Daily Archives: July 15, 2007

The Polish Surnames in My Family Tree

In grade school I always enjoyed the day that came every year when our teachers would ask what our mothers’ maiden names were. My mother’s maiden surname – Niedziałkowski – always got everyone’s attention because it was so unusual. My … Continue reading

Posted in Chodkowski, Daily Journal, Dymek, Dziurzyński, Głowacz, Goliński, Iwaniec, Izbicki, Markiewicz, Niedziałkowski, Pszczółkowski, Skowroński, Sowa, Tropiło | 2 Comments

Jesus Blessing the Children

Eight stained glass windows in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Vincent de Paul in Albany, New York depict events in the life of Jesus Christ. The sixth portrays Jesus Blessing the Children. Continue reading

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