Tag Archives: Krasne

The Death and Burial of Jan Wojciech Niedziałkowski – 1797

On 30 Jul 1797, Jan Wojciech Niedziałkowski, the son of Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska died and was buried in the cemetery of the parish in Krasne. Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Maryanna Niedziałkowska – 1832

A daughter, Maryanna, was born to my 3rd great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska, on 06 Nov 1832 in Godacze, Ciechanów District, Płock Governorate, Congress Kingdom of Poland. SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego (Krasne, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Ludwik Niedziałkowski – 1834

A son, Ludwik, was born to my 3rd great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska, on 16 Jan 1834 in Godacze, Ciechanów District, Płock Governorate, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized three days later, an unusually long time for people to wait in this time and place. Perhaps the weather in January was especially bad at the time and the family could not get to the church to have Ludwik baptized sooner. Continue reading

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The Birth of Ludwika Niedziałkowska – 1808

A daughter, Ludwika, was born to my 4th great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska, on 24 Jun 1808. Continue reading

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The Death of Teodor Niedziałkowski – 1840

A son, Teodor, was born to my 3rd great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska, on 19 Jan 1839. Teodor died less than two years later, on 02 Nov 1840 in Mosaki-Godacze. SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego (Krasne, Ciechanów County, … Continue reading

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The Marriage of Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska – 1831

My 3rd great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski (son of Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska) and Karolina Milewska (daughter of Wojciech Milewski and Anna Burska), were married on 23 Nov 1831 in Krasne, Ciechanów District, Płock Governorate, Congress Kingdom of Poland. Continue reading

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The Birth of Julianna Chotkowska

My great-great-great-great grandmother, Cecylia Chotkowska was born in 1767 .  Her sister, Julianna, was born in 1758 .  The record of her baptism is record 36 for the year and the third record on this page of the Book of Baptisms … Continue reading

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The Death and Burial of Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1826

My great-great-great-great grandfather, Tomasz Niedziałkowski, died in 1826 .  His was the 52nd death in the Krasne Parish that year. The Death Record for Tomasz Niedziałkowski Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record for … Continue reading

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The Marriage of Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chotkowska

My great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chotkowsa were married in 1785 in the Church in Krasne, Poland. Theirs was the 20th marriage in Krasne that year. Continue reading

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The Birth of Józef Niedziałkowski

While in Salt Lake City a week ago, I found the Baptismal Record for Józef Niedziałkowski, born in 1801 in Mosaki Godacze .  He is the son of my great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska .  The record of his baptism is … Continue reading

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