Index to the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland – Powiat Ciechanowski

The Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) once hosted a project to index the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland and I indexed the villages of Powiat Ciechanowski. The section numbers in my index refer to the sections drawn on the map of Powiat Ciechanowski (Ciechanów Powiat) that were once on the PGSA website. Click on the map below to enlarge it.

Ciechanow Powiat in the Płock Gubernia - 1907
Ciechanow Powiat in the Płock Gubernia – 1907
Józef Michał Bazewicz, Atlas geograficzny ilustrowany Królestwa Polskiego (Litografia B. A. Bukaty, Warsaw, 1907); digital images, Mapywig ( : accessed 18 February 2019).

Section Village Name
C4        Antosy Zbiki
D2        Baby
C3        Bacze
D2        Baraki Chotum
C3        Barańce
D2        Bardony
C3        Bartołdy
E2        Bątkowo
D2        Bielino
C4        Bogate
D3        Bogucin
C2        Bolewo
D3        Bregendy Milewo
D2        Brody
D2        Bronisław
D3        Bucice
D2        Budy Rumockie
D3        Burkaty
D4        Chełchy K.
C3        Chojnowo
D2        Chotum
D2        Chruszczewo
D2        Chrzanowo
C2        Chumęcino
D2        Ciechanów
D3        Ciemniewko
D3        Ciemniewo
C3        Cierpigów
D1        Czarnocinek
C3        Czernice
D3        Czernice
C2        Daćbogi
E2        Dąbrowa
B2        Dębsk
C3        Długołęka W
D2        Drążewo
D1        Ducht
C3        Dzbonie
C2        Dziarnowo Wiśniewo
D1        Franciszkowo
D1        Fustynowo
D1        Garbarz
B2        Garlino
C2        Gąsiorowizna
D2        Gąski
D1        Gizyna
D1        Glinojeck
D3        Gogole
C3        Golany
D3        Gołymin N
D3        Gołymin St.
C3        Gostkowo
C3        Goździe
D2        Grabowiec
D3        Grędzice
C2        Grudusk
C2        Grzybowo
D2        Gumowo
E2        Gutarzewo
E2        Gutków
E2        Halinin
D3        Janowko
E1        Janowo
C2        Jarłuty
C3        Jaźwiny
C2        Kalisz
D3        Kałęczyn
C3        Kamienice
D2        Kanigówka
D2        Kargoszyn
D2        Kargoszynek
C2        Karniewo
D4        Karniewo
D3        Kąty
E2        Kicin
C3        Klonowo
B2        Kluszewo
D3        Kobylin
D3        Kołaczków
B2        Kołaki
C3        Kołaki Budzyno
C3        Kołaki Kwasy
D1        Komunin
D3        Konarzewo
C2        Koterman
D2        Kownaty
D2        Kownaty Borowe
D2        Kownaty Woj.
C2        Kozdroje
C2        Koziczyn
C3        Koziczynek
C3        Kozin
C4        Krasne
D2        Kraszewo
C2        Krośnice
D2        Krubin
D1        Krusz
E2        Kuchary Opincy
D3        Kurowo
C2        Lekowo
C3        Leszno
C2        Leśniewo
C2        Lipa
D1        Lipiny
D2        Lipowiec
E2        Luboradz
D1        Luszewo
C3        Łaguny
C1        Łebki
D2        Łębki W
E3        Łopacin
C2        Łysakowo
D4        Maków
E2        Małużyn
D3        Marusy
C2        Mierzanowo
D2        Mieszki
D4        Milero
D3        Milew
B2        Mława
D2        Młock
D2        Modełka
D2        Modła
D4        Mossaki
D3        Murawki
D3        Murawy
D3        Nasierowo
C3        Nieborzyn
D2        Niechodzin
C1        Niedzbórz
D3        Nieradowo
D3        Niesłuchy
C2        Niestum
C3        N. Janin
C3        Nowa Wieś
E2        Nowa Wieś
D2        Nowa Wieś Chotum
E2        Nowe Miasto
D2        Nużewo
D3        Obiedzino
D2        Ojżeń
D3        Opinogóra
D3        Orły
D3        Osiek
D3        Ostaszewo
D2        Ostatni Grosz
D2        Ościsław
D3        Pajewo
D3        Pałuki
C2        Pawłowo
D2        Pęchcin
C2        Piegłowo
D1        Pieńki
E1        Płaciszewo
E1        Płaciszewko
C2        Pniewo Czer.
C2        Pniewo W.
D2        Pomaski
D3        Pomorze
C3        Przasnysz
E4        Przewodowo
C3        Przedwojewo
E2        Przyrowo
C3        Przywilcz
C2        Pszczółki
E4        Pułtusk
C2        Purzyce
D2        Rajmondowo
B2        Rąbierz
D3        Rączki Mil.
C2        Regimin
C3        Rębiesz
D2        Ropele
B2        Rozwory
C2        Rudy Bolewskie
D2        Rumoka
D3        Ruszkowo
D2        Rutki
D2        Rydzewo
D3        Rzeczki
E2        Rzy
D2        Sarnowa Góra
D2        Skarżynek
C3        Skierki
E3        Skrobocin
D3        Smosarz
E3        Soboklęszcz
E2        Sochocin
C2        Sokołowy
D2        Sokołówko
D3        Sońsk
D2        Sródborze
E3        St. Gąsocin
C3        St. Janin
C2        St. Konopki
E3        St. Nasielsk
D3        Strusin
C2        Stryjewo Wielkie
C2        Strzelnia
D2        Sulerzysz
C3        Sulmierz
C4        Szczuki
D2        Szczurzyn
C3        Szlasy
B2        Szumsk
D1        Szyjki
E3        Ślubowo
D2        Śmiecin
D1        Śródborze
D3        Tabudy
C2        Targonie
C3        Trętowo
D2        Trzpiały
D1        Tuliszewo
C3        Turowo
D2        Ujazdówko
C2        Unikowo
D3        Wadkowo
C4        Węgrzynowo
C4        Wężowo
D3        Wielkie Szwejki
D3        Wielgołęka
B2        Wiksin
D1        Wkra
D3        Władysławów
B2        Wola Dębska
D3        Wola Gołymińska
D2        Wola Młocka
C3        Wola Wierzbowska
E2        Wola Wodzyńska
D1        Wólka
D3        Wólka Łanie
D2        Wólka Rydzewska
D3        Wróblewo
D3        Wyszczele
C2        Zakrzewo
D1        Zalesie
D4        Zalesie
C3        Załuże
B2        Zarnowo
C2        Zeńbok
E2        Zielona
C3        Zielona Sz.
D2        Zochy
C3        Żbiki W.
D1        Żeleźnia
C3        Żmijewo
C2        Żmijewo Kość.

Copyright © 2009-2019 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Index to the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland – Powiat Makowski

The Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) once hosted a project to index the Illustrated Geographic Atlas of the Kingdom of Poland and I indexed the villages of Powiat Makowski. The section numbers in my index refer to the sections drawn on the map of Powiat Makowski (Maków Powiat) that were once on the PGSA website. Click on the map below to enlarge it.

Maków Powiat in the Łomża Gubernia - 1907
Maków Powiat in the Łomża Gubernia – 1907
Józef Michał Bazewicz, Atlas geograficzny ilustrowany Królestwa Polskiego (Litografia B. A. Bukaty, Warsaw, 1907); digital images, Mapywig ( : accessed 18 February 2019).

Section Village Name
C2        Bagienice
C3        Biedrzyce
C2        Biernaty
D3        Binduzka
C2        Bobino
D3        Boruty
D4        Brzuze
D2        Budzyn
D1        Byszewo
D1        Chełchy
C2        Chłopia Łąka
C2        Chodkowo
C3        Chojnowo
D3        Chrzanki
D3        Chrzanowo
D2        Chrzanów
D3        Chrzczony
D2        Chylin
D2        Ciemniewo
D2        Ciepielów
D2        Czarnostowo
D3        Czerwonka
D2        Dąbrow. Pomaski
D2        Dąbrówka
C3        Długołęka
B2        Drażdżewo
D4        Drozdowo
C3        Dylewo
D3        Dyszobaba
D4        Dzbądz
B3        Dzialyn
D2        Dzierzanowo
B2        Elżbiecin
C3        Gąsewo
C3        Gierwaty
C3        Glinki
C3        Głazowo
D2        Głodki
C2        Gołoniawy
B3        Grabnik
B3        Grabowo
B3        Grabówek
B2        Grądy
D3        Grudunka
C3        Guty
C2        Jaciązek
D2        Jankowo
D2        Janopol
C3        Jaszyły
D3        Kaptury
D1        Karniewo
B2        Karolinowo
D2        Kobylin
C4        Kołaki Zag.
C2        Krasnosielc
C2        Krzyżewo
C3        Kurzątki
D3        Łachy
D2        Łaski
C2        Łazy
C2        Łęg
D1        Łukowo
D3        Łus
D2        Magnuszewo
C2        Majki
D2        Makowica
D2        Maków
C3        Mamino
D3        Miłony
D2        Młodzianowo
C3        Młynarze
C4        Modzele
B3        Mostówek
D3        Mościska
D3        Mroczki W
D3        Napiórki
B3        Nowa Wieś
C3        Ogony
D3        Olszewnica
D3        Orłowo
D2        Orzyc
B4        Ostrołęka
D2        Ośnica
B2        Papierny Borek
B3        Perzanki Borek
C2        Pienice
D3        Perzanowo
C2        Płoniawy
C2        Podos
D3        Ponikiew W
C2        Prare
D3        Pruszki
C1        Przasnysz
B3        Przełaje
B3        Przystań
B2        Przytuły
E2        Pułtusk
C3        Rafały
B2        Raki
C2        Retka
C2        Rogowo
D2        Romanowo
D3        Rożan
C3        Rupin
B3        Rusieck
B3        Rzaniec
C3        Rzechowiec
C2        Rzechowo
C4        Sadykierz
D2        Sewerynów
D3        Sielc
C2        Sielec
C3        Sieluń
B3        Skrzypek
D2        Słoniawy
C3        Sławkowo
D3        Słowiki
D2        Smrock
D2        Strachocin
C3        Strzemieczne
C2        Suche
C3        Sypniewo
C3        Szczeglin
D2        Szelków
D3        Szugi
D2        Szwelice
D3        Tłuszcz
C3        Tykiewki
D2        Ulaski
C2        Węgrzynowo
C2        Wola Pien.
B2        Wólka Drażdżewska
B3        Zabiele
C2        Zacisze
D2        Zakliczewo
D2        Zakrzewo
C2        Zalesie
C3        Załęże
D3        Załuże
C3        Zamość
C2        Zawady
C2        Zblicha
C3        Zerań D
C4        Zerań M
D2        Zielki
C3        Żebry

Copyright © 2009-2019 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Anna Kłonowska – 1673

On 06 Nov 1673, my seventh great-grandparents, Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Anna Kłonowska, residents of Łęki, were married in Pałuki, a village in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The page on which this record was written was so badly stained that the page had to be microfilmed at two exposures.

The Marriage Record of Andrzej Niedzialkowski and Anna Klonowska - 1673 - Image 2

The Marriage Record of Andrzej Niedzialkowski and Anna Klonowska - 1673 - Image 1

The Marriage Record of Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Anna Kłonowska – 1673

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Gotarda (Pałuki, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). ”Akta małżeństw (w nieporządku) 1662-1694. [Marriage records (with omissions) 1662-1694],” folio 48 verso, Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Anna Kłonowska, November 1673; FHL microfilm 1496612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Anna Kłonowska – 1673. Translated from the Latin, the record states:


On the 6th day of November was contracted a marriage in the church in Pałuki between the noble Andrzej Niedziałkowski and the noble Anna Kłonowska, widow, [two words?] Łęki [two words?] three banns on the day of the Lord and [one word?] next to [one word?] [one word?] blessed Mikołaj [Smigowski?] Vicar of Pałuki in [three words?] the noble Jerzy Paiewski [one word?] [Smiaenski?] and other [one word?].

The year of the marriage was not explicitly stated in the record, but it was in sequence with other records from 1673.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Szymon Niedziałkowski – 1676

Between 13-22 October 1676, my sixth great-granduncle Szymon Niedziałkowski, son of Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Anna Klonowska was baptized in Pałuki.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Szymon Niedzialkowski - 1676

The Baptismal Record of Szymon Niedziałkowski – 1676

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Gotarda (Pałuki, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). ”Akta urodzeń (w nieporządku) 1658-1694. [Birth records (with omissions) 1658-1694],” folio 61 recto, Szymon Niedziałkowski, between 13-22 October 1676; FHL microfilm 1496612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Szymon Niedziałkowski – 1676. Translated from the Latin, the record states:


On the same day, I baptized a son of the noble Andrzej Niedziałkowski and the noble Anna Kłonowska, legally married, to whom the name Szymon was given. The Godparents were the nobles [Jegosmundus? Kłonowski and Marianna [Zielinska?], wife of [Hektor?] Piotr.

Since the microfilm copy of the book is nearly unreadable in many places, I was unable to read the previous record in order to determine what “the same day” was. I was able, however to determine that the second record previous stated 13 October 1676 and that the record following stated 23 October 1676, indicating that the baptism occurred between 13-22 October 1676.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Mateusz Krzysztof Niedziałkowski – 1683

On 03 September 1683, my sixth great-grandfather Mateusz Krzysztof Niedziałkowski, son of Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Anna Klonowska was baptized in Pałuki.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Mateusz Krzysztof Niedzialkowski - 1683

The Baptismal Record of Mateusz Krzysztof Niedziałkowski – 1683

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Gotarda (Pałuki, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). ”Akta urodzeń (w nieporządku) 1658-1694. [Birth records (with omissions) 1658-1694],” folio 75 verso, Mateusz Krzysztof Niedziałkowski, 03 September 1683; FHL microfilm 1496612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Mateusz Krzysztof Niedziałkowski – 1683. Translated from the Latin, the record states:

The Year of the Lord One-Thousand Six-Hundred Eighty-Four

Łęki, the 3rd day of September

By the Reverend Mikołaj Scrzekowski, Protector of the church of Pałuki, was baptized an infant of the Noble Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Anna Klonowska, legally married [one word?] the name given [one word?] Mateusz Krzysztof. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were the Nobles Bernard Paiewski and Ewa Paiewska his wife, the Noble Wojciech Chilienski.

This is one of the most difficult records I’ve had to transcribe and translate. The microfilm copy of this entire book of records is nearly unreadable.

It appears that this baptism was recorded several months after the fact. Based on the records preceding and following this one, the baptism was recorded between 05 February 1684 and 20 February 1684. The record states, however, that the baptism occurred on 03 September. I presume this means the 03 September of the previous year, but the record does not specify the year of baptism, only the year in which it was recorded.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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1785 Gzy Parish Census – Bonawentura (Bonifacy) Burski, Wojciech Burski, and Magdalena Burska

As with the 1782, 1783, and 1784 Gzy Parish Censuses, the 1785 census is arranged into columns, with listings for Children up to 7 years of age, Children from 8 to 17 years of age, Household members 18 years of age and older, Octogenarians, and three other groups that I couldn’t read.

Bonifacy Burski in the 1785 Gzy parish census

1785 Gzy Parish Census for Bonifacy Burski

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Walentego (Gzy, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). “Ks. Metrykalne par. Gzy; K. Urodzonych oraz Sumariusz 1781-1804. [Metrical Books of the Parish of Gzy; Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804.],” Gzy Parish Census (1785); Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku.

The record shows the following information:

Household of Antoni Zębrowski

Age 18 and older:
Antoni Zębrowski
Maryanna, wife
Magdalena Burska
Jakub Grochowski
Agnieszka Słuząka [?]
Maryanna Słuczonska [?]

Age 8-17:
Jan, son
Jozefa, daughter

Household of Bonifacy Burski

Age 18 and older:
Bonifacy Burski
Helena, wife

Age 8-17:
Baltazar, son
Stefan, son

Bonawentura’s (Bonifacy’s) sister Magdalena Burska is enumerated with the family of Antoni Zębrowski’s family in 1785. Why? Are the Zębrowskis related to the Burskis?

Wojciech Burski in the 1785 Gzy parish census

1785 Gzy Parish Census for Wojciech Burski

SOURCE: SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Walentego (Gzy, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). “Ks. Metrykalne par. Gzy; K. Urodzonych oraz Sumariusz 1781-1804. [Metrical Books of the Parish of Gzy; Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804.],” Gzy Parish Census (1785); Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku.

The records show the following information:

Household of Wojciech Burski

Age 18 and older:
Wojciech Burski
Helena, wife
Piotr, son
Antoni, son

The census is located in the back of the Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804. The reader must turn the book upside down and read the censuses from the back of the book.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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Winter Photos from World War II

My father served in the U.S. Naval Armed Guard in World War II . Â The Armed Guard was considered to be the second most hazardous assignment in World War II, after the Marines. The photo below shows my father performing one of the less hazardous parts of his duty while aboard the S.S. Daniel Drake while the ship was near Archangel, Russia.

Frank Danko aboard the S.S. Daniel Drake near Archangel, Russia

Frank Danko aboard the S.S. Daniel Drake

SOURCE: Frank Danko aboard the S.S. Daniel Drake (near Archangel, Russia). Photographed by unknown photographer in the winter of approximately 1943-1944.

While my father was serving in the military, my mother was living in Worcester, Massachusetts. The photograph below shows her with three of her friends. My mother is the girl in the upper left. Her best friend, Peggy O’Leary, is the girl in the upper right . I don’t know the identity of the other two girls.

Jane Niedzialkowski, Peggy O'Leary, and Friends

Jane Niedzialkowski, Peggy O’Leary, and Friends

SOURCE: Jane Niedzialkowksi, Peggy O’Leary, and Friends (Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts). Photographed by unknown photographer in winter, early 1940s.

Written for the 64th Carnival of Genealogy – A Winter Photo Essay.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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1784 Gzy Parish Census – Bonawentura (Bonifacy) Burski, Wojciech Burski, and Magdalena Burska

As with the 1782 and 1783 Gzy Parish Censuses, the 1784 census is arranged into columns, with listings for Children up to 7 years of age, Children from 8 to 17 years of age, Household members 18 years of age and older, Octogenarians, and three other groups that I couldn’t read.

Bonawentura Burski in the 1784 Gzy Parish Census

1784 Gzy Parish Census for Bonawentura Burski

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Walentego (Gzy, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). “Ks. Metrykalne par. Gzy; K. Urodzonych oraz Sumariusz 1781-1804. [Metrical Books of the Parish of Gzy; Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804.],” Gzy Parish Census (1784); Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku.

The record shows the following information:

Household of Bonawentura Burski

Age 18 and older:
Bonawentura Burski
Helena, wife
Stefan, son
Anna, daughter
Maryanna, daughter
Magdalena, sister

Bonawentura’s son Baltazar, enumerated in the 1872 and 1873 censuses is not listed in the 1874 census.

Wojciech Burski in the 1784 Gzy Parish Census

1784 Gzy Parish Census for Wojciech Burski

SOURCE: SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Walentego (Gzy, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). “Ks. Metrykalne par. Gzy; K. Urodzonych oraz Sumariusz 1781-1804. [Metrical Books of the Parish of Gzy; Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804.],” Gzy Parish Census (1784); Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku.

The records show the following information:

Household of Wojciech Burski

Age 18 and older:
Wojciech Burski
Helena, wife
Antoni, son
Piotr, son

Wojciech’s wife was called Elzbieta in earlier census records, but she is called Helena in this one.

These census records provide information included no other records of the time period: family groups.

The census is located in the back of the Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804. The reader must turn the book upside down and read the censuses from the back of the book.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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1783 Gzy Parish Census – Bonawentura (Bonifacy) Burski, Wojciech Burski, and Magdalena Burska

My fifth great-grandparents, Bonawentura (Bonifacy) Burski and Helena Krzyczkowska, my fifth great-granduncle, Wojciech Burski, and my fifth great-grandaunt Magdalena Burski are listed in the 1783 Gzy Parish Census with their families.

As with the 1782 Gzy Parish Census, the 1783 census is arranged into columns, with listings for Children up to 7 years of age, Children from 8 to 17 years of age, Household members 18 years of age and older, Octogenarians, and three other groups that I couldn’t read.

1783 Gzy Parish Census of Bonawentura Burski

1783 Gzy Parish Census for Bonawentura Burski

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Walentego (Gzy, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). “Ks. Metrykalne par. Gzy; K. Urodzonych oraz Sumariusz 1781-1804. [Metrical Books of the Parish of Gzy; Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804.],” Gzy Parish Census (1783); Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku.

The record shows the following information:

Household of Bonawentura Burski

Age 18 and older:
Bonawentura Burski
Helena, wife
Anna, daughter
Maryanna, daughter

Age 8-17:
Stefan, son
Baltazar, son

Household of Bartłomiej Bieńkowski

Age 18 and older:
Bartłomiej Bieńkowski
Teresa, wife
Magdalena Burska

Age 8-17:
Paweł, son
Antoni, son
Franciszek, son

In this record, the families of Bonawentura Burski and Bartłomiej Bieńkowski are enumerated right after one another, implying that they live close together. In the 1872 census, Magdalena Burska is listed as Bonawentura’s sister.

1783 Gzy Parish Census of Wojciech Burski

1783 Gzy Parish Census for Wojciech Burski

SOURCE: SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Walentego (Gzy, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). “Ks. Metrykalne par. Gzy; K. Urodzonych oraz Sumariusz 1781-1804. [Metrical Books of the Parish of Gzy; Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804.],” Gzy Parish Census (1783); Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku.

The records show the following information:

Household of Wojciech Burski

Age 18 and older:
Wojciech Burski
Elzbieta, wife
Antoni, son
Piotr, son
Barbara, mother

In unidentified column:
Lowok Pzysachowicz [?]
Ewa, wife

In this census, the identity of Barbara Burski is established: she is Wojciech’s mother.

These census records provide information included no other records of the time period: family groups.

The census is located in the back of the Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804. The reader must turn the book upside down and read the censuses from the back of the book.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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1782 Gzy Parish Census – Bonawentura (Bonifacy) Burski, Wojciech Burski, and Magdalena Burska

A rare and wonderful record from Poland is the parish census. I have only ever seen a parish census from one parish in Poland – Gzy, and I’ve only seen four years of that census – 1782, 1783, 1784, and 1785.

My fifth great-grandparents, Bonawentura (Bonifacy) Burski and Helena Krzyczkowska, and my fifth great-granduncle, Wojciech Burski, are listed in the 1782 Gzy Parish Census with their families.

The census is arranged into columns:

Header for the 1782 Parish Census for Gzy Poland

Column Headers of the Gzy Parish Census for 1782

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św . Walentego (Gzy, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). “Ks. Metrykalne par. Gzy; K. Urodzonych oraz Sumariusz 1781-1804. [Metrical Books of the Parish of Gzy; Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804.],” Gzy Parish Census (1782); Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku.

I can’t read the column headers very well, but they refer to the following groups:

  1. Children up to 7 years of age
  2. Children from 8 to 17 years of age
  3. Household members 18 years of age and older
  4. Octogenarians
  5. [?]
  6. [?]
  7. [?]

In the 1782 census, the families of Bonifacy Burski and Wojciech Burski were enumerated immediately after each other.

1782 Gzy Parish Census Record for Bonifacy Burski and Wojciech Burski

1782 Gzy Parish Census for Bonifacy Burski and Wojciech Burski

SOURCE: SOURCE: Parafia pw. św . Walentego (Gzy, ziemia ciechanowska, województwo mazowieckie, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). “Ks. Metrykalne par. Gzy; K. Urodzonych oraz Sumariusz 1781-1804. [Metrical Books of the Parish of Gzy; Book of Births with Summary 1781-1804.],” Gzy Parish Census (1782); Archiwum Diecezjalne w Płocku.

The records show the following information:

Household of Bonifacy Burski

Age 18 and older:
GGDD Bonifacy Burski
Helena, wife
Stefan, son
Magdalena, sister, [farmer ?]
Maryanna Kaligowska

Age 8-17:
Baltazar, son
Paweł, grandson

Household of Wojciech Burski

Age 18 and older:
GGDD Wojciech Burski
Elzbieta, wife
Antoni, son
Piotr, son
Barbara Burska

These census records provide information included no other records of the time period: family groups.

Still, questions remain. Pawel is Bonifacy’s grandson, but whose son is he? Who is Maryanna Kaligowska and why is she living with Bonifacy? Who is Barbara Burska and why is she living with Wojciech? Are Bonifacy and Wojciech related, and how?

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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