The Death and Burial of Rozalia Chodkowska – 1852

Rozalia Chodkowska, daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, died on 27 February 1852 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 28 February 1852.

The Death and Burial Record of Rozalia Chodkowska - 1852

The Death and Burial Record of Rozalia Chodkowska – 1852

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1852-1858 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1852-1858],” folio 56 verso, entry 20, Rozalia Chodkowska, 28 Feb 1852; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,795.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Rozalia Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

20 .  [Mosaki] Rukle .  This happened in the village of Krasne on the sixteenth / twenty-eighth day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-two at the hour of four in the afternoon. There appeared Kajetan Chodkowski, fifty years of age, and Marceli Obidziński, seventy years of age, both residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, and they stated that yesterday at the hour of eleven before noon, Rozalia Chodkowska, residing in [Mosaki] Rukle with her mother, daughter of the married couple Jakub and Franciszka Chodkowski, nine and a half years of age, died in [Mosaki] Rukle. After visual confirmation of the death of Chodkowska, this document was read aloud to the declarants who do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of the Parish of Krasne

Rozalia Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed and was the second child of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska named Rozalia who died before adulthood.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Wiktoria Chodkowska – 1847

Wiktoria Chodkowska, daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, was born on 05 September 1847 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 05 September 1847.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Wiktoria Chodkowska - 1847

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Wiktoria Chodkowska – 1847

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1841-1851 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1841-1851],” folio 9 verso, entry 52, Wiktoria Chodkowska, 05 Sep 1847; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Wiktoria Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

52 .  Rukle .  This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-fourth day of August / fifth day of September in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-seven at the hour of eleven before noon. There appeared Jakub Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, fifty years of age, accompanied by Józef Rożiński, thirty-five years of age, and Józef Milewski, forty years of age, both residing in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle on their parts [of the village] and he showed Us a child of the female sex born today at the hour of one in the afternoon of his wife Franciszka née Bobińska, forty years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Wiktoria and her Godparents in baptism were the afore-mentioned Józef Rożiński and Józefa Góralewska. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses who do not know how to write.
               [signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

Wiktoria Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Chodkowska – 1844

Rozalia Chodkowska, daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, was born on 07 February 1844 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 08 February 1844.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Chodkowska - 1844

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Chodkowska – 1844

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1841-1851 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1841-1851],” folio 4 verso, entry 15, Rozalia Chodkowska, 08 Feb 1844; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

15 Milewo [sic – Mosaki] Rukle .  This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-seventh day of January / eighth day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-four at the hour of four in the afternoon. There appeared Jakub Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village], fifty years of age and residing in the village of Mosaki Rukle, accompanied by Józef Kraśnicki, owner of a part in the village of Milewo Malonki of the Karniewo parish, thirty years of age, together with Franciszek Chodkowski, owner of a part in [Mosaki] Rukle, forty years of age, and he showed Us a child of the female sex born yesterday at the hour of ten in the evening of his wife Franciszka née Bobińska, thirty years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Rozalia and her Godparents in baptism were Józef Kraśnicki and Eleonora Kwiatkowska. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses who do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Piotr Bączkowski, Vicar of Krasne

The priest wrote the name of the village where Rozalia was born as “Milewo Rukle” but no such place exists. He mixed up the name of the place where Rozalia was born (Mosaki Rukle) and the name of place where the first witness lived (Milewo Malonki).

Rozalia Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed. This was the second of two daughters named Rozalia born to Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska. The first Rozalia died the previous year.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial Record of Rozalia Chodkowska – 1843

Rozalia Chodkowska, daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, died on 07 February 1843 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 07 February 1843.

The Death and Burial Record of Rozalia Chodkowska - 1843

The Death and Burial Record of Rozalia Chodkowska – 1843

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1841-1851 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1841-1851],” folio 33 verso, entry 7, Rozalia Chodkowska, 07 Feb 1843; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Rozalia Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

7 Mosaki Rukle .  This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-sixth day of January / seventh day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-three at the hour of three in the afternoon. There appeared Jakub Chodkowski, fifty years of age, and Jan Chodkowski, sixty years of age, both farmers residing in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle, and they stated that today at the hour of one after midnight Rozalia Chodkowska, residing with her parents in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle, twenty weeks old, the daughter of the married couple Jakub and Franciszka Chodkowski, died in [Mosaki] Rukle. This document was read aloud to the appearing witnesses who do not know how to write.
     [signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

Rozalia Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Rozalia Chodkowska – 1842

Rozalia Chodkowska, daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, was born on 04 September 1842 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 06 October 1839.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Chodkowska - 1842

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Chodkowska – 1842

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1841-1851 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1841-1851],” folio 13 verso, entry 77, Rozalia Chodkowska, 06 Sep 1842; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Rozalia Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

77 Mosaki Rukle .  This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-fifth day of August / sixth day of September in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-two at the hour of three in the afternoon. There appeared Jakub Chodkowski, owner of a part and residing in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle, fifty years of age, accompanied by Ferdynand Milewski, twenty-two years of age, together with Maciej Niedziałkowski, fifty years of age, both owners of a part and residing in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle, and he showed Us a child of the female sex born in [Mosaki] Rukle the day before yesterday of his wife Franciszka née Bobińska, thirty years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Rozalia, and her Godparents in baptism were the afore-mentioned Ferdynand Milewski and Anna Chodkowska. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses who do not know how to write.
     [signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

Rozalia Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Walery Franciszek Chodkowski – 1839

Walery Franciszek Chodkowski, son of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, was born on 05 October 1839 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 06 October 1839.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Walery Franciszek Chodkowski - 1839

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Walery Franciszek Chodkowski – 1839

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Obwód, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” pages 25-26, entry 67, Walery Franciszek Chodkowski, 06 Oct 1839; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Walery Franciszek Chodkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

67 Mosaki Rukle .  This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-fourth day of September / sixth day of October in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-nine at the hour of two in the afternoon. There appeared Jakub Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village] and residing in Mosaki Rukle, forty years of age, accompanied by the Leon Chodkowski, twenty-three years of age, and Maciej Niedziałkowski, forty years of age, both owners of a part [of the village] and residing in Mosaki Rukle, and he showed Us a child of the male sex born in Mosaki Rukle yesterday of his wife Franciszka née Bobińska, thirty years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the names Walery Franciszek, and his Godparents in baptism were the afore-mentioned Leon Chodkowski and Teofila Zbikowska. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses who do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

Walery Franciszek Chodkowski was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Zuzanna Chodkowska – 1836

Zuzanna Chodkowska, daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, was born on 14 September 1836 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 18 September 1836.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Zuzanna Chodkowska - 1836

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Zuzanna Chodkowska – 1836

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” page 18, entry 55, Zuzanna Chodkowska, 18 Sep 1836; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Zuzanna Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

55  [Mosaki] Rukle .  This happened in the village of Krasne on the sixth / eighteenth day of September in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-six at the hour of twelve noon. There appeared Jakub Chodkowski, owner of his part [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, forty years of age, accompanied by the well-born Walenty Niedziałkowski, fifty-seven years of age, and Marcin Obidziński, fifty-two years of age, both owners of their part in [Mosaki] Rukle, and he showed Us a child of the female sex born in [Mosaki] Rukle on the second / fourteenth day of the current month and year of his wife Franciszka née Bobińska, thirty-two years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Zuzanna, and her Godparents in baptism were the married couple Gabryel and Zofia Obidziński. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses; the declarants and witnesses do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Aleksy Łasiewski, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

Zuzanna Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska – 1834

Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska, daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, was born on 11 April 1834 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 13 April 1834.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska - 1834

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska – 1834

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” page 9, entry 27, Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska, 13 Apr 1834; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

27  [Mosaki] Rukle .  This happened in the village of Krasne on the thirteenth day of April in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-four at the hour of eleven before noon. There appeared the well-born Jakub Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, forty years of age, accompanied by the well-born Walenty Niedziałkowski, fifty years of age, together with Jan Chodkowski, fifty-one years of age, both owners of their part in [Mosaki] Rukle, and he showed Us a child of the female sex born in [Mosaki] Rukle on the eleventh day at the hour of five in the morning of the current month of his wife Franciszka née Bobińska, thirty years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the names Józefa Eleonora, and her Godparents in baptism were the married couple Józef and Franciszka Chełchowski. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses; the declarants and witnesses do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Aleksy Łasiewski, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Jan Chodkowski – 1831

Jan Chodkowski, son of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, was born on 19 December 1831 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 22 December 1831.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Jan Chodkowski - 1831

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Jan Chodkowski – 1831

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem pow. ciechanowski 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, Powiat Ciechanów 1826-1840],” folio 13 verso, entry 84, Jan Chodkowski, 22 Dec 1831; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Jan Chodkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

84. [Mosaki] Rukle  This happened in the church-owned village of Krasne on the twenty-second day of December in the year one-thousand thirty-one at the hour of three in the afternoon. There appeared the well-born Jakub Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, thirty-eight years of age, accompanied by Józef Milewski, owner of part [of the village] in [Mosaki] Rukle, thirty-two years of age, together with Walenty Niedziałkowski, owner of a part [of the village] and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, forty-two years of age, and he showed Us a child of the male sex born in [Mosaki] Rukle on the nineteenth day of December in the same year at the hour of eleven at night, of his wife Franciszka née Bobińska, twenty-eight years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed today by the Reverend Adam Olszewski, local vicar, was given the name Jan, and his Godparents in baptism were the afore-mentioned Józef Milewski and Maryanna Łyszkowska. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses and was signed by Us, but the people named in the document do not know how to write. [signed] The Reverend Józef Kozmowski, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

Jan Chodkowski was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptismal Record of Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska – 1829

Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska, daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, was born on 07 July 1829 in Chodkowo Wielkie, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Płoniawy, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 12 July 1829.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska - 1829

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska – 1829

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Stanisława BM (Płoniawy, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta metrykalne par. Płoniawy; Akta urodzeń 1826-1838 [Metrical records of the parish of Płoniawy; Birth records 1826-1838],” page 135, entry 59, Eleonora Marianna Chodkowski, 12 Jul 1829; The Archives of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Płock, Płock, Poland.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Continue the Year 1829  XMM  135
â„– 59 Chodkowo Wielkie

This happened in the village of Płoniawy on the twelfth day of July in the year one-thousand eight-hundred twenty-nine at the hour of eleven before noon. There appeared the well-born Jakub Chodkowski, leaseholder residing in Chodkowo Wielkie, thirty-three years of age, accompanied by the well-born Antoni Bobiński, thirty years of age, and Antoni Chodkowski, fifty years of age, owners of parts, both residing in Chodkowo Wielkie, and he showed us a child of the female sex born on the seventh day of the same month at the hour of four in the afternoon of his wife Franciszka née Bobińska, twenty-five years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed today was given the names Eleonora Marianna, and her Godparents were the afore-mentioned Antoni Bobiński and Marianna Budny. This document was read aloud to the declarant and the witnesses, and was signed by Us and Antoni Bobiński, but the declarants and the second witness do not know how to write.
          [signed] The Reverend Franciszek Maicki, Pastor of Płoniawy

Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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