Camellias at Filoli

While at the Filoli estate last week, I took pictures of more than just the daffodils. The camellias were also in bloom.

Camellia japonica 'Flame'

Camellia japonica 'Flame'

SOURCE: Camillia japonica “Flame’ (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 26 Feb 2008.

Camellia japonica 'Choyo No Nishiki'

Camellia japonica 'Choyo No Nishiki'

SOURCE: Camellia japonica ‘Choyo-No-Nishiki’ (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 26 Feb 2008.

Camellia x williamsii 'Hiraethlyn'

Camellia x williamsii 'Hiraethlyn'

SOURCE: Camellia x williamsii ‘Hiraethlyn’ (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 26 Feb 2008.

Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection'

Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection'

SOURCE: Camellia japonica ‘Pink Perfection’ (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 26 Feb 2008.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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My Technology Toolbox

A decade ago, most genealogists could not have imagined how far genealogical technology would advance in ten years. New hardware, software, and websites have allowed genealogists to research their family histories more efficiently than ever before.

Jasia of Creative Gene has challenged genealogy bloggers to describe the technological tools that they find indispensible. Here are mine.


Last year, I received an iPod shuffle as a birthday present. I was thrilled to have an iPod, especially because I had been thinking about buying one for quite some time. I immediately exchanged the iPod shuffle for an 80 GB video iPod. My friends laughed at me, insisting that I would never need 80 GB of storage. Nine months later, I’ve stored over 22 GB of files on my iPod, including many of my music CDs.

Even I did not anticipate that I would soon become dependent on podcasts. I regularly download the Genealogy Guys Podcast, Dear Myrtle’s Family History Hour, the Genealogy Gems Podcast, and the Irish Roots Cafe Podcast. I also download the Classic Tales Podcast, the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast, Thistlepod, and This American Life. In addition to all this, I found that I could download lectures from the 2006 FGS Conference in Boston through and have easy and inexpensive access to genealogical training whenever I wish.

I found that, with a simple accessory, I could listen to the content on my iPod through my car stereo, enabling me to listen to my iPod while commuting. Even better, Susan Kitchens showed me an accessory that converts my iPod to a digital voice recorder, allowing me to use my iPod for recording oral family histories.

I use my iPod almost every day.


Over the years, I’ve struggled with ways to store, edit, and organize digital images. I tried many different applications, none of which really satisfied me. A friend suggested Adobe Photoshop, but I balked at the price, whereupon he suggested Adobe Photoshop Elements, a much less expensive alternative that includes most of the most commonly used tools. I was hooked, so much so that I later purchased Adobe Photoshop CS2 and, more recently, Adobe Photoshop CS3.

I am still amazed at all I can do with Photoshop CS3, and I can perform many tasks with greater ease than I could with any of the software packages I initially tried.

Now, I straighten, edit, and crop all my photos and document images in Photoshop CS3. At some point, I should publish some before and after images to show the incredible results I’m able to obtain. I’ve been able to restore old, faded, and damaged photos, and I’ve been able to enhance digital images of documents and thereby convert an unreadable document to one that I can decipher quite well (although some insist that reading these documents would best be achieved by attending a seminar in translating unreadable handwriting).

The only problem with Photoshop CS3 is that I barely know how to use the software.


My difficulties with Photoshop CS3 were solved, to a large degree, through online software training offered by This website provides audio-video instruction in a large number of software applications including Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, Word, WordPerfect, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, FileMaker Pro, Blogger, Picasa, Search Engines, Garage Band, and many more.

A subscription to is $25 per month (less if an annual subscription is purchased, more if training files are included), and allows for unlimited access to an unlimited number of training files for the duration of the subscription. I’m currently working through the Acrobat and Photoshop training, and plan to continue with a few of the others once I’m finished with the first two titles. It may be a while before I’m finished with Photoshop CS3 training, though. There are over 135 hours of Photoshop CS3 training videos available.

The training videos at are professionally produced, entertaining, informative, and easily accessed (you do need the latest version of QuickTime installed on your computer but, fortunately, QuickTime is a free download).

So, these are my top three technology tools. I use all three on almost a daily basis. No wonder I never seem to have any free time!

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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San Francisco Bay Area Genealogy Calendar – March 2008

  • Saturday, March 1, 2008 – 7:30 AM-4:40 PM
    New Genealogy Seminar
    Jay L. Verkler – The New Family Search, The Use of DNA in Genealogy
    Plus 35 half-hour presentations in 5 tracks
    Menlo Park Family History Center, 1105 Valparaiso Ave, Menlo Park
    Sponsored by the Menlo Park Family History Center
  • Saturday, March 1, 2008 – 9:00 AM
    Beginners’ Breakfast
    Star Restaurant, 1700 Novato Boulevard, Novato
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, March 1, 2008 – 11:00 AM-1:30 PM
    Intro to Genealogy
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Sunday, March 2, 2008 – Noon-2:00 PM
    One-on-One Help Session
    Jewish Community Library, 1835 Ellis Street, San Francisco
    Sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, March 6, 2008 – 7:30 PM
    Dick Finn – Family Tree Maker Group
    Vineyard Adult Education Facility, 1401 Almond Avenue, Livermore
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Friday, March 7, 2008 - 3:00-4:30 PM
    RootsMagic Beginner’s Group
    SMCGS Library, 125 Lessingia Court, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, March 8, 2008 – 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
    City Directory Library Open
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, March 8, 2008 – 1:30-3:00 PM
    CGS Members’ Meeting
    Marge Bell – Amazing New Offerings at the Family History Library
    Jane Lindsey – Online Subscriptions at CGS
    Oakland Regional Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave., Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Monday, March 10, 2008 - 5:00 PM
    Intermediate RootsMagic Group
    SMCGS Library, 125 Lessingia Court, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2008 – 9:30 AM-3:00 PM
    Book Repair Group
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2008 – 7:30-9:00 PM
    Hildi Kang – Tradition and Tradition Breakers: One Korean Family Lineage, 720 A.D.-1955
    Congregation Beth Emek, 3400 Nevada Court, Pleasanton
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, March 13, 2008 – 7:00 PM
    Membership Meeting
    LDS Church, Concord Blvd., Concord
    Sponsored by the Contra Costa County Genealogical Society
  • Friday, March 14, 2008 – 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon
    Rose Mary Kennedy – Census Records Research
    NARA-Pacific Region, 1000 Commodore Drive, San Bruno
    To register, call Rose Mary Kennedy at 650-238-3488 or email
    Sponsored by NARA-Pacific Region
  • Friday, March 14, 2008 – 7:30 PM
    Board Meeting
    Marin Family History Center, 220 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, March 15, 2008 – 9:00 AM-Noon
    Kay Speaks – Tri Valley TMG Users’ Group
    7077 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 110, Pleasanton
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, March 15, 2008 – 10:30 AM
    SMCGS Meeting and Program
    Gayle Simons – How Genealogy Can Save Your Life
    Silicon Valley Community Foundation, 1700 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Sunday, March 16, 2008 – 1:00 PM
    Neil Risch, PhD – Jewish Genetic Diseases
    Jewish Community High School, 1835 Ellis Street, San Francisco
    Sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, March 18, 2008 – 10:00 AM
    Marge Bell – The Expanding Internet Resources at LDS
    Oakland Regional Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave., Oakland
    Sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, March 18, 2008 – 11:00 AM-12:00 Noon
    CGS Publications Committee Meeting
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, March 18, 2008 – 7:00 PM
    Mary Hanel – The Latest Resources for Genealogists at the Central Park Library and from the Library Homepage
    Santa Clara City Central Park Library, 2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara
    Sponsored by the Santa Clara County Historical & Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, March 19, 2008 – 1:00-2:30 PM
    CGS Board Meeting
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, March 20, 2008 – 12:30-1:30 PM
    CGS Library Committee Meeting
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, March 20, 2008 – 1:00-3:00 PM
    Computer Interest Group – New Genealogy Websites
    Marin Community Foundation, Hanger 5, 2nd Floor Suite 200, Hamilton Field, Novato
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Friday, March 21, 2008 – 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
    City Directory Library Open
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 7:30 PM
    Cath Madden Trindle, CG – “Unclutter” Organizing your Digital and Hard Copy Genealogy
    Marin Family History Center, 220 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, March 27, 2008 – 7:30 PM
    Kay Speaks – Study Group
    LDS Church, 950 Mocho Street, Livermore
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, March 29, 2008 - 9:00 AM-3:30 PM
    SMCGS Spring Seminar 2008Your Immigrant Ancestors: By Land and Sea
    Keynote Speaker: Stephen P. Morse
    Other Speakers: Steve Danko, John Gleed, Chris Green, and James Smith
    First Presbyterian Church, 194 West 25th Avenue, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Monday, March 31, 2008 – 7:00 PM
    SMCGS Board Meeting
    SMCGS Library, 125 Lessingia Court, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko
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The Birth and Baptism of Ignace Gamache – 1683

On 20 Aug 1683, Ignace Gamache, son of Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Gamache, was born. He was baptized in the Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France on the same day.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Ignace Gamache - 1683

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Ignace Gamache – 1683

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France, 1683. Birth and Baptismal Record of Ignace Gamache, Back of Folio 4, Bat.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Ignace Gamache – 1683. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Ignace Gamache 1683

On the twentieth day of the month of August in the year one thousand six hundred eighty three was baptized in Cap St. Ignace by me, Morel, missionary priest of the Seminary of Québec, serving in the functions of pastor of this same place and others. Ignace, son of Nicolas Gamache and of Ursule Cloutier, his wife, born on this same day and year. The Godfather by solicitor was Philipe Bernier, son of Jacques Bernier, acting for Mister Thomas Morel, missionary priest of the Seminary of Québec. The Godmother was Charlotte Cloutier, aunt of this infant, who have declared that they are not able to sign as required by law.
                                  also signed Thomas Morel, priest

This record can be found as image 6/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap St. Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on the back of folio 4.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Daffodil Season at Filoli

It’s daffodil season at Filoli, an estate located 30 miles south of San Francisco.

Filoli was built for William Bowers Bourn II and his wife, Agnes Moody Bourn, who lived there from 1917 until 1936. The estate  was built from the profits of the Empire Mine, a gold mine near Grass Valley, California. The estate is now owned by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Daffodils (properly called Narcissus) are among my favorite flowers, and so I took the opportunity to photograph the daffodils at Filoli during lunch on Tuesday.

Daffodils at the Filoli Entrance

Daffodils at the Filoli Entrance

SOURCE: Daffodils at the Filoli Entrance (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 26 Feb 2008.

Narcissus Along Walk at Filoli

Daffodils along Path at Filoli

SOURCE: Daffodils along Path at Filoli (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 26 Feb 2008.

Large Corolla Narcissus at Filoli

Large Corolla Daffodils at Filoli

SOURCE: Large Corolla Daffodils at Filoli (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 26 Feb 2008.

Daffodil Meadow at Filoli

The Daffodil Meadow at Filoli

SOURCE: The Daffodil Meadow at Filoli (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 26 Feb 2008.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Augustin Gamache – 1686

On 26 Jan 1686, Augustin Gamache, son of Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Gamache, was born. He was baptized in the Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France on 31 Jan 1686.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Augustin Gamache - 1686

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Augustin Gamache – 1686

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France, 1686. Birth and Baptismal Record of Augustin Gamache, Front of Folio 7, Bat.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Augustin Gamache – 1686. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Augustin Gamache

On the thirty first of the month of January in the year one thousand six hundred eighty six was baptized in the parish of St. Ignace by me, Morel, missionary priest of the seminary of Québec and first canon of the cathedral church of the said Québec, responsible for the functions of the parish priest in the said place and others. Augustin, son of Nicolas Gamache, residing in the said place, and of Ursule Cloutier, his wife, born on the twenty sixth of the same month and year. The Godfather was Louis Lemieux, the Godmother was Franí§oise Minuille, wife of Pierre Richard, who have declared that they are not able to sign as required by law.
                                     Thomas Morel, missionary priest and first canon of [Québec]

This record can be found as image 8/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap St. Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on the front of folio 7.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Anne Gamache – 1690

On 25 Oct 1690, Anne Gamache, daughter of Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Gamache, was born. She was baptized in the Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France on the same day.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Anne Gamache - 1690

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Anne Gamache – 1690

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France, 1690. Birth and Baptismal Record of Anne Gamache, Front of Folio 10, Bat.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Anne Gamache – 1690. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Anne Gamache

On the twenty fifth day of the month of October in the year one thousand six hundred ninety, by me the undersigned priest, was baptized Anne Gamache born on this same day, daughter of Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier, his wife. The Godfather was Guillaume LeMieux and the Godmother was í‰lisabeth Langlois. The Godfather has signed, but the others declared that they are unable to sign according to law.

Guillaume LeMieux

                                 [signed] J. Pinguet, p[riest] missionary

This record can be found as image 11/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap St. Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on the front of folio 10.

Since this record is from the civil copy of the parish register, the actual signature of the Godfather does not appear on this copy.

UPDATE 08 Mar 2008: Gilles, The Nomadic Researcher pointed out that this record does, in fact, show the actual signature of the Godfather. I guess it must have been very late when I wrote this article. This image was from the original parish records. The copy (without the Godfather’s signature) can be found as image 6/36 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap St. Ignace 1688-1695. The record appears on the front of folio 3. Thanks once again for your help, Gilles!

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Genevií¨ve Gamache – 1962

On 15 Oct 1692, Genevií¨ve Gamache, daughter of Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Gamache, was born. She was baptized in the Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France on 17 Oct 1692.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of GeneviíƒÂ¨ve Gamache - 1692

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Genevií¨ve Gamache – 1692

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France, 1692. Birth and Baptismal Record of Genevií¨ve Gamache, Front of Folio 12, Bat.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Genevií¨ve Gamache – 1692. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Genevií¨ve Gamache

In the year one thousand six hundred ninety two, on the seventh of the month of October, was baptized by me the undersigned priest, Genevií¨ve, born on the fifth of October, daughter of Nicolas Gamache and Ursule Cloutier his wife. The Godfather was Jean Fournier; the Godmother was Genevií¨ve Caron, who have signed.

Jean Fournier
Genevií¨ve Caron

                                     [signed] Francheville, priest

This record can be found as image 13/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap St. Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on the front of folio 12.

One unusual aspect of this baptism is that the child was baptized TWO days after birth. In New France, infants were generally baptized on the day of their births or on the very day after.

Since this record is from the civil copy of the parish register, the actual signatures do not appear on this copy.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Marie Gamache – 1694

On 27 Oct 1694, Marie Gamache, daughter of Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Gamache, was born. She was baptized in the Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France on 28 Oct 1694.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Gamache - 1694

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Gamache – 1694

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France, 1698. Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Gamache, Back of Folio 14, Bat.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Gamache – 1694. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Marie Gamache

In the year one thousand six hundred ninety four, on the twenty eighth of the month of October, by me, the undersigned priest carrying out the functions of the pastor of the parish of St. Ignace, have baptized Marie, born on the previous day, daughter of Mister Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier, his wife. The Godfather was Jean Gagnier, the Godmother was Marie Charlotte of the three houses who have declared that they are not able to sign as required by law.
                                     [signed] Francheville, priest

This record can be found as image 16/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap St. Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on the back of folio 16.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Pierre Gamache – 1698

On 13 Jan 1698, Pierre Gamache, son of Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Gamache, was born. He was baptized in the Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France on 14 Jan 1698.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Pierre Gamache - 1698

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Pierre Gamache – 1698

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France, 1698. Birth and Baptismal Record of Pierre Gamache, Front and Back of Folio 7, Bap.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Pierre Gamache – 1698. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Pierre Gamache

In the year [on thousand six hundred] ninety eight on the fourteenth of January, Pierre was baptized, born on the preceding day, son of Mister Nicolas Gamache and í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier, his wife
The Godfather and Godmother were Pierre Richar[d] and Louise Cloutier, wife of Eustache Fortin, who have declared that they are not able to sign as required by law.
                                     [signed] Francheville, priest

This record can be found as image 7/27 and image 8/27 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap St. Ignace 1697-1706. The record appears on the front and back of folio 7.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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