Paweł Dańko, son of Wojciech Dańko and Marianna Jedlińska, died on 31 July 1850 in Nienadowa, Przemyśl Powiat, Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, Austrian Empire, and was buried on 02 August 1850 in Dubiecko, Przemyśl Powiat, Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, Austrian Empire . He died three years before his father died.
The Death and Burial Record of Paweł Dańko -1850
SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of the Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Dubiecko, Poland. Liber Mortuorum (Book of Deaths). 1850. Paweł Dańko. Text in Latin, translated by Stephen J. Danko.
Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Paweł Dańko -1850. Translated from the Latin, the record states:
PawełÂ Dańko, husband of Zofia Szumiańska, a farmer, died on 31 Jul 1850, the 23rd death in Nienadowa that year
PawełÂ was a Catholic male, residing in house number 122
He was buried on 02 Aug 1850 by St. Muszyński, Assistant Pastor of the church in Dubiecko
He was 60 years old at the time of his death
His death was ordinary and he received the sacred sacrament
Paweł was buried two days after his death, typical for this time period. There was no procedure for embalming the body after death, and so burial was usually completed within two days.
Paweł was described in this record as maritus der. vid. Sophiae Szymiańska agr., a statement that contains a lot of abbreviations. I believe these abbreviations stand for maritus derel vidua Sophiae Szymiańska agricola, meaning deceased husband of the widow Zofia Szumiańska, farmer.
Under cause of death (Morbus), the record states ordinarius prov. S. Sacramento, which stands for ordinarius provisus Sacro Sacramento, translated as ordinary, provided with the Sacred Sacrament. Cause of death in these records is frequently listed as ordinary.
The abbreviation Sep. before the priest’s name stands for Sepultus est meaning He was buried by, or Sepelivi meaning I buried. In this record, the first name of the priest was abbreviated as St., meaning Stanislaus, translated as Stanisław, and his title was abbreviated as Coop., standing for Cooperator, meaning Assistant Pastor.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think the priest purposely sprinkled these abbreviations through the records just to perplex future genealogists. With the abbreviations, it’s difficult to determine the cases of the nouns and the tenses of the verbs. By examining other records written by the same priest, one can sometimes find an instance where the priest wrote everything out in full.
Paweł Dańko was my 2nd great grandfather.
Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko