The Birth and Baptism of Henriette Patenaude – 1874

A sister of Marie Zénaí¯de Zite Patenaude was born in 1874 and was named Henriette. Henriette’s record is number B.37, near the top of the page shown below. It can be found on the back of Foliio 9 for the year 1874 in the records of the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Edmond in Coaticook, Québec.

Birth and Baptismal Record of Henriette Patenaude

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Henriette Patenaude – 1874

SOURCE: Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 [database on-line]. Original data: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montreal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Birth and Baptismal Record of Henriette Patenaude, Roman Catholic Parish of St. Edmond, Coaticook, Québec, Canada, 1874. Back of Folio 9, B.37.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Henriette Patenaude – 1874. Translated from the French, the record states:

[baptism #37]

On the twenty-fifth of March, one thousand eight hundred seventy four, we, the undersigned parish priest, Auxiliary Pastor of this parish, baptized Henriette, born on the eleventh of this month, of the legitimate marriage of Charles Patenaude and Osithe Gamache of Saint Herménégilde. Godfather, Moise Prévost, Godmother, [Uguluma?] Mailloux, both of Saint Herménégilde, who, as well as the father, did not sign.

[signed] P. Girard, Priest

I am not sure what Henriette’s Godmother’s first name was, but her surname is clear: Mailloux. Looking back at the Birth and Baptismal Record for Henriette’s brother Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude, I can now see what I could not see initially – the name of Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude’s Godmother was Marie Edí¨se Mailloux. I have updated my blog entry on Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude accordingly. I have also updated my blog entry on Marie Zénaí¯de Zite Patenaude.

At this point in time, it appears that St. Edmond had been promoted to the status of a Roman Catholic Parish, and the Patenaudes belonged to the Mission of St. Herménégilde, which was apparently a mission of the Parish of St. Edmond.

When I encounter names in these French records from Québec, I’m often at a loss to decipher them. I have, however, found some online sources to help with French given names and surnames. The website of the American-French Genealogical Society has a good listing of given names and surnames, and the e-prenoms website is also an excellent source of information on French given names.

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One Day Blog Silence

One Day Blog Silence

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The Birth and Baptism of Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude – 1872

Born two years after Marie Zénaí¯de Zite Patenaude, Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude was born in 1872. His record is designated as B.28, near the top of this page, the front of folio seven.

Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph Charles Gedeon Patenaude - 1972

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude – 1872

SOURCE: Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 [database on-line]. Original data: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montreal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude, Mission of St. Herménégilde, Coaticook, Québec, Canada, 1872. Front of Folio 7, B.28.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude – 1872. Translated from the French, the record states:

B.28 [baptism #28]

On the tenth of March one thousand eight hundred seventy two, we, the undersigned parish priest, baptized Joseph Charles Gédéon, born on the second day of the current month, of the legitimate marriage of Charles Patenaude, farmer, and Osithe Gamache of Saint Herménégilde. Godfather, [Eani?] Dupont, farmer, godmother, Marie Edí¨se Mailloux [denoulair?] who do not know how to sign.

[signed] [M.Handry?], Priest

There were a few words I couldn’t decipher in this record. In particular, I couldn’t read the first name of the Godfather, and one word after the Godmother’s name. Nonetheless, I was able to transcribe and translate the most important parts of this record.

Based on information in both this record and in the record for Marie Zénaí¯de Zite Patenaude, I think both children may have been baptized in the Mission of Saint Herménégilde, rather than the Mission of Saint Edmond, but it’s hard to tell. Apparently, the records of several missions are reported together in the same fonds. I’ll have to look into this in more detail.

One point about the names of children of French origin that I didn’t really understand before today is that many children were given the honorific names Marie and Joseph. Generally, they used the second name as their given name. Thus, Marie Zénaí¯de Zite Patenaude went by the name Zénaí¯de, and Joseph Charles Gédéon probably went by Charles.

One final interesting note: someone in Québec has blogged about my blog. You can read the entry (in French) at Bloguevision. í‰tonnant, non?

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The Birth and Baptism of Marie-Zenaide-Zite Patenaude – 1870

My uncle, John Danko, married Alice Charron. The two were my Godparents. Alice’s mother was Marie-Zénaí¯de-Zite Patenaude, who was born in Coaticook, Québec, Canada in 1870, and was baptized in either the Mission of St. Edmond or the Mission of St. Herménégilde in Coatacook. Her Birth and Baptismal Record is the third record on this page, designated as B.68.

Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie-Zenaide-Zite Patenaude

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie-Zenaide-Zite Patenaude -1870

SOURCE: Quebec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 [database on-line]. Original data: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie-Zenaide-Zite Patenaude, Mission of St. Edmond, Coaticook, Quebec, Canada, 1870. Back of Folio 12, B.68.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie-Zenaide-Zite Patenaude -1870. The record, translated from French, states:

B.68 [baptism #68]
M.Z.Z. Patenaude.

On the ninth of July one thousand eight hundred seventy, we, the parish priest whose name is signed below, baptized Marie-Zénaí¯de-Zite, daughter born on the twelfth day of June last, of the legitimate marriage of Charles Patenaude, farmer, and Osithe Gamache of Saint Herménégilde. Godfather, Octave Blain, laborer, godmother, Adeline Gamache, who don’t know how to sign. The father has signed with us.

[signed] C Patenaude
[I.A. Dufresne ??]

This is the first French Canadian record I’ve found, and the first record I’ve translated from the French. Years ago, I had purchased a copy of:

French-Canadian Sources

Geyh, Patricia Keeney. 2002. French Canadian sources: a guide for genealogists. Orem, Utah: Ancestry Pub.

Luckily, I had this book around when I found Marie-Zénaí¯de-Zite Patenaude’s Birth and Baptismal Record today. Page 147 shows an image, transcription, and translation nearly identical in format to the record I found.

So, even though I can’t speak more than a dozen words of French, with the help of this book I was able to translate this record.

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The Death and Burial of Sarah Waters Gibson – 1890

Sarah Waters, the wife of John Gibson, died on 02 Jan 1890 and was buried on 04 Jan 1890. She was 85 years old at the time of her death.

The Death and Burial Record of Sarah Waters Gibson

The Death and Burial Record of Sarah Waters Gibson -1890

SOURCE: John W. Clipsham, Minister of the Clarenceville Council of the Methodist Church, Missisiquoi, Quebec, Canada. Register of the Acts of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials for 1890. Sarah Waters Gibson Death and Burial. Quebec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Sarah Waters Gibson -1890. The record states:

folio two J.C. ccc

Burial Gibson Jan. 4th 1890

Sarah Waters, widow of the late
John Gibson, in his lifetime of the
Parish of Saint George of Clarenceville,
farmer, died on the second day of
January, one thousand eight hundred
and ninety, aged eighty-five years,
and was buried on the fourth day
of the same month and year in
presence of subscribing witnesses by

[Signed] John W. Clipsham.

Nelson S. Gibson
Mary C. Gibson

The minister, John W. Clipsham, was described at the front of the folios:

…Reverend J.W. Clipsham of the Clarenceville Council of the Methodist Church in the County of Missisquoi in the District of Bedford in the Province of Quebec…

Sarah’s Death and Burial Record states that she was a widow. Since she was enumerated in the 1871 census with her husband, then her husband, John Gibson, died between 1871 and 1890.

I don’t know who the witnesses, Nelson D. Gibson and Mary C. Gibson, were. I assume they were relatives, but I don’t know that for certain.

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The Birth and Baptism of Clark Gibson – 1823 and 1867

Clark Gibson, the son of John Gibson and Sarah Waters, was born in 1823 and baptized in 1867. His baptism is recorded in the folios of John Armstrong, a minister of the Wesleyan Methodist Congregations of the circuit of Saint Armand in Canada East, just weeks before the confederation of Canada.

Birth and Baptismal Record of Clark Gibson - 1823 and 1867

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Clark Gibson – 1823 and 1867

SOURCE: John Armstrong, Minister of the Wesleyan Methodist Congregations of the Circuit of Saint Armand, Quebec, Canada. Register of the Acts of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials for 1867. Clark Gibson, Baptism. Microfilm, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Clark Gibson – 1823 and 1867. The record states:

Baptism of Clark Gibson

Clark son of John Gibson of the parish of
St. George District of Bedford farmer and
of Sarah his wife was born on the eleventh of
October one thousand eight hundred and
twenty three and was baptized on the thirteenth
day of June one thousand eight hun-
dred and sixty seven in the presence of
the subscribing witnesses by me

[Signed] J. Armstrong

[Signed] [J W Saxton?]
[Signed] Lynda Smith

Clark was born in Lower Canada in 1823. In the 1861 Census of Canada East, the religion of the family of Clark Gibson was “none”.

Clark was baptized in Canada East by John Armstrong, a circuit rider for the Wesleyan Methodist Congregations of the circuit of Saint Armand. This implies that there was no permanent Wesleyan Methodist minister assigned to a church in the area.

There is no indication why Clark Gibson finally decided to be baptized in 1867.

I copied this record many years ago and, unfortunately, I didn’t write down a complete source description to indicate where I found the record. According to my notes, I found this record on microfilm at the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, but I did not indicate the microfilm number.

The Family History Library in Salt Lake City also holds a microfilm copy of this record; although I am not sure which film number contains this record . has recently posted an image of this record online with the following source description: Quebec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin.

The image of this record on is apparently from a different filming of these records, because the images are of lesser quality than the one I’ve posted here, and the eraser end of the pencil in the image above is missing from the image.

I’m not sure of the name of the first witness. The signature looks like it could be J. W. Saxton, but I’m not certain of this.

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The Family of Clark Gibson in the 1871 Census of Canada

Clark Gibson, the son of John Gibson and Sarah Waters, was enumerated in the 1871 Census of Canada in the Village of Philipsburg, not far from where John and Sarah were enumerated.

1871 Canadian Census Record for the Family of Clark Gibson

Clark Gibson Family in the 1871 Census of Canada – Page 10

SOURCE: Clark Gibson Household, 1871 Canada Census (Province of Québec), Village of Philipsburg, Missisquoi County, page 10, lines 16-20. National Archives of Canada Film C-10070 Nominal. Microfilm FHL US/CAN Census Area 0493463, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.

1871 Canadian Census Record for the Family of Clark Gibson Page 2

Clark Gibson Family in the 1871 Census of Canada – Page 11

SOURCE: Clark Gibson Household, 1871 Canada Census (Province of Québec), Village of Philipsburg, Missisquoi County, page 11, lines 1-3. National Archives of Canada Film C-10070 Nominal. Microfilm FHL US/CAN Census Area 0493463, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Clark Gibson Family in the 1871 Census of Canada. The family is listed on pages 10 and 11, and includes six children.

Census of 1871
Province of Quebec
District No. 125 Missisquoi
Sub-District d, Village of Philipsburg
Schedule No. 1 – Nominal Return of the Living

Page 10

Line 16, Dwelling 45, Family 45
Name: Gibson, Clark
Sex: M[ale]
Age: 45
Country or Province of Birth: Q[uebec]
Religion: W. Methodist
Origin: American English
Profession, Occupation or Trade: Blacksmith
Married or Widowed: M[arried]

Line 16, Dwelling 45, Family 45
Name: ” [Gibson], Maryette
Sex: F[emale]
Age: 35
Country or Province of Birth: United States
Religion: W. Methodist
Origin: ” [American English]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: M[arried]

Line 16, Dwelling 45, Family 45
Name: ” [Gibson], Willard
Sex: M[ale]
Age: 18
Country or Province of Birth: “” [United States]
Religion: W. Methodist
Origin: ” [American English]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Line 16, Dwelling 45, Family 45
Name: ” [Gibson], Hannah
Sex: F[emale]
Age: 16
Country or Province of Birth: Q[uebec]
Religion: W. Methodist
Origin: ” [American English]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Line 16, Dwelling 45, Family 45
Name: ” [Gibson], Emily
Sex: F[emale]
Age: 14
Country or Province of Birth: Q[uebec]
Religion: W. Methodist
Origin: ” [American English]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Page 11

Line 1, Dwelling 45, Family 45
Name: Gibson, Addie
Sex: F[emale]
Age: 11
Country or Province of Birth: Q[uebec]
Religion: W. Methodist
Origin: American English
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Line 2, Dwelling 45, Family 45
Name: ” [Gibson], Arnold
Sex: M[ale]
Age: 8
Country or Province of Birth: Q[uebec]
Religion: ” [W. Methodist]
Origin: ” [American English]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Line 3, Dwelling 45, Family 45
Name: ” [Gibson], Martha
Sex: F[emale]
Age: 38
Country or Province of Birth: Q[uebec]
Religion: ” [W. Methodist]
Origin: ” [American English]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Clark and Margaret Gibson and their son Arnold are the direct ancestors of my Gibson relatives.

This census record clearly answers a question I had about the ages of Addie and Arnold. Addie is clearly Arnold’s older sister.

The entry in column 17 of these records shows that Emily, Addie, and Arnold are all attending school.

Although both of John’s parents were listed as Irish, Clark and his family are listed as American English.

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The Families of John Gibson and William Gibson in the 1871 Census of Canada

While at the Family History Library recently, one of my goals was to obtain additional records of the Gibson family in the Canadian Census. I had previously presented the records from the 1851 Census and the 1861 Census. The records below show the families of John Gibson and William Gibson in the 1871 Census of Canada.

Gibson Families in the 1871 Census - Page 46

Gibson Families in the 1871 Census of Canada – Page 46

SOURCE: John Gibson and William Gibson Households, 1871 Canada East Census (Québec), Parish of St. Georges de Clarenceville, Missisquoi County, page 46, lines 18-20. National Archives of Canada Film C-10070 Nominal. Microfilm FHL US/CAN Census Area 0493463, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.

Gibson Families in the 1871 Census - Page 47

Gibson Families in the 1871 Census of Canada – Page 47

SOURCE: John Gibson and William Gibson Households, 1871 Canada East Census (Québec), Parish of St. Georges de Clarenceville, Missisquoi County, page 47, lines 1-5 National Archives of Canada Film C-10070 Nominal. Microfilm FHL US/CAN Census Area 0493463, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.

The images are difficult to read, but most of the information can be deciphered.

Census of 1871
Province of Quebec
District No. 125 Missisquoi
Sub-District b, Parish of St. George de Clarenceville
Schedule No. 1 – Nominal Return of the Living

Page 46

Line 18, Dwelling 172, Family 178
Name: Gibson, John
Sex: M[ale]
Age: 70
Country or Province of Birth: United States
Religion: W. Methodist
Origin: Irish
Profession, Occupation or Trade: Farmer
Married or Widowed: M[arried]

Line 19, Dwelling 172, Family 178
Name: ” [Gibson], Sarah
Sex: F[emale]
Age: 54
Country or Province of Birth: ” [United States]
Religion: ” [W. Methodist]
Origin: ” [Irish]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: M[arried]

Line 20, Dwelling 172, Family 178
Name: ” [Gibson], James
Sex: M[ale]
Age: 34
Country or Province of Birth: Quebec
Religion: ” [W. Methodist]
Origin: ” [Irish]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Page 47 

Line 1, Dwelling 172, Family 178
Name: Gibson, George
Sex: M[ale]
Age: 21
Country or Province of Birth: Quebec
Religion: W. Methodist
Origin: Irish
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Line 2, Dwelling 173, Family 179
Name: Gibson, William
Sex: M[ale]
Age: 34
Country or Province of Birth: ” [Quebec]
Religion: ” [W. Methodist]
Origin: ” [Irish]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: M[arried]

Line 3, Dwelling 173, Family 179
Name: ” [Gibson], Margaret
Sex: F[emale]
Age: 38
Country or Province of Birth: ” [Quebec]
Religion: ” [W. Methodist]
Origin: ” [Irish]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: M[arried]

Line 4, Dwelling 173, Family 179
Name: ” [Gibson], [Sothemon?]
Sex: M[ale]
Age: 8
Country or Province of Birth: ” [Quebec]
Religion: ” [W. Methodist]
Origin: ” [Irish]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

Line 5, Dwelling 173, Family 179
Name: ” [Gibson], Carrie
Sex: F[emale]
Age: 6
Country or Province of Birth: ” [Quebec]
Religion: ” [W. Methodist]
Origin: ” [Irish]
Profession, Occupation or Trade: –
Married or Widowed: –

I had previously discovered that John Gibson (born about 1800) and Sarah Waters (born about 1804) had six children: Clark (born in 1823), James (born in about 1830), Martha (born in about 1833), William (born in about 1836), Sarah (born in about 1841), and George (born in about 1849).

John, Sarah, James, William, and George are mentioned in this record. Their ages in this record agree with the information I previously found, except for Sarah (who should be about 67 in this record, but is reported as 54) and James (who should be about 41, but is listed as 34).

Clark had previously married and was enumerated on another page. William is enumerated with his spouse and children immediately after John’s family. I don’t know where Martha and Sarah were in 1871, but it is likely they were married and enumerated with their spouses.

I was unable to read the first name of William’s son. While in the Family History Library, I asked some of the staff if they could read the name, but none of us could tell what the name should be.

I didn’t realize at the time, but the Family History Library has microfilm copies of the other schedules of the 1871 Census, including the Agricultural Schedule. I’ll have to look up the Agricultural Schedule the next time I’m in Salt Lake City.

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The Birth and Baptism of Maryanna Izbicki

Maryanna Izbicki, the sister of Franciszek Izbicki, was born a few years before Franciszek, in 1821.

Birth and Baptismal Record for Maryanna Izbicki

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Izbicki – 1821

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of the Immaculate Conception of Mary in Wigry, Poland. Księga Urodzonych (Book of Births). 1821. Page 40. Entry Number 79. FHL INTL Film 0752637, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Text in Polish, translated by Stephen J. Danko.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Izbicki – 1821. Translated from the Polish, the record states:

40 Number 79. Wieś Nowa

In the year one thousand eight hundred twenty-one on the fourth day of the month of July at four o’clock in the afternoon, before us, the Civil Registrar of the Wigierski gmina [township] in the obwód [district] and województwo [province] of Augustów. Bartłomiej Izbicki presented himself, a farmer, age thirty, living in Nowa Wieś, and he showed us a child of the male sex who was born in his house at number twenty-six on the second day of April of the current year, stating that it was begotten of him and Katarzyna née Kramniczówna, age thirty-two, the wife by his first marriage, and that it is his wish to give it the name Maryanna. After making the above statement and showing the child in the presence of Wawrzeniec Stronowski, age thirty and also of Ignacy Krasnowski, age forty, farmers settled and living in Nowa Wieś in the Wigry gmina. The present birth record was read aloud to the declarants and was signed by us, the registrar, since the father and witnesses cannot write.

Reverend Felix Nacieszewicz
Registrar of the Civil State.

This record reports the birth of a child of Maryanna, the daughter of Barłomiej Izbicki and Katarzyna Kramniczówna. The priest who completed the record apparently wasn’t paying attention to what he was writing, since he declared that Maryanna was a child of the male sex: dziecię płci Męskiej.

The ages of the parents are probably approximations, because in 1821, the father was reported to be 30, but in 1824, he was reported to be 38 – he became 8 years older in just 3 years! The mother’s age is equally questionable. In 1821, she was reportedly 32, but in 1835, she was reported to be 30 – the mother became younger with time! The births of the parents occurred before 1808, the earliest date for which these parish records were microfilmed. I’ll probably never know when they were actually born.

This is the last of the records for the Izbicki family that I found while in Salt Lake City recently. I’ll either have to order films through my local Family History Library or wait until my fall trip to Salt Lake City if I want to find more records.

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The Birth and Baptism of Franciszek Izbicki

Over the past couple of days, I posted the Birth and Baptismal Record of Dominik Izbicki and Piotr Izbicki. Their father was Franciszek Izbicki, who was born in 1824 and whose record was number 22 in the Birth Register for Wigry Parish that year.

Birth and Baptismal Record for Franciszek Izbicki - 1824

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Franciszek Izbicki -1824

SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of the Immaculate Conception of Mary in Wigry, Poland. Księga Urodzonych (Book of Births). 1824. Entry Number 22. FHL INTL Film 0752637, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Text in Polish, translated by Stephen J. Danko.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Franciszek Izbicki -1824. The record, translated from the Polish, states:

22 Nowa Wieś

In the year one thousand twenty four on the second day of the month of April at ten o’clock in the afternoon, before us, the Civil Registrar of the Wigierski gmina [township] in the obwód [district] and województwo [province] of Augustów. Bartłomiej Izbicki presented himself, a farmer, age thirty-eight, living in Nowa Wieś, and he showed us a child of the male sex who was born in his house at number seven on the first day of April of the current year, stating that it was begotten of him and Katarzyna née Kramnitzówna, age thirty, the wife by his first marriage, and that it is his wish to give him the name Franciszek. After making the above statement and showing the child in the presence of Franciszek Jarasiewski, age thirty-four and also of Jan Anuskiewicz, age fifty, farmers living in Nowa Wieś in the Wigierski gmina. The present birth record was read aloud to the declarants and was signed by us, the registrar, since the father and witnesses cannot write . 

Reverend Felix Nareszewicz
Registrar of the Civil State

The format of this record is a bit different than the format used for the Birth and Baptismal Records for Dominik and Piotr Izbicki and many of the other Birth and Baptismal Records I’ve seen before from this area of Poland . Consequently, I had a bit of difficulty translating this record. In the end, I think I was able to figure out all the words, despite the fact that the handwriting in this record is fairly difficult to read.

Complicating the difficult handwriting are the facts that the Polish in these records doesn’t always have the correct diacritical marks, is almost entirely devoid of punctuation, sometimes uses archaic words or spellings, and often refers to obsolete administrative divisions.

One point I had a question about is: since the mother is listed as “Katarzyna of the Kramnitz family”, should I list her maiden name as Kramnitzówna?

I also noticed that the name of the village in which Franciszek Izbicki was born is listed at the top of the record as Wies Nowa. Today, the village is called Nowa Wieś. Which should I enter in my genealogy software – Wies Nowa or Nowa Wieś?

Two dates are provided in this record for the date of birth and date of baptism. The earlier date is entered according to the Julian Calendar used in Russia at the time. The later date is entered according to the Gregorian Calendar used in Poland at the time and still used today in most of the world.

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