Alexander Skowronski, the second child of Alexander Skowronski and Frances Dymek, was born on born on 24 Aug 1908 in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA . His birth is recorded on line 510 of the Birth Register, which I found on the website of the New England Historic Genealogical Society.

City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, Birth Records, vol. 574:123, Aleksander Skowronsky, 24 August 1908; image, “Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1841-1910,” American Ancestors ( : accessed 17 February 2019).
Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth Record for Alexander Skowronski. The record states that:
- Alexander Skowronsky, a male child, was born on 24 Aug 1908 at 13 Waconah Street, Pittsfield
- His birth was recorded on line 510 of page 123 of volume 574 of the Birth Register for the City of Pittsfield for the year 1908 and was entered in the register on 15 Sep 1908
- His father was Alexander Skowronsky, a laborer born in Poland
- His mother was Frances Dimeck, born in Poland
- His parents’ residence was 13 Waconah Street, Pittsfield
As is typical for the Vital Records Registers for Massachusetts for this period of time, there are a number of names spelled in ways that don’t agree with later records:
- Alexander Skowronsky = Alexander Skowronski
- Frances Dimeck = Frances Dymek
- Waconah St = Wahconah St
It took me a while to figure out the name of the street where Alexander was born. To figure out the correct spelling of the name, I went to Steve Morse’s website and explored the 1910-1940 Census Street Finder: Obtaining Streets in the 1910 to 1940 Census in One Step.
After choosing the 1930 census for Pittsfield, Massachusetts, I looked at the street names listed for each Enumeration District . There, I found the name Wahconah Street, which I then checked out at MapQuest.
Copyright © 2007-2019 by Stephen J. Danko