Monthly Archives: January 2007

I’ve Been Tagged!

I’ve been tagged by Jasia and asked to reveal five facts about myself that you probably don’t know .  Well, here goes: I hold a B.S. in Chemistry from the State University of New York and a Ph.D. in Botany and Plant Pathology … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal | 10 Comments

The Death and Burial of John Frank Gibson

I haven’t been able to find any records for the birthdates of the children of Clark Gibson and Maryette Olds that were recorded at or near the time of the event .  The Canadian Census for 1861 recorded the ages … Continue reading

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The World War I Draft Registration of Lewis Dwight Gibson

When attempting to find the birthdates for the children of Clark Gibson, I realized that the job would not be easy .  There were no civil registrations available for the children, and because Clark’s family apparently adhered to no religion, … Continue reading

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The Gibson Households in the 1851 Census of Lower Canada (Québec)

In 1851, the families of John Gibson and Clark Gibson are enumerated in St. Georges de Clarenceville in the county of Rouville, Lower Canada (Québec) on lines 19-27 of pages 37-38 .  Only the first half of page 37 is … Continue reading

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The Gibson Households in the 1861 Census of Canada East (Québec)

After I presented the problem of the birthdates of Ada May Gibson and her brother Arnold Gibson, Cindy Henry posted a comment that helps to clear up the issue .  According to Ada May’s Baptismal Record, Ada May was born … Continue reading

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The Baptism of Charles Edward Saxton

Charles Edward Saxton, son of George Saxton and Ada May Gibson, was baptized in the Methodist Church on the same day as his mother Ada May Saxton and his brother Thomas Clark Saxton. The Baptismal Record for Charles Edward Saxton SOURCE: … Continue reading

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The Baptism of Thomas Clark Saxton

Thomas Clark Saxton, son of George Saxton and Ada May Gibson, was baptized in the Methodist Church on the same day as his mother. The Birth and Baptismal Record for Thomas Clark Saxton SOURCE: The Methodist Church Serving Frelighsburg, Quebec, Canada. … Continue reading

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The Baptism of Ada May (Gibson) Saxton

According to some sources I’ve found, Ada May Gibson and her brother Arnold Gibson (children of Clark Gibson and Maryette Olds) were born 13 days apart in different countries. Ada May was born on 04 Aug 1859 in Québec and Arnold was born on 17 Aug 1859 in Vermont, USA. The evidence for Ada May’s birthdate is derived from her Baptismal Record. Continue reading

Posted in Gibson, Olds, Saxton | Tagged | 2 Comments

The Marriage of Arnold Gibson and Hattie Fadden

I previously published the death record and burial permit for Arnold Gibson and the burial permit for Hattie Fadden Gibson .  Arnold and Hattie were married in Sheldon, Vermont in 1885. The Marriage Record for Arnold Gibson SOURCE: The State of … Continue reading

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My Second Cousin Liliana is in Town!

My second cousin Liliana is in town!  She and her husband Valery are in San Francisco for a wedding and I surprised them by meeting them at San Francisco International Airport and bringing them to their hotel.  We spent a … Continue reading

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