Polish Influences in my Family's Language

I grew up as the grandson of four Polish immigrants.

By the time I was born, my family was well integrated into American culture and language. My sisters and I were not taught to speak Polish, although we heard our relatives use Polish to speak to each other, especially when they were talking about something they didn’t want us to hear . Still, certain Polish traditions were faithfully celebrated and a few Polish words were integrated into our language as firmly as if they were English words.

Most Americans are familiar with the Polish words kiełbasa (sausage), and pierogi (dumplings). These Polish words are listed in many dictionaries of the English language, and were certainly part of my family’s vocabulary.

At family gatherings, other Polish words for food occasionally crept into conversations that were otherwise in English – ziemniaki (potatoes), kapusta (cabbage), bułki (rolls or buns), piwo (beer), and gołąbki (stuffed cabbages).

Still other Polish words and phrases entered my family’s vocabulary, and my family uses those words and phrases to the present day.

We use the Polish word dupa meaning one’s anatomical bottom, even though most four-letter English words are carefully avoided. I can still remember hearing my father or my sister call out to me when I dawdled or was slow getting ready for Mass: “Get your dupa over here!”. For my sisters and me, the word is an acceptable alternative to the English equivalent. My family uses the word with relatively wild abandon, although our Aunt Helen still blushes and giggles whenever she hears it.

My family uses the word pieniężny, the Polish word for money, especially when referring to being particular rich or poor (Oh, I wish I had more pieniężny! Boy, he’s just rolling in pieniężny!). When my family visited my Grandmother Danko, grandmother would give each of my sisters and me pieniężny – a clean, crisp dollar bill which, it turned out, she had recently washed, ironed and sequestered under her mattress just for such occasions. She just detested dirty pieniężny.

Speaking of Grandmother Danko: she always called me Staś, the Polish diminutive of the name Stanisław (Stanley). I don’t know if she thought my name really was Stanisław or if she just decided that my name should have been Stanisław, regardless of what my parents named me. My father and sisters still call me Staś, especially when they’re nostalgic or affectionate.

And when our visits with Grandmother Danko were over and we were leaving for the night, my sisters and I would wish grandmother “Dobranoc!” – “Good night!”.

Written for the 54th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy – The Family Language.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Eleonora Milewska – 1839

The second record I found at my local Family History Center yesterday was the birth record of Eleonora Milewska, daughter of Jakób Milewski and Eleonora Mórawska. Eleonora was born on 11 Mar 1839 in Mosaki Starawieś, Powiat ciechanowski, Gubernia plockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized on 12 Mar 1839 in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Eleonora Milewska - 1839

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Eleonora – 1839

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat ciechanowski, Gubernia płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów. 1839. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Ciechanów Powiat. Records of births, marriages, and deaths. 1839.],” entry 14, Eleonora Milewska, 12 Mar 1839; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793, item 9.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat ciechanowski, Gubernia płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzin małż zgonów. 1839, Rzym-Kat Krasne, Pow. ciechanowski. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793, item 9. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Eleonora Milewska. The record reads:


Mosaki Starawieś It happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-eighth day of February / twelfth day of March in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-nine at the hour of five in the afternoon. Jakób Milewski presented himself, owner of parts [of the village], fifty years of age, residing in the village of Mosaki Starawieś, in the presence of Adam Mossakowski thirty-seven years of age, as well as Piotr Bartołd forty years of age, both owners of parts [of the village], residing in Mosaki Starawieś, and he showed us a child of the female sex born in Mosaki Starawieś yesterday at the hour of eight in the evening of his wife Eleonora née Murawska thirty years of age. At Holy Baptism performed this day, this child was given the name Eleonora, and her Godparents were: the above-mentioned Adam Mossakowski and Józefa his wife. This document was read to the declarants and witnesses who do not know how to write.-
R[everend] Józef Bońkowski, pastor of Krasne

Eleonora Milewska is the older sister of Julian Milewski, the man who would later marry Małgorzata Niedziałkowska, my second great grand aunt.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Julian Milewski – 1842

I stopped by my local Family History Center this evening and found the birth record of Julian Milewski, son of Jakób Milewsi and Eleonora Mórawska. Julian was born on 08 Feb 1842 in Mosaki Stara Wieś, Okręg ciechanowski, Gubernia plockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized on 09 Feb 1842 in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Julian Milewski - 1842

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Julian Milewski – 1842

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Okręg ciechanowski, Gubernia płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów. 1842. Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Ciechanów District. Records of births, marriages, and deaths. 1842.],” entry 17, verso folio 3, Julian Milewski, 09 Feb 1842; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 2.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Okręg ciechanowski, Gubernia płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzin małż zgonów. 1842, Rzym-Kat Krasne, Pow. ciechanowski. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 2. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Julian Milewski. The record reads:

17. Mosaki.

It happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-eighth day of January / ninth day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-two at the hour of twelve noon. Jakób Milewski presented himself, owner of the noble parts [of the village], fifty-one years of age, residing in the village of Mosaki Stara Wieś, in the presence of Kazimierz Milewski thirty-seven years of age, and Józef Milewski, thirty two years of age, both owners of the noble parts [of the village], residing in Mosaki Stara Wieś, and he showed us a child of the male sex born in Mosaki Stara Wieś yesterday at the hour of four in the morning of his wife Eleonora née Mórawska forty years of age. At Holy Baptism performed this day, this child was given the name Julian, and his Godparents were Julian Szalla and Salomea his wife. This document was read to the declarants and witnesses, and signed below by Us, because the father and witnesses do not know how to write.-
     R[everend] Józef Bońkowski, pastor of Krasne

Julian Milewski would later marry Małgorzata Niedziałkowska, my second great grand aunt.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Milewski | 2 Comments

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Milewska – 1863

The third and final record I found in the microfilms at my local Family History Center on Saturday was the birth record of Maryanna Milewska, daughter of Julian Milewski and my second great grand aunt Małgorzata Niedziałkowska. Maryanna was born on 16 May 1863 in Mosaki Stara Wieś, Powiat ciechanowski, Gubernia plockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized on 17 May 1863 in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Milewska - 1863

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Milewska – 1863

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów. 1863. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów. Records of births, marriages, and deaths. 1863.],” entry 46, Małgorzata Milewska, 17 May 1863; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,796, item 4.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzin małż zgonów. Vol. 37, 1863, Rzym-Kat Krasne, Pow. ciechanowski. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,796, item 4. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Milewska. The record reads:

Nr 46. Mosaki Stara Wieś

It happened in the church-owned village of Krasne on the seventeenth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred sixty-three at the hour of four in the afternoon Julian Milewski presented himself, owner of a part [of the village], twenty-two years of age, residing in Mosaki Stara Wieś, in the presence of Antoni Niedziałkowski fifty-four years of age and Piotr Młodzianowski forty-three years of age, both owners of a part [of the village], the first residing in Godacze and the second residing in Mosaki Stara Wieś, and he showed us a child of the female sex, stating that she was born in Mosaki Stara Wieś yesterday at the hour of eight in the evening of his wife Małgorzata Niedziałkowska twenty-four years of age, and at Holy Baptism performed this day by the Reverend Józef Pakowski, Vicar of the parish of Krasne, the child was given the name Maryanna, and the Godparents were Karol Grzyński from Slas Łarina and Karolina Niedziałkowska from Mosaki Godacze. This document was read to the declarants and witnesses and then signed below by Us. The declarants and witnesses do not know how to write.-
     Reverend Jdzi Godlewski, Pastor of the parish of Krasne, maintaining the civil register-

Maryanna Milewska was my first cousin, three times removed. Her mother, Małgorzata Niedziałkowska, was my second great grand aunt; and her grandparents, Antoni Niedzialkowski, and Karolina Milewska were my third great grandparents.

I had trouble with several names of people and places in this record, including the surnames Młodzianowski, Pakowski, and Grzyński.

I also had trouble with the first name of the priest who signed the record. The first letter is “J”. By comparing the penmanship in the preceding word, “Xiądz”, the next two letters appear to be “dz”. The last letter is “i”. Altogether this spells “Jdzi”. The name appears to be abbreviated, but I don’t know what the original name might be.

Finally, I could not positively identify the village in which the Godfather lived. It looks like Slas Łarina, but I can’t find a village with that name (or a similar name) either in the gazetteers or on the maps.

Perhaps, with time, these will become clear.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage Record of Julian Milewski and Małgorzata Niedziałkowska – 1862

Among the records I found in the microfilms at my local Family History Center on Saturday was the marriage record of Julian Milewski and Małgorzata Niedziałkowska. Małgorzata Niedziałkowska was the daughter of my third great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska. The marriage took place in the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne on 18 Feb 1862.

The Marriage Record of Julian Milewski and Małgorzata Niedziałkowska -1862

The Marriage Record of Julian Milewski and Małgorzata Niedziałkowska -1862

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów. 1862. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów. Records of births, marriages, and deaths. 1862.],” front of folio 29, entry 3, Julian Milewski & Małgorzata Niedziałkowska, 18 Feb 1862; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,796, item 3.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzin małż zgonów. Vol. 36, 1862, Rzym-Kat Krasne, Pow. ciechanowski. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,796, item 3. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to view it in higher resolution. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Julian Milewski and Małgorzata Niedziałkowska. The record reads:

No 3. Mosaki Stara WieśÂ and Godacze

It happened in the church-owned village of Krasne on the eighteenth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred sixty-two, at the hour of three in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses Wojciech Niedziałkowski, thirty-five years of age, and Ferdynand Ruszczyński, thirty-eight years of age, owners of a part [of the village], the first residing in Mosaki Rukle, the second residing in Godacze, on this day a religious marriage was contracted between Julian Milewski, the bridegroom, residing with his family in Mosaki Stara Wieś,  having been born there of the deceased Jakób Milewski and his surviving wife Eleonora née Mosawska residing in Mosaki as a day laborer, twenty years of age; and Małgorzata Niedziałkowska, an unmarried woman, living in Godacze with her family, having been born there of Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina née Milewska his wife, owners of a part [of the village], settled in Godacze, twenty-one years of age. This wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns, on the twenty-sixth of January, the second and the ninth of February of the present year mainly in the parish of Krasne, as well as by the oral consent of the mother of the groom and the family of the newly married young woman. No impediment arose. The newlyweds stated that they had made no prenuptial agreement between them. This [marriage?] ceremony was performed by the Reverend Ludwik Zawalski, Vicar of the parish of Krasne. This document, after having been read to the declarants and witnesses who stated that they do not know how to write, was signed below by Us.
     Reverend Jan Godlewski, pastor of the parish of Krasne
     Maintaining the public register

Marriage records of the siblings of my ancestors, such as this one, provide me with the opportunity to trace these families forward in time and, possibly, connect with living relatives.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Teofil Niedziałkowski – 1852

Among the records I found in the microfilms at my local Family History Center on Saturday was the birth record of Teofil Niedziałkowski, son of my third great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska. Teofil was born on 26 Feb 1852 in Godacze, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized on 29 Feb 1852 in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Teofil Niedzialkowski - 1852

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Teofil Niedziałkowska – 1852

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów. 1852. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów. Records of births, marriages, and deaths. 1852.],” front of folio 5, entry 13, Teofil Niedziałkowski, 29 Feb 1852; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,795, item 1.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzin małż zgonów. Vol. 27, 1852, Rzym-Kat Krasne, Pow. ciechanowski. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,795, item 1. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Teofil Niedziałkowski. The record reads:


Godacze. It happened in the village of Krasne on the seventeenth / twenty-ninth day of February, one thousand eight-hundred fifty-two at the hour of four in the afternoon. Antoni Niedziałkowski presented himself, owner of a part [of the village], residing in the village of Godacze, forty years of age, in the presence of Ignacy Wilkowski, forty-two years of age owner of a part [of the village], residing in the village of Godacze, and Antoni Chetchowski, owner of a part [of the village], residing in Stara Wies, thirty-six years of age, and he showed us a child of the male sex, born in the village of Godacze on the fourteenth / twenty-sixth day of February of the current year at the hour of eleven before noon, by his wife Karolina née Milewska, forty-two years of age. At Holy Baptism performed this day, this child was given the name Teofil, and his Godparents were Maciej Szwejkowski and Józefa his wife. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses who are unable to write . Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Reverend Józef Bońkowski, pastor of the parish of Krasne

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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On the Glider

Trying to select my favorite photograph for the next Smile for the Camera Carnival was difficult, but while browsing through my photo albums, this photograph of my sister and me on one of the gliders in Washington Park just struck my fancy.

On the Glider in Washington Park, Albany, New York

On the Glider

SOURCE: On the Glider (Albany, Albany Co., New York). Photographed by either Francis J. Danko or Jane A. Danko in July 1957.

During my youth, my parents often took my sisters and me to Washington Park. I remember how I wanted to play on the gliders every time we visited the park.

I love the expressions on our faces in this photo. No wide smiles of delight (how delighted can you get on a glider?), but you can tell we’re enjoying ourselves. I have my eyes fixed on the photographer, while my sister has found something fascinating to her left, out of the camera’s view.

And take a look at my shoes. Now, I don’t know much about fashions for little boys in 1957, but I suspect I was wearing hand-me-downs from my older sister.

Written for the 4th Edition of Smile for the Camera.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Dańko | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Pentathlon at the Genea-Blogger Group Games

Genea-Bloggers Group Games Logo

The Summer 2008 Genea-Blogger Group Games begin today amid an atmosphere of frenzied excitement among the participants. Genea-Bloggers were invited to enter their choices from five events and undertake to complete the tasks associated with those events. Participants will record their progress on their blogs and will receive any medals earned at the Awards Ceremony on August 25.

I’m entering the Pentathlon:

  1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources!
  2. Back Up Your Data!
  3. Organize Your Research!
  4. Write, Write, Write!
  5. Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!

At first, I was hesitant to participate. One of my New Year’s Resolutions was No New Projects!. However, most of the tasks described are on my to-do list anyway, and while I may not achieve the highest level in each category, I expect to perform well in each.

My only regret about these games was to discover that the Pole Vault was cancelled. The Opening Ceremonies will be were held at AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors later today.

Steve Danko Flag

Steve Danko’s Participant Flag for the 2008 Summer Genea-Blogger Group Games

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko
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Military Map of the Region of Dubiecko and Nienadowa, Galicia – 1894

While at my local Family History Center this past week, I discovered that the center has maps of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. I found the map for the Dubiecko-Nienadowa region where my paternal ancestors lived.

Military Map of the Dubiecko -  Nienadowa region of Galicia in 1894

Military Map of the Dubiecko-Nienadowa Region – 1894

SOURCE: Milití¤r-Landesaufnahme und Spezialkarte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie [Military Ordnance and Special Maps of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy]. í–sterreich: Milití¤rgeographisches Institut, 1894. Family History Library microfiche 6,000,218, image 6. Family History Library, Salt lake City, Utah.

Click on the map to enlarge it . 

This map shows in great detail the area of Nienadowa (highlighted by a rectangular box around the name of the village) where my grandparents (and earlier Dańko ancestors) lived. the map even shows the locations of the individual buildings in the village. I don’t know which house was my great grandparents’ home, but since this map was dated 1894, I know that they were living in one of them.

The map also shows the village of Dubiecko where the parish church was located, the location of the San River to the south, and the locations of several other small villages in the area.

This map is similar to the online maps from the 3rd Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary, but is dated about a decade earlier.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Teodor Niedziałkowski – 1844

I stopped by my local Family History Center this evening and further examined the microfilms for the parish of Krasne. I found the birth and baptismal record of Teodor Niedziałkowski who was apparently another son of my third great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska. Teodor was born on 15 Dec 1844 in Mosaki Godacze, Maków Powiat, Łomża Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized the same day in the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Krasne.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Teodor Niedzialkowski - 1844

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Teodor Niedziałkowski – 1844

REFERENCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzin, małżeństw, zgonów. Daty końcowe 1844 [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów],” page 70, entry 87, Teodor Niedziałkowski, 15 Dec 1844; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 4.

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Par. Krasne, pow. ciechanów 1844, urodzen, małżenstw, zejscia. Powiatowe Archiwum Państwowe w Mława. FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794, item 4. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal record of Teodor Niedziałkowski. The record reads:


Mosaki Godacze. It happened in the village of Krasne on the third / fifteenth day of December, one thousand eight-hundred forty-four at the hour of three in the afternoon. Antoni Niedziałkowski presented himself, owner of a part [of the village] thirty-three years of age, residing in the village of Godacze, forty years of age, along with Józef Łyszkowski, fifty years of age, both owners of a part [of the village] residing in the village of Mosaki Godacze, and he showed us a child of the male sex, born in Godacze today at the hour of four in the morning by his wife Karolina née Wrobilewska thirty years of age. At Holy Baptism performed this day, this child was given the name Teodor, and his Godparents were Antoni Chełchowski and Łucja, his wife. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses who are unable to write.

Reverend Piotr Baczkowski [?] the parish of Krasne

There is one discrepancy in this record. Antoni Niedziałkowski’s wife was Karolina Milewska, not Karolina Wroblewska as stated in this record. Indications that this is the correct couple include the fact that I have found no other record of an Antoni Niedziałkowski married to a Karolina Wrobilewska, the location is correct, the ages of the parents are correct, and the occupation of the father is correct.

Furthermore, children were born to Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska approximately every two years after their marriage in 1831 until the last child was born in 1849 with one exception. There is a gap of four and a half years between 1942 and 1947. The birth of Teodor in December 1944 fills this gap nicely.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Milewski, Niedziałkowski | 1 Comment