The Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Milewska – 1863

The third and final record I found in the microfilms at my local Family History Center on Saturday was the birth record of Maryanna Milewska, daughter of Julian Milewski and my second great grand aunt Małgorzata Niedziałkowska. Maryanna was born on 16 May 1863 in Mosaki Stara Wieś, Powiat ciechanowski, Gubernia plockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized on 17 May 1863 in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Milewska - 1863

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Milewska – 1863

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów. 1863. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów. Records of births, marriages, and deaths. 1863.],” entry 46, Małgorzata Milewska, 17 May 1863; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,796, item 4.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzin małż zgonów. Vol. 37, 1863, Rzym-Kat Krasne, Pow. ciechanowski. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,796, item 4. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Milewska. The record reads:

Nr 46. Mosaki Stara Wieś

It happened in the church-owned village of Krasne on the seventeenth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred sixty-three at the hour of four in the afternoon Julian Milewski presented himself, owner of a part [of the village], twenty-two years of age, residing in Mosaki Stara Wieś, in the presence of Antoni Niedziałkowski fifty-four years of age and Piotr Młodzianowski forty-three years of age, both owners of a part [of the village], the first residing in Godacze and the second residing in Mosaki Stara Wieś, and he showed us a child of the female sex, stating that she was born in Mosaki Stara Wieś yesterday at the hour of eight in the evening of his wife Małgorzata Niedziałkowska twenty-four years of age, and at Holy Baptism performed this day by the Reverend Józef Pakowski, Vicar of the parish of Krasne, the child was given the name Maryanna, and the Godparents were Karol Grzyński from Slas Łarina and Karolina Niedziałkowska from Mosaki Godacze. This document was read to the declarants and witnesses and then signed below by Us. The declarants and witnesses do not know how to write.-
     Reverend Jdzi Godlewski, Pastor of the parish of Krasne, maintaining the civil register-

Maryanna Milewska was my first cousin, three times removed. Her mother, Małgorzata Niedziałkowska, was my second great grand aunt; and her grandparents, Antoni Niedzialkowski, and Karolina Milewska were my third great grandparents.

I had trouble with several names of people and places in this record, including the surnames Młodzianowski, Pakowski, and Grzyński.

I also had trouble with the first name of the priest who signed the record. The first letter is “J”. By comparing the penmanship in the preceding word, “Xiądz”, the next two letters appear to be “dz”. The last letter is “i”. Altogether this spells “Jdzi”. The name appears to be abbreviated, but I don’t know what the original name might be.

Finally, I could not positively identify the village in which the Godfather lived. It looks like Slas Łarina, but I can’t find a village with that name (or a similar name) either in the gazetteers or on the maps.

Perhaps, with time, these will become clear.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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