Daily Archives: November 4, 2010

Landmarks in Brasí­lia

Among the many sights in Brasí­lia are the Avenue of the States with the flags of all the states of Brazil and the Federal District. I didn’t have a tripod for my camera, and I must have moved the camera during the long night exposure. Hence, my photo of the flags turned out to be something of a surrealistic, though beautiful, interpretation of the Avenue of the Flags. Not far from the Avenue of the Flags is the Palí¡cio do Congresso Nacional (the Brazilian National Congress Building). In the photo, one can see the Towers of the National Congress, with the Federal Senate of Brazil housed in the semisphere to the left of the towers and the Chamber of the Deputies of Brazil housed in the hemisphere to the right of the towers. The Federal Senate represents the states of Brazil, with 3 representatives from each state plus the Federal District. The Chamber of the Deputies of Brazil represents the people, with the number of representatives proportional to the population. A short way from the Palí¡cio do Congresso Nacional is the Palí¡cio do Itamaraty (the Foreign Ministry Building), surrounded by an aquatic garden and beautifully lit at night. Then, to the west of these sights is the Brasí­lia City Park and Fountain Square, an incredible light and sound fountain in the middle of the park. Continue reading

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