Monthly Archives: November 2006

Mountain View Cemetery – Oakland, California

I had a few errands to run today and I decided to stop by the Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland, California. Like many genealogists, I find cemetery research fascinating and today seemed like a good day to visit one of the most impressive cemeteries in California. Continue reading

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Finding the Church Where My Grandparents Were Married

A couple of weeks ago, George Morgan wrote about Types of Marriage Records in his “Along Those Lines…” Blog .  In that article he mentioned something I never thought of:  if you’re trying to find the church where your ancestors … Continue reading

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Preparing for a Trip to Salt Lake City

I’m getting ready for my annual fall research trip to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City .  I’ll spend two full days at the library with nothing to distract me. I have two major goals this trip: 1 … Continue reading

Posted in Chmielewski/Meleski, Graig, Hillis, Markiewicz, Niedziałkowski, Skowroński | 3 Comments

Barbara Poole on Genealogy Magazines

At the September meeting of my local genealogy society, I brought some magazines I had received free from the FGS (Federation of Genealogical Societies) Conference held in August, in Boston for 4 days .  All 4 magazines were current editions … Continue reading

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The Polish Village of Łosice

One of the readers of this blog wrote to me and asked if there was an entry in the Słownik Geograficny Królestwa Polskiego (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland) for the Polish village of Łosice .  There are, in … Continue reading

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The Military Medals of Jack Arnold Gibson

My cousin, Jack Arnold Gibson, son of Clark Gibson and Sophie Danko, was posthumously awarded the Silver Star and the Purple Heart. The Silver Star is awarded for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States .  The … Continue reading

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The Death of Jack Arnold Gibson

Of all the people in my family who served in World War II, there was only one combat death – my cousin Jack Arnold Gibson .  Jack was the eldest son of my Aunt Sophie Danko and her husband Clark … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal, Gibson | 1 Comment

My Father’s World War II Medals

My father earned three service medals in World War II:  The American Campaign Medal, The European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, and The World War II Victory Medal .  In 1985, upon the 40th Anniversary of World War II, the Russian Federation awarded a medal … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal | 6 Comments

World War II Convoys JW-54A and RA-55A

As part of the US Naval Armed Guard, my father served on the Liberty Ship the S. S. Daniel Drake on two convoys as part of the Murmansk Run, delivering war supplies to the Eastern Front .  The Murmansk Run … Continue reading

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The Crew Manifest of the World War II Liberty Ship ‘Joaquin Miller’

I’ve been taking the opportunity to search the Immigration Collection at during the Free access to this database through the end of the month of November .  Yesterday, I found the Crew Manifest for the World War II Liberty … Continue reading

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