The Birth and Baptism of Xaweryna Chodkowska – 1826

Xaweryna Chodkowska, daughter of Franciszek Chodkowski and Franciszka Długołęcka, was born on 16 October 1826 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Vovoideship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Vovoideship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 16 October 1826.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Xaweryna Chodkowska - 1826

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Xaweryna Chodkowska – 1826

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1826-1840],” page 23, entry 68, Xaweryna Chodkowska, 16 Oct 1826; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Xaweryna Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

68 .  Mosaki Rukle  This happened in the church-owned village of Krasne on the sixteenth day of October in the year one-thousand eight-hundred twenty-six at the hour of six in the evening. There appeared the well-born Franciszek Chodkowski, partial owner [of the village], twenty-four years of age and residing in [Mosaki] Rukle of the Krasne Parish, accompanied by the well-born Jan Milewski, partial owner [of the village], twenty-seven years of age, and Maciej Niedziałkowski, forty years of age, partial owner [of the village], both residing in that same village of [Mosaki] Rukle, and he showed Us a child of the female sex born today at the hour of twelve noon in that house at number 13 of his wife Franciszka née Długołęcka, twenty years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed today by the Reverend Jakub Ropacki, serving as Vicar at this church, was given the name Xaweryna, and her Godparents were the afore-mentioned Jan Milewski and Anna Chodkowska. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses and was signed by Us. The father and the witnesses do not know how to write.
          [signed] The Reverend Norbert Zalewski, Preacher in the Parish of Krasne

Xaweryna Chodkowska was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Rajmund Rutkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska – 1858

After the death of her husband Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and her son Leopold Chodkowski, Katarzyna Konarzewska (daughter of the deceased Paweł Konarzewski and Joanna Milewska) married Rajmund Rutkowski (son of the deceased Tomasz Rutkowski and Anna Rutkowska) in the parish church in Gołymin, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 11 November 1858.

The Marriage Record of Rajmund Rutkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska - 1858

The Marriage of Rajmund Rutkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska – 1858

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Gołymin, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1851-1859 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1851-1859],” folio 45 recto, entry 21, Rajmund Rutkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska, 11 Nov 1858; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1806-1865; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,591.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Rajmund Rutkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

No 21 Wólki
This happened in Gołymin on the eleventh day of November in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-eight at the hour of three in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses Franciszek Żbikowksi forty years of age residing in Wólki, and Julian Rutkowski, thirty-seven years of age residing in Rutki, owners [of their villages], on this day a religious marriage was contracted between Rajmund Rutkowski, an unmarried man twenty-one years of age, son of the married couple, the deceased Tomasz and the living Anna née Rutkowski, residing and born in Rutki, and Katarzyna née Konarzewska Chodkowska, thirty years of age, widow of the deceased Julian Chodkowski who died on the thirteenth day of December the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-six in [Mosaki] Rukle in the parish of Krasne. The wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns in this parish and in the parish of Ciechanów on the twenty-fourth and thirty-first days of October and also on the seventh day of November. Verbal permission from the side of the young man to contract this marriage was announced by his mother who was present for this record. The newlyweds stated that they had made no prenuptial agreement between them. This religious ceremony was performed by the Reverend Jan Jemielity, Pastor of the Parish of Gołymin. This document was read aloud and signed by Us; the declarants do not know how to write
 [signed] The Reverend Jan Jemielity, Administrator of the Church and Civil Registrar

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Leopold Chodkowski – 1857

Leopold Chodkowski, son of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska, died on 08 February 1857 in Mosaki Rukle, Pułtusk Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Pułtusk Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 09 February 1857.

The Death and Burial Record of Leopold Chodkowski - 1857

The Death and Burial Record of Leopold Chodkowski – 1857

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Pułtusk Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1852-1858 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1852-1858],” folio 42 verso, entry 10, Leopold Chodkowski, 29 Jan 1857; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,795.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Leopold Chodkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Nr 10  Mosaki Rukle
This happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-ninth day of January / ninth day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-seven at the hour of four in the afternoon. There appeared Wojciech Rutkowski, thirty-five years of age, and Franciszek Żbikowski, forty years of age, the first residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, and the second residing in Konarszewo, owners of the villages, and they stated that yesterday at the hour of five in the afternoon, Leopold Chodkowski, a child four months old, born in [Mosaki] Rukle and living with his mother, son of the deceased Julian Chodkowski and his surviving wife the [one word?] widow Katarzyna née Konarzewska residing in [Mosaki] Rukle as a farmer .  After visual confirmation of the death of Leopold Chodkowski, this document was read to the declarants who have stated that they do not know how to write, and was signed by Us.
     [signed] The Reverend Idzi Godlewski, Pastor of the Parish of Krasne, maintaining the records of the civil state

With the death of her only son Leopold less than two months after the death of her husband Julian Stanisław Chodkowski, Katarzyna née Konarzewska Chodkowska was left a childless widow.

Leopold Chodkowski was my 6th cousin 2X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptismal Record of Leopold Chodkowski – 1856

Leopold Chodkowski, son of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska, was born on 15 November 1856 in Mosaki Rukle, Pułtusk Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Krasne, Pułtusk Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 19 November 1856.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Leopold Chodkowski - 1856

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Leopold Chodkowski – 1856

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Pułtusk Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1852-1858 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1852-1858],” folio 19 recto, entry 70, Leopold Chodkowski, 19 Nov 1856; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,795.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Leopold Chodkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Nr 70  Mosaki Rukle
This happened in Krasne on the seventh / nineteenth day of November in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-six at the hour of two in the afternoon. There appeared Julian Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village] in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle, thirty years of age, accompanied by Maciej Domosławski, owner of a tavern in Konarzewo Marcisze, thirty years of age, and Kajetan Chodkowski, owner [of a part of the village] in [Mosaki] Rukle, fifty-two years of age, and he showed Us a child of the male sex born in [Mosaki] Rukle on the third / fifteenth day of the same month at the hour of six in the morning of his wife Katarzyna née Konarzewska, twenty-eight years of age. To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Leopold and his Godparents were the afore-mentioned Maciej Domosławski and Zosia Józefa née Marcis.
This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses, of whom none knows how to write, and was signed by Us.
     [signed] The Reverend Idzi Godlewski, Pastor of the Parish of Krasne, maintaining the records of the civil state

Leopold Chodkowski was my 6th cousin 2X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska – 1854

Julian Stanisław Chodkowski (son of the deceased Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska) and Katarzyna Konarzewska (daughter of the deceased Paweł Konarzewski and Joanna Milewska) were married in the parish church in Gołymin, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 22 February 1854.

The Marriage Record of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and Katarzyna Milewska - 1854

The Marriage of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska – 1854

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Gołymin, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1851-1859 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1851-1859],” folio 16 recto, entry 3, Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska, 22 Feb 1854; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1806-1865; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,591.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and Katarzyna Milewska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

No 3. Wólki
This happened in the village of Gołymin on the tenth / twenty-second day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-four at the hour of two in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses Franciszek Żbikowksi forty year of age, and Jan Łysakowski sixty years of age, owners residing in Wólki, a religious marriage was contracted between the unmarried man Julian Chodkowski, twenty-eight years of age, residing with his mother in [Mosaki] Rule, born in Chodkowo, the son of the deceased Jakub Chodkowski and the living Franciszka née Bobińska of the Krasne Parish, and the unmarried girl Katarzyna Konarzewska, twenty-five years of age, born in Wólki and residing with her mother, the daughter of the married couple, the deceased Paweł Konarzewski and the living Joanna Milewska. This wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns on the seventeenth / twenty-ninth day of January, the twenty-fourth day of January / fifth day of February, and the thirty-first day of January / twelfth day of February. There was no impediment to marriage and the [permission?] of the mothers of both newlyweds had been made. The newlyweds stated that a premarital agreement had been made by Tadeusz Niski, Notary of the Przasnysz Okręg on the first / thirteenth day of February of this same year. This document was read aloud to the declarants who do not know how to write and was signed by Us.
               [signed] The Reverend Jan [Janiesziły?], Administrator of the Church

Julian Stanisław Chodkowski was my 5th cousin, 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Bobiński, Chodkowski, Konarzewski, Milewski | Tagged | Comments Off on The Marriage of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski and Katarzyna Konarzewska – 1854

The Marriage of Maciej Domosławski and Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska – 1855

Maciej Domosławski (son of Piotr Domosławski and Marianna Kakowska) and Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska (daughter of the deceased Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska) were married in the parish church in Karniewo, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 24 September 1855.

The Marriage Record of Maciej Domosławski and Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska - 1855

 The Marriage of Maciej Domosławski and Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska – 1855

SOURCE: Parafia pw. Wszystkich Świętych (Karniewo, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta zgonów 1851-1889 [Records of Deaths 1851-1889],” page 127, entry 18, Maciej Domosławski and Józefa Elonora Chodkowska, 24 Sep 1855; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1905; FHL INTL microfilm 1,808,499.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Maciej Domosławski and Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Byszewo .  18.

This happened in the village of Karniewo on the twelfth / twenty-fourth day of September in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-five at the hour of two in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses Adam Łyszkowski, twenty-one years of age, owner of his own parts in the village of Konarszewo, and Szczepan Zawadzki, organist, thirty years of age, residing here in Karniewo, on this day a religious marriage was contracted between the widower Maciej Domosławski, twenty-eight years of age, owner of a tavern, residing in the village of Konarzewo Marcisze, born in the village of Krubino of the married couple, the deceased Piotr Domosławski and the living Marianna née Kakowska, and the young woman Józefa Eleonora, two names, twenty-one years of age, daughter of the married couple the deceased Jakub Chodkowski and the still living Franciszka née Bobińska, born in the village of Mosaki Rukle, residing in the village of Byszewo, making a living as a servant. This wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns on the twenty-first day of August / second day of September, twenty-eighth day of August / ninth day of September, and the fourth day / sixteenth day of September in this same year in the parishes of Karniewo and Gołymin, as well as by the oral consent of the bride’s mother who was present for the marriage record. No impediment to the marriage arose. The newlyweds stated that they had made no prenuptial agreement between them. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses and was signed by Us together with the second witness; both declarants and the first witness do not know how to write. – Maintaining the Civil Registers, the Pastor of the Parish of Karniewo
[signed] S[zczepan] Zawardzki, witness [signed] The Reverend Ig[nacy] Bartkowski

Józefa Eleonora Chodkowska was my 5th cousin, 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Stanisław Hermoliński and Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska – 1851

Stanisław Hermoliński (son of Kacper Hermoliński and Antonia Kaczyńska) and Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska (daughter of the deceased Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska) were married in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 23 February 1851.

The Marriage Record of Stanisław Hermolinski and Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska - 1851

The Marriage Record of Stanisław Hermoliński and Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska – 1851

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1841-1851 [Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths 1841-1851],” folio 30 verso, entry 6, Stanisław Hermoliński and Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska, 23 Feb 1851; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,794.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Stanisław Hermolinski and Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

6 .  [Mosaki] Rukle. This happened in the village of Krasne on the eleventh / twenty-third day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-one at the hour of four in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses,  Jan Kobyliński, a farmer residing in the village of Budzyno, twenty-five years of age, and Franciszek Kupiński, [one word?] residing in the village of Byszewo, thirty-six years of age; on this day a religious marriage was contracted between the widower Stanisław Hermoliński, twenty-nine years of age, residing in a tavern in the village of Byszewo in the parish of Karniewo, born in the village of Chełchy of the deceased married couple Kacper Hermoliński and Antonia née Kaczyńska, a carpenter residing in the village of Szelków, husband of Teofila née Kobylińska who died last year on the twenty-third day of March / fourth day of April; and the young woman Eleonora Marianna, twenty-one years of age, daughter of the married couple, the deceased Jakub Chodkowski and the living Franciszka née Bobińska, residing on her part of the village of [Mosaki] Rukle, born in the village of Chodkowo in the parish of Płoniawy and living with her mother in the village of [Mosaki] Rukle. This wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns on the twenty-first of January / second of February, twenty-eighth of January / ninth of February, and the fourth / sixteenth of February of this same year in the parishes of Krasne and Karniewo, as well as by the oral consent of the mother of the bride who was present for [the recording of] this record of marriage. No impediment to the marriage arose. The newlyweds stated that they had made no prenuptial agreement between them. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses who do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of the Parish of Krasne

Eleonora Marianna Chodkowska was my 5th cousin, 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Józef Krośnicki and Tekla Chodkowska – 1834

Józef Krośnicki (son of Paweł Krośnicki and Kunegunda Chodkowska) and Tekla Chodkowska (daughter of Jakub Chodkowski and the deceased Teresa Ruszczyńska) were married in the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Okręg, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 05 February 1834.

The Marriage Record of Józef Krosnicki and Tekla Chodkowska - 1834

The Marriage Record of Józef Krośnicki and Tekla Chodkowska – 1834

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840. [Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths 1826-1840.],” page 39, entry 5, Józef Krośnicki and Tekla Chodkowska, 05 Feb 1834; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Józef Krosnicki and Tekla Chodkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

5 .  [Mosaki] Rukle and [Milewo] Malonki. This happened in the village of Krasne on the fifth day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-four at the hour of four in the afternoon. We make it known that in the presence of witnesses, the well-born Walenty Zembrzuski, owner of his part [of the village] and residing in [Milewo] Malonki, thirty-five year of age, and Pius Ruszczyński, leaseholder residing in Głowki, twenty-seven years of age, on this day a religious marriage was contracted between the young man Józef Krośnicki, twenty years of age, residing in [Milewo] Malonki and there well-born, residing with the married couple Paweł Krośnicki and Kunegunda née Chodkowska in [Milewo] Malonki; and the young woman Tekla, sixteen years of age, daughter of the married couple Jakub and the deceased Teresa Chodkowski, residing in [Mosaki] Rukle with her family and living with her father. This wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns on the nineteenth and twenty-sixth days of January and the second day of February of this same year in the parishes of Krasne and Karniewo, as well as by the oral consent of those present for [the recording of] this record of marriage. No impediment to the marriage arose. The newlyweds stated that they had made no prenuptial agreement between them. This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses and was signed by the second witness, whereas the declarants and the first witness do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Aleksy Łasiewski, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne
                    [signed] Pius Ruszcyński

Tekla Chodkowska was my 5th cousin, 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Jan Chodkowski – 1832

Jan Chodkowski, son of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, died on 28 January 1832 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 29 January 1832.

The Death and Burial of Jan Chodkowski - 1832

The Death and Burial Record of Jan Chodkowski – 1832

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Przasnysz Obwód, Płock Voivodeship, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzym-kat w Krasnem 1826-1840. [Civil registrations of the Roman Catholic parish in Krasne, 1826-1840],” page 71, entry 7, Jan Chodkowski, 29 Jan 1832; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,793.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Jan Chodkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


[Mosaki] Rukle. This happened in the church-owned village of Krasne on the twenty-ninth day of January in the year one-thousand eight-hundred thirty-two at the hour of one in the afternoon. There appeared Jakub Chodkowski, owner of a part in [Mosaki] Rukle, forty-one years of age, and Jan Chodkowski, owner of a part in [Mosaki] Rukle, fifty-four years of age, both residing in [Mosaki] Rukle, and they stated that yesterday at the hour of four in the morning, Jan Chodkowski, eighteen days old, son of the married couple Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka née Bobińska, residing with his parents in [Mosaki] Rukle. After visual confirmation of the death of Chodkowski, this document was read aloud to the declarants, of whom the first is the father of the deceased, and was signed by us. The people named in the document do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Józef Kosmowski, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

Jan Chodkowski was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski – 1856

Julian Stanisław Chodkowski, son of Jakub Chodkowski and Franciszka Bobińska, died on 13 December 1856 in Mosaki Rukle, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was buried at the parish church in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 14 December 1856.

The Death and Burial Record of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski - 1856

The Death and Burial Record of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski – 1856

SOURCE: Parafia pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela (Krasne, Prasnysz Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland), “Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1852-1858 [Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1852-1858],” folio 59 verso, entry 67, Julian Stanisław Chodkowski, 14 Dec 1856; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych, 1808-1892; FHL INTL microfilm 0,702,795.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Nr 67  Mosaki Rukle

This happened in the village of Krasne on the second / fourteenth day of December in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-six at the hour of nine in the morning. There appeared Franciszek Żbikowski, owner in Konarszewo, age forty, and Wojciech Niedziałkowski, age thirty, owner of a part of [Mosaki] Rukle, and they stated that on the first / thirteenth day of the present month at the hour of five in the morning, Julian Chodkowski, owner of a part [of the village], age thirty-seven, born in [Mosaki] Rukle and residing there, son of the deceased Jakub Chodkowski and the still-living Franciszka Chodkowska, leaving behind his surviving wife Katarzyna née Konarszewska. After visual confirmation of the death of Julian Chodkowski, this document having been read to the declarants, we signed; the declarants do not know how to write.
[signed] The Reverend Idzi Godlewski, Pastor of the Parish of Krasne, maintaining the records of the civil state

Julian Stanisław Chodkowski was my 5th cousin 3X removed.

Copyright © 2010 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Bobiński, Chodkowski, Konarzewski | Tagged | Comments Off on The Death and Burial of Julian Stanisław Chodkowski – 1856