Tag Archives: Krasne

The Birth of Anna Niedziałkowska – 1798

While searching for the records of children of my great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chotkowska, I found the Baptismal Record Anna Niedziałkowska, born in 1798 in Mosaki Godacze. The record of her baptism is the second record on page 167 of the Book of Baptisms of the Krasne Church 1781-1807. Continue reading

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The Birth of Jan Wojciech Niedziałkowski – 1797

While searching for the records of children of my great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska, I found the Baptismal Record Jan Wojciech Niedziałkowski, born in 1797 in Mosaki Godacze. The record of his baptism is the second record on page 160 of the Book of Baptisms of the Krasne Church 1781-1807. Continue reading

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The Birth of Walenty Niedziałkowski-1796

While in Salt Lake City, I searched for the records of children of my great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecilia Chotkowska who were married 15 November 1785 in the Krasne Parish. Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Teodor Niedziałkowski – 1839

Between the births of my Great-Great Grandfather, Wojciech Niedziałkokwski, and his sister Małgorzata was the birth of their brother Teodor (Theodore) on 19 January 1839 in Mosaki-Godacze. Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Małgorzata Niedzialkowska – 1840

My Great-Great Grandfather Wojciech (Albert) Niedziałkowski was born in 1836. His sister Małgorzata (Margaret) was born in 1840. Continue reading

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The Polish Village of Mosaki

Genealogical research is usually enhanced when one uses maps and gazetteers to place the locations of ones ancestors in context with the geography of the area. In Polish genealogical research, the use of maps and gazetteers is essential to finding … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Wojciech Niedziałkowski -1836

Although I haven’t found the Birth and Baptismal Records for my Grandfather, Kostanty Niedziałkowski, or for my Great-Grandfather, Teofil Niedziałkowski, I already knew that my Great-Great Grandfather was Wojciech Niedziałkowski from other records. He was born in 1836 at a time when this part of Poland was under Russian rule, but the church records were still maintained in Polish. Continue reading

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The Marriage of Andrzej Chodkowski and Marianna Mossakowska

The earliest recorded Birth and Baptismal Record that I’ve found for any of my ancestors was that for Cecylia Chodkowska, recorded in 1767. However, I’ve found her parents’ Marriage Record, making this marriage record the earliest record that I’ve yet found for any of my ancestors. Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Cecylia Chodkowska

Wojeciech was the son of Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska, and Antoni was the son of Tomasz Niedzialkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska. Cecylia’s birth and baptismal record is the oldest birth and baptismal record I have for a direct ancestor. Continue reading

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