Daily Archives: November 2, 2010

Cathedral Metropolitana de Brasí­lia

One sight in Brasí­lia that I especially wanted to see was the Cathedral Metropolitana de Brasí­lia (Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasí­lia). Unfortunately, the cathedral was under construction and I was only able to photograph the top of the cathedral. Also, I was only able to visit at night when the cathedral was locked up, and so my photos are all night photos that don’t show all the details of this beautiful structure. The cathedral was designed by Oscar Niemeyer and completed in 1970. It is dedicated to Our Lady of Aparecida, proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church as the Queen and Patroness of Brazil. In front of the cathedral stand statues of the four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (Sí£o Mateus, Sí£o Marcos, Sí£o Lucas, and Sí£o Joí£o). Continue reading

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