
Camellias have been in bloom in the San Francisco Bay Area for the past couple of months. The Filoli estate in Woodside, California has a large variety of camellias on its grounds. Even if there are no camellias blooming in your area, you can enjoy camellias vicariously by gazing at the photos here and fixing yourself a cup of tea – your choice of black tea, orange pekoe tea, oolong tea, green tea, or white tea – all made from the tea plant, Camellia sinensis.

Camellia japonica 'Covina'

Camellia japonica ‘Covina’

SOURCE: Camellia japonica ‘Covina’ (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 20 March 2009.

Camellia japonica 'Cara Mia'

Camellia japonica ‘Cara Mia’

SOURCE: Camellia japonica ‘Cara Mia’ (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 20 March 2009.

Camellia japonica 'Margaret McCown'

Camellia japonica ‘Margaret McCown’

SOURCE: Camellia japonica ‘Margaret McCown’ (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 20 March 2009.

Camellia saluenensis x japonica 'Holland Orchid'

Camellia saluenensis x japonica ‘Holland Orchid’

SOURCE: Camellia saluenensis x japonica ‘Holland Orchid’ (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 20 March 2009.

If you still don’t have your fill of camellias, you can revisit the camellia photos I took last year.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Johannes Lather – 1820

On 30 Dec 1820, Johannes Lather, son of Johann Georg Lather and Elisabetha Becker, died in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany). He was buried in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany) on 01 Jan 1821.

The Death and Burial Record of Johannes Lather - 1820

The Death and Burial Record of Johannes Lather – 1820

SOURCE: Kirtorf Evangelische Kirche (Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt), “Sterb=Protokoll der Pfarrei Kirtorf fí¼r das Jahr 1820. [Death Records of the Kirtorf Parish for the Year 1820.],” page 15, Johannes Lather, 01 January 1821; filmed as Kirchenbuchduplikat 1808-1875; FHL INTL microfilm 0,855,111.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Johannes Lather. This PDF document includes an image of the original document, a transcription in German Gothic, a transcription in modern German, and a translation in English. Translated from the German, the record reads:

Johannes, son of Johann Georg Lather

In the middle of the day between eleven and twelve o’clock on Saturday the thirtieth of December in the year of the Lord eighteen-hundred and twenty, Johannes Lather, eight months and twenty-five days old, legitimately born son of Johann Georg Lather, citizen farmer and butcher here in Kirtorf and Elisabetha née Becker, and was buried in the earth according to the quiet Christian custom at two o’clock in the afternoon on the first of January 1821, in the presence of Georg Johann Henrich son of Elias Lather, and Johannes son of Friedrich Seim, who have signed the present document next to me, the minister.

[signed] Johann Henrich Lather; Johannes Seim
                    [signed] Johann Konrad Spamer

In addition to information about the deceased child and his parents, this record states that one of the witnesses, Johann Henrich Lather, was the son of Elias Lather (who may, in fact, be the same person as the Henrich Lather, son of Elias Lather I’ve seen in other records).

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Anna Elisabetha Lather (née Becker) – 1823

On 19 Mar 1823, Anna Elisabetha Lather (née Becker), wife of Johann Georg Lather, died in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany). She was buried in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany) on 21 Mar 1823.

The Death and Burial Record of Anna Elisabetha Lather (nee Becker) - 1823
The Death and Burial Record of Anna Elisabetha Lather (née Becker) – 1823
Kirtorf Evangelische Kirche (Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt), “Sterb=Protokoll der Pfarrei Kirtorf fí¼r das Jahr 1823. [Death Records of the Kirtorf Parish for the Year 1823.],” page 9, Anna Elisabetha Lather (née Becker), 21 March 1823; filmed as Kirchenbuchduplikat 1808-1875; FHL INTL microfilm 0,855,111.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Anna Elisabetha Lather (née Becker). This PDF document includes an image of the original document, a transcription in German Gothic, a transcription in modern German, and a translation in English. Translated from the German, the record reads:

Anna Elisabetha, wife of Johann Georg Lather

Between five and six o’clock in the evening on Wednesday, the nineteenth of March, in the year of the Lord eighteen-hundred twenty-three, Anna Elisabetha née Becker, age twenty-six years, seven months and twenty-nine days, wife of Johann Georg Lather, citizen and butcher here in Kirtorf, and was buried in the earth according to Christian custom at twelve o’clock noon on the twenty-first of the above-mentioned month, in the presence of Konrad Brí¤uer citizen and butcher here, and Johannes Lather citizen and shoemaker here, who have signed the present document next to me, the deacon.

[signed] Konrad Brí¤uer
[signed] Johannes Lather
[signed] Johann Andreas Kann

Based on her age at the time of her death, Anna Elisabetha Lather (née Becker) was born on 18 Jul 1793.

Copyright © 2009-2019 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Balthasar Ludwig Lather – 1822

On 26 Jul 1822, Balthasar Ludwig Lather, son of Johann Georg Lather and Elisabetha Becker, died in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany). He was buried in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany) on 28 Jul 1822.

The Death and Burial of Balthasar Ludwig Lather - 1822

The Death and Burial Record of Balthasar Ludwig Lather – 1822

SOURCE: Kirtorf Evangelische Kirche (Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt), “Sterb=Protokoll der Pfarrei Kirtorf fí¼r das Jahr 1822 niedergeschrieben. [Written Death Records of the Kirtorf Parish for the Year 1822.],” page 10, Balthasar Ludwig Lather, 28 July 1822; filmed as Kirchenbuchduplikat 1808-1875; FHL INTL microfilm 0,855,111.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Balthasar Ludwig Lather. This PDF document includes an image of the original document, a transcription in German Gothic, a transcription in modern German, and a translation in English. Translated from the German, the record reads:

Balthasar Ludwig, son of Johann Georg Lather

Between five and six o’clock in the morning on Friday, the twenty-sixth of July, in the year of the Lord eighteen-hundred twenty-two, Balthasar Ludwig Lather, age four months and four days, the legitimately born son of Johann Georg Lather, citizen farmer and butcher here in Kirtorf and Elisabetha née Becker, and was buried in the earth according to the quiet Christian custom at twelve o’clock noon on the twenty-eighth of the above-mentioned month, in the presence of Johannes Seim, son of Heindrich Seim, and Johannes Lather, son of Elias Lather, who have signed the present document next to me, the minister.
[signed] Johannes Seim; Johannes Lather
          [signed] Johann Konrad Spamer

In addition to information about the child and his parents, this record mentions that one of the witnesses was Balthasar Ludwig Lather, son of Elias Lather. This piece of information is evidence that Johannes Lather was the brother of both Henrich Lather and the Johann Georg Lather named in the present record.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Death and Burial of Elias Lather – 1831

On 17 Mar 1831, Elias Lather died of consumption (tuberculosis) in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany). He was buried in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany) on 19 Mar 1831.

The Death and Burial Record of Elias Lather - 1831

The Death and Burial Record of Elias Lather – 1831

SOURCE: Kirtorf Evangelische Kirche (Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt), “Sterb=Protokoll der Pfarrei Kirtorf fí¼r das Jahr 1831. [Death Records of the Kirtorf Parish for the Year 1831.],” page 8, Elias Lather, 18 March 1822; filmed as Kirchenbuchduplikat 1808-1875; FHL INTL microfilm 0,855,111.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record of Elias Lather. This PDF document includes an image of the original document, a transcription in German Gothic, a transcription in modern German, and a translation in English. Translated from the German, the record reads:

Elias Lather

Between one and two o’clock in the afternoon on Wednesday, the seventeenth of March, in the year of the Lord eighteen-hundred thirty-one, Elias Lather, citizen and baker here in Kirtorf, forty-nine years four months and twenty-two days old, died of consumption, and was buried in the earth according to Christian custom at twelve o’clock noon on the eighteenth of the above-mentioned month, in the presence of Konrad Lather, citizen and milliner here, and Peter Haus, citizen and baker here, who have signed the present document next to me, the minister.
          [signed] Konrad Lather
          [signed] Peter Haus
          [signed] Johann Konrad Spamer

Elias Lather was apparently the father of Johann Georg Lather and Henrich Lather.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Elias Lather – 1817

On 24 May 1817, Elias Lather, son of Johann Georg Lather and Elisabetha Becker, was born in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany). He was baptized in the parish church in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany) on 27 May 1817.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Elias Lather - 1817

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Elias Lather – 1817

SOURCE: Kirtorf Evangelische Kirche (Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt), “Duplum des Kirtorfer Kirchen und Geburts=Protokoll í¼ber die Gebohren de 1817. [Duplicate of the Kirtorf Church and Birth Records of those Born in 1817.],” page 168, image 9, Elias Lather, 27 May 1817; filmed as Kirchenbuchduplikat 1808-1875; FHL INTL microfilm 0,855,108.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Elias Lather. This PDF document includes an image of the original document, a transcription in German Gothic, a transcription in modern German, and a translation in English. Translated from the German, the record reads:

168 9

1817 Kirtorf [one word?]
At noon, between twelve and one o’clock on the twenty-fourth of May in the year of the Lord eighteen-hundred and seventeen, the second child, a son was born of [one word?] citizen and butcher Johann Georg Lather of his wife Elisabeth née Becker. The child was baptized on the twenty-seventh of the same month where he was given the name Elias.

          The Sponsors were:
1. Elias Lather, citizen and baker in Kirtorf
2. his wife Elisabetha née Schmidt
who have signed and [one word?] this document next to the father and me, the minister.

[signed] Johann Georg Lather; Elias Lather
[signed] Anna Elisabetha Lather; Christoph [Carl Keator?]

The father of this child was Johann Georg Lather, brother of Henrich Lather and uncle of Johann Georg Lather III.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Lather | 1 Comment

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Johannes Lather – 1820

On 05 Apr 1820, Johannes Lather, son of Johann Georg Lather and Elisabetha Becker, was born in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany). He was baptized in the parish church in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany) on 09 Apr 1820.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Johannes Lather - 1820

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Johannes Lather – 1820

SOURCE: Kirtorf Evangelische Kirche (Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt), “Geburts=Protokoll der Pfarrei Kirtorf fí¼r das Jahr 1820. [Birth Records of the Kirtorf Parish for the Year 1820.],” page 2, Johannes Lather, 09 April 1820; filmed as Kirchenbuchduplikat 1808-1875; FHL INTL microfilm 0,855,108.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Johannes Lather. This PDF document includes an image of the original document, a transcription in German Gothic, a transcription in modern German, and a translation in English. Translated from the German, the record reads:

Johannes Lather, son of Johann Georg Lather

On the morning of Wednesday, April 5, in the year of the Lord, eighteen-hundred twenty between four and five o’clock, after a credible report, the third child and third son of Johann Georg Lather, citizen, farmer, and butcher here in Kirtorf, of his wife Elisabetha née Becker and, on the ninth of the same month the child was baptized and given the name Johannes.

          The sponsor was:

Johannes Becker, citizen and farmer here, the grandfather who has signed the present document next to the father and me, the deacon who performed the baptism.

[signed] Johannes Becker, Johan Georg Lather
[signed] Johann Andreas Rann.

Died the 30th of December 1820

[signed] Spamer

The father of this child was Johann Georg Lather, brother of Henrich Lather and uncle of Johann Georg Lather III.

The marginal notation in this record shows that Johannes Lather died about nine months after his birth.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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Crabapples and Pears

Back on March 20, 2009, I stopped by Filoli in Woodside, California to take some pictures of the spring blooms. I thought these photos of crabapples and pears in bloom would serve for a cheerful post for today. Happy Easter!

Malus floribunda - Showy Crabapple

Malus floribunda – Showy Crabapple

SOURCE: Malus floribunda – Showy Crabapple (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 20 Mar 2009.

Pyrus communis - Louise Bonne dAvrances

Pyrus communis – Pear ‘Louise Bonne d’Avranches’

SOURCE: Pyrus communis – Pear ‘Louise Bonne d’Avranches’ (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 20 Mar 2009.

Pyrus communis - Belle Angevine

Pyrus communis – Pear ‘Belle Angevine’

SOURCE: Pyrus communis – Pear ‘Belle Angevine’ (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 20 Mar 2009.

Pyrus communis - Buerre dAnjou

Pyrus communis – Pear ‘Buerre d’Anjou’

SOURCE: Pyrus communis – Pear ‘Buerre d’Anjou’ (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 20 Mar 2009.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | 3 Comments

The Marriage of Henrich Lather and Sophia Katharina Brí¤uer – 1830

On 05 Dec 1830, Henrich Lather and Sophia Katharina Brí¤uer were married in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany).

The Marriage Record of Henrich Lather and Sophia Katharina Brauer - 1830

The Marriage Record of Henrich Lather and Sophia Katharina Brauer - 1830

SOURCE: Kirtorf Evangelische Kirche (Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt), “Copulations=Protocoll der Pfarrei Kirtorf fí¼r das Jahr 1830. [Marriage Records of the Kirtorf Parish for the Year 1835.],” page 6, Henrich Lather & Sophia Katharina Brí¤uer, 05 December 1830; filmed as Kirchenbuchduplikat 1808-1875; FHL INTL microfilm 0,855,110.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of Henrich Lather and Sophia Katharina Brí¤uer – 1830. This PDF document includes an image of the original document, a transcription in German Gothic, a transcription in modern German, and a translation in English. Translated from the German, the record reads:

Henrich Lather and Sophia Katharina Brí¤uer

The following were married on the fifth of December in the year of the Lord eighteen-hundred and thirty after presenting written confirmation from the [county court and county office?] regarding both the civil and legal relationship, that no constraints stand in the way of the consummation of the marriage, that all canonical requirements of the undersigned clergyman have been satisfied, after the required proclamations were made in the local parish church, and after the consent of the parents of the bridegroom and the mother of the bride were obtained: Henrich Lather, up and coming citizen and baker here in Kirtorf born on the sixteenth of September eighteen-hundred and four, legitimate and unmarried son of Elias Lather citizen and baker here and Anna née Schmidt; and Sophia Katharina Brí¤uer, born on the ninth of May eighteen-hundred eight, the legitimate and unmarried daughter of the deceased Konrad Brí¤uer former citizen and butcher here and Anna Maria née Lather.

 Witnesses were:

1) Elias Lather, father of the groom.
2) Johannes Hanstein, citizen and linen-weaver, who have signed the present document nest to me, the minister who performed the marriage.

[signed] Elias Lather
[signed] Johannes Hanstein. Johann Konrad Spamer.

This document provides a wealth of information, including the bride’s and groom’s dates of birth and parents’ names.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptismal Record of Balthasar Ludwig Lather – 1822

On 21 Mar 1822, Balthasar Ludwig Lather, son of Johann Georg Lather and Elisabetha Becker, was born in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany). He was baptized in the parish church in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany) on 24 Mar 1822.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Balthasar Ludwig Lather - 1832

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Balthasar Ludwig Lather – 1822

SOURCE: Kirtorf Evangelische Kirche (Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt), “Geburts=Protokoll der Pfarrei Kirtorf fí¼r das Jahr 1822. [Birth Records of the Kirtorf Parish for the Year 1822.],” page 18, Balthasar Ludwig Lather, 24 March 1822; filmed as Kirchenbuchduplikat 1808-1875; FHL INTL microfilm 0,855,108.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Balthasar Ludwig Lather. This PDF document includes an image of the original document, a transcription in German Gothic, a transcription in modern German, and a translation in English. Translated from the German, the record reads:

Balthasar Ludwig Lather, son of Johann Georg Lather

On the morning of Thursday, March twenty-first, in the year of the Lord, eighteen-hundred twenty-two between four and five o’clock, after a credible report, the fourth child and fourth son of Johann Georg Lather, citizen, farmer, and butcher here in Kirtorf, of his wife Elisabetha née Becker and, on the twenty-fourth of the same month the child was baptized and given the name Balthasar Ludwig.

          The sponsor was:

Balthasar Nau, the legitimate, unmarried son of  Johannes Nau, citizen and day laborer here, in this place, in whose absence his father stood in, who has signed the present document next to the father and me, the minister who performed the baptism.

[signed] Johannes Nau, Johan Georg Lather
[signed] Johann Konrad Spamer.

Died the 26th of July 1822

[signed] Spamer

The father of this child was Johann Georg Lather, brother of Henrich Lather and uncle of Johann Georg Lather III. The postnomial III (seen in the birth and baptismal record of Johannes Lather) probably indicates that there were three men named Johann Georg Lather living in Kirtorf at the time.

The marginal notation in this record shows that Balthasar Ludwig Lather died four months after his birth.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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