Monthly Archives: September 2009

Niedziałkowski Baptisms in Lipowiec from 1718-1747

I searched the birth and baptismal records from the Parish of Lipowiec, Ciechanów Land, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1718-1747 today and discovered the following entries for the surname Niedziałkowski: 01 Jan 1720:  Melchior, [birthplace not provided], son of Franciszek … Continue reading

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Researching Polish Court Records

Many Polish court records are archived by the Polish State Archives, specifically in the Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych (AGAD), or the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw. Continue reading

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Summary of the Nienadowa Field Sketches – 1854

The 1854 field sketch maps of Nienadowa, Galicia (now Poland) consist of 19 individual maps, 10 of which were copied as part of the Gesher Galicia Cadastral Map and Landowner Records Inventory. Continue reading

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Nienadowa Field Sketches – Map 11

The eleventh Nienadowa, Galicia Field Sketch Map from the Ukrainian Archives shows a corner of Nienadowa that includes much land devoted to forests. Continue reading

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Nienadowa Field Sketches – Maps 13 & 14

The thirteenth and fourteenth of the Nienadowa, Galicia Field Sketch Maps from the Ukrainian Archives show a corner of Nienadowa that includes only lands owned by Count Eustachy Dembiński who lived in house number 1. Continue reading

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