978 in Hudson, Columbia Co., New York .  He married GOLDIE DUNTZ 25 Sep 1940 in Churchtown, Columbia Co., New York, daughter of BERTHA DUNTZ .  She was born 18 Feb 1905 in Hudson, Columbia Co., New York, and died 04 Mar 2003 in New York.

 i . ARTHUR PAUL CHARRON, b. 18 Aug 1941, Hudson, Columbia Co., New York; d. 25 Jan 2004, New York.

14 .  CECELIA ANTONETTE CHARRON (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 11 Nov 1902 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 07 Sep 1946 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York .  She married WILLIAM THOMAS NORMILE 18 May 1934 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, son of THOMAS WILLIAM NORMILE .  He was born 1898 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 23 Jun 1955 in Waterford, Saratoga Co., New York.

20 . i . THOMAS NORMILE, b. 28 Feb 1935, Cohoes, Albany Co., New York; d. 25 Sep 1998, Watervliet, Albany Co., New York.

15 .  ALICE HARRIET EUGENIA CHARRON (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 01 Oct 1904 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 25 Sep 1992 in St. Peter’s Hospice /Albany, Albany Co., New York .  She married JOHN JOSEPH DANKO 27 Jun 1935 in Ste. Marie’s Church /Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, son of MICHAEL DANKO and MARIANNA DZIURZYNSKA .  He was born 02 May 1905 in Nienadowa, Powiat Przemyski, Galicia, Austria-Poland, and died 30 Dec 1962 in Albany, Albany Co., New York.

16 .  PAUL EDWARD CHARRON, JR. (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 04 Dec 1908 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 31 Dec 1991 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., New York .  He married ANNETTE GIRARD 24 Sep 1938 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, daughter of PETER GIRARD and MALVINA SHEPARD .  She was born 19 Apr 1912 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 28 Apr 1984 in Cohoes Memorial Hospital /Latham, Albany Co., New York.

17 .  GEORGE VALMORE CHARRON (MARIE ZENAIDE ZITE PATENAUDE, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 16 Apr 1911 in Cohoes, Albany Co., New York, and died 11 Jan 1971 in Burlington, Franklin Co., Vermont .  He married ALICE KAY FINNIE in Jonesville, Saratoga Co., New York .  She was born 01 Feb 1909 in Rennselaer Co., New York, and died 01 Apr 1997 in Decatur, Dekalb Co., Georgia.
 ii . LINDA LEE CHARRON, b. 14 Jan 1946, Province of New Brunswick, Canada; d. 20 Aug 1954, Decatur, Dekalb Co., Georgia; Adopted child.

Child of GEORGE CHARRON and his second wife is:
 iii . SUSAN MARY CHARRON, b. 23 Nov 1950; d. 07 May 2002, Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co., Ohio.

18 .  FRANCIS X. PATENAUDE I (JOSEPH CHARLES Gí‰Dí‰ON, OSITHE GAMACHE, FRANí‡OIS, ABRAHAM FRANí‡OIS, AUBIN) was born 15 Dec 1909, and died Aug 1985 .  He married VERONICA ANGUS 1935, daughter of JOHN ANGUS and ROZALIA UNKNOWN .  She was born 1910.

Copyright © 2007 Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Charron, Daily Journal, Gamache, Patenaude | 2 Comments