Index to the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland – Powiat Gostyński

The Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) once hosted a project to index the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland and I indexed the villages of Powiat Gostyński. The section numbers in my index refer to the sections drawn on the map of Powiat Gostyński (Gostynin Powiat) that were once on the PGSA website. Click on the map below to enlarge it.

Gostynin Powiat in the Warsaw Gubernia - 1907
Gostynin Powiat in the Warsaw Gubernia – 1907
Józef Michał Bazewicz, Atlas geograficzny ilustrowany Królestwa Polskiego (Litografia B. A. Bukaty, Warsaw, 1907); digital images, Mapywig ( : accessed 18 February 2019).

Section Village Name
C4        Alfonsów
B2        Anajewo
C4        Anatoliny
C3        Annopol
C4        Barcik
C2        Belno
B3        Białe
B2        Białotarsk
B3        Biczewice
B2        Bielawy
B4        Borki
D5        Brodne
A3        Brwilno M.
C5        Brzezie
A2        Brzezina Górna
B4        Budy
C5        Budy
C3        Budy Kaleńs
B2        Budy Lucieńskie
B2        Ceków
B2        Chojenek
B4        Ciechomice
B2        Czarty
C4        Czermno
D4        Czerniew
C4        Czyżew
C4        Czyżewo
C3        Dąbrów
B2        Dąbrówka
D4        Dębowice
B4        Dobrzyków
B3        Donnerszruk
A3        Duninów Duży
A3        Duninów N.
A3        Duninów St.
B3        Dzierzązna
B3        Emilianów
B4        Emilów
A2        Garyń
B2        Georgental
C4        Gombin
A2        Goreń
B3        Gorzew
D4        Gosławice
B3        Gostynin
B4        Górki
B4        Góry
B4        Grabie
B4        Grabina
C5        Grabowice
C4        Guzów
C3        Helenów
C3        Helenów
C2        Hol. Sierakowskie
C5        Iłów
C5        Jamno
C3        Jankówek
C4        Janów
C2        Jastrzębie
C3        Jesionka
C3        Józefów
C4        Juliszew
D3        Kamieniec
C4        Kamień
A2        Kamion
A3        Karolawo
C3        Katy
C3        Kielpieniec
D5        Kiernozia
B3        Klusek
A2        Kobyle Błoto
B3        Koniecpol
B4        Korzeniówka
B3        Korzeń
C4        Koszelew
B4        Koszelówka
B2        Kozice
B4        Krakówka
C4        Krubin
A2        Krzewęł
B2        Krzywe
D2        Kutno
C5        Lasek
B3        Legarda
C2        Leśniewice
A2        Lipianki
C4        Lipińskie
C4        Lubików
B3        Lucień
C4        Lwówek
C5        Łaziska
B3        Łąck
B3        Łowizel
C4        Łuszczanów
D4        Łuszyn
B4        Matyłdowa
B2        Miałkówek
C2        Miradze
D4        Model
C3        Modrzewie
B3        Mokre
A3        Mościska
C3        Mościska
B3        Mysłownia
D4        Natolin
C2        N. Wieś
A2        Nowa Wieś
B3        Nowa Wieś
B5        Nowosiadłe
B4        Okopy
D4        Orątka
C2        Osiny
D5        Osiny
C4        Osmolin
C3        Osowa
C4        Paryna
B4        Piaski
C3        Pieryszew
C5        Piotrkówek
B2        Piotrów
A4        Płock
D3        Pniewo
C2        Pomorzany
A3        Popłacin
C5        Potok
C3        Potrzasków
B4        Radziwie
D3        Rakowiec
D3        Raków
B2        Rataje
B3        Regożew
C4        Remki
C3        Reszki
B2        Rębów
C5        Rękawki
B3        Rogożówek
C5        Romanów
B3        Ruda
C5        Rybaki
C4        Rybie
B5        Sady
C5        Sanniki
C4        Sanniki Cukr.
B3        Sędeń W.
C4        Siejkowice
C5        Sielce
C2        Sieraków
C2        Sierakówek
C3        Skarziń
C3        Skoki
C3        Skrzany
D3        Skrzeszewy
C4        Słomków
C5        Słubice
C3        Słup
A2        Smola
C3        Smolęta
D5        Sochaczew
A3        Soczewka
D2        Sojki
C2        Sokołów
D4        Sokołów
B2        Solec
A3        Srodoń
C3        Stanisławów
C4        Staropole
D4        Stępów
B2        Strzałków
C5        Studzieniec
C5        Suchodól
C3        Suserz
C3        Szczawin K
C3        Szczawin W
C5        Szkarada
B5        Świniary
C2        Techmany
C3        Teodorów
D4        Teodorów
D4        Teresów
B4        Tokary
C4        Topolno
C3        Trębki
B4        Troszyn
C3        Tuliska
B4        Wiaczemin
B4        Wincentowo
D5        Witusza
C4        Wola Patyńska
D$        Wola Stępows
C3        Wola Trębska
C5        Wólka
B3        Wólka Łącka
C4        Wymyśle
B2        Zaborów N.
C2        Zaborów S.
B4        Zazdzierz
B4        Zdwórz
D4        Zofiów
B2        Żelatki
D3        Żychlin
C5        Życk

Copyright © 2009-2019 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Index to the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland – Powiat Gostyński

Index to the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland – Powiat Augustowski

The Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) once hosted a project to index the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland and I indexed the villages of Powiat Augustowski. The section numbers in my index refer to the sections drawn on the map of Powiat Augustowski (Augustów Powiat) that were once on the PGSA website. Click on the map below to enlarge it.

Augustów Powiat in the Suwalki Gubernia - 1907
Augustów Powiat in the Suwalki Gubernia – 1907
Józef Michał Bazewicz, Atlas geograficzny ilustrowany Królestwa Polskiego (Litografia B. A. Bukaty, Warsaw, 1907); digital images, Mapywig ( : accessed 18 February 2019).

Section Village Name
C5        Adamowicze
B3        Ateny
B2        Augustów
C3        Balinka
C5        Balla Cerkiewna
C5        Balla W.
C5        Baranowicze
C2        Bargłów
C2        Bargłówek
C2        Bargłówka
A2        Barszczowa Góra
D4        Bartniki
B2        Białobrzegi
B2        Biernatki
D4        Bohatere
C2        Borsuki
A3        Bryzgiel
C2        Budziska
B5        Buheda
C2        Bzozówka
B2        Chodorki
B2        Chomontowo
C5        Chorążowce
B2        Cisówek
D3        Czarniewo
B2        Czarnobród
B3        Czarnybród
B3        Czarnucha
C3        Czarnylas
A3        Czerwony Krzyż
B5        Czortek
B3        Dalnylas
B3        Danowskie
C4        Dąbrowa
D2        Dębowo
C3        Długie
C5        Dolinczany
D2        Dolistowo
B5        Dorguń
B5        Doroguńsk
A2        Dowspuda
D5        Dulkowszczyzna
C3        Ewy
C5        Gaławicze
B2        Gatnie
A2        Gawrycha Ruda
C2        Gliniszki
C5        Ginowicze
B5        Goraczki
B3        Gorczyca
B2        Grabowo
C2        Grabowy Bór
C6        Grodno
C2        Grond
B4        Gruszki
B2        Hawelok
C5        Hołynka
B6        Hoża
C3        Hruski
C3        Huta Sztabińska
C3        Igzy
B2        Jabłońskie
D4        Jaczynki
C3        Jaminy
B2        Jankielówka
C3        Janówek
B2        Janówka
C3        Jasionowo
D2        Jasionowo
D3        Jasionowo
C3        Jastrzębna
B2        Jaśki
C2        Jazewo
B2        Jezórki
B5        Jotwiewo
B2        Józefowo
C1        Judziki
A2        Juryzdyka
B5        Kadysz
B2        Kakowo
C3        Kamień
B2        Kamionka N
C2        Kamionka S
C3        Karolin
C5        Karolin
C5        Kiełbaski
B5        Kodziewce
C3        Kolnica
C3        Komaszówka
C2        Komorniki
C2        Koniec
C5        Koniuchy
D4        Kończany
B3        Kopanica
A5        Kopciwo
D2        Kopytkowo
B2        Korytki
B5        Kowniany
D4        Krasne
C3        Krasnobor
C3        Krasnoborki
A3        Krusznik
B4        Kudrynki
C3        Kunicha
D4        Kurianka
B2        Kurjanki
C3        Lebędzin
B3        Lejzerówka
D4        Leśne
C2        Libowo
C5        Lichosielce
D3        Linowo
B2        Linówka
B1        Lipówka
D4        Lipsk
D4        Lipsk Mur.
C2        Łabętnik
C5        Łabno
C5        Łojki
A2        M. Raczki
B5        Markowiec
B4        Markowski Most
A3        Mąkiny
C5        Mickiewicze
B4        Mikaszówka
B2        Mikołajewo
B3        Młynarskie Włóki
A2        Moczydły
D2        Mogilnica
C3        Motulka
B2        Nadawki
C5        Naumowicze
C2        Netta
C3        Nowa Buda
B5        Nowiki
C5        Nowiki
B2        Nowinki
C2        Nowiny Barg.
C5        Nowosiółki
C2        Obuchowizna
A2        Olszanka
C2        Orany
B4        Osinniki
B5        Osoczniki
C2        Osowy Grond
B5        Ostasze
C3        Ostrów
C4        Ostryńskie
B4        Paniewo
B4        Pańkowskie
C5        Perstuń
A2        Piawno
C2        Piekutowo
B3        Płaska
C3        Podcisówek
B2        Podkrólówek
B3        Podserwy
B4        Pogorzelec
C3        Polki
D2        Polkowo
C2        Pomiany
C5        Ponarlice
C2        Ponizie
C1        Popowo
B5        Prolejki
C2        Promiski
B2        Pruska M.
C5        Puszkary
A2        Raczki
C1        Rajgród
C5        Rakowicze
B2        Reszki
D4        Rogożyn
D4        Rogożyniec
B4        Rubcowo
B4        Rudawka
B2        Rudki
A2        Rudniki
C1        Rumejki
D4        Rygałówka
B3        Sajench
B5        Sanicze
B3        Serwy
B2        Siewsk
D4        Siołko
D4        Skieblewo
B2        Sokolne
C2        Solistówka
C5        Soljewo
B4        Sołojewszczyzna
B5        Sopoćkinie
C2        Sosnowo
B3        Studzieniczna
D4        Starożyńce
B3        Strzękowizna
B2        Sucha
B3        Sucharzeczka
A2        Suwalki
B5        Sylwanowce
B2        Szczebra
B2        Szczepki
C3        Sztabin
C3        Ściokła
C5        Świack D
C5        Świack N
C3        Świernisko
C5        Tarusicze
C3        Teodorowizna
B5        Teolin
A3        Tobolowo
B2        Topiłówka
C2        Towyłka
B2        Turówka
B2        Uścianka
A3        Walnie
B5        Warwiszki
D4        Wolhusz
D4        Wolhuszno
B4        Wolkusz
C3        Wolna
C5        Wołowiczowce
B5        Wólka
B2        Wronowo
C2        Wrotki
B2        Wysokie
D4        Wyżarnie
D4        Żabickie
B2        Żarnowo
C2        Żrobki
B3        Żyliny

Several of the villages in the eastern part of Powiat Augustowski are now located in Belarus.

Copyright © 2009-2019 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Index to the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland – Powiat Włoszozowski

The Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) once hosted a project to index the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland and I indexed the villages of Powiat Włoszczowski. The section numbers in my index refer to the sections drawn on the map of Powiat Włoszczowski (Włoszczowa Powiat) that were once on the PGSA website. Click on the map below to enlarge it.

Wloszczowa Powiat in the Kielce Gubernia - 1907
Wloszczowa Powiat in the Kielce Gubernia – 1907
Józef Michał Bazewicz, Atlas geograficzny ilustrowany Królestwa Polskiego (Litografia B. A. Bukaty, Warsaw, 1907); digital images, Mapywig ( : accessed 18 February 2019).

Section Village Name
C2        Aleksandrów
E3        Aleksandrów
C3        Bebelno
B3        Biadaszek
E1        Biała Blotna
D1        Biała W.
C2        Bichniów
D3        Bieganów
C3        Bielina
D1        Blizice
C3        Boczkowice
D1        Bodziejowice
B3        Borowiec
D2        Bógdał
D2        Bonowice
B4        Brygidów
B3        Brzeście
D3        Brzeście
C2        Brzozowa
C2        Budniki
B3        Budzisław
C2        Bugaj
D1        Bystrzanowice
D1        Celiny
D3        Chlewice
B3        Chotów
C2        Chrząstów
B2        Ciemiętniki
C3        Czarnca
D3        Czaryż
C3        Czarnca
C3        Danków
C2        Dąbie
C2        Dabrowa
B3        Dąbrówka
D3        Dąbrówka
E2        Dąbrowice
D3        Domiany
D1        Drochellin
D2        Drużykowa
E1        Dzibice
D3        Dzierzgów
B4        Ewelinów
C3        Ewina
D3        Giebdzie
D2        Goleniowy
B2        Gościęcin
D2        Grabiec
D2        Gródek
C4        Gruszczyn
B4        Huta Nowa
B4        Huta Stara
D2        Irządze
B4        Jakubów
D3        Jaronowice
B3        Januszowice
E2        Jasieniec
B4        Jedle
E2        Jeziorowice
C2        Jeżowice
C3        Kalina
B4        Karolenów
B2        Komparzów
C3        Kąty
B3        Kluczewsko
D2        Kluczyce
B2        Kłudzie
C3        Knopówka
B3        Komorniki
C2        Koniecpol
C3        Konieczno
C3        Korowiska
D3        Kossów
E2        Koszczów
B4        Krasocin
C3        Krasów
D3        Krasówek
D2        Krzepice
C3        Krzepin
D2        Kuczków
C2        Kurzelów
E2        Kutzów
C3        Kuzki
B3        Kuźnica
C2        Kuźnica
C2        Kuźnica
D3        Kwilina
D3        Kwiliniec
C3        Lachów
B4        Lasocin
D1        Lelów
D1        Lgoczanka
D1        Lgota Błotna
B4        Lipia Góra
D2        Lisaków
D2        Lonkielka
D3        Lubachowy
C3        Ludwinów
C4        Ludynia
E2        Maleszyce
D2        Małachów
B2        Małuszyn
C2        Marchocice
B3        Matyczno
D1        Melchów
D3        Mękarzów
C4        Michałów
B4        Mieczyn
B3        Międzylesie
D1        Mikołajewice
C3        Miny
D3        Moskarzów
D2        Nakło
C3        Nieznanowice
E3        N. Wieś
E2        Obiechów
C2        Oblasy
C3        Ogarka
D4        Oksa
B3        Oleszno
E2        Ołudza
B4        Ostra Górka
C3        Ostrów
D2        Paulinów
C2        Penkowice
D3        Pierzyny
B3        Pilczyce
E3        Podgarcze
C1        Podlesie
E2        Podlice
C3        Podzamcze
D3        Ponchów
C3        Poraj
E1        Pradła
E3        Przełaj
D3        Przybyszów
C4        Przygradów
D2        Przyłęk
C1        Przyrów
D2        Psary
D3        Radków
E3        Raszków
D3        Rawka
C3        Rogienice
E2        Rokitno
C3        Ropocice
D3        Róznica
B3        Rudka
C3        Rząbiec
B3        Rzewuszyce
D1        Sadowia
D3        Salków
C2        Secemin
D2        Siedliska
C2        Sielnia
D3        Sieńsko
B4        Skałka
E3        Słupia
D1        Sokole Pole
D1        Sokolniki
E3        Sprowa
B3        Stanowiska
D2        Starczyny
D1        Staromieście
B4        Stojowsko
D3        Sulików
B3        Sułków
C3        Swinki
D2        Szczekociny
D2        Szyszki
D1        Śleżany
B3        Świdno
D2        Tarnowa Góra
C2        Teodorów
D1        Teodorów
D2        Tęgobórz
D1        Turzyn
C3        Wałkonowy
E3        Węgrzynów
E3        Wielkobole
D1        Wilgoszcza
D1        Wilków
C3        Wiśniowa Wola
D2        Witów
C3        Włoszczowa
B4        Wojciechów
D3        Wola Chlewicka
D2        Wola Czaryska
B3        Wola Świdzińska
D2        Wolica
D1        Woźniki
C2        Wólka
D2        Wólka
E2        Wólka Ołudzka
B2        Wymysłów
C4        Wymysłów
C4        Występy
D3        Wywła
D3        Zagórcze
D1        Zagórze
D3        Zalesie
C2        Załęże
C2        Zaróg
D2        Zarzecze
D2        Zawada
D2        Zawadka
D1        Zbyczyce
C2        Zwlecza
B3        Żeleżnica
C2        Żelisławice
C2        Żelisławiczki

Copyright © 2009-2019 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Index to the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland – Powiat Włoszozowski

Index to the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland – Powiat Łowicki

The Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) once hosted a project to index the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland and I indexed the villages of Powiat Łowicki. The section numbers in my index refer to the sections drawn on the map of Powiat Łowicki (Łowicz Powiat) that were once on the PGSA website. Click on the map below to enlarge it.

Lowicz Powiat in the Warsaw Gubernia - 1907
Lowicz Powiat in the Warsaw Gubernia – 1907
Józef Michał Bazewicz, Atlas geograficzny ilustrowany Królestwa Polskiego (Litografia B. A. Bukaty, Warsaw, 1907); digital images, Mapywig ( : accessed 18 February 2019).

Section Village Name
C5        Antoniewo
B4        Arkadya
B2        Bąków
B4        Bednary
C4        Belchów
C2        Bielawy
B4        Błędów
D3        Bobrowo
C4        Bobrowniki
B3        Bochen
B4        Boczki
B3        Bogoria
C5        Bolimów
B2        Borów
C5        Budy Bolimowskie
B4        Chaśno
B3        Chruślin
C3        Czatolin
C3        Dąbkowice
C2        Dąbrowa
B2        Drogusza
C3        Domaniewice
C2        Domaradzyn
B3        Duplice M.
B3        Duplice W.
C4        Dzierzgów
B2        Emilianów
C2        Gaj
B4        Gągolin
C2        Główno
B4        Goleńsko
C2        Gosławice
C5        Grabie
C3        Grudzie
B5        Gumin
B3        Jackowice
C4        Jacochów
C3        Jamno
B5        Jasienna
B3        Jastrzębie
A4        Jeziorka
D3        Kalenice
B4        Kampina
B4        Karolów
A4        Kocierzew
C3        Krępa
B5        Kurawka
D3        Kuźmy
A4        Lipnice
C3        Lisiewice
D3        Lubianków
B4        Łaguszew
C4        Łasieczniki
B1        Łazin
B3        Łaźniki
C3        Łegów
B4        Łowicz
C3        Łyszkowice
C2        Makolice
B3        Malszyce
B3        Maryinsk
B2        Marywil
B3        Mastki
B3        Maurzyce
C2        Mroga
B4        Mystaków
B3        Mystkowice
C4        Nieborów
B3        Niedźwiada
A3        Niespusza
A4        Osiek
B3        Ostrów
C2        Oszkowice
B3        Otolice
C4        Parma
C4        Piaski
C1        Piątek
B3        Pilaszków
B2        Piotrowice
B4        Pluskocin
C2        Płoszczonów
C4        Podlesie
C2        Popów
B4        Popów
C2        Popówek
C2        Psary
D4        Pszczonów
B3        Retki
C3        Rogóźne
A4        Różyce
C2        Ruchno
D3        Rudnik
C2        Rulice
B3        Rząsno
C3        Rzeczyca
A3        Sanniki
C2        Sapy
C4        Seligów
C4        Seroki
C4        Sielce
C4        Sierakowice
B4        Sierzchów
B4        Sierzniki
B3        Skaradki
D5        Skierniewice
A4        Skowroda
B2        Sobocka W.
B2        Sobota
B5        Sochaczew
C2        Sopel
B4        Sromów
C4        Stachlew
C3        Stroniewice
B3        Strugienice
C3        Strzebieszów
B4        Sypień
B3        Szumanowice
B3        Świeryż
C3        Uchań Dolny
D3        Uchań Górny
B3        Urzecze
B2        Walewice
C2        Waliszew
B4        Wicie
A4        Wiejsce
B3        Wierznowice
C5        Wieś Bol.
C2        Władysławów
C2        Wola Gosławska
C2        Wola Makolska
C5        Wola Szydł.
C2        Wola Zbroszkowa
C5        Wólka Łasiecka
C3        Wrzezko
C4        Wygoda
B3        Wyskiemca
C3        Zakulin
C4        Zawada
D3        Zawady
B3        Zduny
B5        Ziąbki
B4        Zielkowice
C2        Ziewanice
B2        Złaków
A3        Złaków Borawy

Copyright © 2009-2019 by Stephen J. Danko

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San Francisco Bay Area Genealogy Calendar – February 2009

  • Tuesday, February 3, 2009 – 10:00 AM
    SRVGS Board Meeting
    Sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, February 3, 2009 – 10:30 AM-1:00 PM
    Intermediate Genealogy Class
    Margery Bell – Church and Cemetery Records
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Thursday, February 5, 2009 – 10:30 AM
    Ken Miller – Introduction to PAF (hands-on)
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Thursday, February 5, 2009 – 1:00-3:00 PM?
    Membership Meeting
    Auditorium, Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum, 734 Marin Street, Vallejo
    Sponsored by the Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia
  • Thursday, February 5, 2009 – 7:30 PM
    Duncan Tanner – Family Tree Maker 2009
    Vineyard Adult Education Facility, 1401 Almond Avenue, Livermore
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Friday, February 6, 2009 – 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon
    Library Book Committee Meeting
    SMCGS Library, 125 Lessingia Court, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, February 7, 2009 – 9:00 AM
    Beginners’ Breakfast
    Star Restaurant, 1700 Novato Boulevard, Novato
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, February 7, 2009 – 10:30 AM-1:00 PM
    Intermediate Genealogy Class
    Lavinia Schwarz – Land and Property Records, and Gazetteers
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, February 7, 2009 – 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
    Introduction to Genealogy
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, February 7, 2009 – 1:00 PM
    Jack Seman – Orientation to the Oakland Regional Family History Center
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Sunday, February 8, 2009 – Noon-2:00 PM
    One-on-One Genealogy Session
    Jewish Community Library, 1835 Ellis Street, San Francisco
    Sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, February 10, 2009 – 9:30 AM-3:00 PM
    Book Repair Group
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, February 10, 2009 – 10:30 AM-1:00 PM
    Intermediate Genealogy Class
    Lavinia Schwarz – Land and Property Records, and Gazetteers
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Tuesday, February 10, 2009 – 1:00-2:30PM
    Publications Committee Meeting
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, February 10, 2009 – 7:30-9:00 PM
    Lisa Louise Cooke – Best of the Genealogy Gems Podcast
    Congregation Beth Emek, 3400 Nevada Court, Pleasanton
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, February 11, 2009
    Irish Research Group
    Sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, February 11, 2009 – 7:00 PM?
    Patricia Johnson – Sacramento Archives & Museum Collection Center
    Citrus Heights Community Center, 6921 Sylvan Road, Citrus Heights
    Sponsored by the Sacramento Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, February 11, 2009 – 7:30 PM
    Board Meeting
    Marin Family History Center, 220 North San Pedro Rd, San Rafael
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, February 12, 2009 – 10:30 AM
    Jack Seman – Introduction to New Family Search (for LDS only)
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Thursday, February 12, 2009 – 1:00-4:00 PM
    Membership Meeting
    Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum (upstairs), 734 Marin Street, Vallejo
    Sponsored by the Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia
  • Friday, February 13, 2009 – 1:30 PM
    Ken Miller – Adding Sources and Notes in PAF
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 1:00 PM
    Jason Rose – Using Photographs to Trace Your Roots
    JCC East Bay, 1414 Walnut St, Berkeley
    Sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, February 17, 2009 – 10:00 AM
    General Meeting
    Danville Family History Center, 2949 Stone Valley Rd at Smith Rd, Alamo
    Sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, February 17, 2008 – 11:00 AM
    Margery Bell – Adding Sources and Notes in Ancestral Quest
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Tuesday, February 17, 2009 – 7:00 PM
    Cath Madden-Trindle – Irish Research
    Santa Clara City Central Park Library, 2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara
    Sponsored by the Santa Clara County Historical & Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, February 18, 2009 – 1:00-3:00 PM
    Daytime Workshop
    Clubhouse, Country Squire Mobilodge, 5720 Oak Hill Dr (corner of Esquire Drive and Manitoba Avenue), Sacramento
    Sponsored by the Sacramento Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, February 18, 2009 – 1:00-2:30 PM
    CGS Board Meeting
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, February 18, 2009 – 7:30 PM
    Richard Rands – Organizing Your Stuff
    Silicon Valley Community Foundation, 1700 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, February 19, 2009 – 10:30 AM
    Bill Slocum – Using the Internet Favorites List in the Oakland Regional FHC
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Friday, February 20, 2009 – 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
    City Directory Library Open
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, February 21, 2009 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
    Tri-Valley TMG Users Group
    7077 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 110, Pleasanton
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, February 21, 2009 – 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon
    Gene Pennington – Genealogy Research Process Map
    Villa Marin, 100 Thorndale Drive, San Rafael
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, February 21, 2009 – 10:30 AM-1:00 PM
    Intermediate Genealogy Class
    Jane Lindsey – Newspaper Research
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society
  • Saturday, February 21, 2009 – 1:00 PM
    Ken Miller – Using the PAF add-on from Ancestral Quest to interface with New Family Search (For LDS only)
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Monday, February 23, 2009 - 1:00 PM
    Steve Morse – Potpourri: A Description of the Major Utilities on the One-Step Website
    Congregation Beth Am, Rm 5/6, 26790 Arastradero Rd, Los Altos Hills
    Sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society
  • Monday, February 23, 2009 – 5:00 PM
    RootsMagic User’s Group
    SMCGS Library, 125 Lessingia Court, San Mateo
    Sponsored by the San Mateo County Genealogical Society
  • Tuesday, February 24, 2009 – 10:30 AM-1:00 PM
    Intermediate Genealogy Class
    Jane Lindsey – Newspaper Research
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Tuesday, February 24, 2009 – 1:30 PM
    Bill Slocum – Using the Internet Favorites List in the Oakland Regional FHC
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Wednesday, February 25, 2009
    German Research Group
    Sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
  • Wednesday, February 25, 2009 – 7:30 PM
    Stephen J. Danko – Eastern European Genealogy
    Marin FHC, LDS Church, 220 North San Pedro Rd, San Rafael
    Sponsored by the Marin County Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, February 26, 2009
    Family Tree Software Group
    Danville Family History Center, 2949 Stone Valley Rd at Smith Rd, Alamo
    Sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
  • Thursday, February 26, 2009 – 1:30 PM
    Electra Price – African American Workshop
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Thursday, February 26, 2009 – 7:30 PM
    Kay Speaks – Study Group
    LDS Church, 950 Mocho Street, Livermore
    Sponsored by the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
  • Friday, February 27, 2009 – 1:30 PM
    Ken Miller – Using the Special features in PAF (hands-on)
    Oakland Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland
    Sponsored by the Oakland Family History Center
  • Saturday, February 28, 2009 – 10:30 AM-1:00 PM
    Intermediate Genealogy Class
    Marge Bell – Reading and Transcribing the Handwriting of Colonial America
    California Genealogical Society and Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland
    Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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Doing the DNA Happy Dance!

For several years, I had attended lectures on genetic genealogy and I read articles on the subject, but I balked at having a genealogical test performed on my own DNA because I really didn’t have a compelling reason to do so.

After thinking about the possible uses of genetic genealogy, I realized that DNA could provide the answer to a nagging question about my Niedziałkowski ancestors. Over the years, I had obtained convincing evidence to consrtuct a pedigree for Franciszek Niedzialkoski extending as far back as 1718, but I had couldn’t find documents to convincingly connect my own Niedzialkowski ancestors with Franciszek’s line. At best, I had anecdotal evidence from my uncles, a single reference on my grandfather’s immigrant passenger manifest to his uncle Franciszek, and evidence that my ancestors resided in a house owned by Franciszek Niedzialkoski. I have still not been able to find sources of primary information that could prove the relationship. Specifically, I have not found my grandfather’s birth record, my great-grandparents’ marriage record, or my great-grandfather’s birth record.

Three of my Niedzialkowski/Niedzialkoski cousins agreed to take the DNA test, and the results prove that our families are all closely related.

And so, with the great success I had with the Niedzialkowski DNA project, I decided to have our own (Danko) Y-DNA tested. My Y-DNA belongs to haplogroup R1b1b2a1a and, while it was very interesting to see the migration patterns of my forefathers, the results of my own Y-DNA test had not led me to any great discoveries about my family.

Until now.

In this past week, I discovered that my DNA matches the DNA of two other persons on 24/25 markers. According to Y-Search, this close a match indicates that the probability of a close relationship is very high.

Here’s what’s interesting, though. Neither of my matches knows anything about their patrilineal ancestors, each carries the surname of a matrilineal ancestor, and both live in Ukraine.

Additional DNA tests may help the three of us determine whether or not we really are all related. Proof of a genetic relationship among the three of us may help my matches discover more about their own ancestry. Perhaps they will discover that they, too, are members of the Dańko family.

Oh, and by the way, I’ve seen a photo of one of my matches. From the facial resemblance in the photo, we could well be related.

Written for the 65th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy – Happy Dance.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Adam Maksymilian Niedziałkowski – 1759

Adam Maksymilian Niedziałkowski, son of Kazimierz Niedziałkowski and Brigida Milewska, was born on about 21 Oct 1759 in Mosaki Rukle, Ciechanów Land, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Ciechanów Land, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on 21 Oct 1759.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Adam Maksymilian Niedzialkowski - 1759

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Adam Maksymilian Niedziałkowski – 1759

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), “Liber Baptisatorum Ecclesia Krasnensis ab Anno 1755 do Anu 1781. [Book of Baptisms of the Church in Krasne from the year 1755 to the year 1781.],” page 45, entry 54, Adam Maksymilian Niedziałkowski, 21 Oct 1759; filmed as Księgi metrykalne, 1657-1809; FHL INTL microfilm 1,496,578, Item 9.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Adam Maksymilian Niedziałkowski. Translated from the Latin, the record reads:

54 Mosaki Rukle

I, Wojciech Dłużniewski, Canon Regular of the Laterans, on the 21st day of October, baptized an infant with the name Adam Maksymilian, two names, son of the noble          Niedziałkowski and Brigida, legally married. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were the nobles Dionizy [Milewski?] and Ewa Pasłowska.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Marianna Niedziałkowska – 1757

Marianna Niedziałkowska, daughter of Kazimierz Niedziałkowski and Brigida Milewska, was born on about 16 Jun 1757 in Mosaki Rukle, Ciechanów Land, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Ciechanów Land, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on 16 Jun 1757.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska - 1757

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska - 1757

SOURCE: Parish of St. John the Baptist (Krasne, Ciechanów Land, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), “Liber Baptisatorum Ecclesia Krasnensis ab Anno 1755 do Anu 1781. [Book of Baptisms of the Church in Krasne from the year 1755 to the year 1781.],” page 20, entry 28, Marianna Niedziałkowska, 16 Jun 1757; filmed as Księgi metrykalne, 1657-1809; FHL INTL microfilm 1,496,578, Item 9.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska. Translated from the Latin, the record reads:

28 Mosaki Rukle

I, Jakub Pilchowski, Canon Regular of the Laterans, on the 16th day of June, baptized a female child by the name of Marianna, daughter of the noble Kazimierz Niedziałkowski and Brigida, his legally married. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were the noble Julianna Mięszkowska and Wojciech [Tegadalski?], administrator of the goods of Zbiki. [1757?]

Unlike most of the other records in this group, the year 1757 appears at the end of the record. I thought that this might actually be 1752, but I’m really not certain. In any case, the record appears in the correct place in the register to have been recorded on 16 June 1757.

Kazimierz and Brygida were married on 21 February 1751. Their known children were born on 16 Jun 1757 (Marianna), 21 Oct 1759 (Adam Maksymilian), and 07 Mar 1762 (Kunegunda). This makes for a good progression, with children born about every 2-3 years. Unfortunately, the Baptismal records for Krasne from 1742-1755 were not microfilmed by the Family History Library. With a marriage in 1751, I would also expect at least two children born in the period 1752-1755.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Milewski, Niedziałkowski | Tagged , | 2 Comments

The Birth and Baptism of Antonina Niedziałkowska – 1855

Antonina Niedziałkowska, daughter of my third great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska, was born on 20 Apr 1855 in Godacze, powiat ciechanowski, gubernia płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, powiat ciechanowski, gubernia płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland, on the same day.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Antonina Niedzialkowska - 1855

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Antonina Niedziałkowska – 1855

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Powiat Ciechanowski, Gubernia Płockiej, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski. Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów. 1855. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów. Records of births, marriages, and deaths. 1855.],” folio 6 verso, entry 20, Antonina Niedziałkowska, 20 April 1855; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,795, item 1.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Antonina Niedziałkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

N 20. Godacze

It happened in Krasne on the eighth / twentieth day of April, in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-five at the hour of five in the evening, Antoni Niedziałkowski appeared, owner of a part, residing in Godacze, forty-three years of age, in the presence of Józef Grabowski, owner of a part of Mosaki, fifty-three years of age, and Walenty Augustniak, [one word?] in Krasne, sixty years of age, and he  us a child of the female sex, born in Godacze on this day at the hour of two after midnight of his wife Karolina née Milewska, forty-five years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Antonina, and her Godparents were the aforementioned Józef Grabowski and Antonina Grabowska. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses, none of whom are able to write, and was signed by us.
          Reverend Jan Wejnert, head of the Parish of Krasne
          Maintaining the Civil Register

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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A Little Vacation

I’m off to Albany, New York for a short vacation, and I may not be able to blog while I’m there.

The occasion for the trip is my father’s 85th birthday. In addition to seeing my father and step-mother, I’ll be able to visit with my two sisters, two step-brothers, and four of my five step-sisters. It’s been a while since we’ve all been in the same room together!

While I’m in Albany, there will be a few days when I can do some genealogy research in the repositories in Albany. I’ll have to see what opportunities present themselves while I’m there. I might spend some time at the Albany Public Library and research the City Directories or I might stop by the New York State Library and search the microfilmed copies of the local newspapers or the New York State Census. Still, I might visit the Albany County Courthouse to look for land and property records, estate records, and naturalization papers or perhaps I should go to the New York State Archives and research vital records. And, then, there are always cemetery records, school records, mortuary records, and church records to investigate.

Or, I might just play with my nephew.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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