Monthly Archives: February 2019

Administrative Structure of Poland 1918-1939

On 11 November 1918, Poland emerged from over a century of occupation as an independent nation: the Second Polish Republic (sometimes referred to as interwar Poland). Continuing conflicts with its neighbors left the borders with neighboring countries unresolved until 1922. … Continue reading

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Administrative Structure of the Sierpc Powiat

The following parishes were part of the Sierpc Powiat at the beginning of the 20th Century: Biezuń, Borkowo Kościelne, Bożewo (formerly Borzewo), Chamsk, Goleszyn, Gozdowo, Grabowo, Gradzanowo Kościelne, Jeżewo, Koziebrody, Krajkowo, Kurowo, Lutocin, Mochowo, Osiek, Raciąż, Rościszewo, Sierpc, Unieck, Zawidz Kocielny, … Continue reading

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Administrative Structure of the Congress Kingdom of Poland 1845-1918

In 1845, for the “general good of the country”, the borders of six gubernias in the Congress Kingdom of Poland were changed. The Kalisz Gubernia and the Masovian Gubernia were combined to form the Warsaw Gubernia with its seat in … Continue reading

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Administrative Structure of the Mława Powiat

The following parishes were part of the Mława Powiat at the beginning of the 20th Century: Bogurzyn, Dąbrowa, Stare Dłutowo, Grzebsk, Janowiec, Kuczbork, Kuklin, Lipowiec Kościelny, Lubowidz, Łęg, Mława, Radzanów, Sarnowo, Stupsk, Strzegowo, Szreńsk, Szydłowo, Unierzyż, Wieczfnia Kościelna, Wojnówka, Wyszyny … Continue reading

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