Monthly Archives: March 2009

Updates to the Y Chromosome Tree

At last weekend’s Family Tree DNA 5th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy for Project Administrators, Michael Hammer, PhD presented an update on the Y chromosome tree. Continue reading

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The Current State of Y STR Nomenclature 2009

At the recent Family Tree DNA 5th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy for Project Administrators, Matthew Kaplan, Associate Staff Scientist in the Division of Biotechnology, and Taylor Edwards, Senior Research Specialist in the Genomic Analysis and Technology Core, both at the University of Arizona, presented a lecture entitled “What;s in a Name…the Current State of Y STR Nomenclature 2009”. Continue reading

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Advances in mtDNA Testing

Doron Behar, postdoctoral fellow in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and William Hurst, administrator of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Haplogroup K Project, discussed the use of mtDNA testing for genealogy and anthropology. Continue reading

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Lessons from a Large DNA Project

At the recent Family Tree DNA 5th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy for Project Administrators, Robert D. McLaren presented a talk entitled “Lessons Learned from Running a Large Surname DNA Project.” Continue reading

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Time to the Most Recent Common Ancestor

At the recent Family Tree DNA 5th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy for Project Administrators, Dr. Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona discussed advances in calculating the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA). Continue reading

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Privacy, Ethics, and DTC Legislation in DNA Testing

Two talks at the Family Tree DNA 5th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy for Project Administrators dealt with the related issues of privacy, ethics, and Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Legislation in DNA testing. Continue reading

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Back Home from the FTDNA Genetic Genealogy Conference

I just returned home from the Family Tree DNA 5th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy for Project Administrators held in Houston this past weekend. Continue reading

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Conference on Genetic Genealogy

Today I’m flying to Houston to attend the Family Tree DNA 5th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy for Project Administrators. Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Wincenty Niedziałkowski – 1885

On 05 May 1885, Wincenty Niedziałkowski, son of Teodor Niedziałkowski and Wiktoria Długołęcka, was born in Golany, Ciechanów District, Płock Governorate, Vistulan Country, Russian Empire. He was baptized in the parish church in Przasnysz, Ciechanów District, Płock Governorate, Vistulan Country, Russian Empire on 10 May 1885. Continue reading

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Alien Passenger Manifest for Ksawery Niedziałkowski – 1910

Ksawery Niedzialkowski departed from Bremen aboard the S.S. Grosser Kurfurst on 15 Jan 1910 and arrived in New York on 26 Jan 1910. Continue reading

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