Chester Skowronski, son of Aleksander Skowronski and Frances Dymek, was born on 17 December 1914 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA.

City of Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA, Birth Registrations, vol 624:641, no. 4165, Chester Skowronski, 17 December 1914; image, “Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1911-1915,” American Ancestors ( : accessed 18 February 2019); citing original records held by the Massachusetts Archives.
Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Copy of Record of Birth for Chester Skowronski . The record shows that:
Cheslow Skowronski, a male child, was born on 17 Dec 1914 in Worcester, Massachusetts
His mother was Franciska Dimek who was born in Russia Poland and lived in Worcester, Massachusetts
His father was Alexsandra Skowronski, occupation Moulder, who was born in Russia Poland
The event was recorded in Jan 1915 as Reg. No. 4165, Vol. 624, Page 641
Although listed as Cheslow on the certificate, the child used the name Chester throughout life.
Copyright © 2007-2019 by Stephen J. Danko
Chester was my Grandfather, His son also named Chester was my Dad, my parents had 1 son and 2 daughter they named my brother Chester, my brother now has a son and you guessed it they named him Chester.