The Birth of Stanislaw Joseph Izbicki – 1917

Stanislaw Joseph Izbicki, son of Bolesław Dominik Izbicki and Wiktoria Kruczyńska, was born on 14 March 1917 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA .  His birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester.

The Birth Record of Stanislaw Joseph Izbicki - 1917

The Birth Record of Stanislaw Joseph Izbicki – 1917

SOURCE:  Worcester, Massachusetts, Births, vol. 642, page 579, no. 1094, Stanley Isbicki, 1917; Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts, microfilm #141.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for Walter William Dymek .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Stanislaw Joseph Izbicki .  The ledger states:

  • Stanislaw Joseph Izbicki’s birth is recorded in vol. 642, page 579, no. 1094 in the ledger for the city of Worcester,
  • His name is recorded as Stanley Isbicki [Stanislaw Joseph Izbicki, a male child born in Worcester,
  • He was born on 14 March 1917 and his birth was recorded in January 1918,
  • His father was Boleslaw Isbicki [Bolesław Dominik Izbicki], a tanner from Poland residing in Worcester,
  • His mother was Victoria Kruczynski [Wiktoria Kruczyńska] from Poland, residing in Worcester.

The microfilm copy was poor, as evidenced by the images shown here .  Fortunately, the photocopy I have is readable, even though portions of the digital image are not.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Chester Pszczolkowski – 1917

Chester Pszczolkowski, son of Czesław Pszczółkowski and Józefa Skowrońska, was born on 5 December 1917 in Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA .  His birth was recorded in a ledger for the town of Gardner.

The Birth Record of Chester Pszczolkowski - 1917

The Birth Record of Chester Pszczolkowski – 1917

SOURCE:  Worcester, Massachusetts, Births, vol. 642, page 398, no. 435, Chester Pszczolkowski, 1917; Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts, microfilm #141.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for Walter William Dymek .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Chester Pszczolkowski .  The ledger states:

  • Chester Pszczolkowski’s birth is recorded in vol. 642, page 398, no. 435 in the ledger for the town of Gardner,
  • His name is recorded as Chester Pszczolkowski, a male child born in Worcester,
  • He was born on 5 December 1917 and date his birth was recorded is illegible,
  • His father was Chester Pszczolkowski [Czesław Pszczółkowski] from Poland residing in Gardner, no occupation provided,
  • His mother was Josephine Skowrouska [Józefa Skowrońska] from Poland, residing in Gardner.

The microfilm copy was poor, as evidenced by the images shown here .  Fortunately, the photocopy I have is readable, even though portions of the digital image are not.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Walter P. Markiewicz – 1917

Walter P. Markiewicz, son of Stanisław J. Markiewicz and Antonina Lewandowska, was born on 15 August 1917 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA .  His birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester.

The Birth Record of Walter P. Markiewicz - 1917

The Birth Record of Walter P. Markiewicz – 1917

SOURCE:  Worcester, Massachusetts, Births, vol. 642, page 630, no. 3390, Walter Markiewicz, 1917; Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts, microfilm #141.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for Walter William Dymek .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Walter P. Markiewicz .  The ledger states:

  • Walter P. Markiewicz’s birth is recorded in vol. 642, page 630, no. 3390 in the ledger for the city of Worcester,
  • His name is recorded as Walter Markiewicz, a male child born in Worcester,
  • He was born on 15 August 1917 and his birth was recorded in January 1918,
  • His father was Stanley Markiewicz [Stanisław Markiewicz], a moulder from Poland residing in Worcester,
  • His mother was Antonina Rejbodzanka [Antonina Lewandowska] from Poland, residing in Worcester.

The microfilm copy was poor, as evidenced by the images shown here .  Fortunately, the photocopy I have is readable, even though portions of the digital image are not.

The spelling of the mother’s maiden name on this record (Rejbodzanka) differs significantly from that on other records from the same time period: Ljwoda, Leiwoda, and Levodzauki .  My best guess at this time is that the actual surname is Lewandowska.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Henry Frank Dymek – 1916

Henry Frank Dymek, son of Stanisław Dymek and Franciszka Ksepka, was born on 03 August 1916 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA .  His birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester.

The Birth Record of Henry Frank Dymek - 1916

The Birth Record of Henry Frank Dymek – 1916

SOURCE:  Worcester, Massachusetts, Births, vol. 636, page 619, no. 2995, Henry Dymek, 1916; Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts, microfilm #135.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for Walter William Dymek .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Henry Frank Dymek .  The ledger states:

  • Henry Frank Dymek’s birth is recorded in vol. 636, page 619, no. 2995 in the ledger for the city of Worcester,
  • His name is recorded as Henry Dymek, a male child born in Worcester,
  • He was born on 03 August 1916 and his birth was recorded in January 1917,
  • His father was Stanley Dymek [Stanisław Dymek], a laborer from Russia Poland residing in Worcester,
  • His mother was Frances Sepka [Franciszka Ksepka] from Russia Poland, residing in Worcester.

Earlier this year, the Massachusetts vital records for the years 1916-1920 were transferred from the Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records and Statistics to the Massachusetts Archives .  The website of the Massachusetts Archives states that these records will not be available for public viewing until after they have been digitized by FamilySearch .  When I arrived at the Massachusetts Archives on July 1, 2011, I was told that some of the records were, in fact, available on microfilm .  This record was one of those available .  The microfilm copy was poor, as evidenced by the images shown here .  Fortunately, the photocopy I have is readable, even though portions of the digital image are not.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death of Katarzyna (Chruścicka) Dańko – 1979

Katarzyna Dańko, daughter of Marcin Chruścicki and Anna Klimak, wife of Piotr Dańko, died on 07 February 1979 in Princess Margaret Hospital, Swindon, Wiltshire County, England, UK.

The Death Record of Katarzyna (Chruścicka) Dańko - 1979

The Death Record of Katarzyna (Chruścicka) Dańko – 1979

SOURCE:  England, death certificate for Katarzyna Danko, 1979; citing Qtr M, Vol 23, Page 2627, Swindon registration district and subdistrict; General Register Office, Southport.

Click on the image above to enlarge it .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the death record of Katarzyna (Chruścicka) Dańko .  The record states:

  • The death of Katarzyna (Chruścicka) Dańko was recorded as entry no. 7 in the Swindon registration district and sub-district in the County of Wiltshire;
  • She died on 07 February 1979 in Princess Margaret Hospital, Swindon;
  • Her name is listed as Katarzyna DANKO, of the female sex;
  • She was born on 20 March 1905 in Poland;
  • Her occupation was wife of Piotr Danko, farmer retired and her usual address was 48 Dacre Road, Walcot, Swindon, Wilts[hire];
  • The informant was Maria MALINOWSKA, daughter of the deceased, whose usual address was 18 Cumberland Road, Swindon, Wilts[hire];
  • The cause of death was carcinomatosis along with carcinoma of stomach;
  • The death was certified by R [Callingbara?] MB;
  • M Malinowska signed the death certificate; E. Pressey, deputy Registrar registered the death on 08 February 1979.

Katarzyna Dańko was the wife of my half great uncle (wife of the half brother of my grandfather).

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death of Piotr Dańko – 1993

Piotr Dańko, son of Jakub Dańko and Zofia Głowacz, husband of Katarzyna Chruścicka, died on 10 December 1993 in St Margarets Hospital, Stratton St Margaret, Wiltshire County, England, UK.

The Death Record of Piotr Dańko - 1993

The Death Record of Piotr Dańko – 1993

SOURCE:  England, death certificate for Piotr Danko, 1993; citing Reg A45B, Ent No 288, DOR 01-DEC-1993, Swindon registration district and subdistrict; General Register Office, Southport.

Click on the image above to enlarge it .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the death record of Piotr Dańko .  The record states:

  • The death of Piotr Dańko was recorded as entry no. 288 in the Swindon registration district and sub-district in the County of Wiltshire;
  • He died on 10 December 1993 in St Margarets Hospital, Stratton St Margaret;
  • His name is listed as Piotr DANKO, of the male sex;
  • He was born on 29 June 1898 in Poland;
  • His occupation was farmer 9retired) and his usual address was 18 Cumberland Road, Swindon;
  • The informant was Maria MALINOWSKA, daughter of the deceased, whose usual address was 18 Cumberland Road, Swindon;
  • The cause of death was acute monocytic leukaemia, along with bronchogenic carcinoma and Parkinsons disease;
  • The death was certified by Al-Allaf MB;
  • M Malinowska signed the death certificate; H. Poole, Registrar registered the death on 10 December 1993.

Piotr Dańko was my half great uncle (the half brother of my grandfather).

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Józef Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol – 1910

Józef Chmielewski (son of Wincenty Chmielewski and Scholastyka Wojtczuka) and Katarzyna Warchol (daughter of Jan Warchol and Marianna) were married on 01 October 1894 in Chicopee, Hampden County, Massachusetts, USA .  Their marriage was recorded in a ledger for the city of Chicopee, Hampden County, Massachusetts, USA.

The Marriage Record of Józef Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol - 1894

The Marriage Record of Józef Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol – 1910

SOURCE:  “Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910,” digital images, American Ancestors ( : accessed 30 June 2011), Marriage of Joseph Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol, vol. 442, page 574, no. 888/163, Chicopee, Massachusetts, 01 October 1894; citing Vital Records: 1841-1915, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for this couple .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the marriage record of Józef Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol .  The ledger states:

The marriage of Józef Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol was recorded in Volume 442, Page 574, Number 888/163 of the marriage records for the city of Chicopee, Massachusetts,

  • They were married on 01 October 1894 in Chicopee.
  • The groom’s name was recorded as Joseph Chmielewski, son of Wincenty Chmielewski and Scholastyka [Scholastyka Wojtczuka],
  • The bride’s name was recorded as Katarzyna Warchol, daughter of Jan Warchol and Mary [Maryanna],
  • The groom was 21 years of age, residing in Holyoke, a Mill Operative from Austria [Russia],
  • The bride was 19 years of age, residing in Chicopee, from Austria,
  • They were married by Francis St. Chalupka, a Catholic Priest from Webster,
  • Their marriage was recorded on 10 November 1894.

Józef Chmielewski was my half grand uncle.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Albert Francis Blackman – 1914

Albert Francis Blackman, son of Clifford Austin Blackman and Jane A. Goodrich, was born on 27 August 1914 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA .  The birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

The Birth Record of Albert Francis Blackman - 1914

The Birth Record of Albert Francis Blackman – 1914

SOURCE:  “Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911-1915,” digital images, American Ancestors ( : accessed 29 June 2011), Birth of Albert Francis Blackman, vol. 1914-BV2, pages 168-169, no. 13327, Boston, Massachusetts, 27 August 1914; citing Vital Records: 1841-1915, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for this couple .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Albert Francis Blackman .  The ledger states:

  • Albert Francis Blackman’s birth is recorded in Vol. 1914-BV2, Pages 168-169, No. 13327 in the ledger for the city of Boston,
  • His name was recorded as Albert Francis Blackman, a male child born in Boston,
  • He was born on 27 August 1914, and his birth was recorded on 15 September 1914,
  • His father was Clifford A. Blackman [Clifford Austin Blackman], an editor born and residing in Boston,
  • His mother was Jennie Goodrich [Jane A. Goodrich], born in Everett.

Albert Francis Blackman would later marry my half first cousin, once removed, Anastasia Rita Meleski.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Helene Rita Meleski – 1904

Helene Rita Meleski, daughter of Józef Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol, was born on 02 December 1904 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA .  The birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA.

The Birth Record of Helene Rita Meleski - 1904

The Birth Record of Helene Rita Meleski – 1904

SOURCE:  “Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910,” digital images, American Ancestors ( : accessed 27 June 2011), Birth of Francis Chmielewski, vol. 510, page 424, no. 519, Worcester, Massachusetts, 04 October 1901; citing Vital Records: 1841-1915, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for this couple .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Helene Rita Meleski .  The ledger states:

  • Helene Rita Meleski’s birth is recorded in Vol. 544, Page 503, No. 2362 in the ledger for the city of Worcester,
  • Her name was recorded as Helen Meleski, a female child born in Worcester,
  • She was born on 02 December 1904, and her birth was recorded in January 1905,
  • Her father was Joseph Meleski [Józef Chmielewski], a laborer from Russia residing in Worcester,
  • Her mother was Katie Wakit [Katarzyna Warchol] from Austria, residing in Worcester.

Helene Rita Meleski was my half first cousin, once removed.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Francis Chmielewski – 1901

Francis Chmielewski, son of Józef Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol, was born on 04 October 1901 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA .  The birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA.

The Birth Record of Francis Chmielewski - 1901

The Birth Record of Francis Chmielewski – 1901

SOURCE:  “Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910,” digital images, American Ancestors ( : accessed 27 June 2011), Birth of Francis Chmielewski, vol. 510, page 424, no. 519, Worcester, Massachusetts, 04 October 1901; citing Vital Records: 1841-1915, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for this couple .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Francis Chmielewski .  The ledger states:

  • Francis Chmielewski’s birth is recorded in Vol. 510, Page 424, No. 519 in the ledger for the city of Worcester,
  • His name was recorded as Francis Chmielewski, a male child born in Worcester,
  • He was born on 04 October 1901, and his birth was recorded in January 1902,
  • His father was Joseph Chmielewski [Józef Chmielewski], a laborer from Poland residing in Worcester,
  • His mother was Catherine Varchol [Katarzyna Warchol] from Poland, residing in Worcester.

Francis Chmielewski was my half first cousin, once removed.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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