Monthly Archives: December 2006

The Marriage of Bernard J. Izbicki and Rita (Meleski) Blackman

My half first cousin once removed, Anastasia Rita Meleski, was married twice .  Her first marriage was to Albert Francis Blackman, who predeceased her .  In the record of her marriage to Bernard J. Izbicki, her name is listed as … Continue reading

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Some Genealogical Resolutions for the New Year

The year 2006 is rapidly reaching its end, and with the advent of the New Year it’s a good time to evaluate my genealogical research and prepare a research plan for the next twelve months .  In no particular order, … Continue reading

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The Birth of Jane A. Goodrich – A Girl Named James?

Jane A. Goodrich was the mother of Albert Francis Blackman and the mother-in-law of my half-cousin once-removed Anastasia Rita Meleski .  Based on information in the marriage records for Albert Blackman and Anastasia Rita Meleski and for Charles I. Goodrich and Jane … Continue reading

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The Marriage of Clifford A Blackman and Jane A Goodrich

After finding the Marriage Record for Albert Francis Blackman and Anastasia Rita Meleski, I looked for the Birth Record for Albert .  Apparently Albert was born in 1915, so his birth record was not available at the Massachusetts Registry of … Continue reading

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The Marriage of Albert Francis Blackman and Anastasia Rita Meleski

Last week, while I was on the east coast, I stopped in at the Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records and Statistics and searched for the marriage records for my half-first-cousin-once-removed, Anastasia Rita Meleski .  Anastasia Rita’s father, Joseph, was my grandmother’s half brother. … Continue reading

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Życzę wam szczęścia i wszystkego najlepszego w nowym roku!

I just returned from spending Christmas with family on the east coast and thought I’d say a few words before heading to bed for the night. I received a couple of messages from Poland while I was away during Christmas and I wanted … Continue reading

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Aunt Bronisława’s Monument

On my way to visit my family for the holidays, I stopped by Notre Dame Cemetery in Worcester, Massachusetts .  I knew that the monument for my Aunt Bronisława Dańko had been set in place a few weeks ago, about six … Continue reading

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Happy Holidays!

I’m off to visit family for the holidays, and I hope your holidays are happy!  I’ll be away from the computer for the next few days, so until I get a chance to write again, please enjoy these pictures I took during … Continue reading

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Is this John Rawding in the 1911 Census of Canada?

After finding the family of John Rawding in the 1901 Census of Canada, I searched for the family in the 1911 Census, but couldn’t find the family .  I did find a John Rawding in Nova Scotia in 1911, but he … Continue reading

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Not All Document Images Are Created Equal

Yesterday I wrote about the World War I Draft Registration Card I found for Allister Rawding .  The images I presented were downloaded from the internet and were fairly difficult to read. While filing that record, I found I had electronic images … Continue reading

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