The Biography of Wiktor Dziurzyński

My grandmother, Marianna Dziurzyńska, was born in Sielnice, Galicia (parish of Dylągowa), married Michał Dańko, moved to Nienadowa, Galicia with her husband, and finally emigrated to the United States in May 1909. She probably knew little of the fate of the family she left behind in Poland, but undoubtedly worried about them as the area in which she was born was plunged into the Great War and later was shattered by World War II.

Wiktor Dziurzyński

Wiktor Dziurzyński

I have not yet determined how Wiktor Dziurzyński is related to my grandmother. My grandmother’s family and Wiktor’s family resided in the same village in the same time frame, and both families changed their surname from Dziura to Dziurzyński in the early 20th century while still in Galicia. Wiktor was probably a cousin of my grandmother, but discovering the exact relationship will depend on finding church records from the parish of Dylągowa, records that have not yet been microfilmed by the Family History Library.

The following biography of Wiktor Dziurzyński is based in part on a Polish language account of the events written by Wiktor’s daughter Lucyna.

The Early Life of Wiktor Dziurzyński

Wiktor Dziurzyński was born on 15 September 1906 in Sanok, Galicia, about 15 miles south of Sielnice and Dylągowa where his parents were born . By 1930, Wiktor resided in Toruń with his brother Ludwik.

Wiktor worked as a photographer, but later attended the Police Academy in Most Wielki. He completed his training and was sent to Łopatyn to work.

In 1932, Wiktor married a wealthy young woman named Helena Anna Łukawiecka, the daughter of a leading butcher who owned his own shop and slaughterhouse.

Wiktor was later sent to Warsaw (where his daughter Lucyna was born), Zloczów (where his son Kazimierz was born), Kopyczynce, and Tłuste/Zaleszczyki (now in Ukraine).

The Russian Invasion of Poland 

On 17 September 1939, when Russia invaded Poland at the beginning of World War II, Wiktor was in Tłuste/Zaleszczyki . Being a police officer, Wiktor was pursued by the Russian army as one of the “hardened and uncompromising enemies of Soviet Authority” and he fled to Romania.

Wiktor was captured and sent to a camp in Ostashkov, Russia. From there, he sent his family a nearly illegible letter written with red crayon on 27 Nov 1939 and two postcards written on 27 December 1939 and 27 January 1940.

His wife Helena wrote to him, but never knew if her letters reached him because he didn’t mention anything about her letters in either of his postcards to her. Soon, however, the letters and postcards from Wiktor stopped coming.

A Forgotten Odyssey – Removal to Kazakhstan 

On 13 April 1940, the Russians removed Wiktor’s wife Helena and her two children to Kazakhstan (part of the “Gulag Archipelago”). News of these forced relocations was largely ignored or covered up by the West in order not to confront Stalin, whose assistance was needed in the fight against Hitler.

Helena continued to write to Wiktor from Kazakhstan. She didn’t hear back until, in 1941, she received a postcard with a notation in Russian that read “addressee departed”.

The Katyn Forest Massacre

Helena later learned that the prisoners in Ostashkov along with prisoners in nearby Kozielsk and Starobielsk had been slaughtered in 1940, at about the same time she and her children were sent to the Gulag.

Those killed in the Katyn Forest Massacre included about 15,000 officers and soldiers in the Polish army, members of the police force, educators, and others.

In 1943, after invading Russia, Nazi Germany announced the discovery of the mass graves of Polish officers and blamed the Soviets. Russia responded by blaming the Nazis for the massacre and declared that the Nazis were trying to drive a wedge between the Allies.

Poland requested that the International Red Cross be sent to investigate the graves. Russia responded by declaring that Poland had sided with Nazi Germany and severed relations with Poland.

Not until 03 October 1990 did Russia acknowledge that the NKVD was responsible for the Katyn Forest Massacre.

The Return Home 

On 03 June 1946, after six years in captivity, Wiktor’s wife and children were allowed to return to Poland. The family returned to Helena’s parents’ home in Łopatyn, bringing with them an envelope with their former address in Kazakhstan, an unredeemed card for sugar, and a repatriation card allowing them to return to Poland.

After the war, the borders of Poland were realigned. The family’s home in Łopatyn was now located in Ukraine and the family was forced to relocate to a Cieszyn, a village within the new borders of Poland.

For more information on these events during World War II, see A Forgotten Odyssey, The Biography of Katarzyna Dańko, and Wiktor Dziurzyński and the Katyn Forest Massacre on this blog, and WWII, the Story of the Katyn Massacre Becomes a Movie on Jasia’s Creative Gene blog.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Dziurzyński | Tagged , | 3 Comments

The Baptism of Agnieszka Obidzienska – 1756

A child named Agnieszka Obidzienska, daughter of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, was baptized on 04 January 1756.

The Baptismal Record of Agnieszka Obidzienska - 1756

The Baptismal Record of Agnieszka Obidzienska – 1756

SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Ciechanów County, Mazovian Voivodeship,
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Liber Baptisatorum, ab Anno 1754 ad 1775, Księga IV, p. 9, Agnieszka Obidzienska baptism (1756); FHL microfilm 1,496,612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Baptismal Record of Agnieszka Obidzienska – 1756. Translated from the Latin, the record states:


On the fourth of January, the one listed above baptized a female by the name of Agnieszka, daughter of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzina, legally married. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were Jan Zaplacki and Marianna Kulakowska.

As with most other records from this location and time period, one must refer to a previous record to learn the year and the name of the priest who performed the baptism.

Details of The Baptismal Record of Agnieszka Obidzienska - 1756

The Year 1756
Adam Chmielewski

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Niedziałkowski, Obidziński | 1 Comment

The Marriage of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska – 1751

Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, the sister of my 5th great grandfather Ignace Niedziałkowski, married Józef Obidzienski on 22 Nov 1751.

The Marriage Record of Jozef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedzialkowska - 1751

The Marriage Record of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska – 1751

SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Ciechanów County, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Liber Copulatorum, ab Anno 1747 ad 1781, Księga II, p. 12, Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska marriage (1751); FHL microfilm 1,496,612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska – 1751. Translated from the Latin, the record states:

1751 day 22 November


I, Szymon Antoni Lawinkowski, V. Promotor the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the church in Pałuki, after publication of three banns nearby [several words?] by the names of Józef Obidzienski, widower, & Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, an unmarried woman, both [?] Catholic, by the words of those present at the marriage interrogation [?] mutual consent [?] without detecting any Canonical impediment blessed in the name of the Lord witnesses present were the nobles Tomasz Choinowski, Ignace Niedziałkowski, & many others.

This entry is one of the Niedziałkowski family records that I found recently by examining microfilms at my local Family History Center.

I have some difficulty translating these Latin records because the handwriting is difficult to interpret, the priest often didn’t use the correct spelling or grammar, and there are no good guides to the Latin church records in Poland. Thus, I’ve included several question marks in the transcription (see the PDF file for the transcription) and translation to indicate I couldn’t understand those words in the record.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Maryanna Niedziałkowska – 1832

A daughter, Maryanna, was born to my 3rd great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska, on 06 Nov 1832 in Godacze, Ciechanów District, Płock Governorate, Congress Kingdom of Poland.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska - 1832

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska - 1832

SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego (Krasne, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840, Maryanna Niedziałkowska birth (1832); FHL microfilm 702793.

Click on the image to view it in higher resolution. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth Record of Marianna Niedziałkowska– 1832. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

56. Godacze. It happened in the ecclesiastical village of Krasne on the seventh day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred thirty two at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon .  The well-born Antoni Niedziałkowski presented himself, heir to a part [of the village], living in Mosaki Godacze, twenty one years of age, in the presence of Jan Milewski, owner of a lease, living in Mosaki Godacze, thirty one years of age, as well as Walenty Niedziałkowski, heir to a part [of the village], living in Rukle, forty nine years of age, and he showed us a child of the female sex born in Godacze yesterday at the hour of seven o’clock in the morning, to his wife Karolina née Milewska, twenty three years of age; At Holy Baptism performed this day by the Reverend Józef Kosmowski, Assistant Pastor of the place, the child was given the name Maryanna, and her Godparents were the aforementioned Jan Milewski and Salomea his wife, and this document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses, signed by Us because the people named in the document cannot write.

Reverend Józef Kosmowski, Assistant Pastor of the Krasne Parish

This entry is another one of the Niedziałkowski family records from Krasne parish that I have not yet translated and posted, even though I’ve had this record for several years.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Ludwik Niedziałkowski – 1834

A son, Ludwik, was born to my 3rd great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska, on 16 Jan 1834 in Godacze, Ciechanów District, Płock Governorate, Congress Kingdom of Poland. He was baptized three days later, an unusually long time for people to wait in this time and place. Perhaps the weather in January was especially bad at the time and the family could not get to the church to have Ludwik baptized sooner.

The Birth and Death Record of Ludwik Niedziałkowski - 1834

The Birth and Death Record of Ludwik Niedziałkowski - 1834

SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego (Krasne, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840, Ludwik Niedziałkowski birth (1834); FHL microfilm 702793.

Click on the image to view it in higher resolution. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth Record of Ludwik Niedziałkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

4. Godacze. It happened in the village of Krasne on the nineteenth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred thirty four at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon .  The well-born Antoni Niedziałkowski presented himself, heir to his part, living in Godacze, twenty two years of age, in the presence of the well-born Walenty Niedziałkoski, heir to his part of Rukle, fifty four years of age, as well as Maciej Grzybowski, heir to his part in Godacze, thirty years of age, and he showed us a child of the male sex born in Godacze on the sixteenth day at the hour of one o’clock at night in this same month and year, to his wife Karolina née Milewska, twenty six years of age; At Holy Baptism performed this day, the child was given the name Ludwik, and his Godparents were the aforementioned Walenty Niedziałkoski and Antonina Wilkowska .  This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses, the declarants and the witnesses cannot write.

Reverend Alexy Łasiewicki, Assistant Pastor of the Krasne Parish

This entry is another one of the Niedziałkowski family records from Krasne parish that I have not yet translated and posted, even though I’ve had this record for several years.

This birth was recorded 26 years after the birth of Ludwika Niedziałkowska I posted yesterday. The births were recorded in the same parish, but in 1808 the parish was located in Krasne, Przasnysz Powiat, Płock Departament, Duchy of Warsaw, and in 1834 the parish was located in Krasne, Ciechanów Powiat, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland.

As a final note, the name of the parish was Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego, translated as Parish of the Elevation of the Holy Cross.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Ludwika Niedziałkowska – 1808

A daughter, Ludwika, was born to my 4th great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska, on 24 Jun 1808.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Ludwika Niedziałkowska - 1808

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Ludwika Niedziałkowska - 1808

SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego (Krasne, Krasne Gmina, Powiat Przasnysz, Departament Płock, Duchy of Warsaw). Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1808-1817, Ludwika Niedziałkowska birth (1808); FHL microfilm 702791.

Click on the image to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth Record of Ludwika Niedziałkowska. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

Mosaki Godacze. In the year one thousand eight hundred eight, on the twenty fourth day of the month of June at the hour of seven in the morning. By Us, pastor of Krasne, performing the duties of the Civil Registrar for the Gmina [Municipality] of Krasne, Powiat [County] of Przasnysz in the Departament [District] of Płock. the well-born Tomasz Niedziałkowski presented himself, heir of his part, forty five years of age, residing in Mosaki Godacze, and he presented us with a child of the female sex who was born in his home under the Number Two, on the twenty fourth day of June of this year, that she is begotten of him and Cecylia nee Chotkowska, thirty seven years of age, his wife, and that it is his wish to give her the name Ludwika. After making the above statement and presenting the child in the presence of the well-born Piotr Bartołt, heir to his part, twenty six years of age, living in Mosaki, as well as Jan Chotkowski, heir to his part from the village of Mosaki Rukle located in the gmina of Krasne, who had completed his twenty eighth year. Whereupon the present birth document was read aloud to the declarants and signed by Us, inasmuch as none of the witnesses know how to write.

Reverend Franciszek Sukowski, pastor of Krasne, performing the duties of the Civil Registrar.

This entry is one of the Niedziałkowski family records from Krasne parish that I have not yet translated and posted, even though I’ve had this record for several years.

One unusual thing about this record is that it records the birth, but not the baptism. Most of the Polish documents I’ve encountered record either the baptism or both the birth and baptism.

The Family History Library has microfilmed two sets of records from Krasne, a set of church records and a set of civil transcripts. The church records of births/baptisms end in 1807 and the civil transcripts begin in 1808, corresponding to the time of the Napoleonic Wars.

Ludwika’s birth occurred just after Napoleon liberated Poland. In 1807, this region was transferred from the Kingdom of Prussia to the Duchy of Warsaw (with allegiance to France).

In the twenty year period from 1795-1815, the area around Krasne changed hands no fewer than four times:

  • Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth (before 24 Oct 1795)
  • Kingdom of Prussia (24 Oct 1795 – 09 Jun 1807)
  • Duchy of Warsaw – with allegiance to France (09 Jun 1807 – 09 Jun 1815)
  • Congress Kingdom of Poland – with allegiance to Russia (After 09 Jun 1815)

During the lives of my 4th great grandparents, they lived in four different countries even though they never moved far from the places they were born.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death of Teodor Niedziałkowski – 1840

A son, Teodor, was born to my 3rd great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska, on 19 Jan 1839. Teodor died less than two years later, on 02 Nov 1840 in Mosaki-Godacze.

The Death and Burial Record of Teodor Niedziałkowski - 1840

The Death and Burial Record of Teodor Niedziałkowski - 1840

SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego (Krasne, Ciechanów County, Gubernia Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840, Numer 32, Teodor Niedziałkowski death (1840); FHL microfilm 702793.

Click on the image for a higher resolution view. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death Record of Teodor Niedziałkowski. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

32 .  Mosaki Godacze .  It happened in the village of Krasne on the twenty-second of October [Julian Calendar] / third of November [Gregorian Calendar] one thousand eight hundred forty at three in the afternoon there presented themselves Antoni Niedziałkowski, owner of a part [of the village], age twenty-eight and Piotr Rykowski, the owner of a tavern, age forty, living in Mosaki Godacze and they stated that yesterday at ten in the evening, Teodor Niedziałkowski died in Mosaki Godacze, having three years of life, leaving behind his parents in Mosaki Godacze, the son of Antoni and Karolina.

Rev[erend] Józef Bońkowski Pastor of Krasne

This entry is one of the Niedziałkowski family records from Krasne parish that I have not yet translated and posted, even though I’ve had this record for several years.

In looking back over the Birth and Baptismal record of this child, I noticed that his Godparents were Andrzej Niedziałkowski and Domicela Milewska. These two people may well be relatives, but I do not yet have any records for either of them to show how they might be related to my Niedziałkowski ancestors.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Marriage of Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska – 1831

My 3rd great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski (son of Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska) and Karolina Milewska (daughter of Wojciech Milewski and Anna Burska), were married on 23 Nov 1831 in Krasne, Ciechanów District, Płock Governorate, Congress Kingdom of Poland.

The Marriage Record of Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska -1831

The Marriage Record of Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska -1831

SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego (Krasne, Ciechanów County, Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1826-1840, Numer 9, Marriage of Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska (1831); FHL microfilm 702793.

Click on the image to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

9. Rukle and Godacze – It happened in the ecclesiastical village of Krasne on the twenty third day of November, one thousand eight hundred thirty one at three o’clock in the afternoon. We make it known that, in the presence of witnesses Walenty Niedziałkowski, heir to a part of Rukle and there residing, fifty years of age, brother of Antoni Niedziałkowski, named below; and Jan Milewski, owner of a part of Godacze and residing there, thirty years of age; on this day a religious marriage was contracted between the well-born Antoni Niedziałkowski, owner of a part of and residing in Godacze, born in Godacze of the married couple the Niedziałkowskis, the deceased Tomasz and the living Cecylia née Chotkowksa, twenty years of age; and Miss Karolina Milewska, daughter of the married couple the Milewskis, the deceased Wojciech and Anna, born in Malonki and living with her sister in Rukle, twenty three years of age .  This wedding was preceded by three readings of the banns on the sixth, thirteenth, and twentieth days of November of the current year in the parish of Krasne, also the verbal consent of the groom’s mother who was present for the Record of Marriage and the bride was declared .  No impediment to the marriage arose .  The newlyweds stated that they had made no prenuptial agreement between them .  This document was read aloud to the declarants and witnesses, signed by Us, because the people mentioned in this document cannot write.

Reverend Józef Kosmowski, Vicar of the Parish of Krasne

This entry is one of the Niedziałkowski family records from Krasne parish that I had not previously translated and posted, even though I’ve had this record for several years.

As with other records after the Napoleonic years, the record is written in Polish in a very detailed paragraph style. Also consistent with records for the Neidziałkowski family, the participants are described as heirs and owners of part of the village. These consistent epithets confirm that the Niedziałkowskis were members of the lesser nobility.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Burski, Chodkowski, Milewski, Niedziałkowski | Tagged | 2 Comments

Family Tree Maker Announces Upgrades to FTM2008

I’ve used Family Tree Maker to organize my genealogy research ever since I started seriously researching my family history. I’ve upgraded every time a new version was available and have been happy with each upgrade except for the time the developers decided to remove the ability to search from inside the application.

Installing Family Tree Maker 2008 

On Saturday I installed Family Tree Maker 2008, knowing full well that others were reporting problems with installing FTM2008, importing FTM files from previous versions, and working with the new interface.

My computer is a 5-year-old Toshiba Satellite laptop with a Pentium 4 CPU running at 1.60 GHz and 512 MB RAM. The operating system is Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition. I upgraded from FTM16 to FTM2008.

Installation of FTM2008 went smoothly, although it took 1 hour to complete. Importing my family file took 1/2 hour but, again, everything went smoothly. I imported all 9293 individuals, 3290 families, 2604 sources, 15187 records, and 254 multimedia files with 0 errors.

Using Family Tree Maker 2008 

While the installation and import took some time, now that everything is installed and imported, the application launches within 2 minutes (about the same amount of time it takes for Microsoft Word 2002 to launch on my system and much less than the 3 1/2 minutes it takes for Adobe Photoshop CS2 to launch).

As other people reported, I noticed that the FTM2008 runs a bit sluggishly, which is probably the fault of my somewhat outdated computer. FTM2008 doesn’t currently include a facility to produce a book from the desktop, a Register Report (descendant narrative), or an Ahnentafel Report (ancestor narrative), three of the features I’ve used most often in Family Tree Maker 16.

Performance Update to Family Tree Maker 2008

On Thursday night, I received notification that FTM had issued a program update (Service Pack 1) to address performance-related issues. I installed that free update immediately. Service Pack 1 includes the following updates:

  • Name parsing fixes
  • Place auto-completion enhancements
  • File merge updates (including better indication of status)
  • Updates to publishing (including saved settings)
  • Resolution of issues pertaining to import of The Master Genealogist files
  • Performance and stability enhancements

Reports Update to Family Tree Maker 2008

On Friday, I received notification by e-mail that FTM is planning to issue two more free updates.

The next update will be released in mid-October when the publishing capabilities will be expanded. This update will return several popular reports to FTM2008.

Desktop Book Publishing Update to Family Tree Maker 2008

The third currently scheduled update will be made next summer and will offer a desktop book publishing tool, the absence of which in FTM2008 has generated considerable online discussion. In addition, enhancements will be introduced to better integrate FTM and Ancestry Press.

Together, these enhancements will allow users the choice of generating and printing a book on the user’s desktop, generating a PDF on the user’s desktop and allowing the user to publish the book using a third party publishing facility, and generating and publishing a book using Ancestry Press.

Ancestry has also clarified some concerns about Ancestry Press. Any information uploaded to create a book on Ancestry Press remains private unless the user chooses to share it with specific individuals or the community.

In October, registered users of FTM2008 will receive a coupon for 50% off their first professionally published book through Ancestry Press.

Closing Comments

In general, I like FTM2008. I particularly like the integration of FTM 2008 with, since Ancestry is my main source of online genealogy data and images. In the short time I’ve used FTM2008, I’ve already found quite a bit of relevant information about people in my tree that I missed in the past.

I’m pleased to see that the folks at Family Tree Maker are listening to user comments and are quickly addressing those issues.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | 15 Comments

The Birth and Baptism of Franciszek Niedziałkowski – 1842

Franciszek Niedziałkowski, the younger brother of my great grandfather, Wojciech Niedziałkowski, was born on 02 Oct 1842.

Birth and Baptismal Record of Franciszek Niedzialkowski - 1842

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Franciszek Niedziałkowski – 1842

SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego (Krasne, Ciechanów County, Gubernia Płock Gubernia, Congress Kingdom of Poland). Akta urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów 1841-1851, Numer 87, Franciszek Niedziałkowski baptism (1842); FHL microfilm 702794.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Franciszek Niedziałkowski – 1842. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

Mosaki Godacze

It happened in the village of Krasne on the 20th of September [Julian Calendar] / 2nd of October [Gregorian Calendar] 1842 at four o’clock in the afternoon .  Antoni Niedziałkowski, a farmer living in the village of Godacze, age thirty one, presented himself, in the company of Franciszek Niedziałkowski, age twenty-seven as well as Jan Krzyrzanowski, age fifty-four, living in the village of Godacze, and he showed us a male child, born in Godacze today at eight in the morning, born to his wife Karolina née Milewska, age thirty-four .  At Holy Baptism on this day, this child was given the name Franciszek and his Godparents were:  Franciszek Niedziałkowski and Antonina his wife .  This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses, who cannot write.

                                           Reverend Józef Bońkowski, Pastor of Krasne

This entry is one of the Niedziałkowski family records from Krasne parish that I have not yet posted. The Krasne parish has a nice webpage on the Płock diocese website. The webpage includes a history of the parish, a photo of the church, and a list of the baptismal, marriage, and death records on site at the parish.

The record shown here is from the civil transcript on microfilm at the Family History Library. The originals at the church include baptismal and marriage records starting in 1825 and death records starting in 1891. Earlier original records are probably in the diocesan archives.

As with other records after the Napoleonic years, the record is written in Polish in a very detailed paragraph style.

Compared to the Latin records from before Napoleon entered Poland, these records include a wealth of information, including ages, locations, occupations, and the dates of both birth and baptism.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Niedziałkowski | 1 Comment