Monthly Archives: October 2006

The Birth and Baptism of Piotr Dańko

I previously wrote that my Great Grandfather Jakub Dańko was married twice .  His first marriage was to Agnieszka Sowa, my great grandmother .  After Agnieszka’s tragic death, Jakub married Zofia Głowacz .  Two years after this second marriage, Zofia … Continue reading

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The Dańkos of Kraków

I received a surprise in my email today – a message from my half-second cousin Piotr Dańko in Kraków! If you listened to the recent Genealogy Guys Podcast from October 23, 2006, you’ll know that Drew Smith interviewed me over … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal, Dańko | 2 Comments

The Birth and Baptism of Teodor Niedziałkowski – 1839

Between the births of my Great-Great Grandfather, Wojciech Niedziałkokwski, and his sister Małgorzata was the birth of their brother Teodor (Theodore) on 19 January 1839 in Mosaki-Godacze. Continue reading

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Jane Niedzialkowski Danko's Gravestone

I’ve been working all day on the genealogy classes I’m taking through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies / University of Toronto, so I didn’t have much time to blog .  Nonetheless, I thought I’d at least post a photo. … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal | 4 Comments

The Birth and Baptism of Małgorzata Niedzialkowska – 1840

My Great-Great Grandfather Wojciech (Albert) Niedziałkowski was born in 1836. His sister Małgorzata (Margaret) was born in 1840. Continue reading

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The Polish Village of Szwelice

Szwelice was the church-owned village that housed the parish to which the villages of Pomoski and Głodki belonged, and therefore was the home parish to my Niedziałkowski ancestors for many years. Generally, the gazetteer entries in the Słownik Geograficny were … Continue reading

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Good Morning America – Chris Cuomo

You may have heard that was going to be on Good Morning America on Thursday October 26, Wednesday November 1, Thursday November 2, and Friday November 3 .  Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak blogged about this and Barbara Poole alerted me  by email. If you didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal | 3 Comments

The Catholic Cemetery in Dubiecko

When I was in Poland in October 2000, I visited the Catholic Cemetery there .  I thought I might look for the surnames of my relatives there, but I had heard that most graves in Poland are rented, not purchased, … Continue reading

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The Polish Villages of Pomaski and Głodki

The earliest records for my Niedziałkowski ancestors are in the Krasne parish where the villages of Mosaki and Godacze were located, but my Great-Great-Grandfather, Wojciech Niedziałkowski, moved to the Szwelice parish sometime during his life. In the Szwelice parish, all … Continue reading

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The Polish Village of Mosaki

Genealogical research is usually enhanced when one uses maps and gazetteers to place the locations of ones ancestors in context with the geography of the area. In Polish genealogical research, the use of maps and gazetteers is essential to finding … Continue reading

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