The World War I Draft Registration Card for Michael Danko

I recently obtained color digital images of the World War I Draft Registration Card for my grandfather, Michael Danko.

Michael Danko WWI Draft Card Obverse

World War I Draft Registration Card for Michael Danko (Obverse)

Michael Danko WWI Draft Card Reverse

World War I Draft Registration Card for Michael Danko (Obverse)

World War I Draft Registration Card for Michael Danko (Back)

Click on the link for a PDF Copy of the World War I Draft Registration Card for Michael Danko.

I had previously obtained copies of the World War I Draft Registration Cards from either or from microfilms at the Family History Library (FHL). These digital images from NARA are far superior to those obtainable from either or from the FHL because the NARA images are digital images of the actual cards, not images from microfilm.

I didn’t even know that color digital images were available from the National Archives until Ewrann left the following message on my post “Not All Microfilms Are Created Equal”:

You can order a scan from the originals held at the NARA (National Archives & Records Administration). They offer a b&w photocopy of the original OR a 200dpi color .jpg. Cost is $10 each. Here’s an example of what they are SUPPOSED to look like:

The NARA site is at:

Click on “Made To Order Reproductions” and the rest is self-explanatory.

Well, I ordered this image online on Saturday, September 15 and it arrived in my e-mailbox on Thursday, September 20. What service!

Thanks for the great tip, Ewrann!

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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Inside the New England Historic Genealogical Society Research Library – Part 2

The fourth floor of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) Research Library is the Dean C. and Roberta J. Smith Technology Room, where the microforms and microform readers are located. The sixth floor includes the Ruth C. Bishop Reading Room.

Microfilm Readers, New England Historic Genealogical Society

Microfilm Readers (Fourth Floor)

SOURCE: Microfilm Readers, Fourth Floor, New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

Microfilm Cabinets, New England Historic Genealogical Society

Microfilm Cabinets (Fourth Floor)

SOURCE: Microfilm Cabinets, Fourth Floor, New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

Ruth C Bishop Reading Room, New England Historic Genealogical Society

Ruth C. Bishop Reading Room (Sixth Floor)

SOURCE: The Ruth C. Bishop Reading Room, Sixth Floor, New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

Ruth C Bishop Reading Room, Front, New England Historic Genealogical Society

Ruth C. Bishop Reading Room (Sixth Floor, Front of Building)

SOURCE: The Ruth C. Bishop Reading Room, Sixth Floor Front, New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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Inside the New England Historic Genealogical Society Research Library – Part 1

While at the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) Research Library on Saturday, I took some photos of the interior of the library with the kind permission of Marie Daly, Director of Library Services.

NEHGS Bookstore

NEHGS Bookstore (First Floor)

SOURCE: The NEHGS Bookstore, New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

Treat Rotunda

Treat Rotunda (First Floor)

SOURCE: Treat Rotunda, New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

Second Floor Meeting Room

Meeting Room (Second Floor)

 SOURCE: Second Floor Meeting Room, New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

Fifth Floor Stacks

Stacks (Fifth Floor)

SOURCE: Fourth Floor Stacks, New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

The NEHGS website includes a virtual tour of the Research Library, narrated by Marie Daly.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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A Boston Ballad

“TO get betimes in Boston town, I rose this morning early”.

The first line of Walt Whitman’s poem “A Boston Ballad, 1854” came to mind last night as I was packing for my trip to Boston. To be honest, I didn’t rise early; I took the red-eye from San Francisco to Boston and arrived at Logan Airport at 7 AM.

I’m in Boston for a week for a conference related to my full-time job in the biotech industry. I’ll be in workshops and seminars most of the day Sunday through Wednesday but, by taking the red-eye, I was able to spend today at the library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) in Boston.

NEHGS Library in Boston

NEHGS Library, Boston

SOURCE: The New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

Front Entrance of the NEHGS Llibrary in Boston

Front Entrance to the NEHGS Library

SOURCE: The Front Entrance to the New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston, Massachusetts. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko 22 Sep 2007.

I had been to the library once before for a three day research getaway, but I really didn’t remember where everything was. Fortunately Barbara Poole, who has written several guest articles for this blog, met me at the library and gave me a refresher tour.

I really wasn’t prepared for everything Barbara had to show me. Since she knows I’ve been researching Quebec families, Barbara showed me the wealth of resources the NEHGS holds for that province.

There were indexes of Quebec marriage records, notarial records, and church records. There were shelves and shelves of books, and many cabinets full of microfilm and microfiche.

I had barely begun to research the Drouin marriage indexes (not available online, as far as I know), when the clock struck five and the library closed.

I’ll be in Boston until Friday morning. That means, after the conference, I’ll have the opportunity to visit the NEHGS on Wednesday evening and all day Thursday to continue this research.

I can’t wait.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Józef Obidziński – 1803

Józef Obidziński, husband of Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, died on 09 Feb 1803.

The Death and Burial Record of Jozef Obidzinski - 1803

The Death and Burial Record of Józef Obidziński – 1803

SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Kreise Przasnysz, Departement Plozk, New East Prussia, Kingdom of Prussia). Liber Mortuorum, ab Anno 1781 ad 1820, Księga III, p. 49,
Józef Obidziński death and burial (1803); FHL microfilm 1,496,613.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Józef Obidziński – 1803. Translated from the Latin, the record states:

Obidzino. On the 9th day of February, the Nobleman Józef Obidziński died, husband of Katarzyna née Niedziałkowska, at rest at about 90 years of age, provided with the Sacrament and buried in the cemetery.

In this record, the spelling of the last name has changed to Obidziński from Obidzienski, the spelling in the Baptismal Records of Józef’s children. The spelling Obidziński is the spelling in use today.

The fact that Józef is described as the husband of Katarzyna née Niedziałkowska implies that he did not marry anyone else after he married Katarzyna. The Marriage Record for Józef and Katarzyna stated that Józef was a widower at the time of that marriage. I have not yet found the record for Józef’s first marriage.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal, Niedziałkowski, Obidziński | 2 Comments

The Baptism of Józefata Obidzienska – 1768

A child named Józefata Obidzienska, daughter of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, was baptized on 21 February 1768.

The Baptismal Record of Jozefata Obidzienska - 1868

The Baptismal Record of Józefata Obidzienska – 1768

SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Ciechanów County, Mazovian Voivodeship,
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Liber Baptisatorum, ab Anno 1754 ad 1775, Księga IV, p. 82, Józefata Obidzienska baptism (1768); FHL microfilm 1,496,612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Baptismal Record of Marianna Obidzienska – 1759. Translated from the Latin, the record states:

The Year 1768        82.


On the 21st of February I, the one above, baptized a female child by the name of Józefata, daughter of the Noble Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna, legally married. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were Andrzej Bienkowski and Katarzyna Obidzienska.

This record includes all the necessary information except the name of the priest which was recorded in a previous record:

The Baptismal Record of Jozefata Obidzienska - 1868 - Priest

Maciej Pianka

The fact that this is the second daughter of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska who was named Józefata indicates that the first daughter with that name had died.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Baptism of Józef Obidzienski – 1764

A child named Józef Obidzienski, son of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, was baptized on 19 March 1764.

The Baptismal Record of Jozef Obidzienski - 1764

The Baptismal Record of Józef Obidzienski – 1764

SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Ciechanów County, Mazovian Voivodeship,
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Liber Baptisatorum, ab Anno 1754 ad 1775, Księga IV, p. 63, Józef Obidzienski baptism (1764); FHL microfilm 1,496,612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Baptismal Record of Józef Obidzienski – 1764. Translated from the Latin, the record states:


On the 19th day, the one above baptized an infant by the name of Józef, son of Joseph Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, legally married. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were the Nobles Maciej Bonisławski and Teresa Bonisławska.

As with other records from this location and time period, one must refer to a previous record to learn the month and year of the baptism and the name of the priest who performed the ceremony.

March     1764

G Bielkowksi

March 1764
G. Biełkowski

The Godparents in this record, Maciej Bonisławski and Teresa Bonisławska, are listed as Nobles.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Baptism of Faustina Apolonia Obidzienska – 1762

A child named Faustina Apolonia Obidzienska, daughter of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, was baptized on 28 February 1762.

The Baptismal Record of Faustina Apolonia Obidzienska - 1762

The Baptismal Record of Faustina Apolonia Obidzienska – 1762

SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Ciechanów County, Mazovian Voivodeship,
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Liber Baptisatorum, ab Anno 1754 ad 1775, Księga IV, p. 48, Faustina Obidzienska baptism (1762); FHL microfilm 1,496,612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Baptismal Record of Faustina Obidzienska – 1762. Translated from the Latin, the record states:


On the 28th of February, the one above baptized a female child by the name of Faustina Apolonia, daughter of Joseph Obidzienski and Katarzyna, legally married. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were Barbara Obidzienski and Szymon Kurowski.

This record includes all the necessary information except the name of the priest and the year of the baptism, which were recorded in previous records:


A Chmielewski

The Year 1762
A[dam] Chmielewski

This child was given two names: Faustina Apolonia. For a child in Poland to be given two names at baptism is quite unusual.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Baptism of Marianna Obidzienska – 1759

A child named Marianna Obidzienska, daughter of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, was baptized on 08 December 1759.

The Baptismal Record of Marianna Obidzienska - 1759

The Baptismal Record of Marianna Obidzienska – 1759

SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Ciechanów County, Mazovian Voivodeship,
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Liber Baptisatorum, ab Anno 1754 ad 1775, Księga IV, p. 32, Marianna Obidzienska baptism (1759); FHL microfilm 1,496,612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Baptismal Record of Marianna Obidzienska – 1759. Translated from the Latin, the record states:


On the 8th of December I, Grzegorz Kruszewski, baptized a female child by the name of Marianna of the Noble Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna, legally married. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were Walenty Obidzienski and Agnieszka Kosicka.

This record includes all the necessary information except the year of the baptism, which was recorded once at the top of the page:



In this record, Józef Obidzienski is referred to as “Noble”.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Baptism of Józefata Obidzienska – 1758

A child named Józefata Obidzienska, daughter of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna Niedziałkowska, was baptized on 21 March 1758.

The Baptismal Record of Jozefata Obidzienski - 1758

The Baptismal Record of Józefata Obidzienska – 1758

SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Ciechanów County, Mazovian Voivodeship,
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Liber Baptisatorum, ab Anno 1754 ad 1775, Księga IV, p. 21, Józefata Obidzienska baptism (1758); FHL microfilm 1,496,612.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Baptismal Record of Józefata Obidzienska – 1758. Translated from the Latin, the record states:


On the 21st I, Grzegorz Kruszewski, baptized a female child by the name of Józefata, daughter of Józef Obidzienski and Katarzyna, legally married. The Godparents in the Sacred Font were Walenty Kołakowski and Marianna Jarzeńska.

As with most other records from this location and time period, one must refer to a previous record to learn the month and year of the baptism.

The Baptismal Record of Jozefata Obidzienski - 1758 - monthThe Baptismal Record of Jozefata Obidzienski - 1758 - year

March 1758

One interesting point to note about the village where the Obidzienski family lived – the village is called Obidzino. I suspect that, since the Obidzienskis were from the lesser nobility, the village was named after the family.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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