Finding the Village of Trelkowo, Poland (Gross Schöndamerau, Germany)

Józef Niedziałkowski, the brother of my grandfather Kostanty Niedziałkowski, was married twice. Both times, he married a woman from the village of Trelkowo. He first married Józefa Kolarowira on 28 Jan 1928 in Trelkowo and, after her death, he married Anastasia Cheschowska on 12 Jul 1934 in Trelkowo.

For some time, I was unable to locate the village of Trelkowo, since I assumed the village was located in Poland. As it turns out, Trelkowo was located in East Prussia, Germany and was officially known as Gross Schöndamerau.

The Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) provides some information about this village.

Slownik Geograficzny Entry for Trelkowo

Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Trelkowo

Source:  Chlebowski, Bronisław, Filip Sulimierski, and Władysław Walewski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich [Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries] (Warsaw, 1892), Volume XII, page 459.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Trelkowo. Translated from the Polish, the entry reads:

Trelkowo and Trelkówko, called Gross Schöndamerau and Klein Schöndamerau in German, a village in Szczecin Powiat. There is a post office in Ortelsburg. Zygfried Walot, [komtur elbąski?], granted to the brothers Stanisław and Maciej in Pasłęk in the year 1391 64 włóki [1 włóka = 16.8 hectares] in Trelkowo for the foundation of a village, 4 włóki allocated for a church and 4 for the sołtys [chair of the village council] .  In the year 1602, almost all who lived here were Poles.

The location is shown on the map below. Gross Schöndamerau is highlighted in a box near the top of the map and the area where Józef Niedziałkowski and his ancestors were born is highlighted in the box near the bottom of the map.

Map of Gross Schondamerau

Map of the Area around Gross Schöndamerau, East Prussia, Germany

SOURCE:  Bartholomew, J. G, “Baltic States & East Prussia,” The Times Atlas. (London: The Times, 1922); digital images, David Rumsey Map Collection ( : accessed 05 August 2008).

Click on the map to enlarge the image. The red line on the map is the border between Poland and East Prussia, Germany. After World War II, Gross Schöndamerau was incorporated into the territory of Poland and officially became known by its Polish name of Trelkowo.

Written for the Carnival of Eastern European Genealogy.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Niedziałkowski | Tagged , | 3 Comments

The Birth and Baptism of Rozalia Niedziałkowska – 1849

The third record I found in the microfilms at my local Family History Center Saturday was birth and baptismal record of Rozalia Niedziałkowska, another daughter of my third great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska. Rozalia was born on 24 Jun 1849 in Godacze, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized on 25 Jun 1849 in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Niedzialkowska - 1849

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Niedziałkowska – 1849

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzin, małżeństw, zgonów. Daty końcowe 1849 [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów],” page 15, entry 60, Marianna Niedziałkowska, 25 Jun 1849; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 9.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Par. Krasne, pow. ciechanów 1849, urodzen, małżenstw, zejscia. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 9. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Niedziałkowska. The record reads:


Godacze. It happened in the village of Krasne on the thirteenth / twenty-fifth day of June, one thousand eight-hundred forty-nine at the hour of three in the afternoon. Antoni Niedziałkowski presented himself, a farmer residing in the village of Godacze, forty years of age, in the presence of Ignace Wilkowski forty years of age, and Ferdynand Szuszczyński twenty-four years of age, both farmers residing in the village of Godacze, and he showed us a child of the female sex, born in the village of Godacze yesterday at the hour of eight in the evening by his wife Karolina née Milewska forty years of age. At Holy Baptism performed this day, this child was given the name Rozalia, and her Godparents were Fortunat Łyczkowski and Wiktoria Łyczkowska. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses who are unable to write.
                          Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of the parish in Krasne

Two given names that appear in this document are names I haven’t seen before in Polish parish records: Ferdynand and Fortunat. Both of these names appear in the Big Book of Names – a listing of Polish given names – however, the frequency of these names is not provided.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Marianna Niedziałkowsa – 1848

Another record I found in the microfilms at my local Family History Center Saturday was the counterpoint to the one I showed yesterday – the death record of Marianna Niedziałkowska, daughter of my third great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska. Marianna died on 17 Aug 1848 in Godacze, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was buried on 18 Aug 1848 in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Death and Burial Record of Marianna Niedzialkowska - 1848

The Death and Burial Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska – 1848

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzin, małżeństw, zgonów. Daty końcowe 1848 [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów],” page 117, entry 23, Marianna Niedziałkowska, 17 Aug 1848; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 8.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Par. Krasne, pow. ciechanów 1848, urodzen, małżenstw, zejscia. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 8. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska. The record reads:


Godacze. It happened in the village of Krasne on the sixth / eighteenth day of August, one thousand eight-hundred forty-eight at the hour of six in the morning. Antoni Niedziałkowski presented himself, thirty-seven years of age, and Ignace Wilkowski forty years of age, both farmers residing in the village of Godacze, and stated that yesterday at the hour of twelve noon, Marianna Niedziałkowska, the daughter of the married couple Antoni and Karolina Niedziałkowski from Godacze, died at the age of one and one-half. After visual confirmation of the death of Niedziałkowska- This document was read aloud to the declarants, the first of the father to have died, and who are unable to write.
                          Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of the parish in Krasne

Tucked away in the last sentence is a phrase I’ve never seen before – a reference to the fact that Marianna was the first child of Antoni Niedziałkowski to have died.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Milewski, Niedziałkowski | Comments Off on The Death and Burial of Marianna Niedziałkowsa – 1848

The Birth and Baptism of Marianna Niedziałkowska – 1847

Among the records I found in the microfilms at my local Family History Center today was the birth record of Marianna Niedziałkowska, daughter of my third great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska. Marianna was born on 25 Apr 1847 in Godacze, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized on 27 Apr 1847 in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Niedzialkowska - 1847

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska – 1847

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzin, małżeństw, zgonów. Daty końcowe 1847 [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów],” page 5, entry 23, Marianna Niedziałkowska, 27 Apr 1847; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 7.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Par. Krasne, pow. ciechanów 1847, urodzen, małżenstw, zejscia. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 7. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska. The record reads:


Godacze. It happened in the village of Krasne on the fifteenth / twenty-seventh day of April, one thousand eight-hundred forty-seven at the hour of four in the afternoon. Antoni Niedziałkowski presented himself, owner of a part [of the village] residing in the village of Godacze, thirty-five years of age, in the presence of Piotr Mosakowski forty years of age, and Ignace Wilkowski forty years of age, both owners of a part [of the village] residing in the village of Godacze, and he showed us a child of the female sex, born in the village of Godacze on the day before yesterday at the hour of eight in the evening by his wife Karolina née Milewski thirty-one years of age. At Holy Baptism performed this day, this child was given the name Marianna, and her Godparents were Ferdynand Szuszczyński and Anna, his wife. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses who are unable to write.
                    Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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San Francisco Bay Area Genealogy Calendar – August 2008

  • Friday, August 1, 2008 – 3:00-4:30 PM
    RootsMagic Users Group for Beginners
    SMCGS Library, 125 Lessingia Court, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, August 2, 2008 – 9:00 AM
    Beginners’ Breakfast
    Star Restaurant, 1700 Novato Boulevard, Novato
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, August 2, 2008 – 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
    Paul Mayer – “Introduction to Genealogy”
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Monday, August 4, 2008 – 7:30 PM
    Jim Van Buskirk – “My Grandmother’s Suitcase”
    Congregation Beth Am, 26790 Arastradero Road, Los Altos Hills
    Sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, August 5, 2008 – 10:00 AM
    SRVGS Board of Directors Meeting
    Sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, August 7, 2008 – 1:00-4:00 PM
    Library Open to the Public
    Upstairs at the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum, 734 Marin Street, Vallejo
    Sponsored by the Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia
  • Thursday, August 7, 2008
    Field Trip to Sutro Library, San Francisco
    Contact Betty Heryford Cheshier 644-7584
    Sponsored by the Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia
  • Friday, August 8, 2008 – 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
    Rose Mary Kennedy – “Preserving Your History”
    NARA-Pacific Region, 1000 Commodore Drive, San Bruno
    To register, call Rose Mary Kennedy at 650-238-3488 or email
    Sponsored by NARA-Pacific Region
  • Friday, August 8, 2008 – 7:30 PM
    Marin County Genealogical Society Board Meeting
    Marin FHC, LDS Church, 220 North San Pedro Rd, San Rafael
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, August 9, 2008 – 8:30 AM-4:00 PM
    Susan Goss Johnston & Trevor Hammond – “American Military Research Seminar
    LDS Church, 950 Mocho Street, Livermore
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, August 9, 2008 – 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
    City Directory Library Open
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, August 9, 2008 – 10:30 AM-2:30 PM
    Workshop: “Hints on Publishing Your Family History”
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, August 12, 2008 – 9:30 AM-3:00 PM
    Bill O’Neil – Book Repair Group
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, August 12, 2008 – 7:30 PM
    Mel Stephenson – “Scandinavian Research”
    Congregation Beth Emek, 3400 Nevada Court, Pleasanton
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, August 13, 2008 – 3:00 PM
    New York Research Group
    SMCGS Library, 125 Lessingia Court, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, August 14, 2008 – 1:00-4:00 PM
    Library Open to the Public
    Upstairs at the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum, 734 Marin Street, Vallejo
    Sponsored by the Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia
  • Friday, August 15, 2008 – 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
    City Directory Library Open
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, August 16, 2008 – 9:00 AM-NOON
    Kay Speaks – “Tri-Valley TMG Users’ Group”
    7077 Koll Center Parkway Suite 110, Pleasanton
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, August 16, 2008 – 12:30-1:30 PM
    Library Committee Meeting
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, August 20, 2008 – 1:00-2:30 PM
    CGS Board Meeting
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, August 20, 2008 – 1:00-3:00 PM
    Daytime Workshop
    Clubhouse, Country Squire Mobilodge, 5720 Oak Hill Dr (corner of Esquire Drive and Manitoba Avenue), Sacramento
    Sponsored by the Sacramento Genealogical Society
  • Monday, August 25, 2008 – 5:00 PM
    RootsMagic Users Group for Intermediate Users
    SMCGS Library, 125 Lessingia Court, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, August 27, 2008 – 7:30 PM
    Pamela Dallas – “Extra, Extra! Your Ancestors Are in the Newspapers”
    Marin FHC, LDS Church, 220 North San Pedro Rd, San Rafael
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, August 28, 2008 – 7:30 PM
    Kay Speaks – “Study Group”
    LDS Church, 950 Mocho Street, Livermore
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Sunday, August 31, 2008 – 1:00 PM
    Panel Discussion – “Post Conference Review”
    JCC East Bay, 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley
    Sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Source Citations for Polish Parish Records

On Wednesday evening I spent a couple of hours at my local Family History Center to browse through the microfilmed parish records of Szwelice, Poland. I had been waiting about two months for these films to arrive and was happy to learn that they are now available.

The Family History Library catalog includes seven films with records from Szwelice, Poland. On Wednesday, I examined two of these films: FHL INTL Film 1958806 and FHL INTL Film 1958807.

I acquainted myself with the records included in these microfilms. Each film was divided into several Items, each Item being a single book of birth/baptism, marriage, or death records.

FHL INTL Film 1958806

  • Item 1: Births/Baptisms continued from FHL INTL Film 1958805 – October 1867-December 1869
  • Item 2: Birth/Baptisms from 1870-1879
  • Item 3: Births/Baptisms from 1880-1884
  • Item 4: Births/Baptisms from 1885-1889
  • Item 5: Marriages from 1826-1853
  • Item 6: Marriages from 1853-1881 (film ends in the middle of the records from 1880; it includes 1880 marriages #1-26)

FHL INTL Film 1958807

  • Item 1: Marriages 1853-1881 (film begins in the middle of the records from 1880; it includes 1880 marriages #25-28)
  • Item 2: Marriages 1882-1889
  • Item 3: Deaths 1826-1846
  • Item 4: Deaths 1847-1877
  • Item 5: Deaths 1878-1885
  • Item 6: Deaths 1886-1889
  • Item 7: Records from Święcieniec Parish
  • Item 8: Records from Święcieniec Parish

When examining these films, I recorded the exact name of the book microfilmed in each item so that I could include these names in my source citations.

Each book included a label on the front cover, describing its contents. These labels appear to have been added at some relatively recent time, since the labels on all the books are written in the same hand.

The books of births/baptisms were titled:

Księga Ochrzczonych
parafii Szwelice
Od #### do #### r

The books of marriages were titled:

Księga Małżenstw
parafii Szwelice
Od #### do #### r

The books of deaths were titled:

Księga Zaślubionych
parafii Szwelice
Od #### do #### r

To cite my sources, I want to use the guidelines described in Evidence Explained (Mills, Elizabeth Shown. 2007. Evidence explained: citing history sources from artifacts to cyberspace. Baltimore, Md: Genealogical Pub. Co.) . Although Mills does not provide examples for Polish church records, she does provide a format for German church records (section 7.40). Adapting Mills’ recommendations for German church records to Polish church records, the format for a source list entry should include:

Name of parish (location of parish). Polish-language label created by the filmer. Current location of original register. FHL microfilm number and item number. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The format for the first reference note should include:

Name of parish (location of parish), “Title of book in Polish [Title of book translated into English],” page on which the entry appears, name of individual to whom the entry refers, date of entry; filmed as FHL catalog title; FHL microfilm number and item number.

The format for subsequent reference notes should include:

Name of parish (location of parish), “Title of book in Polish,” page on which the entry appears, name of person to whom the entry refers.

I know the present name and location of the parish: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Szwelice, gm. Karniewo, pow. makowski, woj. mazowieckie, Republic of Poland). Although the name of the parish changed over the years, I assume I should use the present name and location of the parish in the source citations.

On Wednesday evening, I had recorded the title of the books in Polish and English . By referring to the Family History Library catalog, I learned that the microfilms were made from manuscripts in Warsaw and in the Archdiocesan Archives in Płock.

I still need the Polish-language label created by the filmer, something I’ll have to record on my next visit to the Family History Center. I’ll also need to record the page number and entry number for each record I plan to cite.

With the current trend of genealogy software manufacturers to accommodate source citations that comply with the guidelines in Evidence Explained, I’m looking forward to getting my citations in order!

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Hydrangeas in Bloom at Filoli

On Tuesday, I stopped by Filoli in Woodside, California to take some pictures of the hydrangeas in bloom.

Deep Blue Hydrangea

Deep Blue Hydrangea

SOURCE: Deep Blue Hydrangea (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 29 Jul 2008.

Pink Hydrangea

Pink Hydrangea

SOURCE: Pink Hydrangea (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 29 Jul 2008.

Light Blue Hydrangea

Light Blue Hydrangea

SOURCE: Light Blue Hydrangea (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 29 Jul 2008.

White Hydrangea

White Hydrangea

SOURCE: White Hydrangea (Woodside, San Mateo Co., California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 29 Jul 2008.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | Tagged | 6 Comments

The Marriage of Pierre Gagnon and Barbe Fortin – 1669

Between 12 Nov 1669 and 18 Nov 1669, Pierre Gagnon and Barbe Fortin were married in the parish of La Visitation de Notre Dame du Chí¢teau Richer, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France.

The Marriage Record of Pierre Gagnon and Barbe Fortin - 1699

The Marriage Record of Pierre Gagnon and Barbe Fortin – 1669

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada : Institut Généalogique Drouin. Notre Dame de la Visitation, Chí¢teau Richer, Canada, New France, 1669. Marriage Record of Pierre Gagnon and Barbe Fortin, page 32.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Pierre Gagnon and Barbe Fortin. The record reads:

M[arriage] 62
Pierre Gagnon and Barbe Fortin

In the year of O[ur] L[ord] J[esus] Ch[rist] one thousand six hundred sixty-nine, Mister deCaumont, missionary priest, published the bans and not finding any impediment married Pierre Gagnon and Barbe Fortin, living in Cap Tourmente, and in the presence of Jean Gagnon and í‰tienne Racine, Joseph Gravelle, and Jacques Gamache.
                        F. Fillon, Missionary Priest

This record can be found as image 477/727 in the Quebec Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Chí¢teau Richer (1661-1702). The record which seems to be a transcription made many years after the event, appears on page 32.

The number and letter that precede the names indicate that the event was a marriage, and that marriage was the 62nd in Chí¢teau Richer for the year 1699.

This record does not state the exact date of the marriage but, based on the dates of the preceding marriage and the subsequent marriage, one can deduce that this marriage occurred between 12 Nov 1669 and 19 Nov 1669.

Two priests are named in this record. Father DeCaumont performed the marriage and Father Fillon recorded the event in the register.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Fortin | 1 Comment

The Death and Burial of í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier – 1699

On 24 Oct 1699, í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier, wife of Nicolas Gamache, was buried in the Parish Church of St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.

The Death and Burial Record of Elisabeth Ursule Cloutier - 1699

The Death and Burial Record of í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier – 1699

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada : Institut Généalogique Drouin. St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France, 1699. Death and Burial Record of í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier, recto folio 21.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier. The record reads:

Bur[ial] í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier, wife of Mister Nicolas Gamache

In the year one thousand six hundred ninety-nine on the twenty-fourth day of October, was buried in the parish church of St. Ignace du Cap by me the undersigned parish priest of St. Thomas and missionary to St. Ignace du Cap, the body of the deceased í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier, wife of Mister Nicolas Gamache. She died on the previous day, a sudden death, she being about forty years of age. Assisting with her burial [were] her son Nicolas Gamache, Eustache Fortin, [and] Claude Guimont, who have not signed according to law.
Louis Mathieux, p[riest], mis[sionary]

This record can be found as image 22/948 in the Quebec Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap-St-Ignace (1679-1808). The record appears on recto folio 21 (the front of folio 21).

í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier appears to have been buried in the parish church, not in the cemetery of the church. This privilege was reserved for the most notable parishioners. As wife of Nicolas Gamache, who was Seigneur and benefactor of the parish, í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier fell into this category.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Nicolas Gamache – 1699

On 30 Oct 1699, Nicolas Gamache, husband of í‰lisabeth Ursule Cloutier, was buried in the Parish Church of St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France.

The Death and Burial Record of Nicolas Gamache - 1699

The Death and Burial Record of Nicolas Gamache – 1699

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada : Institut Généalogique Drouin. St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Canada, New France, 1699. Death and Burial Record of Nicolas Gamache recto folio 21.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Nicolas Gamache. The record reads:

Bur[ial] of Mister Nicolas Gamache, Seigneur of L’Islet

In the year one thousand six hundred ninety-nine on the thirtieth day of the month of October, was buried in the Parish Church of St. Ignace du Cap, the body of the deceased Mister Nicolas Gamache, Seigneur of L’Islet, benefactor of this parish, he being about sixty-three years of age. He died in the Communion of the Holy Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman Church, armed with all the Sacraments, after having given by entirely christian feelings to all who assist him to his death to beleive that God by his Pure Goodness made mercy on him. His son Nicolas Gamache, his nephew Eustache Fortin, Jacques Bernier, and Pierre Richard assisted in his burial, who, except for Eustache Fortin, have declared that they do not know how to sign as required by law.
Louis Mathieux, Eustache Fortin

This record can be found as image 22/948 in the Quebec Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on in the records for Cap-St-Ignace (1679-1808). The record appears on recto folio 21 (the front of folio 21).

Nicolas Gamache appears to have been buried in the parish church, not in the cemetery of the church. This privilege was reserved for the most notable parishioners. As Seigneur and benefactor of the parish, Nicolas Gamache fell into this category.

This record includes quite of bit of language that doesn’t occur in most death and burial records from Québec. One section in particular seems to contain a bit of flowery language that I cannot properly transcribe or translate.

UPDATE 03 Aug 2008: Many, many, many thanks to Gilles, The Nomadic Researcher, who consulted the religious copy of this record to clarify the section that was difficult to read and translate. The section in question reads (in French): aprí¨s avoir donné par des sentiments tout í  fait chrétiens Esperance í  touts ceux qui l’assistaient í  la mort de croire que dieu par sa Pure Bonté Luy aura fait miséricorde, which Gilles has translated as: after having given by entirely christian feelings to all who assist him to his death to beleive that God by his Pure Goodness made mercy on him.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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