The Birth of Regina Izbicki – 1908

Regina Izbicki, daughter of Stanisław Izbicki and Mary A. Krzesiewska, was born on 25 October 1908 in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USA .  Her birth was recorded in a ledger for the town of Norwich.

The Birth Record of Regina Izbicki - 1908

The Birth Record of Regina Izbicki – 1908

SOURCE:  Norwich (Connecticut), Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 24: 41, Regina Izbicki birth, 1908; FHL Microfilm 1,311,441, Item 1.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for this child .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Regina Izbicki .  The ledger states:

Regina Izbicki’s birth was recorded in Vol. 24, Page 41 in the birth ledger for the town of Norwich, Connecticut in the year 1908;

  • She was a female child born at 10 Golden St on 25 October 1908;
  • Her father was Stanislaus Izbicki [Stanisław Izbicki], a 37 year old white laborer from Poland residing in Norwich, Connecticut;
  • Her mother was Mary Krzesiewska [Marianna Krzeszewska?], a 24 year old white woman from Poland;
  • The mother had two children in all, and two children still living;
  • The certifying physician was William Witter, MD.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Paulina Andruszkiewicz – 1857

Paulina Andruszkiewicz, daughter of Józef Andruszkiewicz and Salomea Swiacka, was born on 26 January 1857 in Nowa Wieś, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 27 January 1857.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Paulina Andruszkiewicz - 1857

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Paulina Andruszkiewicz – 1857

SOURCE:  Parafia p. w. Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP (Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). “Duplikat Akt Urodzonych Zaslubionych i Zmarłych Parafii Wigierskiey z Roku 1857” [Duplicate Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths of the Wigry Parish in the year 1857], entry 20, Paulina Andruszkiewicz, 27 January 1857; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych; FHL INTL film 0,752,641.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Paulina Andruszkiewicz. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Nowa Wieś 20.

This happened in Wigry on the fifteenth / twenty-seventh day of January in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-seven at the hour of three in the afternoon .  There appeared Józef Andruszkiewicz, a farmer residing in Nowa Wieś, thirty-eight years of age, in the presence of Jan Czernieski, forty-six years of age, together with Andrzej Izbicki, fifty years of age, both farmers residing in Nowa Wieś, and he showed Us a child of the female sex born in Nowa Wieś yesterday at the hour of four in the morning of his wife Salomea née Swiacka, forty-two years of age .  To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Paulina and her Godparents were Andrzej Nowosadko and Lucya Pietrewicz .  This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses, none of whom know how to write, and was signed by Us.

[signed] The Reverend W. Olszewski, Pastor of Wigry

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Franciszek Andruszkiewicz – 1854

Franciszek Andruszkiewicz, son of Józef Andruszkiewicz and Salomea Swiacka, was born on 23 June 1854 in Nowa Wieś, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 25 June 1854.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Franciszek Andruszkiewicz - 1854

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Franciszek Andruszkiewicz – 1854

SOURCE:  Parafia p. w. Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP (Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). “Duplikat Akt Urodzonych Zmarłych i Zaslubionych Parafii Wigierskiey na Rok 1854” [Duplicate Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages of the Wigry Parish in the year 1854], page 41, entry 82, Katarzyna Andruszkiewicz, 25 June 1854; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych; FHL INTL film 0,752,641.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Franciszek Andruszkiewicz. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Nowa Wieś 82.

This happened in Wigry on the thirteenth / twenty-fifth day of June in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-four at the hour of three in the afternoon .  There appeared Józef Andruszkiewicz, a farmer residing in Nowa Wieś, thirty-five years of age, in the presence of Józef Fidrych, forty-nine year of age, together with Jakub Sztachurski, forty-five years of age, both farmers residing in Nowa Wieś, and he showed Us a child of the male sex born in Nowa Wieś on the eleventh / twenty-third day of this same month and year at the hour of twelve noon of his wife Salomea née Swiacka, thirty years of age .  To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Franciszek and his Godparents were Franciszek Buchowiecki and Józefa Kurzyńska .  This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses, none of whom know how to write, and was signed by Us.

[signed] The Reverend W. Olszewski, Pastor of Wigry

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Katarzyna Andruszkiewicz – 1848

Katarzyna Andruszkiewicz, daughter of Józef Andruszkiewicz and Salomea Swiacka, was born on 25 November 1848 in Nowa Wieś, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. She was baptized in the parish church in Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 26 November 1848.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Katarzyna Andruszkiewicz - 1848

Baptismal Record of Katarzyna Andruszkiewicz – 1848

SOURCE:  Parafia p. w. Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP (Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). “Duplikat Akti Urodzonych Zasłubionych i Zmarłych Parafii Wigry z Roku 1848” [Duplicate Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths of the Wigry Parish in the year 1848], page 37, entry 146, Katarzyna Andruszkiewicz, 26 November 1848; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych; FHL INTL film 0,752,640.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Katarzyna Andruszkiewicz. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Nowa Wieś 146.

This happened in Wigry on the twenty-sixth day of November in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-eight at the hour of four in the afternoon .  There appeared Józef Andruszkiewicz, thirty years of age, a farmer residing in Nowa Wieś, in the presence of Jakub Kuczyński and Mateusz Buchowiecki, both fifty years of age, farmers residing in Nowa Wieś, and he showed Us a child of the female sex born in Nowa Wieś on the twenty-fifth day of November in this same year at the hour of seven in the morning of his wife Salomea née Swiacka, twenty years of age .  To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Katarzyna and her Godparents were Józef Lękiewicz and Franciszka Czerwiecza .  This document was read aloud to the declarant and was signed by Us .  The father and the witnesses do not know how to write.

[signed] The Reverend W. Olszewski, Pastor of Wigry

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Jan Andruszkiewicz – 1846

Jan Andruszkiewicz, son of Józef Andruszkiewicz and Salomea Swiacka, was born on 10 February 1846 in Nowa Wieś, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 11 February 1846.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Jan Andruszkiewicz - 1846

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Jan Andruszkiewicz – 1846

SOURCE:  Parafia p. w. Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP (Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). “Duplikat z Originalu Aktów Mieyscowych Wygierskiech Urodzonych Zaslubionych y Umarłych w Roku 1846” [Duplicate of the Original Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths of the Wigry Area in the year 1846], page 7, entry 26, Jan Andruszkiewicz, 11 February 1846; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych; FHL INTL film 0,752,640.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Jan Andruszkiewicz. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:


Nowa Wieś .  This happened in Wigry on the eleventh day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred forty-six at the hour of two in the afternoon .  There appeared Józef Andruszkiewicz, thirty years of age, a farmer residing in Nowa Wieś, in the presence of Wincenty Lękiewicz and Jakub Slachuoski, both thirty years of age, farmers residing in Nowa Wieś, and he showed Us a child of the male sex born on the tenth day of February in this same year at the hour of nine in the afternoon of his wife Salomea née Swiacka, thirty years of age .  To this child at Holy Baptism performed today was given the name Jan, and his Godparents were Wincenty Lękiewicz and Maryanna Suwicka, both from Nowa Wieś .  This document was read aloud to the declarant and was signed by Us .  The father and the witnesses do not know how to write.

          [signed] The Reverend F. Naruszewicz
Pastor of Wigry

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Józef Andruszkiewicz – 1852

Józef Andruszkiewicz, son of Józef Andruszkiewicz and Salomea Swiacka, was born on 25 February 1852 in Nowa wieś, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized in the parish church in Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland on 27 February 1852.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Józef Andruszkiewicz - 1852

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Józef Andruszkiewicz – 1852

SOURCE: Parafia p. w. Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP (Wigry, Suwalki Powiat, Augustów Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). “Duplikat Akti Urodzonych Zasłubionych i Zmarłych Parafii Wigry z Ro: 1852” [Duplicate Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths of the Wigry Parish in the year 1852], page 17, entry 34, Józef Andruszkiewicz, 27 February 1852; filmed as Kopie księg metrykalnych; FHL INTL film 0,752,640.

Click on the image above to view a higher resolution image. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Józef Andruszkiewicz. Translated from the Polish, the record reads:

Nowa wieś 34.

This happened in Wigry on the fifteenth / twenty-seventh day of February in the year one-thousand eight-hundred fifty-two at the hour of one in the afternoon .  There appeared Józef Andruszkiewicz, a farmer residing in Nowa wieś, forty years of age, in the presence of Józef Kuczyński, thirty-five years of age, together with Jakub Sawicki, sixty-six years of age, both farmers residing in Nowa wieś, and he showed Us a child of the male sex born in Nowa wieś on the thirteenth / twenty-fifth day of this same month and year at the hour of seven in the morning of his wife Salomea née Swiacka, thirty-seven years of age .  To this child at Holy Baptism performed on this day was given the name Józef and his Godparents were the afore-mentioned Józef Kuczyński and Dorota Łosinska .  This document was read aloud to the illiterate declarant and witnesses and was signed by Us.

[signed] The Reverend W. Olszewski, Pastor of the Parish of Wigry

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Wiktoria (Kruczyńska) Izbicki – 1948

Wiktoria (Kruczyńska) Izbicki, daughter of Kazimierz Kruczyński and Franciszka (or Elżbieta) Maslowska, widow of Bolesław Izbicki, died on 24 August 1948 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA and was buried on 27 August 1948 in Notre Dame Cemetery, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA.

The Death and Burial Record of Wiktoria (Kruczyńska) Izbicki - 1948

The Death and Burial Record of Wiktoria (Kruczyńska) Izbicki – 1948

SOURCE:  Worcester, Massachusetts, Death Records 1948, vol. 103: 407, Victoria (Kruczynski) Izbicki, Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records and Statistics, Dorchester.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the death and burial record of Wiktoria (Kruczyńska) Izbicki .  The record states:

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
WORCESTER (City or town making return)  107
Registered No. 2005

No. 29 Belleview St., Â Â Â Â  Ward
{(If death occurred in a hospital or institution, give its NAME instead of street and number)

2  FULL NAME Victoria (Kruczynski) Izbicki (If deceased is a married, widowed or divorced woman, give also maiden name.)
{PHYSICIAN – IMPORTANT (Was deceased a U. S. War Veteran, if so specify WAR)
(a) Residence .  (Usual place of abode) No. 29 Belleview St., Â Â Â Â  Ward, (If nonresident, give city or town and state)
Length of stay:  (Before death) (Specify whether) In hospital or institution     years    months     days
In this community  40 years     months     days

3   SEX  female
4   COLOR OR RACE  white
5   SINGLE MARRIED WIDOWED or DIVORCED (write the word)  widowed
5a  If married, widowed, or divorced HUSBAND of      (Give maiden name of wife in full) (or) WIFE of Boleslaus Izbicki (Husband’s name in full)
6  Age of husband or wife if alive     years
7   IF STILLBORN, enter that fact here.
8   AGE  66 Years – Months – Days
If less than 1 day     Hours     Minutes
9  Usual Occupation:  at home
10  Industry or Business:
11  Social Security No .  none
12  BIRTHPLACE (City)    (State or country)  Poland  20-7
13  NAME OF FATHER  Kazimierz Kruczynski
14  BIRTHPLACE OF FATHER (City)    (State or country)  Poland  20-7
15  MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER  Franciszka Maslowska
16  BIRTHPLACE OF MOTHER (City)    (State or country)  Poland  20-7
17  Informant  Walter Izbicki  (Relation, if any  son)
(Address)  Worcester

I HEREBY CERTIFY that a satisfactory standard certificate of death was filed with me BEFORE the burial or transit permit was issued:
George D Melican
(Signature of Agent of Board of Health or other)
Dep Comm (Official Designation)
Aug 26, 1948 (Date of Issue of Permit)

18  DATE OF DEATH  Aug 24, 1948 (Month) (Day) (Year)
19  I HEREBY CERTIFY that I attended deceased from
Aug 16, 1948 to Aug 24, 1948, death is said to
have occurred on the date stated above, at 4:30aM.
Immediate cause of death
Chronic myocarditis
Due to
Due to
Other conditions
(Include pregnancy within 3 months of death)
Major findings:
Of operations
Date of
Of autopsy  –
What test confirmed diagnosis?  –
Duration Important  years
Important  Physician – Underline the cause to which death should be charged statistically.
20  Was disease or injury in any way related to occupation of deceased?  no
If so, specify
(Signed) Waldo Hagberg M.D.
(Address)  Worcester  Date  8-25 1948

21  Place of Burial, Cremation or Removal .  Notre Dame, Worcester (City or town)
DATE OF BURIAL  Aug. 27, 1948     19
23  NAME OF UNDERTAKER  L Karolkewicz
ADDRESS  Worcester

Received and filed Aug 27, 1948     19
[signed] Malcolm C Midgley (Registrar)

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Bolesław Dominik Izbicki – 1937

Bolesław Dominik Izbicki, son of Dominik Izbicki and Józefata Marianna Bizewska, husband of Wiktoria Kruczyńska, died on 10 March 1937 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA and was buried on 12 March 1937 in Notre Dame Cemetery, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA.

The Death and Burial Record of Bolesław Dominik Izbicki - 1937

The Death and Burial Record of Bolesław Dominik Izbicki – 1937

SOURCE:  Worcester, Massachusetts, Death Records 1937, vol. 95: 363, Boleslaw D Izbicki, Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records and Statistics, Dorchester.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the death and burial record of Bolesław Dominik Izbicki .  The record states:

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
WORCESTER (City or town making return)  363
Registered No. 685

No. 9 Esther St., Â Â Â Â  Ward
{(If death occurred in a hospital or institution, give its NAME instead of street and number)

2  FULL NAME Boleslaw D Izbicki (If deceased is a married, widowed or divorced woman, give also maiden name.)
{(If U. S. War Veteran, specify WAR)
(a) Residence .  No. 9 Esther St., Â Â Â Â  Ward, (If nonresident, give city or town and state)
Length of residence in city or town where death occurred 30 yrs . Â Â Â  Mos . Â Â Â  Days.
How long in U. S. if of foreign birth?  30 yrs . Â Â Â  Mos . Â Â Â  Days.

3   SEX  male
4   COLOR OR RACE  white
5   SINGLE MARRIED WIDOWED or DIVORCED (write the word)  married
5a  If married, widowed, or divorced HUSBAND of Victoria Kruczynska (Give maiden name of wife in full) or WIFE of      (Husband’s name in full)
6   IF STILLBORN, enter that fact here.
7   AGE  57 Years – Months – Days
If less than 1 day     Hours     Minutes
8   Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper, etc  Laborer in 7871
9   Industry or business in which work was done, as silk mill, saw mill, bank, etc  Street Department
10  Date deceased last worked at this occupation (month and year)
11  Total time (years spent in this occupation
12  BIRTHPLACE (City)    (State or country)  Poland  20-7
13  NAME OF FATHER  Dominick
14  BIRTHPLACE OF FATHER (City)    (State or country)  Poland  20-7
15  MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER  Cannot be learned
16  BIRTHPLACE OF MOTHER (City)    (State or country)  Poland  20-7
17  Informant  Mrs. Victoria Izbicki
(Address)  Worcester

I HEREBY CERTIFY that a satisfactory standard certificate of death was filed with me BEFORE the burial or transit permit was issued:
Peter O Shea, M. D.
(Signature of Agent of Board of Health or other)
Director (Official Designation)
March 12, 1937 (Date of Issue of Permit)

18  DATE OF DEATH  March 10, 1937 (Month) (Day) (Year)
19  I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have investigated the death of the person above-named and that the CAUS AND MANNER thereof are as follows:  (If an injury was involved, state fully)
Probably coronary sclerosis
Coronary thrombosis.Unexpected
death. Found dead in bed.
94B  (no autopsy)
(See reverse side for description for unknown person)
20  If death was due to external causes (VIOLENCE) fill in the following:
Accident, Suicide or Homicide?  —
Date of Injury  ___ 19
Where did injury occur?  — (City or town and State)
Manner of Injury  —
Nature of Injury  —
21  Was disease or injury in any way related to occupation of deceased?  No
If so, specify
(Signed) Frederick H Baker,Med.Exam M. D.
(Address)  Worcester  Date  3-10-1937

22  PLACE OF BURIAL, CREMATION OR REMOVAL  Notre Dame (Cemetery), Worcester (City or town)
DATE OF BURIAL  March 12,1937     19
23  NAME OF UNDERTAKER  L Karolkevicz & Son Inc.
ADDRESS  Worcester

Received and filed March 13, 1937     19
[signed] Malcolm C Midgley (Registrar)

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Anastasia Rita Chmielewski – 1911

Anastasia Rita Chmielewski, daughter of Józef Chmielewski and Katarzyna Warchol, was born on 22 February 1911 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA .  Her birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester.

The Birth Record of Anastasia Rita Chmielewski - 1911

The Birth Record of Anastasia Rita Chmielewski – 1911

SOURCE:  “Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915,” index and digital images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 July 2011), entry for Stansilawa Chmielewska, born 22 February 1911; citing Massachusetts Vital Records (deaths, births, marriages) 1911-1915, FHL microfilm 2,409,732; Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for this child .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Anastasia Rita Chmielewski .  The ledger states:

Anastasia Rita Chmielewski’s birth is recorded on Page 482, No. 705 in the ledger for the city of Worcester,

  • Her name was recorded as Stanislawa Chmielewska, a female child born in Worcester,
  • She was born on 22 February 1911 and her birth was recorded in January 1912,
  • Her father was Joseph Chmielewska [Józef Chmielewski], a laborer from Russia residing in Worcester,
  • Her mother was Catherine Warhuk [Katarzyna Warchol] from Austria, residing in Worcester.

According to the American Ancestors website, this birth was recorded in Vol. 600, Page 482, No. 705 in the ledger for the city of Worcester .  SOURCE:  “Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911-1915,” index and digital images, American Ancestors ( : accessed 18 July 2011), entry for Stanislawa Chmielewska, vol. 600, page 482, no. 705, Worcester, Massachusetts, born on 22 February 1911; citing Vital Records: 1841-1915, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts.

This family later changed their surname to Meleski .  The child herself changed her given name from Stanislawa to Anastasia Rita .  The name change from Stanislawa to Anastasia or Statia was fairly common.

Anastasia Rita Chmielewski was my half first cousin, once removed and the half niece of my maternal grandmother.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Josephine I. Maslowski – 1913

Josephine I. Maslowski, daughter of Stanisław Masłowski and Agnieszka Szkutnicka, was born on 13 March 1913 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA .  Her birth was recorded in a ledger for the city of Worcester.

The Birth Record of Josephine I. Maslowski - 1913

The Birth Record of Josephine I. Maslowski – 1913

SOURCE:  “Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915,” index and digital images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 17 July 2011), entry for Josephine Maslowski, born 13 March 1913; citing Massachusetts Vital Records (deaths, births, marriages) 1911-1915, FHL microfilm 2,409,732; Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts.

The image above is a composite image from the ledger, cropped to emphasize the information for this child .  Click on the link for a PDF copy of the birth record of Josephine I. Maslowski .  The ledger states:

  • Josephine I. Maslowski’s birth is recorded on Page 537, No. 2793 in the ledger for the city of Worcester,
  • Her name was recorded as Josephine Maslowski, a female child born in Worcester,
  • She was born on 13 March 1913 and her birth was recorded in January 1914,
  • Her father was Stanislow Maslowski [Stanisław Masłowski], a laborer from Poland residing in Worcester,
  • Her mother was Agnes Szkutnicki [Agnieszka Szkutnicka] from Poland, residing in Worcester.

According to the American Ancestors website, this birth was recorded in Vol. 616, Page 537, No. 2793 in the ledger for the city of Worcester .  SOURCE:  “Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910,” index and digital images, American Ancestors ( : accessed 17 July 2011), entry for Josephine Maslowski, vol. 616, page 537, no. 2793, Worcester, Massachusetts, born on 13 March 1913; citing Vital Records: 1841-1915, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Massachusetts.

Josephine I. Maslowski would later become the first wife of Bernard J. Izbicki .  My cousin, Anastasia Rita Meleski, would become Bernard J. Izbicki’s second wife.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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