Monthly Archives: July 2007

Ethics in Publishing Family Histories

Facts can’t be copyrighted. I was surprised when a friend of mine who practices copyright law first passed this information on to me. Reflecting on this statement, it makes sense. How could anyone claim copyright to the name of the … Continue reading

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Voivodeships, Gubernias, and Departments in Russian Poland

After the formation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1569, the chief administrative division in Poland was the Wojwództwo, translated into English as Voivodeship, Administrative District, or Province. After the third partition of Poland on 24 Oct 1795, Poland ceased to … Continue reading

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Using Maps and Gazetteers to Find the Parish for Szulmierz

When Eric first contacted me for help on how to find the records for his Polish ancestors, I showed the Słownik Geograficzny entry for the village of Szulmierz, the village in which his great grandfather was born. The Słownik Geograficzny entry … Continue reading

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The Map of the Polish Village of Pyrzowice

Historical maps of Poland are easier and easier to come by on the web. provides a series of maps of Europe through the past 2000 years, allowing the viewer to see how the map of Europe changed with time. While these … Continue reading

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The Polish Village of Pyrzowice

Yesterday, I wrote about the location of the Polish village of Pyrzowice at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. An unambiguous way to identify the location at that time would be: Pyrzowice, Ożarowice Gmina, … Continue reading

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Questions and Answers: How Do I Specify the Exact Locations of Polish Villages?

Erik, who previously wrote to me asking how to find ancestral records in Poland, has another question about Polish research. He asks about the proper way to enter the names of Polish villages in a family history to reflect the political … Continue reading

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WordCamp Wrapup

The last two presentations on Sunday at WordCamp 2007 were low-key presentations by the developers at WordPress. State of the Word Matt Mullenweg, lead developer and cofounder of WordPress (and the man behind WordCamp), spoke about the State of the … Continue reading

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More on WordCamp 2007

On Sunday afternoon, after a barbeque lunch and musical entertainment from Andy Skelton, the WordCamp 2007 sessions continued. The Past, Present, and Future of Web Publishing The first session of the afternoon was Past, Present, and Future of Web Publishing … Continue reading

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A Day at WordCamp 2007

What follows is a summary of what I learned from the first three presentations at WordCamp 2007 on Sunday. Continue reading

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Beginning Italian Genealogy

A week ago, Apple posted an article on Nardozzi Genealogy. Apple describes how she found most of the US records for her husband’s Nardozzi ancestors, but she writes: “I know that the family came from Rionero in Vulture, Province of Potenza, … Continue reading

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